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My grandfather passed away today. He had a _1_ heart attack. _2_ of his treatment he was in a lot of pain. You see, the doctors were able to keep his body _3_, even though there was little chance of saving him. The _4_ part of it was that my grandfather, who had always been quite humorous, could _5_ communicate after that. He just didnt seem to be the _6_ person anymore.My grandfather was a fat man. After the _7_, it took my grandmother, my mother and me to dress him each morning. After he was dressed, we _8_ his pillow and sat him in his bed. His everyday life was wholly _9_ of watching whatever was on the TV. He couldnt _10_ change the channel.The doctors had worked hard to _11_ him alive. However, a few weeks _12_ they told us something disappointing. The surgical _13_ had not been successful. My grandfathers condition had no _14_ of improvement. Next, X-rays showed my grandfather had obtained a lung _15_a frequent problem with stroke patients. Drugs would make him sick and could not _16_ him.That was the time for us to make a _17_ decision. On the one hand, we could not _18_ to see our once vigorous grandfather suffering. He was living the painful, limited life to which the stroke had _19_ him. On the other hand, we hated to be the one to decide to let nature take its course. At last we decided that the right thing to do would be to let him die with _20_.He died a peaceful death. Wqheioqwh eioqwoe ioewe pqwepqwe qwp 1. (A)excessive (B)massive (C)exclusive (D)offensive 正确答案:B, 2. (A)Due (B)Because (C)Although (D)Since 正确答案:B, 3. (A)alive (B)lively (C)lived (D)live 正确答案:A, 4. (A)worst (B)last (C)most (D)poor 正确答案:A, 5. (A)presently (B)barely (C)justly (D)slightly 正确答案:B, 6. (A)distinctive (B)same (C)identical (D)influential 正确答案:B, 7. (A)blow (B)infection (C)stroke (D)strike 正确答案:C, 8. (A)adjusted (B)inserted (C)decorated (D)secured 正确答案:A, 9. (A)consisted (B)comprised (C)included (D)constituted 正确答案:B, 10. (A)too (B)even (C)also (D)just 正确答案:B, 11. (A)let (B)have (C)keep (D)want 正确答案:C, 12. (A)late (B)later (C)before (D)afterward 正确答案:B, 13. (A)structure (B)operation (C)venture (D)adventure 正确答案:B, 14. (A)clue (B)badge (C)sign (D)signal 正确答案:C, 15. (A)reduction (B)affection (C)infection (D)corruption 正确答案:C, 16. (A)ensure (B)endure (C)secure (D)cure 正确答案:D, 17. (A)regrettable (B)violent (C)rough (D)tough 正确答案:D, 18. (A)tolerate (B)bear (C)endure (D)permit 正确答案:B, 19. (A)rejected (B)accused (C)condemned (D)damned 正确答案:C, 20. (A)privilege (B)pace (C)embrace (D)grace 正确答案:D, II.Cloze When I was growing up, I went to Catholic (天主教的) school. Some people think that Catholic schools are _1_ for cultivating religious beliefs. However, many Catholic schools concentrate on _2_ the behavior of kids who have done poorly in public schools. In public schools there are _3_ rules. Rules are plentiful at Catholic schools, and someone is always making sure they are _4_.Most people believe that nuns (修女) are kind women who have _5_ their lives to their religion. Our headmaster, Sister Mary Elizabeth, was the meanest woman I _6_ met. She smoked and _7_ and carried a ruler through the halls. Shed use it to hit students who were not _8_. She even kept an even bigger stick in the storage closet in the gym. When a student _9_ someone, she had a solution. The same solution existed for a student who had poor _10_. And if a student was too _11_ or did something wrong, they were not sent to the