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悦读联播 初一下精整,Module 1 Society 社会When are you an adult? 你何时才算成人?A mystery postcard 一张神秘的明信片Do Scottish men wear kilts? 苏格兰男人穿短裙吗?,蹦极跳起源于哪里呢?它起源于南太平洋一个岛国的“成人仪式”。许多国家举行仪式 庆祝年轻人成为成年人。然而,一些国家没有。而是 年轻人能做“成人”做的事时,就自认为是成人了。但是你什么时候成为美国的成年人呢?让我们看看一些美国青少年说的话。,Module 1- Society 社会 1-1 When are you an adult? 你何时才算成人?Where does bungee jumping come from? It comes from the adult ceremony in a South Pacific island. Many countries have ceremonies to celebrate their young people becoming adults. However, some countries do not. Instead, young people think of themselves as adults when they can do adults things. But when do you become an adult in the USA? Lets look at what some American teenagers say.,Sam: I think you are an adult at 18. Thats when you can vote. You can help to choose who runs the state and the whole country. Thats what a grown-up does! My grandfather couldnt vote until he was 21. They only changed it to 18 in 1971. I guess they think we are more responsible at 18 now.,我想你18岁就成人了。那就是你可以投票的时候了。你可以帮着选择由谁管理一个州以及整个国家。这就是成年人所做的!我祖父直到21岁才投票。他们只在1971把它改为18。我想他们现在认为我们在18岁时更负责任。,Jenny: I think its hard to say. I get to drive a car at 16, dont I? Thats a serious responsibility. When you have a drivers license you show it to people to prove your age for all kinds of things. So that must be the age when you change from a young person to an adult. Because you have to prove you are that age and not a kid.,我觉得很难说。我16岁开车,是吗?这是一个严重的责任感。当你有驾驶执照后, 你可以出示它以证明你的年龄可以做各种各样的事了。那一定是你从一个年轻人变成一个成年人的年龄。因为你要证明你是这个年龄,不是一个孩子。,Suzie: I think there is something crazy about American laws for when young people can do things. So I can vote at 18 and drive at 16. So you would think that 18 is grown-up, even if 16 isnt. But then I cant drink alcohol until Im 21! If I am already an adult at 18, how can people stop me from buying a can of beer in a shop?,我认为 美国法律规定年轻人可以做的事情 有一些事是疯狂的。我可以在18岁投票,16岁开车。所以你会觉得即使16岁还不算成年人,那么18岁肯定算成年人。但是我直到21岁才能喝酒!如果我18岁已经成人了,人们怎么能阻止我在商店里买一罐啤酒呢?,邮件来时,我正下楼准备吃早饭 。我在等我朋友山姆的来信,所以我把信捡起来看了看。看到有账单,我一点也不惊讶。有人邀请参加聚会。 没有Sam的信。有一张明信片,上面是悬崖和大海的风景。 多美的景色啊!,Module 1- Society 社会 1-2. A Mystery Postcard 一张神秘的明信片I was coming downstairs to get breakfast when the post came.I was waiting for a letter from my friend Sam, so I picked the letters up and looked through them. I wasnt surprised to see that there were some bills. There was an invitation to a party. There wasnt a letter from Sam. There was a postcard, showing some cliffs and the sea. What a nice view!,I turned the postcard over. It wasnt easy to read. Rain had made the writing unclear, including the name of the person who had sent the postcard. Who was it from? I tried to read any of the words. I could read “Dear Tom, Im having a lovely time in ” Then the writing became unclear. I couldnt read anything else. Who had gone to the seaside? I couldnt think of anyone. It was a mystery. There was another my mystery too. Where was Sams letter?,我把明信片翻过来了。 读起来不容易。雨使文字模糊不清,包括寄出明信片的人的姓名。是谁送的? 我试着读单词中的任何一个。我可以读到:“亲爱的汤姆,我在过得很愉快。”然后字迹变得模糊不清。 我什么也看不懂。谁去海边了? 我想不出任何人。 这是一个谜。还有另一个我的谜。 山姆的信在哪里?,Just then the phone rang. It was Sam! “Im calling to see if you got my postcard,” he said. “We changed our minds. Mum and Dad are resting after our walk. So Im ringing you. Im sorry I didnt write a letter. Weve been so busy.”Both mysteries were solved!,就在这时电话铃响了。 