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1、8 上 units 5-6基 部分一、 部分(一)重点 梳理1同情,怜 take/ have pity on2在四个月大 at four months old3开始,起初in the beginning4主要以 生live mainly on5迷路get lost6采取措施做某事take action to do sth.7 算出容易的数学 work out easy maths problems8在出生 at birth9与相同the same as10失去生命lose one s life/lives11在中国 北in north-east china12 野生生物提供食物和庇 所prov

2、ide food and cover forwildlifeprovide wildlifewithfood and cover13 出空 make space for14 致野生生物的空 越来越小lead to less and lessspace for wildlife15阻止某人做某事prevent /stop sb. (from) doingsth.keep sb. from doing16覆盖的面 cover an area of17参加活 takepart in activities18享受自然界enjoythe naturalworld19 打 ( 号 ) 找某人call sb

3、. on + (phone number)20( 邮件地址 ) 发邮件给某人email sb. at +(email address)(二)重点句子梳理1 请你(不要)吃它们,好吗? could / would / you please (not ) eat them ?2 他们可能随时会成为餐桌they may become dishes on the table any time.上的菜肴。3 八个月之后, 她就不再是个eight months later,she was not a small baby any小幼崽了。more.4不幸的是, 大熊猫在野外面sadly, giant pa

4、ndas face serious problems in the临严重的问题。wild.5 现在大熊猫正处于危险中,giant pandas are now in danger. we should take我们应该马上采取措施保action to protect them right away.护它们。6 因此,大熊猫可能无处生as a result, giant pandas may not have a place to存,无以为食。live or food to eat.7我认为每个人都应该保护i think everybody should act to protect wild野

5、生动物。animals8它是世界上最重要的湿地it s one of the world s most importantwetlands.之一。9世界上没有很多鹤剩下了。there are not many cranes leftinthe world.10中国政府已经制定法律阻the chinese government hasmade lawsto止在扎龙的所有这些事情。prevent all these things in zhalong.11我们希望这将会帮助人们we hope this will help people understand the理解湿地的重要性。importan

6、ce of the wetlands.12随身带笔记本为写take a notebook with you to (= in order下你所看到的。to )write down what you see.13寒冷的天气使一些鸟类飞the cold weather made some birdsfly south for the往南方过冬。winter.14它是去观鸟的一个极好的it s a perfect place to go birdwatching.2地方。15如果我能成为观鸟协会的i will be very happy if i can become a member of一员,我

7、将十分高兴。the birdwatching society.二、基础练习部分(一)重点语法强化()1.he often does everything _. no one knows what he plans _.a. himself, to dob. himself, doc. herself, to do d. herself, do()2. please tell tom _ too much noise.a. to makeb. not to makec. to not maked. not make()3. is jim coming by train?i m not sure.

8、 he_ drive his car.a. mustb. mayc.needd. will()4.healthy, you should take more exercise.a. having keptb. keepingc. to keepd. keep()5.the doctor asked tomin bed for several days.a. to stayb. stayc. stayingd. stays(二)重点专题强化1.we should share our _(happy) and _(sad) with each other.2.many wild animals a

9、re in danger because of _(hunt).3.i thank you for accepting our _(invite)4. i am going to be a _(report) when i grow up.5.i want to be a _ (science) like qian xuesen when i grow up.6.tell me the _(win) name.8 上 units 5-6综合训练部分一、单项选择() 1.we are surprised at the _ of the bear.a. dyingb. deadc. deathd.

10、 died() 2.wed better _ upstairs and tell children _ make so much noise.3a. go, not tob. go, dontc. to go, not tod. to go, dont() 3. my teddy bear is red, so this blue one must be _.a.elsesomeone s b.someone else s c.otheronesd.some other s() 4.it s impossible for _ workers to do so _ work in a day.a

11、. few, muchb. few, manyc. little, muchd. little, many() 5.this piano is too big. can you make _ for it?a.a spaceb.some spacesc.some more roomsd.some space() 6.they got up very early _ late.a. to beb. in order not to bec. in order to bed. not to() 7. our school plans to help the children in poor area

12、s.a. by providing them some stationeryb. by providing them for some stationeryc. by providing some stationery for themd. by providing some stationery with them() 8.japan is_ the east of china and _ the east of asia.a. in, inb. in, toc. to, ind. to, to二、词汇运用1.the people in the hotel were_ foreign tou

13、rists.(main)2.“i failed in the english exam again,” the boy said_.(sad)3.do you know xi wang s_ when she was born?she_ just 100 grams when she was born.(weigh)4. i often hear her(sing) in the classroom.5. there are many books for you _ (choose) from.6. we should prevent the fire _ (burn) the house.7

14、. sorry, we are late. we _ (not catch) the early bus.8.she has a _ (nature) ability to understand the motive(动机 ) of others.9.eat _and you ll be healthier. (little)10.the great _(art) gave his first show in shanghai.三、翻译句子1. 他建议我们不要在湿地里大叫。4_2. 鸟儿不但吃虫子还吃鱼和植物。_3. 如果你带上一副望远镜,他们将帮助你更清晰地看到鸟。_4. 多么惭愧啊!我们不

15、应该再买皮毛制成的衣服了。_5. 由于捕杀,许多野生动物现在处于危险之中。_四、语篇训练a) 任务型阅读istherea wetlandaround your city?there is one inshanghai.it s calledchongmingdongtan wetland. chongming dongtan wetland is an important nature reserve. its in thenorth-east of the downtown of shanghai. people can go to visit this place by bus.the r

16、eserveis wet and warm allyear round.itis a perfectplace forwildlife,includingmany rarebirds.the wetlandis241.55-square-kilometresand an importantrestingarea formigratory birds moving from one hemisphere to another.a reportsays that116 kindsof birdslivein the reserve.now the wetlandis limitingthe num

17、ber of visitors to protect its wildlife.because of tourism and fishing, the number of the birds there is getting smaller andsmaller. now only people who study birds can get into the wetland. no other visitors cantravel through the wetlands. they can only take a look from a man-made watching corridor

18、outside the wetland. as you know, too many people sometimes mean a disaster to wildlife.usually the number of birds peaks between september and april. the wetland is onlyopen to scientists who study and protect birds during these months.the government will start a 20-hectare study center at the end

19、of next year. it willhelp a lot to protect the wetland.the government says they are trying to prevent people from disturbing the birds, andat the same time preventing the birds from eating the farmers crops.5dongtan wetland1241.55 square kilometers.location2 of the downtown of shanghai.factsaboutthe3wet and warm.wetlandan important4area for migratorya shelterforbirdsbirds.5 kinds of birds live there.problemthe number of birds is getting6 .7 oftheproblemtourism and8 .solutiontotheit is only open to 9 who study and protect birds.other


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