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understand 的第三人称单数understand 的第三人称单数:understandsunderstand 的词组短语:i understand 我明白 ; 我懂 ; 听说 ; 我理解fully understand 完全理解 ; 完全听懂 ; 充分认识not understand 不解 ; 不理解 ; 不明白 ; 没有搞懂understand 第三人称单数例句:1. though she cant talk yet, she understands what is going on.虽然她还不会说话,可发生的这一切她都懂。2. he says that he understands why they behaved so appallingly.他说他知道为什么他们的行为如此恶劣。3. she understands why i get tired and grumpy.她理解我为什么累、为什么爱发火。4. no one understands why the government takes such an obstructive policy.没人能理解何以政府要采取这样一种刁难人的政策.5. a hands - on factory manager understands his workers.一位有实际动手经验的厂务经理会了解他的员工.6. none but my mother fully understands my condition.最了解我的情况的人不是别人正是我的母亲.7. alas , no one understands me!莫吾知也夫!8. he understands things quickly.他脑子快.9. i fervently hope he recognizes and understands the burden thats on his shoulders.我热诚地希望他能认识到并懂得自己肩负的重任。10. at present nobody understands why these three quarks which are in the proton are bound together.目前还没有人知道质子里面的这三个夸克为什么会结合在一起。11. if he has a game plan for winning the deal, only he understands it.假如他有拿下这笔交易的策略,也只有他自己才明白。12. through doing this, the teacher will be able to ascertain the extent to which the childunderstands what he is reading.这样一来,老师就能确定孩子们对他所读的内容理解多少了。13. the author of these wonders understands them. none other can do so.这一切奇迹的创造主是理解它们的, 任何别人都做不到这一点.14. nobody else understands me as well as you do.别人没有一个象你这样了解我的.15. his constant moan is that no one understands him.他老是抱怨没有人理解他.understand 的第三人称单数:understandsunderstand 的词组短语:i understand 我明白 ; 我懂 ; 听说 ; 我理解fully understand 完全理解 ; 完全听懂 ; 充分认识not understand 不解 ; 不理解 ; 不明白 ; 没有搞懂understand 第三人称单数例句:1. though she cant talk yet, she understands what is going on.虽然她还不会说话,可发生的这一切她都懂。2. he says that he understands why they behaved so appallingly.他说他知道为什么他们的行为如此恶劣。3. she understands why i get tired and grumpy.她理解我为什么累、为什么爱发火。4. no one understands why the government takes such an obstructive policy.没人能理解何以政府要采取这样一种刁难人的政策.5. a hands - on factory manager understands his workers.一位有实际动手经验的厂务经理会了解他的员工.6. none but my mother fully understands my condition.最了解我的情况的人不是别人正是我的母亲.7. alas , no one understands me!莫吾知也夫!8. he understands things quickly.他脑子快.9. i fervently hope he recognizes and understands the burden thats on his shoulders.我热诚地希望他能认识到并懂得自己肩负的重任。10. at present nobody understands why these three quarks which are in the proton are bound together.目前还没有人知道质子里面的这三个夸克为什么会结合在一起。11. if he has a game plan for winning the deal, only he understands it.假如他有拿下这笔交易的策略,也只有他自己才明白。12. through doing this, the teacher will be able to ascertain the extent to which the childunderstands what he is reading.这样一来,老师就能确定孩子们对他所读的内容理解多少了。13. the author of these wonders understands them. none other can do so.这一切奇迹的创造主是理解它们的, 任何别人都做不到这一点.14. nobody else understands me as well as you do.别人没有一个象你这样了解我的.15. his constant moan is that no one understands him.他老是抱怨没有人理解他.understand 的第三人称单数:understandsunderstand 的词组短语:i understand 我明白 ; 我懂 ; 听说 ; 我理解fully understand 完全理解 ; 完全听懂 ; 充分认识not understand 不解 ; 不理解 ; 不明白 ; 没有搞懂understand 第三人称单数例句:1. though she cant talk yet, she understands what is going on.虽然她还不会说话,可发生的这一切她都懂。2. he says that he understands why they behaved so appallingly.他说他知道为什么他们的行为如此恶劣。3. she understands why i get tired and grumpy.她理解我为什么累、为什么爱发火。4. no one understands why the government takes such an obstructive policy.没人能理解何以政府要采取这样一种刁难人的政策.5. a hands - on factory manager understands his workers.一位有实际动手经验的厂务经理会了解他的员工.6. none but my mother fully understands my condition.最了解我的情况的人不是别人正是我的母亲.7. alas , no one understands me!莫吾知也夫!8. he understands things quickly.他脑子快.9. i fervently hope he recognizes and understands the burden thats on his shoulders.我热诚地希望他能认识到并懂得自己肩负的重任。10. at present nobody understands why these three quarks which are in the proton are bound together.目前还没有人知道质子里面的这三个夸克为什么会结合在一起。11. if he has a game plan for winning the deal, only he understands it.假如他有拿下这笔交易的策略,也只有他自己才明白。12. through doing this, the teacher will be able to ascertain the extent to which the childunderstands what he is reading.这样一来,老师就能确定孩子们对他所读的内容理解多少了。13. the author


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