



Chapter1(旁白)One day, two old brothers, chatting along, happened to get to wondering what might be the fate of a perfectly honest and intelligent stranger who should be turned adrift in London without a friend, and with no money but that million-pound bank-note, and no way to account for his being in possession of it. The brothers had been having a pretty hot argument a couple of days before, and had ended by agreeing to decide it by a bet, which is the English way of settling everything. Just then Henry came along.(I was so hungry.)Brother A: Young man, come here, please. Brother B: Could I ask you some questions?Henry: Of course, sir.A: What do you do?Henry: Im a mining-brokers clerk in San Francisco.B: Why are you staying here?Henry: My time was my own after the afternoon board, Saturdays, and I was accustomed to put it in on a little sail-boat on the bay. One day I ventured too far, and was carried out to sea. Just at nightfall, when hope was about gone, I was picked up by a small brig which was bound for London. And now, I have nothing in my pocket.A: Great!Henry: great? I cant understand you, sir.B: Im sure you will understand very soon. Here is an envelope.(从抽屉拿出支票)Henry: whats this? (说着,我就要打开)B: no, no, no, there is some money, but you wouldnt open it until 2:00pm. (这期间,俩兄弟边交谈边吃纸袋里的零食,我不断瞟着这些美味,实在忍不住了, )Henry: Could I have some?A: of course. oh, sorry. Its empty.(他在袋子里吹了口气,然后砸烂。 确实空了。 ) (拉铃,有人过来领 Henry 出去)Waiter:This way, please.Chapter2(站在餐厅窗外用渴望的眼神看着食物。考虑会儿,整理一下衣服走进去。 )Proprietor:That ones reserved.This way,please. Take this gentlemans order,Horace.(先坐在一处,再做到另一处。看一下钟 1 点,waier 过来点菜。 )Henry: Ill have some ham and eggs,and a nice big juice steak with all the trimmings ,and make it extra thick.Waiter:Itll cost a tidy bit.Henry:Thats understood.And a long cool tankard of ale.(手做出比划)(上菜,如饥似渴地吃。连汁都不放过。吃完,再看时间,1 点半。呼唤 waiter)Henry: Er .Waiter,Same thing again ,please.Waiter:Again?Henry:Thats right .And fill that up.Anything wroing?Waiter: No,No,sir. (走到柜台与老板讨论)Waiter: HEs asked for another portion.Ale and all.Proprietor: Do you think he can pay?Maggie:Well have to chance it.Proprietor :Serve him,Horace.But dont spare the gristle.(继续吃。时间过到 1 点 55。 )(waiter 过来埋单)Waiter: Ham ,eggs,steak,potatoes,beans,carrots tiwce.Trifle,Cheese,Coffee.Two quarts of ale.Three and tenpence.(撕下单子给 Henry.)Henry: Thank you .Would you mind waiting just a few minutes?(看钟)Waiter: Whats there to wait for?(老板走过来,叉着腰看着 Henry)Proprietor:All right,Horace!Henry: That was a wonderful meal. You konw ,its amazing how much pleasure you get out of simple things . If have had to get along without them for a while .Proprietor: Very intresting .And now perhaps if youd pay the bill,I could attend to the other customers.Henry: That clock of yours ,is it correct ?Proprietor: If anything ,its fast.Henry: Its fast? How fast?Customer:Two minutes.Henry: Oh ,thank you .Proprietor: Now ,I dont wish to be unpleasant,but would please settle the bill?Henry: I want to. But you see.(Henry 拿起信封。老板递过账单)Proprietor:The bill,please.Henry: Yes ,I konw ,the bill.Proprietor: Exactly.(Henry 考虑是否打开中)Henry: Well ,I dont suppose a couple of minutes will make any difference.(果断打开信封)(看到后,惊讶。Customer 和老板均做出惊讶表情)(Henry 递支票给老板)Er.Im awfully sorry ,but I dont have anything smaller.Proprietor:Well .Weller.erjust one moment . (跑到柜台)Proprietor:Maggie ,look.(Maggie 尖叫)DO you think its real?(望向 Henry)Maggie: Ask Mr.Clements.(Proprietor 跑向 Mr.Clements)Proprietor: Mr.Clements.erMr.Clements.Mr.Clements: Whats it ?Proprietor: Would you mind just looking at this ? (Mr.Clements 用放大镜看。Henry 看过来)Proprietor:Do you think it is genuine?Mr.Clements: Two notes of this denomination have been issued,but in any case its hardly likely to be a forgery.Maggie: Why not ?Mr.Clements: It would draw too much attention to the owner .No forger want that .Maggie:But look at the owner ,Mr.Clements,he is in rags!(三人看向 Henry)(Henry 检查信封)Mr.Clements: I can only assume hes a eccentric millionaire.Proprietor: An eccentric millionaire!(惊讶语气)Maggie: ANd you put him at the back of the room.Go and attend to him at once.(Proprietor 走向 Henry)Proprietor: Im sorry ,sir,I cannot change the note.(把支票给回 Henry)Henry: Oh, but it is all I have on me.Proprietor:All! Oh,please dont worry,sir.Its of no consequence. No consequence at all.We are most gratified you should so much as step foot inside our little establishment .Indeed, sir ,I trust you will come here whenever you are seeking peace and quiet .Henry: Well,thats very good of you.Proprietor: Good,sir?Its good of you ,sir.You must come whenever you want and have whatever you like.The mere honour of your presence is a reward in itself.Henry: I may not be passing this way for quite a while.(Henry 起身,Proprietor跟随)Proprietor: It would be a very poor thing ,sir.If I couldnt trust a gentleman as rich as yourself,sir.Even if you do pay larks(joks).upon the public in the


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