headmasters office. _12_, they were sent to the gym closet.I went to the gym closet once. The room was _13_ lit when I arrived. It was also _14_ with cigarette smoke when I got there. Sister Mary Elizabeths constant bad _15_ was even worse that day. It happened that her _16_ baseball team, which she had bet on, lost. The experience really _17_ me. Thats how it _18_ with most students. They took their _19_ once and were too frightened to do anything wrong again. Some people say that this experience teaches students the discipline and the ability to _20_ pressure that they will need in life. However, many people doubt it. 1. (A)possibly (B)primarily (C)preferably (D)presumably 正确答案:B, 2. (A)performing (B)transforming (C)reforming (D)informing 正确答案:C, 3. (A)fewer (B)more (C)lesser (D)least 正确答案:A, 4. (A)reserved (B)preserved (C)deserved (D)observed 正确答案:D, 5. (A)admitted (B)permitted (C)committed (D)submitted 正确答案:C, 6. (A)ever (B)just (C)almost (D)even 正确答案:A, 7. (A)insulted (B)cursed (C)prayed (D)scolded 正确答案:B, 8. (A)behaving (B)conducting (C)reacting (D)responding 正确答案:A, 9. (A)invaded (B)infected (C)insulted (D)consulted 正确答案:C, 10. (A)guidance (B)attendance (C)existence (D)residence 正确答案:B, 11. (A)characteristic (B)dramatic (C)optimistic (D)energetic 正确答案:D, 12. (A)Thereby (B)However (C)Instead (D)Otherwise 正确答案:C, 13. (A)dimly (B)dully (C)uncleanly (D)unclearly 正确答案 :A, 14. (A)thick (B)heavy (C)intense (D)intensive 正确答案:A, 15. (A)mood (B)emotion (C)impression (D)notion 正确答案:A, 16. (A)intimate (B)popular (C)favorite (D)fashionable 正确答案:C, 17. (A)feared (B)scared (C)alarmed (D)regretted 正确答案:B, 18. (A)came (B)went (C)arrived (D)reached 正确答案:B, 19. (A)punishment (B)argument (C)assignment (D)improvement 正确答案:A, 20. (A)endure (B)contact (C)discharge (D)survive 正确答案:A, II.Cloze Mars is not, it seems, the dry old planet we once believed it to be. Astronauts who are _1_ to go there in the next decade may find plenty _2_ water to slake (消除) their thirst. And with water present the _3_ of finding some sort of life on Mars are _4_ brighter. This is the view of 40 _5_ all over the world who have been analyzing _6_ of pictures and other scientific _7_ obtained by robot explorers in the sixties and seventies. To begin with scientists thought the Red Planet was as _8_ as the Moon with dust storms swirling over vast sandy _9_. But now the picture is very different with mountains and valleys carved by _10_ glaciers and torrential rivers rushing and rumbling deep underground. In a report on the _11_ of the Martian pictures Dr. Michael Car of the US Geological Survey comments: “I am _12_ theres lots of water on Mars. “ Any surface water will be in the _13_ of ice. But it could save explorers _14_ to take so much fresh _15_ with them. The report says _16_ Mars probably had a warmer climate in ages _17_ due to its axis having been more steeply tilted towards the Sun. _18_ convincing signs of plant or animal life have been _19_ by instruments soft landed on Mars, _20_ only the immediate vicinity (靠近) of landing vehicles could be examined. 