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1、A 型框架运输塔筒DFC-ZWI-1034833ECN:DFB0018612017 年 01 月FDJL-JS-0276.0MW 风机 DFC-ZWI-1034833A 型框架运输塔筒 共 1 页 第 1 页 编制: 晋秋明日期: 2017.01.11 校对: 韩丹杰日期: 2017.01.11 审核: 陈 健日期: 2017.01.11 FDJL-JS-0276.0MW 风机 DFC-ZWI-1034833A 型框架运输塔筒 共 1 页 第 1 页 更改页 ECN更改位置 更改内容描述 签字 日期 1基本信息1.1一般注意事项在工作规划时必须使用通用手册和风险评估。具体风险评估要反映当地情况

2、。1.2文件变更下表表示了本文件的不同版本和相关更改。确保本表定义的都是该文件最新版本。1.3更多应用文件下表表示该指导书相关应用文件,这是整个文档的一部分,因此必须充分考虑。上海电气风电集团With Siemens License Technology and商业勿传播 Page 2 ofZWI-Doc NumberRev.修订日期修改部分修改说明作者A12013-01-18所有 新文件 MVA操作 A 型框架运输塔筒 DFC-ZWI-1034833ECN No.:DFB001861ECN date: 2013-01-18风机型号: Generic技术作者: Michael Vesterga

3、ard AhmEHS 审查:Flemming Otvald Jensen上海电气风电集团With Siemens License Technology and商业勿传播 Page 3 ofZWI-Doc NumberDoc. No.说明RA-ZWI-1034833风险 360878User Guide A-frameUser Guide SPMT2目录1基本信息2一般注意事项2文件变更2更多应用文件2目录23使用标识和缩写43.13.2使用标识4使用缩写列表4基本安全5资格要求5安全标志5.1基本标志54.2.2特殊标志64.34.4个人防护装备 (PP

4、E)6基本安全建议7A 型框架塔筒运输853使用标识和缩写3.1 使用标识信息这个标志表示与以下信息相关的.一般信息和建议。 个人防护装备这个标志表示以下部分要使用个人防护用品。 操作和辅助材料这个标志表示以下部分必须要求使用的材料。 .指导这个标志表示针对以下部分的作业指导书 特别注意这个标志表明有需要特别注意的地方。 3.2使用缩写列表ECN工程更改SWT西门子发电 主 机 安全工作荷载 ZWISWL作业指导书QA质量保证4 基本安全 注意每一步和自身安全有关的以下安全信息和指导。这是 “ 零伤害 ” 概念的一部分,应该贯彻始终。 “ 零伤害 ” 的意思是工作时无一受伤,每个人都安然无恙地

5、回家。 下面章节涉及安全指导和相关信息。在这里提到的每个人都有义务通过本文件内容了解他们。花费适当的努力去学习应用安全指导是我们每个人的责任。然而,这并不意味着我们可以不去学习应用相关全球安全做法和特定的当地要求。 4.1 资格要求为了安全操作,下列要求必须满足::所有处理设备的人员都必须接受与设备处理相关的潜在危险的特殊培训任何参与处理的人员必须阅读并能够充分理解完整的工作指导 外语口语人员必须集中培训。培训师的职责是确保外语口语的工作人员充分理解工作指导。 所有人员必须得到行业认可才能执行分配给他们活动。任何电气工作都必须由一个符合行业标准的电工来完成。 任何人员被发现对于分配的任务未经训

6、练,醉酒,以任何方式陶醉,疲惫或认为不适合工作,在本文件提及的限制因素和 任何相关情况,必须禁止作业。 在使用任何新设备之前,个人必须根据指导做好所有必要的保护和工作环境的措施。 4.2 安全标志为了更容易定位,设定了针对危险源的标志。以下在作业指导书中出现的标志可帮助你快速发现潜在的或相关的安全信息,以便采取相应行动。因此,请格外留意下面的说明。 4.2.1基本标志危险 重伤风险 忽视这个安全建议会导致危及生命的伤害.警告 重伤风险 忽视这个安全建议会导致重伤.注意 轻伤和部件损坏风险 忽视这个安全建议会导致轻伤或者部件损坏以及环境破坏4.2.2特殊标志作避免污染: 听力保护装置佩戴听力保护

