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1、福建省三明市大田县梅山中学 九年级英语下学期期中模拟考试题1 人教新目标版(满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟)友情提示:本试卷共8页,分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)。 第一卷 (选择题,共90分)i. 听力(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)b. 听对话,根据你所听到的内容,选择正确答案。(对话读两遍)听第一段对话,回答第6小题。()6. what does miss smith do? a. a nurse. b. a teacher. c. a salesgirl.听第二段对话,回答第7小题。()7. what does the man want to go? a. to

2、 the museum. b. to the library. c. to the post office.听第三段对话,回答第8小题。()8. whats the matter with michael? a. he has a cold. b. he has a toothache. c. he has a cough.听第四段对话,回答第9、10小题。()9. which t-shirt does the girl prefer? a. the white one. b. the blue one. c. the yellow one.()10. what size does the g

3、irl want? a. size s. b. size m. c. size l.听第五段对话,回答第11、12小题。()11. where does the conversation probably take place? a. in a restaurant. b. in a company. c. at home.()12. how does the man like the food? a. its a bit hot. b. its just so-so. c. its very delicious.听第六段对话,回答第1315小是。()13. what are helen an

4、d david doing? a. theyre talking on the phone. b. theyre chatting at home. c. theyre searching the internet.()14. does helen get used to the life there? a. yes, she does. b. no, she doesnt. c. we dont know.()15. who does helen live with? a. a canadian girl. b. an australian girl. c. an american girl

5、.c. 听短文,根据你所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案。(短文读两遍)()16. how old was amelia? a. she was seven years old. b. she was nine years old. c. she was ten years old.()17. what did amelia do to get the money? a. she worked in a shop. b. she asked her father for advice. c. she collected waste things and helped her neighbors c

6、ut grass.()18. how long did it take amelia to make enough money for her mothers present? a. one week. b. two weeks. c. three weeks.()19. what did amelia buy for her mother? a a beautiful handbag. b. a nice scarf. c. a pair of gloves.()20. how did amelias mother feel when she got the present? a. very

7、 surprised. b. very happy. c. very puzzled.ii. 语言短语运用(共15小题,满分30分)a. 单项选择:从a、b、c三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(每小题1分)()21. how beautiful the christmas card is! yes, its _my cousin. i received it this morning. a. from b to c. for()22. what a fine day! shall we go hiking, bob? id love to. but its not the right_, i am

8、 busy now. a. place. b. moment c. weather()23. what do you think of the entertainment show you saw last night? its so _that i want to see it again. a. exciting b. boring c. tiring()24. would you please drive_, nick? its a little late.id like to, but safety must come first. a. more slowly b. more qui

9、ckly c. more carefully()25. tony, im too nervous to give a speech in the graduation ceremony. _! i believe you can do it! a. be careful b. never mind c. take it easy()26. whose jacket is it? it _be wu leis. i saw him wear it just now. a. cant b. must c. may()27. excuse me, when will the train k307 a

10、rrive? wait a minute, please. ill _it for you. a. keep b. check c. read()28. we shouldnt spend too much time on computer games, its bad for our eyes. _!. a. i agree with you b. thats all right c. enjoy your time()29. many children like fried chicken _it is unhealthy food. a. if b. because c. althoug

11、h()30. which of the following is not a traffic sign? a. b. c. ()31. who took you to the new school, you dad or mum? _. i went there alone. a. either. b. both c. neither.()32. it is very kind of you to _my grandpa when i went to fuzhou on business. its a pleasure. a. look after b. play tricks on c. d

12、epend on()33. im afraid english is too hard for me. _, and you will improve it! a. join the english club b. go to the concert c. stay up late()34. can i have some cheese pies, mum? sorry, dear. these pies _for the kids in the disabled childrens home. a. some preparing b. have prepared c. are prepare

13、d()35. can you tell me_? about two months ago. a. where my mp4 is b. when you bought your camera c. how much your english learning machine isb. 完形填空:从每题的三个选项中,选出可填入相应空白处的最佳答案。(每小题1.5分) as young students, you have many dreams. these dreams can be very 36 , such as becoming famous scientists, they can