1. (A)expected (B)hoped (C)required (D)eager 正确答案:A, 2. (A)to (B)of (C)more (D)in 正确答案:B, 3. (A)chances (B)openings (C)occasions (D)opportunities 正确答案:A, 4. (A)quite (B)very (C)much (D)more 正确答案:C, 5. (A)biologists (B)geologists (C)sociologists (D)psychologists 正确答案:B, 6. (A)lots (B)quantities (C)thousand (D)thousands 正确答案:D, 7. (A)tidings (B)news (C)intelligence (D)information 正确答案:D, 8. (A)peaceful (B)quiet (C)lifeless (D)dead 正确答案:C, 9. (A)deserts (B)mountains (C)seas (D)rivers 正确答案:A, 10. (A)energetic (B)great (C)massive (D)mighty 正确答案:D, 11. (A)diagnosis (B)syntheses (C)analysis (D)analyses 正确答案 :C, 12. (A)convinced (B)guaranteed (C)believed (D)proved 正确答案:A, 13. (A)appearance (B)mould (C)form (D)shape 正确答案:C, 14. (A)taking (B)having (C)conveying (D)carrying 正确答案:B, 15. (A)water (B)ice (C)food (D)vegetable 正确答案:A, 16. (A)what (B)if (C)how (D)that 正确答案:D, 17. (A)pass (B)past (C)ago (D)before 正确答案:B, 18. (A)Not (B)No (C)Nor (D)Never 正确答案:B, 19. (A)detected (B)touched (C)seen (D)felt 正确答案:A, 20. (A)probably (B)perhaps (C)supposed (D)although 正确答案:D, II.Cloze One might argue that a friend is someone who supports you in all things. And this is a _1_ popular idea of friendship. This _2_ of what a friend does is held by many fine people. They _3_ that people should stand next to their friend, right or wrong. I, however, dont see _4_ with these people. To my mind, the greatest value of friends is something _5_. Friends point out when youre in error, either factually or _6_. So when youre making a horrible mistake, such as _7_ on your wife, a friend should set you right. And if youre putting _8_ in a business thats sure to fail, a friend should take you aside for a frank discussion. And all talk should be as _9_ as it is honest. In other words, friendly talk should leave no room for _10_. _11_ the issue, one has to guide his friend in the clearest manner possible. Let me _12_ my meaning. Just as a doctor _13_ pills to people who need to become healthy, a friend should share wisdom with a friend that needs to act well._14_, whenever we support a friend in the wrong decisions, bad things come of it. Families _15_, money vanishes, and lives are ruined. This is a(n) _16_ of supporting our friends that should remain on the top of our minds. And we should be _17_.This is not to say that we shouldnt provide our friends with _18_. In truth, we are _19_ to encourage our friends at times. But those times should not be _20_. And we should support only right actions. 1. (A)mostly (B)principally (C)dominantly (D)particularly 正确答案:A, 2. (A)perception (B)accepting (C)concept (D)reason 正确答案:C, 3. (A)prospect (B)provide (C)proclaim (D)promote 正确答案:C, 4. (A)ear to ear (B)eye to eye (C)face to face (D)hand to hand 正确答案:B, 5. (A)different (B)indifferent (C)unique (D)original 正确答案 :A, 6. (A)morally (B)loyally (C)correctly (D)rightly 正确答案:A, 7. (A)arguing (B)deceiving (C)lying (D)cheating 正确答案:D, 8. (A)capital (B)principal (C)assets (D)totals 正确答案:A, 9. (A)expressive (B)direct (C)thorough (D)straight 正确答案:B, 10. (A)confusion (B)confirmation (C)condemnation (D)conservation 正确答案:A, 11. (A)Wherever (B)Whenever (C)However (D)Whatever 正确答案:D, 12. (A)demonstrate (B)facilitate (C)illustrate (D)cooperate 正确答案:C, 13. (A)describes (B)prescribes (C)bribes (D)sells 正确答案 :B, 14. (A)Variably (B)Invariably (C)Variously (D)Variable 正确答案:B, 15. (A)destruct (B)decompose (C)dissolve (D)deconstruct 正确答案:C, 16. (A)obstacle (B)drawback (C)barrier (D)putdown 正确答案 :B, 17. (A)careful (B)reasonable (C)rational (D)sensitive 正确答案:A, 18. (A)commitment (B)comment (C)supplement (D)encouragement 正确答案:D, 19. (A)possibility-driven (B)duty-bound (C)law-restrained (D)rule-guided 正确答案:B, 20. (A)normal (B)regular (C)constant (D)frequent 正确答案:C, II.Cloze People with back problems can benefit from exercise. Examples of exercise that are _1_ include walking, swimming and riding an exercise