2016-2017学年高中英语 unit 3 travel journal新人教版必修1_3_第1页
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1 Unit 3 Travel journal Section Grammar & Writing .单句语法填空 1The shop_(close) down next week,so the things are sold at very low prices. 答案: is closing 2New term usually_ (begin) on September 1st. 答案: begins 3Tomorrow you will go to Nanjing.Who_(see) you off at the airport? 答案: is seeing 4If you are late,you are_(stand) outside the door. 答案: to stand 5I was about_(go) out when my grandfather arrived. 答案: to go 6Our train_ (leave) at 8:00,so we have an hour left. 答案: leaves 7Is everybody here? No.The speaker _(come) soon. 答案: is coming 8Im going to the US to study law. How long _you_(stay) there? 答案: are;staying 9Hurry up,kids!The school bus_(wait) for us! 答案: is waiting 10Unless it_(rain) tomorrow,I will drive to visit Mount Tai myself. 答案: rains .阅读理解 We were late as usual.My husband had insisted on watering the flowers in the garden by himself,and when he discovered that he couldnt manage he asked me for help at the last moment.So now we had an hour to get to the airport.Luckily,there were not many cars or buses on the road and we were able 2 to get there just in time. We checked in and went direct to a big hall to wait for our flight (航班) to be called.We waited and waited but no announcement (通知) was made.We asked for information and the girl there told us that the plane hadnt even arrived yet.In the end there was another announcement telling us that passengers waiting for Flight LJ108 could get a free meal voucher (餐券) and that the plane hadnt left Spain for technical reasons.We thought that meant that it wasnt safe for the plane to fly.We waited again for a long time until late in the evening when we were asked to report again.This time we were given free vouchers to spend the night in a nearby hotel. The next morning after a bad night because of all the planes taking off and landing,we reported back to the airport.Guess what had happened while we were asleep!Our plane had arrived and taken off again.All the other passengers had been woken up in the night to catch the plane,but for some reason or other we had been forgotten.You can imagine how we felt! 语篇解读 本文是记叙文。作者讲述了自己和丈夫赶飞机的一次不愉快经历。 1Before leaving for the airport,the author_. Ahelped water the flowers Bfound it hard to start her car Ccleaned the garden by herself Dmade a phone call to her husband 解析: 细节理解题。由第一段中的 My husband had insisted on watering the flowers 和 he asked me for help 可知,A 项说法正确。 答案: A 2Why didnt the authors plane take off on time? AThe airport was too busy. BThe weather was terrible. CSome passengers were late. DSomething was wrong with it. 解析: 细节理解题。由第二段中的 the plane hadnt left Spain for technical reasons 可知,作者的飞机出了故障,故选 D 项。 答案: D 3How did the author probably feel the next morning? ALucky. BExcited 3 CAngry. DNervous. 解析: 推理判断题。由最后一段中的 Our plane had arrived and taken off.we had been forgotten 可知,作者可能会很生气,故选 C 项。 答案: C 4Whats the main idea of the text? AIt is important to be a polite passenger. BA couple were left behind at an airport. CIt is dangerous to travel around in a plane. DMore and more airports provide a bad service. 解析: 主旨大意题。由于飞机延误,作者和丈夫被安排在机场附近的宾馆过夜,然 而飞机在夜间抵达时却没有人通知他们,于是他们错过了那趟航班,故选 B 项。 答案: B .