14、 37 be small, such as winning the first place in the race in class. when you find a 38 , how do you deal with it? do you ever try to 39 your dream? in fact, everyone can make his dream real. the first thing you must do is to 40 what your dream is. keep telling yourself what you want every day. then

15、your dream will come true faster. the 41 thing is that you must never give up your dream. there will be 42 on the road to your dream. but the biggest difficulty comes from 43 . you need to decide what is the most 44 . certainly, studying instead of watching tv will help you get better exam result. a

16、s you get close to your dream, you may 45 a lot. it is really good for you to have your own nice dream.()36. a. bigb. smallc. nice()37. a. neverb. seldomc. also()38. a. resultb. dreamc. chance()39. a. realizeb. forgetc. find()40. a. shareb. testc. remember()41. a. firstb. secondc. third()42. a. diff

17、icultiesb. sadnessc. happiness()43. a. himselfb. yourselfc. myself()44. a. attractiveb. interestingc. important()45. a. relaxb. changec. promiseiii. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)a in the uk, a seven-year-old boy has raised 800,00 for people of the haiti(海地)earthquake by riding his bike around his local pa

18、rk. charlie simpson, who was from london, cared so much for the kids in the earthquake that he decided to do something about it. he rode about five miles around south park near his home on sunday to ask for help and wrote messages on the internet for support. charlie hoped to raise 500 or 600 at fir

19、st, but got much more than he expected. he got support from hong kong, new zealand and many other cities and countries around the world after people read his messages on the justgiving website(网站). on his justgiving page, charlie said, “i want to do something for haiti because there was a big earthq

20、uake and lots of people have lost their lives. i want to make some money to buy food, water and tents for everyone in haiti.” his messages caught peoples attention and were quickly picked up by tv stations. along with money, charlie also received many messages for support. charlies mother said she w

21、as surprised at charlies ideas. “we cant believe it. he really thought that something had to be done. i am extremely proud of our charlie. many children in haiti will thank charlie for his effort.”根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。()46. charlie simpson comes from_. a. england b. new zealand c. haiti()47. the boy has al

22、ready raises _for people in haiti. a. 500 b. 600 c. 800, 000()48. from the passage we know that_. a. charlie is a kind-hearted boy b. he likes riding his bike around the local park c. he enjoys searching information on the internet()49. according to the passage, its clear that_. a. charlie sent mess

23、ages to the kids in haiti b. he took some food, water and tents to haiti c. his mother is very proud of him()50. what is the best title of the passage? a. brave kid in the earthquake b. boy raises money for haiti c. help each other in the earthquakeb 根据以上信息,选择最佳答案。()51. the players bless the expo by

24、_. a. having a handwriting competition b. expressing their best wishes to foreign visitors c. writing compositions for the expo()52. if you want to live in a room with a computer, you can book_. a. a standard room b. a vip room c. a single room()53. they are going to_ next friday. a. have a class me

25、eting b. work at student center as volunteers c. have a basketball team party()54. _is not mentioned in xiao shenyangs personal information. a. hobby b. date of birth c. occupation()55. which of the following is an advertisement?a. writing for the expo b. sanming hotel c. a plan for next weekc junio

26、r high school is often a difficult time. there is a lot of pressure to get high scores. also, you are growing every year, you look different and feel different. it can be hard to be happy. so when you have problems and feel unhappy, and dont know what to do about it, just think about ways to help yo

27、urself. i remember what made me unhappy back in my school days. i cared too much about what other people thought of me. when i was in school, i was very shy. i had good grades(成绩), but when i spoke in class, my face went red because i knew my classmates were all looking at me. it was really terrible

28、. now i am going to graduate from school and i know what my problem is. i no longer worry about what people think of me. my life is a lot more relaxed, especially in beijing, where people laugh at me when i speak chinese! you know chinese is not my native language. school life should be some of the

29、best and happiest days of our lives. we shouldnt waste this wonderful time. dont say things are difficult and boring. dont be too disappointed if things sometimes go badly. dont let small problems seem very big. be confident, go and play sports, work on a project, or help someone with problems. ther

30、e are always a lot of things to do to relax yourself and make you happy.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。()56. junior high school is often a difficult time because_. a. its not easy to get high scores b. there is too much homework to do c. its hard to find ways to help yourself()57. the writer is probably_. a. a stude