bicycle. Many people _2_ the wrong thing about exercise. They think that balance and movement problems are _3_ with age. Exercise can help older adults improve strength and balance and, _4_ them from tiring easily. It has been proved that even a low level of exercise can _5_ the risk of falls. In addition, elderly people with regular exercises have showed significant improvement in the _6_ of their hearts and quality-of-life measurements. They enjoy an increased _7_ of control over their lives._8_, evidence suggests that exercise has an added benefit. It increases your bodys _9_ of molecules called endorphins that fight pain and increase happiness. The bodys production of this _10_ has an effect anyone can enjoy. It creates the well-known feeling _11_ exercise called “runners high”.Exercise should be _12_ for 30 or more minutes in order to keep the heart rate elevated (提高). People with back pain should _13_ an exercise program that is low-impact. It is also important to _14_ your muscles before beginning exercise activity. Also you should _15_ the amount of exercise you do. Do this _16_ your actual physical condition.Here are two exercise _17_ that are gentle on the back: Walking for exercise: Typically, walking two to three miles three times _18_ week is very helpful for people with back problems.An exercise bicycle: Using an exercise bicycle is also _19_. It may be less _20_ for the back.Exercising in water: Doing exercise in water is good for conditioning. 1. (A)compatible (B)durable (C)agreeable (D)advisable 正确答案:D, 2. (A)consume (B)assume (C)fancy (D)imagine 正确答案 :B, 3. (A)acceptable (B)suitable (C)inevitable (D)considerable 正确答案:C, 4. (A)prevent (B)avoid (C)hinder (D)forbid 正确答案:A, 5. (A)reduce (B)shorten (C)moderate (D)weaken 正确答案:A, 6. (A)shape (B)position (C)situation (D)condition 正确答案:D, 7. (A)sense (B)concern (C)mood (D)view 正确答案:A, 8. (A)Therefore (B)Otherwise (C)Furthermore (D)Instead 正确答案:C, 9. (A)reduction (B)production (C)construction (D)creation 正确答案:B, 10. (A)content (B)substance (C)material (D)matter 正确答案:B, 11. (A)during (B)while (C)when (D)as 正确答案:A, 12. (A)stable (B)steady (C)continuous (D)continual 正确答案:C, 13. (A)select (B)specify (C)collect (D)determine 正确答案:A, 14. (A)extend (B)lengthen (C)expand (D)stretch 正确答案:D, 15. (A)restrain (B)moderate (C)adapt (D)modify 正确答案:B, 16. (A)according to (B)due to (C)because of (D)in spite of 正确答案:A, 17. (A)orders (B)patterns (C)customs (D)programs 正确答案:D, 18. (A)for (B)in (C)per (D)of 正确答案:C, 19. (A)effective (B)efficient (C)adequate (D)fruitful 正确答案:A, 20. (A)stressed (B)stressful (C)tense (D)intense 正确答案:B, II.Cloze Did you ever have someones name on the tip of your tongue and yet you were unable to recall it? 1)_ this happens again, do not 2)_ to recall it. Do something 3)_ for a couple of minutes. 4)_ the name may come into your head. The name is there, since you have met 5)_ person and learned his name. It 6)_ has to be dug out. The initial effort to recall 7)_ the mind for operation, but it is the subconscious (下意识的) 8)_ that go to work to dig up a 9) _ memory. Forcing yourself to recall 10)_ never helps because it doesnt 11)_ your memory; it only tightens it. Students find the preparatory method helpful 12)_ examinations. They read over the questions 13)_ trying to answer any of them. 14)_ they answer first the ones 15)_ which they are most confident. Meanwhile, deeper mental activities in the subconscious mind are taking 16)_; work is being done on the 17)_ difficult question. By the time the easier questions are answered, answers 18)_ the more difficult ones will usually begin to 19)_ into consciousness. It is often 20)_ a question of waiting for recall to come to the memory. 