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湖北 2013 年英语高考备考 【考纲解析】 试卷的总体难度适中。考核的词汇范围在 2012 年词汇量的基础上增补了 11 个,共 3530 个。对“完成句子”的试题指导语表述作了调整。 短文写作题的题型示例中的“注意事项”作了调整,删去了“不得照抄英语提示语”, 添加了“如引用提示语则不计入总字数”。 【备考建议】 1、定期坚持听力训练。可选用针对湖北地区的近几年的高考题、仿真题及各市(区、 校)联考、调考题。有些题的结论往往在该段结束时意思才会明了,考生不要急于下结论。 2、单选题部分,考生须熟练掌握考试大纲要求的词汇,并能灵活运用。对于近义词 的辨析,一词多义现象,以及对一些发音相似、拼写相似、意思相近、音节偏长、偏复杂 的单词尤其要注意区别。 3、关于完形填空题,要抓住文章的开头句,猜测全文主要大意。在做题过程中,要 根据文章情节的推进,不断完善对全文大意的理解,结合作者的意图及考生自己的分析, 加上所掌握的语言知识进行准确的选择判断。 4、对阅读理解,考生不需要准确无误地理解文章的每一个单词和每一句话,主要是 掌握全篇大意及段落大意。做题时揣摩作者的写作意图,要站在作者出题的立场,并结合 文中的重点信息进行选择;尤其要注意较容易出错的题型,如猜词题,给全文加标题,概括 段落大意,推断结论等。 5、完成句子题主要检测学生对基础知识尤其是句法结构的掌握。学生要做到“三看” ,一看全句,包括汉语和英语;二看句子要求,弄清考什么语法结构,如何准确运用括号里 所给的关键词进行准确翻译;三看翻译过后的句子。 6、关于书面表达,通常采纳三段式作文:开头、主体、结尾。写作时注意段落之间 的自然过渡,恰当运用所学的词汇、短语、从句和特殊句型,使文章更加生动,读起来畅 快淋漓。 2 高考语法专题-1 时态与语态 句子结构 Analyze sentence structures. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) The dish smells good. The sun is rising. She often dreams at night. He left school in 1998. They appointed him commander. He bought himself a new suit. They awarded her a special scholarship. Good food keeps you healthy. It is certain that prices will go up. Whether the game will be held is uncertain. Next time you come, please bring your essay. He will do anything as long as it is interesting. He looks as if he is tired. I am thirsty, for it is hot. I will give you an answer immediately I finish reading your reports. The friend with whom I was travelling spoke French. The reason why he was absent was that he had her leg injured. I wonder if I can take this opportunity. She made it clear that she had nothing to do with him. The question is when we will leave for Shanghai. We will discuss the problem whether the sports meeting will be held on time. 时态语态 写出八种时态及相应的被动语态(我给花浇水) 主动 被动 一般现在时 一般过去时 一般将来时 过去将来时 现在进行时 过去进行时 将来进行时 现在完成时 过去完成时 将来完成时 过去将来完成时 现在完成进行时 过去完成进行时 3 考察要点: (二)分析考察要点 1.看清时间状语 (1) 一般过去时态: last night/month/year, yesterday, just now, in the past, the other day, two years ago, in 1998, etc. eg:._(你刚才说的)just now makes him angry. (say) (2) 常考的现在进行时态的时间状语有: now, at present 或提示词 Look! Listen! eg: Look, quite a few patients _(正在被检查 ) in the doctors office at present. (examine) She _ (3) 常考的现在完成时态的时间状语有:since+过去的时间 /时间状语从句(谓动用一 般过去时), so far, up to now, in the past/last few years, never before 或时间副词 already, recently/lately, yet, ever , ect. eg: I have known Dr. Jackson since she _the reading club. (join) 自从杰克逊医生加入读书俱乐部开始我就认识她了。 Never before _ so beautiful a house. (see) 我从来没见过这么漂亮的房子。 The final exam is coming soon, but so far I _ the notebooks in which I took notes during lessons.(dig) 期末考试临近了,可是到目前为止我还没有找出上课做笔记的笔记本。 We are glad to see the time we _ the environment in the past ten years is paying off at last.(devote) 我很高兴看到我们在过去十年投入到环保的时间最终得到了回报。 注意: by + 现在时间现在完成时态 by + 过去时间过去完成时态 by + 将来时间将来完成时态 eg:By the time the firemen arrived at he building, the fire _by the nearby citizens. (put) 到消防队员赶到大楼的时候,火已经被附近的市民扑灭了。 By next week we _. (learn) 到下周为止,我将已学完 2000 个单词。 Susan is on vacation in Florida. As she doesnt take much money with her, she _ by the end of her vacation.(spend) 我恐怕不能参加下周一下午三点钟的会议。我在那之前早已经坐飞机到纽约了。 By the end of last year, _ fun and establish 282 confucius Institutes and 272 Confucius Classrooms in 88 countries.(help) 到去年底,中国政府已在 88 个国家资助并建立了 282 个孔子学院和 272 个孔子课堂。 By the time you arrive home, I _, so please dont make any noise when you come in.(sleep) 4 等你到家的时候,我会在睡觉,所以你进来的时候请保持安静。 He expects _ the work by the end of next month.(finish) 他期望到下个月末为止完成工作。 (4)常考的一般将来时态的时间状语有:next week/month/year, the following day, tomorrow, tomorrow morning 2.注意汉字提示 “了” “在” “正在” “将” “已经” “一直” 等汉字及汉字“被” 和单词 by 这样就可以确定正确的时态和语态了。 