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XX 公司文化理念手册 第一章 企业宗旨 (一)核心价值观 第 1 条. 使命以创新的科技便利人类生活 Mission - Innovation Drives Life 第 2 条. 愿景成为全球货币处理设备及系统解决方案第一品牌 Vision-To Become No.1 Global Provider of Currency Processing Equipment and Solutions 第 3 条. 核心发展观个人、企业、国家共同发展 Core Development Philosophy Mutual DevelopmentofThe State, Enterprise and Individuals 第 4 条. 战略目标创建国际企业,打造百年品牌 Strategic Objectives- Establish a Globalized Enterprise, Build a Long-lasting Brand 第 5 条. 企业精神“三有”文化:有容、有衡、有序 Corporate Spirit - Tolerance、Discipline、Execution 第 6 条. 文化氛围快乐工作,精彩生活 Culture - Work Happily, Live Wonderfully 第 7 条. 企业责任为国家、用户、合作伙伴、投资者和企业员工创造价值 Corporate Responsibility- Create Value for Our Nation, Customers, Partners, Investors and Employees (二)核心管理理念 第 8 条. 绩效导向员工考核坚持以绩效为导向 Performance orientation Employees evaluation orientated by performance 第 9 条. 持续改善精益管理讲究持续改善 Continuous Improvement -Lean Management Focus on Continuous Improvement 第 10 条. 全员参与经营管理重在全员参与 Full Participation -Business Management Emphasizing Full Participation 第 11 条. 相互制衡权力机制要求相互制衡 Checks and Balances -Power Mechanism Requiring Checks and Balances 第 12 条. 善于捕捉机会善于捕捉机会是创造价值的开始 Seizing Opportunity -Good at Seizing Opportunity is the Start of Value Creation 第 13 条. 充分利用资源充分利用资源是实现可持续发展的保证 Utilize Resources- Sustainable Development Requiring Using the Most of Resources (三)核心经营理念 第 14 条. 人才理念尊重并欣赏每个人的才能 Talent PhilosophyRespect and Appreciate Each Persons Ability 第 15 条. 创新理念以自主创新谋求国际先进企业地位 Innovative Philosophy- Strive for a World-leading Enterprise by Independent Innovation 第 16 条. 竞争理念比对手看远一步,为用户做多一点 Competition Philosophy - See far more than the opponent step for the user to do a bit more 第 17 条. 市场理念以市场为导向,满足与开发用户需求并行 Market Philosophy- Market-oriented, Satisfy and Develop Users Demand Together 第 18 条. 服务理念服务是我们的态度,更是永远的承诺 Service Philosophy - Service is Our Attitude andOur Constant Commitment 第 19 条. 质量理念质量就是我的自尊心 Product Quality has Always Been OurCornerstone 第 20 条. 品牌理念价值创新路,品牌中国心 Creating Value by Innovation, Building Chinese Brand with Global Perspective 第 21 条. 安全理念打造更高安全的环境,制造更安全的产品 Security Philosophy - More Secure Environment, More Secure Product 第 22 条. 环保理念绿色设计,环保制造 Environmental Philosophy - Green Design, Eco-friendlyManufacture (四)核心文化意识 第 23 条. 文化意识优秀的人才造就优秀的企业,优秀的企业蕴涵优秀的文化 Culture Awareness An Extraordinary Enterprise is made by Elites and is Enriched by Excellent Culture 第 24 条. 优秀员工行为特征专注执著、协同作战、忠诚互信、追求卓越 Characteristics of Outstanding Employee -Dedication, Cooperation, Loyalty, Ambition 第 25 条. 自我反省意识通过反省检讨工作中的不足,自我改进并不断提升 Sense of Self-reflection -MaintainContinuous Self-improvement and Upgrading by Reviewing the Defect of Work 第二章 企业战略思维 (一)战略定位 第 26 条. 经营方向以货币识别与处理产业为基础,稳步推进同心多元化战略 Business DirectionBased on the Industry ofCurrency RecognitionandProcessing, Steady ImplementConcentricDiversification Strategy 第 27 条. 经营模式以市场为导向的全面创新发展模式 Business Model -AComprehensiveMarket-orientedInnovationDevelopment Model 第 28 条. 核心技术坚持将自主核心技术作为公司发展的第一推动力 Core Technology- Persistence in Self-own Core Technology as the Key Driving Force of Enterprise Development 第 29 条. 产品战略推行领先的全球化产品战略 Product Strategy- Implement Leading Strategies for Globalized Products (二)发展思维 第 30 条. 发展动力科技创新和用户认可是我们永续发展的动力 Development Momentum - Technological Innovation and Customers Recognition Are the Driving Force of Our Sustainable Development 第 31 条. 