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1、unit7 teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes一、单项选择(共20小题;共20分) 1.boys and girls, dont forget your report. it today.a. cant finishb. cant be finishedc. should finishd. should be finished 2.dont put off todays work for tomorrow. i mean, todays work today.a. may dob. must doc. may be d

2、oned. must be done 3.teenagers should to choose their own clothes.a. allowb. to allowc. be allowedd. allowed 4.people who drink wine to drive after may day.a. dont allowb. isnt allowedc. mustnt allowd. mustnt be allowed 5.though the blouse was expensive, the man managed one for his wife.a. buyb. bou

3、ghtc. to buyd. buying 6.shall we him from the school?a. let; awayb. want; takec. keep; awayd. get; go away 7.many people think that some hobbies can the way school work.a. get up; atb. get off; onc. get on; ofd. get in; of 8.we regret to see the movie. tony said it was so exciting.a. not to gob. not

4、 goingc. not god. not went 9.- a talk on american culture in the school hall yesterday afternoon.- its a pity. i missed it.a. gaveb. was givenc. has givend. is given10.- look at the sign on the right.- oh, parking here.a. doesnt allowb. isnt allowedc. didnt allowedd. wasnt allowed11.- can sixteen-ye

5、ar-olds drive their cars to school?- no. they shouldnt to drive because they are not serious enough.a. allowb. be allowedc. allowedd. have allowed12.- sixteen-year-olds drive.- i agree. they arent serious enough at that age.a. shouldb. should be allowed toc. should not be allowed to13.should a teena

6、ger to get a drivers license?a. be allowb. allowc. be allowedd. allowed14.must older people to politely?a. speakb. spokenc. be spoked. be spoken15.how did you manage what we want?a. getb. gotc. gettingd. to get16.its dangerous to swim in the lake. parents should their children it.a. keep; away fromb

7、. keep; awayc. keeps; away fromd. keep; from17.some parents might worry that their childrens hobbies can schoolwork.a. get the way ofb. get on the way ofc. get on well withd. get in the way of18.- did you talk back to your mother when you were a child?- yes. but now i realize i was wrong. i really r

8、egret that silly thing to my mum.a. dob. to doc. doingd. did19.these model cars in china in 2013.a. are madeb. were madec. maked. made20.these tents and sent to disaster areas.a. packb. packedc. are packedd. are packing二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共10小题;共10分)21. he isnt old enough to get a drivers l .22. the dri

9、vers should pay more attention to the s of the children.23. terrible things are a things.24. may i have my own c of the food and drink?25. parents should e their children to behave well.26. my family was poor in the past. i had no c to go to college.27. can you l these books up and put them on the s

10、helf?28. you should always knock at the door before you e a room.29. unless you get a drivers l , you cant drive a car.30. there isnt any danger here. you are in s now.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共10小题;共10分)31. we should always keep an eye on school (安全).32. he had quite an (糟糕的) day yesterday.33. in the mod

11、ern (社会), cars are becoming more and more important.34. we should (教育) children not to play with fire.35. we offer free technical (支持) for those buying our products.36. peters dream is to (进入) a medical college in the future.37. going to hainan island for the vocation will be a good (选择).38. if you

12、get a (机会) to go there, please take it.39. when an earthquake happens, we should run to (安全) as quickly as possible.40. last night he had a(n) (可怕的) dream, and he couldnt sleep well all the night.四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共10小题;共20分)41. 婴儿在喝牛奶之前,牛奶应该加热。milk should be before it is drunk by babies.42. 根据奶奶的建议,

13、这汤应该煮上两个小时以上。the soup for more than two hours according to grandma.43. 西蒙后悔打破了教室的窗户。simon the window of the classroom.44. i think your carelessness must (妨碍) your success.45. 我们不能自己作决定。让我们征求一下老师的建议。we cant . lets ask our teacher for some advice.46. 在中国不允许十六岁的青少年驾驶。(词数不限)sixteen-year-olds shouldnt to

14、 drive in china.47. 为了让人物和事物看上去在动,每一张图片较之前一张图片都要有一点儿差别。to make the characters and things appear to move, each picture a little different from the picture before it.48. 我现在后悔吃了这么多面包圈。 i so many donuts now.49. 坏习惯会妨碍我的学业。bad habits can of my schoolwork.50. 你年龄太小,还不能自己做决定。you are too young to .五、完形填空(共

15、10小题;共15分) many chinese students think american students enjoy more freedom than them at school. 51 american schools also have their rules. if the students 52 the rules, they will be punished, too. on the first day of a new term, 128 students of morton high school were 53 home for wearing the wrong

