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最新泽林牛津版七年级英语下第八单元测试卷带答案一套班级 姓名一、单项填空( )1. Its dangerous for children to play fire.A. from B. on C. at D. with( )2. I didnt go to the park with my classmates,because my mother asked me to my little sister at home.A. look after B. look at C. look for D. look like( )3. There are many kinds of in the river. You can go there. A. fish;fishing B. fishes;fish C. fishes;fishing D. fish; to fish( )4.What your cat like?Its lovely and cheerful.A. does B. is C. looks D. are( )5.How often do you clean your room? .A. This afternoon B. Only once C. For four days D. Three times a week( )6. How should I teach my dog to do any tricks? Well, you should be first, or (否则) he will run away.A. rude B. gentle C. shy D. sad( )7. My cat likes to under the bed. He doesnt want anyone to find him.A. hold B. catch C. carry D. hide( )8. Would you please the number? I wasnt listening. OK. ThatsA. remember B. repeat C. report D. reply( )9. Jims parents him well at home.A. look after B. look around C. look up D. look for( )10. Do fish sleep? I think theyre swimming around Of course they sleep. But they sleep with their eyes open.A. all the same B. all the time C. at that time D. at the same time( )11. _ clever child Tom is!A. How B. What C. How a D. What a( )12. My cat likes to _ the ball.A. run B. run at C. run after D. run of( )13. Do you think the dinosaur(恐龙)could _ to be a few tons(吨)?A. grow up B. grow at C. grow into D. grow out( )14. Dont read books _.Its not good for your eyes.A. under the sun B. below the sun C. in the sun D. through the sun( )15. He only listens to his mother. He doesnt listen to_.A. someone else B. anyone else C. else anyone D. else someone( )16. The word “wide“ rhymes with the word “_”A. need B. bird C. middle D. hide( )17.I hope you will teach me _ the car. Its so cool.A. drive B. driving C. in drive D. to drive( )18. The bottle is empty. There is _ in it.A. nothing B. nobody C. anything D. something( )19. - Dont play football in the street. Its dangerous. - _.A. Yes, I will B. No, I wont C. Thanks, I will D. No, I dont( )20. - Have a nice holiday! - _.A. Thats all right B. Thank you C. Youre welcome D. Yes, please二、完形填空 Long long ago, a famous city was covered by a thick forest, but now there is no forest left.Many animals were living in the city. The 1 began to die out. Farmers grew rice and 2 pigs and chickens there. They cut down trees and burnt them. They needed 3 to keep themselves warm in winter and cook their food. Elephants 4 disappeared because there was not enough food for them. 5 did wolves and tigers. Monkeys and other animals soon died out in the same way.You might think that there are no longer any animals in the city 6 in the zoos. But there are still over 30 different kinds of animals 7 there. One of the animals is the barking deer. They are beautiful little animals 8 rich brown fur and a white spot under the tail. They look like deer but they are smaller. They make a noise like a dog 9 .Now there are not many barking deer left. So it is important 10 people to protect wild animals. Do you think so?( )1. A. people B. plants C. vegetables D. things( )2. A. grew B. made C. got D. fed( )3. A. sunlight B. air C. water D. fire( )4. A. quick B. quickly C. fast D. fastly( )5. A. So B. Such C. None D. Nor( )6. A. besides B. except C. and D. or( )7. A. causing B. sailing C. chasing D. living( )8. A. have B. without C. with D. get( )9. A. barking B. crying C. shouting D. talking( )10. A. to B. for C. like D. of三、阅读理解 ADo you know that fish come out of eggs when they were born? After the baby fish comes out of the egg,it eats the food in the egg. When it is big enough,it leaves the egg. It swims in the water. You can see the eyes and the nose. Its ears are hidden (藏) in the head.Some fish eat other fish. The fish that eat plants have smaller mouths and teeth. The fish that eat other fish need larger mouths and stronger teeth.Fish are usually dark on the top and light on the bottom.( )1.Fish start as _.A. eggs B. fish C. food D. plants( )2. At the very beginning the baby fish _.A. eat the food in water B. eat the food in the eggsC. drink milk D. drink water( )3. Fish leave eggs when _.A. their mothers tell them to B. they know how to swimC. they are big enough D. they are still very smallBHere is our pet dog,Mr. Hawkeye. Mr. Hawkeye is seven years old, and we got him from our vet (兽医). He takes in a lot of cats. He receives his name because he is such a hawk (掠夺者) around food. If you are not looking,he will take a sandwich off your plate. He can smell the delicious food in the fridge from another floor in the house,and potato chips are his favourite thing to steal! This comes the name,Hawkeye. Hawkeye was a great animal at the vet. They thought he could bring good luck and he took care of all the new cats,giving them baths,etc. He does that at our house as well. Like I said,he is quite a character and very friendly. He always greets(问候) us when we come home. He has to check out all the bags to make sure if theres food there for him, especially chips! ( )4. Mr. Hawkeye is _.A. our pet dog B. the owner of the petC. a cat D. a vet( )5. He receives his name Hawkeye because _.A. he is a hawk around food B. he can bring good luckC. he is a real character D. he is quick at eating food( )6. Our pet likes _.best of all. A. sandwiches B. potato chips C. potatoes D. new cats( )7. The underlined word “character” mostly means _. here. A. 有个性的宠物 B. 有个性的人 C. 主角 D. 英雄CQuestion: Why does my cat lick (舔 ) me? My cat is one year old. She is very shy. She often plays alone. But these days, she often jumps onto my knees and licks my hand, even when Im working. It makes me feel a little worried. Is there anything wrong with her? Does she just like the salt on my hand? Is it just a sign of love? Or all of the above?Susan Smith Answer: Yes. Your cat licks you because of “all of the above”. But most often, it is a sign of love. Another way of showing love is biting on your nose or your face gently. Also, looking at you and blinking (眨 ) her eyes is a way of saying “I love you.” When she blinks her eyes, you can respond (回应) in the same way. I do that with my cats all the time.So there is nothing to worry about. Just enjoy her licking you!YoursDr White( )8. Susan Smiths cat is _.months old.A. six B. twelve C. eighteen D. twenty-four( )9. Susans cat licks Susan on her _.A. knees B. feet C. arms D. face( )10. Susan feels _. her cat when she licks her.A. afraid of B. happy about C. sad at D. worried about( )11. Dr White thinks licking is often a sign of “_.”. A. love B. hungry C. bored (无聊的) D. tiredDCan we make animals work for us? Some scientists think that one day we can teach animals to do a lot of things for people. They say that in a film or on TV, you may see elephants, monkeys, dogs or some other animals do a lot of things. If you watch carefully, you may find those animals are always given a little food to eat aft


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