资源配置保证特殊时期关键项目享有资源优先配置权 Resources allocation- Ensuring Key Projects Enjoy the Priority in Resources Allocation during Special Period 第 32 条. 战略合作在坚持自主品牌、自主知识产权的前提下开展全方位国际合作 Strategic Cooperation- Seeking Comprehensive International Cooperation under the Premise of Persistence on Proprietary Brand andIndependent Intellectual Property Rights 第 33 条. 价值分配坚持价值创造与价值分配相结合的绩效导向分配制度 Value Allocation-Insisting ona Combination ofPerformance-oriented Distribution SystemofValue Creationand Value Distribution (三)资本运营 第 34 条. 筹资战略利用内外资源,多渠道低成本融资 Funding StrategyUtilize Internal and ExternalResources withLow-costFinancing in Multi-channel. 第 35 条. 投资战略集中优势,最大限度合理分配和有效利用资源 Investment Strategy-UtilizeStrengths,to Maximize theRational AllocationandEfficient Use of Resources 第 36 条. 资本经营优化配置生产要素,逐步实现产业与资本双轮驱动 Capital Management -OptimizeAllocation ofFactors of Productionandthe Progressive Realization ofIndustry and Capital 第三章 企业经营原则 (一)管理模式 第 37 条. 管理原则规范管理、适度控制,以人为本、和谐发展 Management Principles -Standardized Management, Moderate Control, People- oriented, Harmonious Development 第 38 条. 管理目标建立国际大型公众公司的规范运作体系 Management GoalEstablish the Standardized OperationSystem of aLarge InternationalPublic Company (二)技术研发 第 39 条. 研发方向坚持市场是检验研发成果的唯一标准 R&D direction - Market is the Sole Criterion of R&D Result 第 40 条. 研发目标建设和完善拥有自主知识产权的核心技术体系 R&D objectives - Build and Improve the Core Technology System with Independent Intellectual Property Rights (三)生产管理 第 41 条. 制造布局快速响应、高效协同,保质保量、精益生产 ManufacturingPhilosophy - Fast Response, High Efficiency, Guarantee Both Quality and Quantity, Lean Manufacturing 第 42 条. 质量方针持续改进、精益求精,永创新高、追求完美 Quality Guideline- Improve Continuously, Pursue the Best (四)市场营销 第 43 条. 市场拓展着眼于全球市场布局,推进“人才、合作与营销”的国际化 Marketing Philosophy - Focus on the Layout of the Global Market, Internationalize the Talents, Cooperation and Marketing 第 44 条. 品牌营销以优质的产品与服务走品牌营销之路 Brand Marketing - Building Brand by Superior Product and Service (五)服务管理 第 45 条. 服务准则以用户为关注焦点,追求用户服务价值回报最大化 Service Standards - Focus on Customer, Maximize the Value of Customer Service 第 46 条. 服务体系建设构建业内覆盖最广、响应最快的服务保障网络 Service system - Build our Service Network with the Largest Size, Widest Coverage and Fastest Response (六)财务管理 第 47 条. 财务预算推行全面预算管理,保证公司资源最优配置 Financial Budget - Implement a Comprehensive Budget Management to Ensure Optimal Allocation of Company Resources 第 48 条. 成本管理在保证质量的前提下杜绝一切形式的铺张浪费 Cost Management - EliminateAll Forms of Extravagance and Waste under the Premise of Guaranteeing Quality 第 49 条. 内部审计建立以防范风险和规范操作为核心的内部审计机制 Internal Audit - Establish Core Internal Audit Mechanisms to Prevent Risks and Standardize Operations (七)危机管理 第 50 条. 危机意识危机无处不在,预防高于一切 Sense of Crisis - Crisis Everywhere, Prevention First 第 51 条. 危机预警居安思危,未雨绸缪,防患于未然 Crisis Early Warning - Be Prepared Precautionary 第 52 条. 危机处理把握主动、快速反应、承担责任、真诚沟通 Crisis Management - Seize the initiative, Response Rapidly, Undertake Responsibility, CommunicateSincerely 第四章 企业组织管理 (一)组织建设 第 53 条. 组织环境构建有利于企业永续发展的人才成长环境 Organizational Environment - Build the Talent Environment for the Growth of Sustainable Development of Enterprise 第 54 条. 机构设立以效益最大化为导向,科学设立、撤销和变更各级组织机构 Establishmentof Organization -Maximize the Benefits of Scientific Establishment of Revocation and Change at All Levels of Organization 第 55 条. 职务设立在合理分工和明确职能的基础上按岗设职 PositionSetup Based on a Reasonable Division of Labor and


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