16、clothes. the number of the students in the school is 1,200. usually only around 20 students break the school 54 rule. so the headmaster, theresa mayerik, said it was the 55 new term she had ever seen. at morton high school, students 56 clothing such as baggy(宽大的) trousers, low necked shirts and tank

17、 tops (紧身背心) are not allowed in classrooms. some students think they have the right to choose what to 57 , but the headmaster doesnt think so.i still agree even half the students in our school were sent home, because 99% will get the 58 that our school is for education, the headmaster said. freedom

18、does not 59 being free without restrictions(约束). that is to say, there is no complete freedom in the world, 60 in the us and in china. everyone should obey the rules, or he will be punished.51.a. whenb. butc. ord. so52.a. planb. obeyc. breakd. remember53.a. wentb. showedc. sentd. brought54.a. dressb

19、. trafficc. examd. room55.a. most excitingb. more boringc. bestd. worst56.a. niceb. comfortablec. favorited. new57.a. put onb. wearc. dressd. be in58.a. punishmentb. prizec. adviced. message59.a. meanb. needc. wantd. like60.a. bothb. whetherc. ifd. either六、阅读理解(共17小题;共34分)a you must meet with some u

20、npleasant things in your life, and you dont know how to work them out. now you can find the advice column(栏) in the magazine. here are some problems and advice.bob: i often cant fall asleep at night. what should i do?editor: you cant be excited. you can count(数) the numbers again and again until you

21、 fall asleep.mary: i am always late for school. i try not to be, but i am still late. i am very sad. please tell me what i should do.editor: you are late for school. i think because you go to bed too late. you should go to bed early, and i dont think you like school. you should find ways to love sch

22、ool.jack: i cant get on well with my classmates. please tell me what i should do.editor: i think you may be too shy, or you are too bold(冒失的). i think you should get on with your classmates as much as possible, and you should be friendly to your classmates.jenny: my parents dont allow me to go out t

23、o play, even on weekends. they hope i stay at home and study.editor: tell your parents that you need to relax after studying for a long time or ask your teacher for help.61. whats bobs problem?a. he is always late for school.b. he cant fall asleep at night.c. he cant get on well with his classmates.

24、d. his parents dont allow him to go out.62. should go to bed early and find ways to love school.a. bobb. maryc. jackd. jenny63. if he wants to solve his problem, jack should .a. go to school on timeb. sleep well every nightc. be friendly to everyoned. have a talk with his parents64. why must jenny s

25、tay at home on weekends?a. because she must look after her sister.b. because she must help her parents.c. because she has to do housework.d. because her parents asked her to study at home.65. which of the following is true according to the passage?a. the advice column is in a magazine.b. mary enjoys

26、 her school life very much.c. all students have the same problem as bob.d. jenny often complains about her teacher a lot.b can i see my baby? asked the happy new mother. when the baby was in her arms, she couldnt believe her eyes. the baby was born without ears. time proved that the babys hearing wa

27、s perfect though he had no ears. he got on well with his classmates. but one day, he said to his mother, tears in his eyes, a big boy called me a freak(畸形物). the boys father asked the family doctor, could nothing be done? i believe i could graft(植入) on a pair of outer ears if they could be gotten, t

28、he doctor said. they tried to find a person who would be helpful for the young man. one day, his father said to the son, youre going to the hospital, son. mother and i have someone who will donate the ears you need. but we must keep it a secret who the person is. the operation was a great success, a

29、nd a new person appeared. his cleverness and hard work made him a very successful person. he married and lived a happy life. he would ask his father, who gave me the ears? i could do enough for him or her. i do not believe you could, said the father. the agreement was that you are not to knownot yet

30、. the years kept it a secret, but the day did come. he stood with his father over his mothers body. slowly, the father raised the thick, brown hair. to his surprise, the son found his mother had no outer ears. mother said she was glad she never had her hair cut, his father said in a low voice, and n

31、obody ever thought mother less beautiful, did they?66. the sentence a new person appeared. means .a. new baby was born in the hospitalb. a stranger came into the hospitalc. a new doctor took care of the boyd. the boy came to live a new life67. why did the boys mother never have her hair cut?a. becau

32、se she liked her thick, brown hair.b. because her work didnt allow her to do that.c. because the hair was good for her health.d. because she wanted to keep the fact a secret.68. which of the following is true according to the passage?a. the boy couldnt hear without ears at first.b. the boy didnt kno

