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assume 的第三人称单数assume 的第三人称单数:assumesassume 的用法:assume 的用法 1:assume 的基本意思是“想当然”,即指人假定某事物是真实的,它可以指事物本身的真实性,也可以表示事物会发生什么样的结果。assume 的用法 2:assume 作“假设”解时,指在证据很少或者存有异议时,甚至在根本没有证据的情况下进行推测,含有较强的武断成分。assume 的用法 3:assume 还可表示“装出一种虚假或骗人的表情” 。assume 的用法 4:assume 后可接 that 从句,表示“假定某人会” 。assume 第三人称单数例句:1. the motion of matter always assumes certain forms.物质的运动总是表现为一定的形式.2. one assumes, a priori, that a parent would be better at dealing with problems.人们总是想当然地认为父母更善于处理问题。3. it is usually the woman who assumes overall care of the baby.通常由女性负责照顾孩子的方方面面。4. that assumes that youre still educable .由此可以设想你还是可教育的。5. their marriage reforms, assumes a light and hypocritical companionship.他们的婚姻生活却从此变了样, 而变为一种浮而不实的伴侣关系.6. the “ purescientist often assumes that the application of knowledge is mundane.有些从事于 “ 纯理论 ” 学科的科学家常常傲慢地把应用科学问题贬低为世俗的雕虫小技.7. when this restriction is removed , the body assumes the liquid states.当这种限制不在存在时, 物体就呈液态了.8. naturally, this assumes that such an instruction is available.当然, 这要假定有这样一条指令可供使用.9. he assumes that all transactions are financed by credit.他假定所有的交易都是以信用支付.10. in emergency he assumes exceptional powers.在紧急情况下,他还拥有特殊权力.11. it assumes some phase of flowing.可以设想会发生某些流动现象.12. at the early stage of requirements definition, brainstorming assumes a somewhat ironic purpose.在需求定义阶段的早期进行头脑风暴在某种程度上呈现出一种说反话的意图.13. regardless of the shape the cursor assumes, it always has a single hotspot pixel.无论光标的形状如何, 它都有一个热点像素.14. when the loade and heat are relieved , the body assumes its natural state again.当负荷和热量被彻掉时,物体就又回到它的自然状态.15. in civilized society the state assumes the protection of person and of property.在文明社会中,国家负保护人身和财产之责.assume 的第三人称单数:assumesassume 的用法:assume 的用法 1:assume 的基本意思是“想当然”,即指人假定某事物是真实的,它可以指事物本身的真实性,也可以表示事物会发生什么样的结果。assume 的用法 2:assume 作“假设”解时,指在证据很少或者存有异议时,甚至在根本没有证据的情况下进行推测,含有较强的武断成分。assume 的用法 3:assume 还可表示“装出一种虚假或骗人的表情” 。assume 的用法 4:assume 后可接 that 从句,表示“假定某人会” 。assume 第三人称单数例句:1. the motion of matter always assumes certain forms.物质的运动总是表现为一定的形式.2. one assumes, a priori, that a parent would be better at dealing with problems.人们总是想当然地认为父母更善于处理问题。3. it is usually the woman who assumes overall care of the baby.通常由女性负责照顾孩子的方方面面。4. that assumes that youre still educable .由此可以设想你还是可教育的。5. their marriage reforms, assumes a light and hypocritical companionship.他们的婚姻生活却从此变了样, 而变为一种浮而不实的伴侣关系.6. the “ purescientist often assumes that the application of knowledge is mundane.有些从事于 “ 纯理论 ” 学科的科学家常常傲慢地把应用科学问题贬低为世俗的雕虫小技.7. when this restriction is removed , the body assumes the liquid states.当这种限制不在存在时, 物体就呈液态了.8. naturally, this assumes that such an instruction is available.当然, 这要假定有这样一条指令可供使用.9. he assumes that all transactions are financed by credit.他假定所有的交易都是以信用支付.10. in emergency he assumes exceptional powers.在紧急情况下,他还拥有特殊权力.11. it assumes some phase of flowing.可以设想会发生某些流动现象.12. at the early stage of requirements definition, brainstorming assumes a somewhat ironic purpose.在需求定义阶段的早期进行头脑风暴在某种程度上呈现出一种说反话的意图.13. regardless of the shape the cursor assumes, it always has a single hotspot pixel.无论光标的形状如何, 它都有一个热点像素.14. when the loade and heat are relieved , the body assumes its natural state again.当负荷和热量被彻掉时,物体就又回到它的自然状态.15. in civilized society the state assumes the protection of person and of property.在文明社会中,国家负保护人身和财产之责.assume 的第三人称单数:assumesassume 的用法:assume 的用法 1:assume 的基本意思是“想当然”,即指人假定某事物是真实的,它可以指事物本身的真实性,也可以表示事物会发生什么样的结果。assume 的用法 2:assume 作“假设”解时,指在证据很少或者存有异议时,甚至在根本没有证据的情况下进行推测,含有较强的武断成分。assume 的用法 3:assume 还可表示“装出一种虚假或骗人的表情” 。assume 的用法 4:assume 后可接 that 从句,表示“假定某人会” 。assume 第三人称单数例句:1. the motion of matter always assumes certain forms.物质的运动总是表现为一定的形式.2. one assumes, a priori, that a parent would be better at dealing with problems.人们总是想当然地认为父母更善于处理问题。3. it is usually the woman who assumes overall care of the baby.通常由女性负责照顾孩子的方方面面。4. that assumes that youre still educable .由此可以设想你还是可教育的。5. their marriage reforms, assumes a light and hypocritical companionship.他们的婚姻生活却从此变了样, 而变为一种浮而不实的伴侣关系.6. the “ purescientist often assumes that the application of knowledge is mundane.有些从事于 “ 纯理论 ” 学科的科学家常常傲慢地把应用科学问题贬低为世俗的雕虫小技.7. when this restriction is removed , the body assumes the liquid states.当这种限制不在存在时, 物体就呈液态了.8. naturally, this assumes that such an instruction is available.当然, 这要假定有这样一条指令可供使用.9. he assumes that all transactions are financed by credit.他假定所有的交易都是以信用支付.10. in emergency he assumes exceptional powers.在紧急情况下,他还拥有特殊权力.11. it assumes some phase of flowing.可以设想会发生某些流动现象.12. at the early stage of requirements definition, brainstorming assumes a somewhat ironic purpose.在需求定义阶段的早期进行头脑风暴在某种程度上呈现出一种说反话的意图.13. regardless of the shape the cursor assumes, it always has a single ho


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