1. (A)As (B)When (C)While (D)Whether 正确答案:B, 2. (A)try (B)want (C)hesitate (D)wait 正确答案:A, 3. (A)simple (B)apart (C)else (D)similar 正确答案:C, 4. (A)unless (B)and (C)or (D)until 正确答案:B, 5. (A)some (B)certain (C)a (D)this 正确答案:D, 6. (A)then (B)really (C)only (D)indeed 正确答案:C, 7. (A)leads (B)begins (C)helps (D)prepares 正确答案:D, 8. (A)deeds (B)activities (C)movements (D)procedures 正确答案:B, 9. (A)light (B)fresh (C)dim (D)dark 正确答案:C, 10. (A)merely (B)almost (C)barely (D)hardly 正确答案:B, 11. (A)loosen (B)weaken (C)decrease (D)reduce 正确答案:A, 12. (A)into (B)in (C)about (D)by 正确答案:B, 13. (A)after (B)besides (C)before (D)against 正确答案:C, 14. (A)Thus (B)But (C)Therefore (D)Then 正确答案:D, 15. (A)of (B)with (C)for (D)in 正确答案:A, 16. (A)place (B)shape (C)charge (D)action 正确答案:A, 17. (A)too (B)less (C)not (D)more 正确答案:D, 18. (A)to (B)of (C)about (D)for 正确答案:A, 19. (A)appear (B)grow (C)extend (D)come 正确答案:D, 20. (A)nearly (B)likely (C)just (D)even 正确答案:C, II.Cloze Music comes in many forms; most countries have a style of their own. _1_ the turn of the century when jazz was born, America had no prominent _2_ of its own. No one knows exactly when jazz was _3_ ,or by whom. But it began to be _4_ in the early 1900s. Jazz is Americas contribution to _5_ music. In contrast to classical music, which _6_ formal European traditions, jazz is spontaneous and free in form. It bubbles with energy, _7_ the moods, interests, and emotions of the people. In the 1920s jazz _8_ like America, and _9_ it does today. The _10_ of this music are as interesting as the music _11_ .American Negroes, or blacks, as they are called today, were the jazz _12_ .They were brought to Southern States _13_ slaves. They were sold to plantation owners and forced to work long _14_ . When a Negro died his friend and relatives _15 _a procession to carry the body to the cemetery. In New Orleans, a band often accompanied the _16_ .On the way to the cemetery the band played slow, solemn music suited to the occasion. _17_ on the way home the mood changed. Spirits lifted. Death had removed one of their _18_ , but the living were glad to be alive. The band played _19_ music, improvising(即兴表演) on both the harmony and the melody of the tunes _20_ at the funeral. This music made everyone want to dance. It was an early form of jazz. 1. (A)By (B)At (C)In (D)On 正确答案:B, 2. (A)music (B)song (C)melody (D)style 正确答案:D, 3. (A)discovered (B)acted (C)invented (D)designed 正确答案:C, 4. (A)noticed (B)found (C)listened (D)heard 正确答案:D, 5. (A)classical (B)sacred (C)popular (D)light 正确答案:C, 6. (A)forms (B)follows (C)approaches (D)introduces 正确答案:B, 7. (A)expressing (B)explaining (C)exposing (D)illustrating 正确答案:A, 8. (A)appeared (B)felt (C)seemed (D)sounded 正确答案:D, 9. (A)as (B)so (C)either (D)neither 正确答案:A, 10. (A)origins (B)originals (C)discoveries (D)resources 正确答案:A, 11. (A)concerned (B)itself (C)available (D)oneself 正确答案:B, 12. (A)players (B)followers (C)fans (D)pioneers 正确答案:D, 13. (A)for (B)as (C)with (D)by 正确答案:B, 14. (A)months (B)weeks (C)hours (D)times 正确答案:C, 15. (A)demonstrated (B)composed (C)hosted (D)formed 正确答案:D, 16. (A)demonstration (B)procession (C)body (D)march 正确答案:B, 17. (A)Even (B)Therefore (C)Furthermore (D)But 正确答案:D, 18. (A)nu


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