7、装置以免听力受到强噪音的损害。 安全手套戴上合适的安全手套防止受到掉落物 体、锋利边缘、烫伤、和暴露在化学物质的伤害。 安全帽戴上安全帽,保护头部防止坠落物体和 头顶障碍物碰撞的伤害。 危险危险电压 最低限度,只有完成 LAUS or APAC(现场设备工作)训练和根据西门子训练要求(PRO12.19)训练的技术人员才能进行现场作业。 危险强磁场 只有受训人员才能进入戴有心脏起搏器或包含金属植入物的人禁止 靠近。禁止穿例如,手表,钱包,手机,、安全带佩戴安全带防止坠落伤害。注意安全带在自身上并不能防止坠落伤害。必须确保和使用一个合适的挂点挂绳的长度必须短而实用。 .安全鞋穿上安全鞋防止脚受到坠

8、落物体和锋利边缘的伤害。 高能见度背心在场地和装载区总穿着高能见度背心。面部防护佩戴面部 防护装置以免眼睛和面部受到 钥匙、戒指、珠宝(包括穿孔),金属扣带的皮 带,和类似的金属物体。在附近不要携带或使用任何磁数据存储设备。在区域只能用非磁性工具和测量设备。 危险吊车和索具 吊车和悬挂载荷在这个区域内操作。吊车只能被持有有效吊车操作员 证的人操作。 起禁止在悬挂载荷业.参考西门子 WTG重机安全作业细则。 警告严重永久残疾和重伤危险 忽视这个安全建议会导致截肢或危及生命的伤害。 警告叉车作业 灰尘和小颗粒物的.环境 遵守西门子的废物处理程序(INS09.2) 以及工作场所废物及泄露物处理措施指

9、南。 质量保持区域清洁 清除所有残渣和污垢.依照作业检查表进行外观的修整终检,联系QA只有具备有效叉的员工才可以进行叉车作业禁止在提升的载荷业。 当处于叉车作业范围时,请注意远离叉车行驶区,并保证司机能看得到你。 警告化学药品 使用必要的个人防护用品和安全措施。在 MSDS 找到更多的信息 4.3个人防护装备 (PPE)以下个人防护装备符号可以实现安全操4.4基本安全建议下列安全建议旨在提高我们的安全性和防止部件损坏。在部件作业之前请先阅读下面的安全指导。 始终遵循具体的本地 PPE 要求,至少穿安全鞋,安全帽,手套,和高可视化背心 .工作时提供足够的照明 邻近区域避免放置易燃物质和其他易燃材

10、料状态良好,工作谨慎:感觉疲劳,患有疾病或受药物、区域。 和酒精影响,禁止进入工作只允许进行本作业指导书里的作业只有经过培训的专业人员才能处理 工作指导书中有遗漏或不清楚的联系 SWP. 确保所有的安全设备和安全相关的设施都可用和可操作。 遵守工作现场预防事故的规章制度以及公认的安全和正确使用的技术规定。 工作指导书保持在当前工作区域,指导书必须随时可用。 根据安全法规和规章进行急救以防事故发 生。 5 A 型框架塔筒运输5.1附上A 型框架 (前端)Fig. 1Fig. 21. 松开支撑防水布的棘轮带。 2. 找到防水布上的 Velcro 接缝 ( 图 1 ) 3. 打开接缝,进入塔筒 。(