31、nt who was born in beijing b. a foreigner who is studying in beijing c. a visitor who is visiting china()58. the underlined word “native” means _in chinese. a. 本族的 b. 外国的 c. 异地的()59. which of the following is true? a. the writer didnt do well in his study. b. he could not get along well with his cla

32、ssmates. c. he doesnt care about what people think of him any more.()60. what can we learn from the passage? a. how to get high scores. b. how to be relaxed and happy. c. how to make friends with foreigners.第二卷 (非选择题,共60分)iv. 语言知识运用(共15小题,满分20分)a. 完成句子:根据句意,用括号内所给词组的适当形式填空。(每小题2分)61. would you mind

33、fetching me guide of china? of course not, ill do it_(立刻).62. its snowing outside, youd better_(穿上)your overcoat when you go out.63. i_(过去常常)collect stamps, but now i am not interested in it any more.64. _(到日前为止), our government has taken measures to protect the environment.65. liu xiang_(参加)the 200

34、8 beijing olympics, but its a pity that he didnt win a gold medal.b. 综合填空:用方框内所给的适当形式填空,使短文意思完整、正确。(每小题1分)invite, different, work, in, popular, do, sport, weekend, or, together american people go to work five days a week. they usually have a two-day 66 which is saturday and sunday. on weekends, peop

35、le spend their time 67 all kinds of things and they do them in 68 ways. many families enjoy their weekends 69 . they may go shopping, go for a walk, visit friends, 70 go to church. they may also 71 friends over and have a party at home. many american families do 72 on weekends. running, biking and s

36、wimming are 73 during summer, while skiing and skating are very common 74 winter. the weekend is also a time for american families to 75 in their gardens. for them, weekends are very busy.66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 v. 口语应用,在下列横线上填入适当的话语,使对话完整、正确。(共5小题,每小题3分,满分15分)li ming:hi, liu mei. i went to th

37、e golden lake with my family during dragon boat festival.liu mei:really? how was your trip?liu ming:76. the scenery there is very beautiful.li mei:how did you go there?li ming:77. my father drove us there.liu mei:howlong did you stay there?li ming:78. liu mei:three days? fantastic! by the way, do yo

38、u like the food there?li ming:79. its very delicious.liu mei:youre so lucky. 80. li ming:i am sure you will. it is really worth visiting.vi. 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) waste can be seen everywhere, and it can bring a lot of problems. though china is rich in some resources(资源), we are short of others, f

39、or example, fresh water. it is said that we will have no coal or oil to use in 100 years. also there is not enough food in some areas. so if we go on wasting our resources, what can we use in the future and where can we move? think about it, i think we should say no to the people who waste thing eve

40、ry day.in our everyday life, we can do many things to stop waste from happening. usually we can try to use the same thing more than once, such as sharing your books with your friends or using both sides of paper. and we must remember to turn off the water taps when we finish washing, or we can put l

41、ittle signs of “please save water” on the water tapsnever leave the tap running after using it. also we should try not to order more food than we need and so on. little by little, everything will be changed. waste can be stopped on day if we do our best.任务一:根据短文内容,用简洁的句子或短语完成下列表格。problemsshort of fr

42、esh water.81._82. _ways to stop wastetry to reuse something.83. _84. _任务二:除了文中提到的方法和建议外,你一定还有许多好方法,请写一条与大家分享。85. _vii. 书面表达(满分15分)86. 为参与我市当前开展的“与祖国共成长,争当四好少年”活动,你校英语报school times举办“how to be a good student?”英语征文比赛,请你用英语写一篇小短文。要求:1. 根据以下提示,适当发挥。 2. 文中不得出现真实的地名、校名、人名。 3. 词数80左右(开头部分已给出,不计入总词数)。how to

43、 be a good student? everyone wants to be a good student, but how to be a good student? 英语试题参考答案i. 听力(每小题1.5分,满分30分)15:acbab 610:babca 1115:acaab 1620:cccab76. wonderful./great./fantastic./it was wonderful(great, fantastic).how to be a good student?everyone wants to be a good student, but how to be a good student? first, we should work hard, and try to do well in all the subjects. we ought to listen to the teachers carefully in class. we must review and preview lessons every day. second, behave well all the time. for example, be polite to others, ready to help people in need and get on w


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