完形填空 There was once a bat (蝙蝠) who thought it was just a terrible amount of effort to go out and catch flies.He was a lover of_1_.One day,when he_2_look through a window,he saw a bird in its_3_,who was given all its food and water_4_having to do anything at all.The bat decided to become a childs_5_. So the bat_6_his all old habits.He got up in the early morning to fly to parks_7_he could be found by some child who might_8_him as a pet.However,as bats arent_9_,the children paid him little attention.The bat decided to _10_ his appearance (外表)He stuck lots of feathers (羽毛) to his body._11_,he met a little boy who was so shortsighted that this_12_ black little birds funny appearance didnt really matter. The bat was _13_in his cage.There he felt like the _14_ of all bats,and certainly the cleverest.But that _15_lasted only up to the time he started feeling _16_.When he wanted to_17_,there were no flies for him,only plenty of birdseed and cereal he didnt like at all.Finally,the bat chose to die from hunger and _18_ to eat that bird food. Some days later,the bat managed to _19_ the cage and return home.He was so _20_ that he didnt tell anyone what had happened. 语篇解读 本文是记叙文。文章讲述了一只想当宠物的蝙蝠的故事。 1A.peace Bnature Ccomfort Dtrouble 4 解析: 由蝙蝠认为出去找食物是件很辛苦的事和它羡慕笼中鸟的生活可知,这只蝙 蝠贪图“安逸(comfort)” 。 答案: C 2A.used to Bseemed to Chad to Dhappened to 解析: 有一天,这只蝙蝠“碰巧(happened to)”看到笼子里的鸟。 答案: D 3A.cage Bhouse Croom Dforest 解析: 由下文的 in his cage 可知。 答案: A 4A.with Bby Cwithout Dfor 解析: 笼中鸟“不用(without)”做任何事就可以得到食物和水。 答案: C 5A.pet Bfriend Cowner Dtoy 解析: 由下文的 who might.him as a pet 可知,蝙蝠想成为小孩的“宠物(pet)” 。 答案: A 6A.loved Bchanged Cformed Dfinished 解析: 蝙蝠本是夜间活动的动物,根据下文的 He got up in the early morning to fly to parks 可知,蝙蝠“改变(changed)”了原有的生活习惯。 答案: B 7A.and Bbut Cor Dso 解析: 蝙蝠早上飞到公园是为了让小孩发现他,故此处选用 so。 答案: D 8A.teach Bkeep Csell Dbuy 解析: 由 as a pet 可知,小孩也许会把蝙蝠当宠物来“饲养(keep)” 。 答案: B 9A.brave Bbig 5 Cbusy Dattractive 解析: 由下文的 the children paid him little attention 可知,蝙蝠没有“吸引 力(attractive)” 。 答案: D 10A.cover Bsave Cimprove Dforget 解析: 由下文的 He stuck lots of feathers to his body 可知,蝙蝠决定“改善 (improve)”它的外表。 答案: C 11A.Usually BSadly CLuckily DHopelessly 解析: 蝙蝠被一个小男孩饲养,由此可知是“幸运地(Luckily)” 。 答案: C 12A.wellknown Bstrangelooking Chardworking Dkindhearted 解析: 由 funny appearance 可知,沾满羽毛的蝙蝠“外表很奇怪(strangelooking)” 。 答案: B 13A.angry Bhappy Cinterested Dtired 解析: 当上宠物的蝙蝠,自然在笼子里很“高兴(happy)” 。 答案: B 14A richest Boldest Cbest Dfunniest 解析: 由下文的 certainly the cleverest 可知,这只蝙蝠认为它是蝙蝠里最棒和 最聪明的。 答案: C 15A.memory Battention Cdream Dfeeling 解析: 此处描述蝙蝠自我感觉良好的“心情(feeling)”持续了一段时间。 答案: D 16.Alonely Bhot Chungry Dsleepy 答案: C 6 17A.fly Bsing Ceat Ddrink 解析: 由下文的 no flies.only plenty of birdseed and cereal 可知,蝙蝠 “饿(hungry)”了,想“吃(eat)”东西。 答案: C 18A.refused Basked Ctried Dremembered 解析: 由上文的 chose to die from hunger 可知,不喜欢鸟食的蝙蝠“拒绝 (refused)”吃鸟食。 答案: A 19A.go into Bescape from Cset up Dclean up 解析: 由下文的 return home 可知,蝙蝠设法“逃离(escape from)”了笼子。 答案: B 20A.ashamed Bexcited Cpleased Dworried 解析: 由下文的 he didnt tell anyone what had happened 可知,蝙蝠对它的经 历感到很“羞愧(ashamed)” 。 答案: A .语法填空 Computers are one of the most famous 1._(invent) now.They have many advantages and disadvantages.For the good side,2._first,theyre so convenient that we can use them to do a lot of 3._(thi


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