是山姆!“我打电话来是想看看你有没有收到我的明信片。”他说。“我们改变了主意。 妈妈和爸爸散步后休息。 所以我在给你打电话。对不起,我没有写信。 我们一直很忙。”两个谜团都解开了!,当其他国家的人了解苏格兰的时候,他们会听说几件“传统的”事情。他们知道苏格兰人吃 苏格兰脆饼。这些饼干又厚又干。在苏格兰的旅游商店出售 许多苏格兰脆饼。游客们把它们作为礼物送给在家的朋友。他们知道苏格兰人要穿裙子(这是喜欢裙子),Module 1- Society 社会 1-3. Do Scottish Men Wear Kilts? 苏格兰男人穿短裙吗?When people in other countries learn about Scotland, there are several things they learn that are considered traditional. They learn that Scottish people eat shortbread biscuits. These biscuits are very thick and dry. The tourist shops in Scotland sell a lot of shortbread biscuits. Tourists buy them as presents for friends back at home. They learn that Scottish men wear kilts (which are like skirts).,他们了解风笛苏格兰乐器。有人说苏格兰风笛的声音像一只疼痛的猫!所以人们认为苏格兰是不寻常的。他们认为如果你被魔法带到了那里, 而要猜出自己在哪里,将会很容易。是否真这么简单?那我们就来看看苏格兰传统之一:男人穿短裙。,And they learn about bagpipesa Scottish musical instrument. Some people say that Scottish bagpipes sound like a cat in pain! So people think Scotland is unusual. They think if you were taken there by magic and had to guess where you were it would be easy!Or would it? Lets just take one of these Scottish traditions: men wear kilts.,苏格兰男人穿裙子吗?最近的一次我去苏格兰时,仅在 爱丁堡 看到了男人穿短裙。他们正在 爱丁堡城堡附近 演奏风笛。他们显然为游客精心打扮的。,Do Scottish men wear kilts?On a recent trip to Scotland the only men I saw in kilts were in Edinburgh. They were playing the bagpipes near Edinburgh Castle.They were clearly dressed up for the tourists.,When I asked some of the Scottish men I met if they ever wore a kilt, these were the replies:“I work on a building site. I climb all over buildings, often very high up! Do you think a kilt would be convenient for this job?I dont own one, never have.”“I have a kilt that I wear to weddings and parties. I wear a suit for everyday work and jeans at weekends.,当我问一些我遇见的苏格兰人,他们是否曾经穿过短裙, 这些是答复:“我在一个建筑场地工作。 我爬遍所有建筑物, 往往非常高!你认为穿短裙做这个工作方便吗?我没拥有一件短裙,从来没有。”“我有一个短裙,我穿的婚礼和宴会。我平常上班时穿西装,周末穿牛仔裤。,The kilt is part of our tradition, so I have one and so do many of my friends.”“I wear a kilt to workI work in a tourist shop in Edinburgh. At home I wear jeans. It took my wife ages to stop laughing after she first saw me in my kilt! ”“When I was a boy, my parents made me wear a kilt sometimes. But trousers are more convenient. I dont wear now, I dont have to. I even dont own one.”,短裙是我们传统的一部分,所以我有一条,我的朋友有很多条。”“我穿短裙去工作我在爱丁堡的一个旅游商店工作。在家我穿牛仔裤。我妻子第一次见我穿短裙时笑了很长时间。“当我是个孩子的时候,我的父母有时让我穿短裙。但是裤子比较方便。 我现在不穿了, 我不必穿了。 甚至我自己的一条都没有。”,1. come downstairs来到楼下2. wait for a letter from等一封来自于的信3. pickup捡起来;收集,整理4.look through浏览5. be surprised to do惊讶做某事6. wasnt surprised to see不惊讶地看到7. there were some bills有一些账单8. were solved被解决9. show some cliffs and the sea显示悬崖和大海10. What a nice view!多美的景色啊!,11. turn the postcard over翻转明信片12. It wasnt easy to read.很难阅读13. make the writing unclear使书写不清晰14. including the name of the person包括人的名字15. send the postcard邮寄明信片16. try to do sth尽量做某事17. tried to read any of the words尽量阅读词汇18. be having a lovely time in 正在度过愉快时光19. became unclear变得不清晰20. anything else其他的任何事情,21. had gone to the seaside已经去了海边22. think of想起23. another my mystery我的另一个谜团24. Just then就在那时25. the phone rang电话响了26. be calling to see打电话想知道27. changed our minds改变主意28. after our walk散步之后29. be ringing you打电话给你30. so busy如此忙,Notes1.I was coming downstairs to get break


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