11、 图2 ) 禁止剪切防水布!避免损坏塔筒内固定装置,确认不与 A 型框架抵触。防止这样, 旋转塔筒获取更大空间。 Fig. 5Fig. 3Fig. 44. 准备以及将 A 型框架附到车上。 确保 SPMT 上的车轴处于较低位置,必要时启动 SPMT 单元的液压动力站。 向塔筒区域移动 A 型框架。 5. 本操作要求两个人,一个操作车辆,一个指挥 A 型框架位置。移动A 型框架直到起重衬垫到塔筒下。 将 A 型框架和塔筒中心排成一行非常重要!6. 小心移动合排列A 型框架直到停止衬垫与塔筒全部接触。(1).塔筒顶部参考图 6 !Fig. 6Fig. 7Fig. 8 塔筒顶部小法兰当 A 型框架附

12、到塔筒顶部小法兰时,使用小法兰起重衬垫。(1)(1) 小法兰起重衬垫(在塔筒顶部) (2) 大法兰起重衬垫(其他所有塔筒法 兰)。 7. 启动 SPMT 单元上的液压动力站,准备远程控制操作。 如何操作请参考 A 型框架/ SPMT 使用手册。 降低塔筒法兰上的锁闩到锁定位置.8. 一直移动锁闩直到 A 型框架的运输支架(1)完全贴附在塔筒上。 Fig. 99.降低 SPMT 车轴/车轮以提起塔筒离开地面。 5.2A 型框架附到后端 Fig. 1Fig. 21.移动 A 型框架到塔筒后端。确保 SPMT 上的车轴处于较低位置,必要时启动 SPMT 单元的液压动力站。 信息A 型框架只能用叉车移

13、动。使用为起重设计的叉孔来提起A 型框架。 成一行非常重要!Fig. 3Fig. 4Fig. 52. 本操作要求两个人,一个操作车辆,一个指挥 A 型框架位置。移动A 型框架直到起重衬垫到塔筒下。 将 A 型框架和塔筒中心排3. 小心移动合排列 A 型框架直到停止衬垫与塔筒全部接触。(1)4. 启动SPMT 单元上的液压动力站,准备远程控制操作。 如何操作请参考 A 型框架/ SPMT 使用手册。 降低塔筒法兰上的锁闩到锁定位置.Fig. 6Fig. 75.一直移动锁闩直到 A 型框架的运输支架(1)完全贴附在塔筒上。 1General information1.1GeneralnoteGen

14、eric manuals and risk assessments may be used, but only in the planning of the work. Specific risk assessments must be prepared to reflect local conditions.1.2Change of documentationThe following table is used to show the various revisions and associated changes of this document. Make sure that the

15、most recent version of the document, as defined in this table, is used.1.3Further applicable documentsThe following table is used to show the relevant applicable documents of this instruction. These are part of the overall documentation and must therefore be fully taken into account.Page 1 of 11Conv

16、eyed confidentially as trade secret ZWI-1034833-72359_Transport of tower w A-frame.docDoc. No.NotesRA-ZWI-1034833Risk assessment360878User Guide A-frameUser Guide SPMTRev.Revision DateModified SectionsModified DescriptionsAuthorA12013-01-18AllNew documentMVAOperationTransport of tower withA-frameDFC

17、-ZWI-1034833ECN No.: DFB001861ECN date: 2013-01-18Turbine type:GenericTechnical writer:Michael Vestergaard AhmEHS review:Flemming Otvald Jensen4.2ContentsGeneral information1General note1Change of documentation1Further applicable documents1Contents2Applied symbols and abbrevia

18、tions3Applied symbols3List of applied abbreviations3General safety3Required qualifications3Safety symbols.24.34.455.15.2General Symbols3Specific symbols4Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)4General safety advice4Transport of tower with A-frame5Attaching the A-frame (front end)5Attaching the

19、A-frame to therear end9Page 2 of 11Conveyed confidentially as trade secret ZWI-Doc Number3Applied symbols and abbreviations4General safetyNote the following safety information and instructions for each step and for your own safety.These are part of the Zero Harm concept and should be followed at all

