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Essay 那些事浅谈 SAT 题库事例准备 朗阁海外考试研究中心 唐艳 现状: 考生们在备考 SAT 写作时的态度主要有以下几种,有的是买份机经背答案,有的是一道一 道题目书写,用功的考生可能写个 20 来篇,不用功的考生就写个 2-3 篇。 要领: 大家都知道,SAT Essay 评分是由两位考官进行的,请看下面这个“除六原则”: 第一个人打分 第二个人打分 写作的观点或论点 事例或论据的组织 句式 词汇水平 语法和用法 总体效果(优,良,可,中, 中下,差) 每一项都从最低分 1 分到最高分 6 分,将总成绩除以 6 是这篇作文的最终得分,这个最终 得分的范围在 2 分到 12 分间。 一些误解: 朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家平时在和考生的交谈中得知,他们更加在乎观点、句式、语 法和用法。对于事例或论据,他们认为考试的时候当场编造也是来得及的。考生对于上面 提到的“除六原则”的理解是非常浅的。 方法指导: 如果真正在乎句式、词汇和语法,那么注重事例的准备尤为重要:因为具体的事例里是包 含上面的考点的。 请看这个事例:用于英雄,名人和领导话题的典型例子。 那么考生就可以运用这个例子,把上面的素材进行同义改写,在改写中运用推荐的部分语 法和地道词汇,示范如下: “除六原则”的必要性分析: 前面我们提到,由两位考官批改考生的 essay, 而熟悉这一项不同分数段的“原则”就显 得很重要,请看下列表格: 出国留学考雅思、新托福、备考大学四六级,就来徐州朗阁 BE BETTER,BE STRONGER;GET SMARTER GET LONGRE 6 分 组织得很好,并且拥有很强说服力的事例 5 分 事例的组织基本没有问题,并且有适当的事例 4 分 能够充分的组织,并且有一定的事例 3 分 没有完整的展开,并且事例相当贫乏 2 分 缺少论点的阐述和论证的组织 1 分 没有论点也没有论据或论证的支撑 而事例的精心准备可以解决“除六原则”的句式、词汇、语法和句法的运用,是一个很好 的备考 Essay 的切入点。 题库事例与考试真题的相关性: 在目前备考的 189 道题目中包括 2005-2010 的考试真题 129 题、来自 OG 的 24 题以 及来自 CB 的 36 题,纵观题目范围以及考试频率很高的话题,朗阁海外考试研究中心的 专家将以其中 24 道来自 OG 的题目结合 2014 年的真题为考生们分析一下。 话题分类 题库编号 2014 年 Essay 部分真题与 题库的相关性 幸福及其影响幸福的因素 1, 7 Do growth and progress make us happy or do they lead to dissatisfaction? Should people be judged by their potentials rather than by their experience and achievements? Are people who stay in the same community happier than those who move from one place to another? 主流观点与反对权威 2, 3 Should people make more decisions on their own or rely less on the choice of experts? Are people who do not follow societys traditional paths to advancement more likely to be successful than those who do? Should we express our disagreement with the authority figures, even if there are negative consequences? 责任与义务 4 如何评价事物或人 13, 19, 9, 14, 16 Does a persons character determine that persons success? 出国留学考雅思、新托福、备考大学四六级,就来徐州朗阁 BE BETTER,BE STRONGER;GET SMARTER GET LONGRE 知识是负担吗 5 逆境挫折与成功 17, 18, 20, 21, 11, 8 Does progress result from struggle and conflict? 英雄,名人与领导 12, 15 Should leaders follow their own conviction or submit to the public opinions? 创造力与新思想 6, 22, 23, 10 Should we hold on to the old when innovations are available, or should we simply move forward? Should people focus on enjoying the present moment instead of following a plan for future achievements? 关于谎言 24 Is it more important to avoid hurting peoples feelings or to tell the truth? 由上面部分题库的分析可以看出: 1. 把时间花在素材准备上的必要性,官方给予的题目就是我们最真实的题目来源:因为事 例的准备可以在我们学习的过程中很好的把握官方给出的“除六原则”中的句式、语法和 词汇运用。 2. 与托福写作的独立作文一样,essay 的重考概率也很高,类似话题也很多,也就是说 不同题目其实表达的意思相同,在上面的表格里被标上红色的符号的题目就说明了这一点。 在此,朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家就把上面标注红色的题目事例为考生们分析一下,在 备考 essay 的过程中,考生们一定要按照评分标准去要求自己,尤其是要从事例的准备入 手。 主流观点和反对权威: - The theory of evolution is one of the great intellectual revolutions of human history. When Darwin published his famous On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, members of the religious community, as well as some scientific peers, were outraged and protested. - In Brunos era, the religious community was in charge of the social thinking, and many people believed that the earth was the center of the universe. Regardless of a long period of imprisonment, Bruno claimed that the universe is infinite, which outraged the religious community, and Bruno was sentenced to death eventually. - the majority grinned and jeered when Columbus said the world was round. The majority threw him into a dungeon for his discoveries. 创造力与新思想: - Jim Henson was an eminent American puppeteer, best known as the 出国留学考雅思、新托福、备考大学四六级,就来徐州朗阁 BE BETTER,BE STRONGER;GET SMARTER GET LONGRE creator of The Muppets. It all started from his freshmen year at the University of Maryland, College Park when he was asked to create Sam and Friends, a five-minute puppet show for a TV program. Believing that television puppets needed to have life and sensitivity, Henson overthrew the popular way of making puppets from carved wood, but made characters from flexible, fabric- covered foam rubber so that the puppets made were able to express a wider array of emotions at a time. - In 1928, Alexander Fleming left some unwashed plates containing some bacteria in his lab while he was on holiday. When he came back, he found that a mold was all over the plate and all the bacteria were dead. This amazing mold, Penicillin, could inhibit the growth of many deathful bacteria, and was later comprehensively used in medical treatment. - Mobile robot: They appear as consumer products, for entertainment or to perform certain tasks like vacuum cleaning. Also, domestic robots for cleaning and maintenance are increasingly common in and around homes in developed


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