eg: At present, lots of food, water, tents and medicine_(正在运往) from all over China and other parts of the world to the earthquake-stricken areas. (transport) 3.熟悉从句特征 题目中若有多个句子或从句的出现就表示语境。从句中考察时态一般都注重时态保持一 致原则,具体分为以下几个方面: (1) 主将从现 if / immediately, instantly, the instant, eg: I will give you an answer_(我一读完你的报告). (immediately) (2) 如果主句是一般过去时态,从句要用过去时的相关时态 eg1: Li said the new discovery _(将会有积极影响) the investigation of the dumpling poisoning case. (impact) eg2: He told us that his new novel on immigration works _ at the end of the year.(due) 他告诉我们他关于农民工的新小说预计在今年年底出版本。 eg3: I was informed that the flight _(已经被取消)due to the heavy fog. (call) 注意:有三种固定从句常考时态形式。 (1) when 引导的时间状语从句 be about to do sth. 正要做某事的时候突然 . be on the point of doing sth. + when +从句 正要做某事的时候突然 be doing sth. 正在做某事的时候突然 eg:We _(正要离开) when it began to rain. (point) (2) since (自从)引导的时间状语从句 It is/ has been + 一段时间 + since +从句( 谓动用一般过去时) /since +过去的时间 eg1: He _(体重增加了) since he gave up smoking. (weight) (3) before 引导的时间状语从句 三年之后我们就会见面的。 不到三年我们就会见面的。 三年之后我们见面了。 不到三年我们就见面了。 (4)“一就” 的三个固定从句,主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时态。 no sooner hadthan +从句 5 hardly hadwhen +从句 eg; Hardly _(我一下火车) when I was met and surrounded by a group of students. (get) 我一下火车,一群学生就看到了我并围了过来。 No sooner _ the receiver than the telephone rang again.(put) 我刚放下话筒,电话又响了。 No sooner _ out of the conference hall than it began to rain heavily. (walk) 我刚一走出会议大厅,就开始下大雨了。 4.辨明客观规律: 在时态语态中客观真理规律都用一般现在时态,不受主从句的语境限制。 The sun _ in the east.(rise) 5.结合主谓一致 (1)A and B +谓语动词复数 (2)A, as well as, B 谓语动词形式与 A 保持一致(就前原则) with together with besides except/ but in addition to (3) not only A but also B 谓语动词形式与 B 保持一致(就近原则) either or neither .nor. eg: The scientist, together with his assistants,_(致力于这一工程) now. (work) 6.加上固定结构 It is the first/ second/ thirdtime that + 从句 (从句中用现在完成时态) It was the first/ second/ third time that + 从句 (从句中用过去完成时态) eg: It is the first time that _(我看美国小说). (read) It was the first time she _alone at home during the weekend, bored to death. (leave) 那是她第一次被独自留在家中过周末,无聊至极。 It is high/ about time that + 从句 (从句中用一般过去时态或 should +动词原型) eg: It is high time that they _(忙于猎鹿)now. (hunt) (三)加上语态 eg:As far as I know,_(不养牛) in this district. (cattle) The injured workers _ in the hospital.(care) 受伤的工人们现在正在医院接受精心治疗。 Practice: 6 1.坚持你的梦想,终有一天你会成功。 Stick to your dream and _. (succeed) 2. 如果明天下雨,你会取消计划吗? Will you cancel the plan if _? (rain) 3.你练得越多,取得的进步就越大。 The more you practice , _. (great) 4.值得赞美的是,他总是帮助别人。 To his credit, _ . (always) 5.他们正要放弃时,船长出现了。 They were about to give up _. (turn) 6.他正在家里做作业突然听到有人尖叫。 _ at home when he heard someone screaming. (do) 7.我原本打算这周去看奶奶的的,但一直都太忙。 _ my grandma, but I have been too busy. (intend) 8. The news _has caused many people to sell their houses at lower prices. (fall) 房价将要下跌的消息使很多人以低价卖掉了房子。 9. . My mother was so proud of _that she rewarded me with a trip to Beijing. (do) 妈妈为我所做的事情感到无比的骄傲以致于他奖励我去北京一游。 10. Seldom _video games ever since they entered college. (Play ) 自从上大学之后他们就很少玩电子游戏了。 11. Last nights TV news said that by then the death of the missing people _yet. (prove) 昨晚的电视新闻报道说到那时失踪人员已死的事情还没有得到证实。 Homework: 1.到下个月五号,这列火车将无事故运行达一千天。 Until the next 5th, this train _ for 1000 days without accidents. (run) 2.市长宣布:“这栋旧建筑将被拆毁并在原址建一栋新楼。 ” “The old building _ and a new one will be built in its place,” the mayor declared. (tear) 3.那部电影获得了巨大的成功,自那以后我在不止八部电影里扮演了警察。 The film was a big success and since then I _a policeman in more than 8 films. (part) 4.很抱歉我们迟到了,但车坏了 。We are sorry to arrive late, but the car_.(break) 5. 何时何地建这个工厂还没决定。 When and where to build the factory _yet. (deci


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