33、w the truth until his mother died.c. his parents often encouraged him to work hard.d. his classmates were always making fun of him.69. which is the best title for the passage?a. a clever boyb. kind parentsc. great loved. an ear operationc happiness is for everyone. you dont need to care about those

34、people who have beautiful houses with large and swimming pools or those who have nice cars and a lot of money and so on. those who have big houses may often feel lonely and those who have cars may want to walk on the country roads at their free time. in fact happiness is always around you if you put

35、 your heart into it. when you are in trouble at school, your friends will help you. w hen you study hard at your lessons, your parents are always taking good care of your life and your health. when you get success, your friends will say congratulations to you. when you do something wrong, people aro

36、und you will help you to correct it. and when you do something good to others, you will feel happy too. all these are your happiness. if you notice them you can see that happiness is always around you. happiness is not the same as money. it is a feeling of your heart. when you are poor, you can also

37、 say you are very happy because you have something else that cant be bought with money. when you meet with difficulties, you cant say loudly you are very happy because you have more chances to challenge yourselves. so you cannot always say you are poor and you have bad luck. if you take every chance

38、 you get, you will be a happy and lucky person.70. happiness is for .a. all peopleb. those who have a lot moneyc. those who have large and beautiful housesd. those who have cars71. when you do something wrong, .a. you have no chance to challenge youb. people around you will help youc. your classmate

39、s will laugh at youd. you will be happy72. happiness is not the same as money means .a. money doesnt always brings happinessb. money always brings happinessc. everything can be always bring happinessd. only rich people have happiness73. which is the best title for the passage?a. life and successb. h

40、appiness and luckc. do something good to othersd. happinessd every country has its heroes. the heroes are the people the nation and especially the young people admire. if you get a list of the heroes of a nation, it will tell you the potential(潜力) of that nation. today in america, if you ask the hig

41、h school students to list their heroes, their choice would probably fall into three groups. the first group of heroes would be the rock stars-the people connected with rock music. there is no doubt that such people do have talent(天才) but one wonders if one should hold up rock stars as a model. the r

42、ock stars too often are mixed with drugs and their personal life is not all that good. the rock stars are rich and wear the latest fashion styles. however, one should seek(寻觅) more in a hero than such things as money and good clothes. a second type of hero for the american youth is the sports star.

43、again you have a person who has a great ability in one area-sports. however, too often the personal life of the sports star is a bit of a disorder(混乱). too frequently(频繁) drugs and drinking are a part of life of the sports star. a third type of hero is the tv or movie star. this person may have lots

44、 of acting talent and is quite handsome. however, the personal life of too many actors is quite sad and they should not be held up as a model of young people. today, the rock star, the athlete(运动员), and the actor all have become the models of the youth in america. really, do you hear a young person

45、say that his hero is a doctor, a teacher, or a scientist? these people are not rich and do not wear fashionable clothes. however, they are talented people who work hard to make the world a better place for everyone. what is really sad is that the young try to imitate their heroes. they like to wear

46、the same clothes and follow their styles. if the heroes of today for the american young people are limited only to rock stars, athletes and actors, the future does not look too bright.74. from the passage, we know that the heroes the american youth admire are those .a. who are not bright but are goo

47、d -lookingb. who are rich but are strict with themselvesc. who are talented in some area but lead an improper lifed. who are perfect in all areas75. it can be inferred(推断) that the american young people will not admire .a. a university professorb. a poplar singerc. a football playerd. a film actress

48、76. according to the writer, people should admire those .a. who are rich and wear the latest fashion clothesb. who can express peoples feelingsc. whose personal life is goodd. who work in the interests of the people77. what does the underlined word “imitate” mean in chinese in the passage?a. 喜爱b. 模仿

49、c. 崇拜d. 迷恋七、短文7选5(5选5等)(共5小题;共10分) here is some advice for improving the relationship between parents and children. spend time with them. if they like concerts, go with them. have a family movie night and let your children choose the movies that you watch. you can have one night when a child chooses

50、 the movie and another night when an adult chooses the movie. the important thing is to meet them on their level, on their terms. 78. and that will mean the world to them. give lots of praise(赞扬). children already get too much criticism(批评) at school, from friends, in competitive games etc. 79. keep

51、 an open door policy(政策). 80. this is important for developing the good parent-child relationship. when they come to you with something, listen to them, talk to them and connect with them. listen to their music. it is difficult to communicate and connect with your children if you dont enter their world. 81. you may even find some music that you actually like. whats more, you can talk to your children on their level about their world. talk to them. 82. dons say things that cause the child to have to defend(辩护) himself or herself. let your children know they have an opinion and so do


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