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1、Exercise 9 cloze,frontier C (a) (between sth and sth); (with sth) border between two countries 国界; 边界: the frontier between Austria and Hungary 奥地利和匈牙利之间的边界. (b) land on either side of such a border 边疆; 边陲; 边境; 国境: attrib 作定语 a frontier zone 边境地带 a frontier town 边疆城镇 frontier disputes 边界争端.,line div

2、iding two countries or areas; frontier 边界; 边境; 国界; 国境; 边境地区: The terrorists escaped across/over the border. 恐怖分子越过边境逃走了. * attrib 作定语 a border town, guard, patrol 边境城市 边防卫兵 边防巡逻 * border incidents, ie small fights between soldiers of two neighbouring countries 边境事件(两邻国士兵之间的小冲突).,Border, frontier per

3、suade sb to change his beliefs ( Hes converted to Catholicism. 他已皈依天主教. * convert sb from atheism to Christianity 使某人放弃无神论, 改信基督教.,transform, sth/sb (from sth) (into sth) completely change the appearance or character of sth/sb 完全改变某事物某人的外观或特性: A fresh coat of paint can transform a room. 房间重新粉刷一遍可大为改

4、观. * She used to be terribly shy, but a year abroad has completely transformed her, ie so that she is no longer shy. 她过去十分?腆, 但在国外呆了一年以後完全变了. * a complete change of climate which transformed the are a from a desert into a swamp 使该地区由沙漠变为沼泽的气候的彻底改变* the process by which caterpillars are transformed into butterflies 毛虫变为蝴蝶的过程.,transformable / -bl; -bl/ adj that can be transformed 可改变外观或性质的.transformation / trnsfmen; trnsfmen/ n C, U (instance of) transforming or being transformed (外观或性质的)改变, 改观, 转变: His character seems to


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