20、 times. Zero Harm means that no one is injured while working and everyone returns home safe and sound.3.1Applied symbolsInformationThis symbol indicates general information and advice related to the following section.The following chapter relates to safety instructions and associated information. Ev

21、ery individual involved with the work as described herein has a duty of care to familiarize themselves with the contents of this document. It is the responsibility of every individual to apply due diligence when applying the safety instructions as described. It does not, however, relieve them of the

22、ir individual responsibility to apply all relevant global safety practices as well as specified local requirements.Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)This symbol indicates the protective equipment that has to be used in the following section.Operating and auxiliary materialsThis symbol indicates req

23、uired materials that have to be used in the following section.4.1Required qualificationsFor safe operation the following requirements must be met:All personnel handling the equipment must have received specific training on the potential hazards associated with the handling of the equipment.Any perso

24、nnel involved in the handling must have read and be able to demonstrate full understanding of the complete work instruction.Foreign-language speaking personnel must be trained intensively. It is the responsibility of the trainer to ensure that foreign-language speaking staff has fully understood the

25、 work instruction.All personnel must be qualified to an industry-recognized level to perform the activities assigned to them. Any and all electrical work must be carried out by an electrician qualified at an industry-recognized standard.All personnel found to be either untrained for the tasks assign

26、ed to them, inebriated, intoxicated in any way, exhausted or otherwise deemed unfit for work must beprohibited from working within the parameter of this document or any associated components.Prior to using any new equipment, personnel must be instructed in all necessary protection and working enviro

27、nment measures.InstructionThis symbol indicates relevant instructions related to the following section.Points of special interestThis symbol indicates that there are points of special interest.3.2List ofappliedabbreviationsEngineering Change NoteSiemens License Wind TurbineSafe WorkingLoadECNSWTZWIW

28、ork InstructionsSWLQAQuality Assurance4.2Safety symbolsFor easier orientation, the symbols that refer to a source of danger are specified. The following symbols used in these work instructions should help you to find important or safety- relevant information quickly so you can act accordingly. There

29、fore, pay special attention to the notes.4.2.1General SymbolsDANGERRisk of serious injuriesDisregarding this safety advice will potentially lead to life-threatening injuries.WARNINGRisk of serious injuriesDisregarding this safety advice may potentially lead to serious injuries.CAUTIONRisk of minor i

30、njuries or damageDisregarding this safety advice may potentially lead to minor injuries or damage to either the component or the environment.Page 3 of 11Conveyed confidentially as trade secret ZWI-Doc Number4.2.2Specific symbolsDANGERDangerous electric voltageAs a minimum, only technicians who have

31、completed LAUS or APAC (work on live equipment) training and have been trainedSafety harnessWear a safety harness to prevent injuries from falling. Please note that the wearing of a harness on its own does not prevent injury from falling. A suitable attachment point must be identified and used. The

32、length of the lanyard must be as short as practical.Safety shoosWear safety shoes to prevent injuries to the feet from falling objects and sharp edges.accordingto requirement (PROSiemensLicensetraining12.19 for project) may perform work on live parts.DANGERStrong magnetic fieldAccess to area for tra

33、ined personnel only.No access for people wearing pacemakers or metal-containing implants.Do not wear e.g. watch, wallet, cell phone, ID card, keys, rings, jewelry (including piercings), belts with metal buckles, and similar metal objects. Do not carry or use within the vicinity any magnetic data sto

34、rage equipment. Only use non- magnetic tools and measuring equipment within the area.DANGERCrane and riggingTravelling cranes and suspended loads are being operated within this area. Travelling cranes may only be operated by employees holding a valid crane operator certificate.Do not work under a su

35、spended load.Please see Siemens Licenses Work Instruction for crane work, ZWI 1003378.WARNINGRisk of serious permanent disabilities or serious injuriesDisregarding this safety advice may potentially lead to amputation or life-threatening injuries.WARNINGForklift trucks in operationForklift trucks ma

36、y only be operated by employees holding a valid forklift truck certificate issued by an industry-accepted training center. Working under a raised load is prohibited.When inside the operating area of the forklift truck, be very careful to stay out of the way of the forklift truck and make sure that t

37、he driver hasseen you.WARNINGChemicalUse the necessary personal protective equipment and safety measures. Find more information in the MSDS.High-visibility vestWear a high-visibility vest at all times when in the yard or loading area.Face protectionWear face protection to prevent injuries to your ey

38、es and face by dust and small particles.EnvironmentPlease follow the guidelines in Siemens Licenses procedures for waste handling, INS 09.2, as well as the provisions in the work site userguide concerning disposal of waste and measures to be taken in connection with spills.QualityKeep the area clean

39、.Clean away any debris and dirt.Carry out paint repairs in accordance with the ZCI for the item in question.For final inspection - contact QA.4.4General safety adviceThis following safety advice serves to enhance your safety and prevent damage to components. Read the following safety instructions be

40、fore working on the component:Always follow specific local PPE requirements, but as a minimum wear safety shoes, hard hat, gloves, and high- visibility vest.Provide for adequate lighting when working. The immediate area must be free of flammable substances and other combustiblematerials.Work with ca

41、ution and under good conditions: personnel suffering from fatigue or illness or the effects of medications, drugs or alcohol consumption are not allowed to have access to the work area.Only work described in this work instruction is allowed. Handling must be performed by trained professionals only!C

42、ontact SWP if anything is omitted in this work instruction or something is not clearly understood.Ensure that all safety devices and safety-related facilities are available and operational.Follow the work site binding regulations on accident prevention as well as recognized technical regulations for

43、 safe and proper use.Keep the work instruction in the immediate working area. The instruction must be readily available at all times.Carry out appropriate first aid in accordance with applicable safety regulations and rules in case of accidents.4.3Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)The following sig

44、ns for PPE can be used to achieve safe operation and avoid contamination:Hearing protectionWear hearing protection to prevent injuries to hearing due to increased noise emission.Protective glovesWear appropriate protective gloves to prevent hand injuries from falling objects, sharp edges, hot object

45、s, or exposure to chemicals.Protective helmetWear protective helmet to prevent head injuries from falling objects and bumping into overhead obstacles.Page 4 of 11Conveyed confidentially as trade secret ZWI-Doc Number5Transport of tower with A-framePage 5 of 11Conveyed confidentially as trade secret

46、ZWI-1034833-72359_Transport of tower w A-frame.doc5.1 Attaching the A-frame (front end)Fig. 1Fig. 21. Loosen the ratchetstraps holding the tarpaulin.2. Locate the Velcro seams on the tarpaulin (Fig.1).3. Open the Velcro seams on the tarpaulin to access the tower (Fig. 2).DO NOT CUT THE TARPAULIN!To

47、avoid damaging the fixtures inside the tower, confirm that it does not conflict with the A- frame.In case of this, rotate the tower to obtain spaciousness.Page 6 of 11Conveyed confidentially as trade secret ZWI-Doc NumberFig. 3Fig. 4Fig. 54. Prepare and attach the A-frame to the vehicle.Ensure that

48、all axels on the SPMT are in position low. Start- up the hydraulic power station on the SPMT unit if necessary.Move the A-frame toward the tower section.5. This operation requires two persons one to operate the vehicle and one to direct the position of the A-frame.Move the A-frame until thelifting p

49、ads is beneath the tower sectonIt is important to align the center of the A-frame to the center of the tower section!6. Move and align the A-frame carefully until full contact between the stop pads and the tower section (1).Refer to Fig. 6 for top tower section!Page 7 of 11Conveyed confidentially as trade secret ZWI-Doc NumberFig. 6Fig. 7Fig. 8Small flange on top towerWhen attaching the A-frame to the small flange on the top tower, use the lifting pads for small flange (1).(1) Lifting pads for small flange (on top tower only)(2)


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