高考英语大一轮复习 module 5 newspapers and magazines检测 外研版必修_第1页
高考英语大一轮复习 module 5 newspapers and magazines检测 外研版必修_第2页
高考英语大一轮复习 module 5 newspapers and magazines检测 外研版必修_第3页
高考英语大一轮复习 module 5 newspapers and magazines检测 外研版必修_第4页
高考英语大一轮复习 module 5 newspapers and magazines检测 外研版必修_第5页
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“讲忠诚、严纪律、立政德”三者相互贯通、相互联系。忠诚是共产党人的底色,纪律是不能触碰的底线,政德是必须修炼的素养。永葆底色、不碰底线Module 5Newspapers and Magazines.完形填空(2017江西九江高三联考)The snow is gone and green grass can be seen growing close to the sunny side of homes.The birds in the back yard are singing in the bush.Spring is here, and with1 come memories of the smell of 2, new sneakers, and longer days.As a kid, I knew spring arrived when I walked into the house after school and3 paint.The first warm day would cause my mum to have the idea of 4.She opened the windows, let the fresh air in, opened a can of paint, and put a fresh 5 on the walls of a room.Spring was also the time to change6.In Nova Scotia, we had snow on the ground almost 7 from late December until late March.We spent all of our time outside wearing our 8 winter boots.To run in them was like running with two weighty bags.In late April or early May, mum would take us to the town to buy a new pair of light9 for each of us.I still remember the rubber 10, with the trademark imprinted on it.After a month or two, small hands would tear it off, and leave a circle, darker than the 11 material around it.Later, when we returned home, my brothers and I12 our new sneakers.The door shut 13 behind us when we rushed out, causing a shout of 14 from our dad.Then we ran across the fields.The weight of the heavy winter boots was 15.It felt like we were 16 through the air or we could jump thirty feet like a kangaroo.The thoughts of summers approach and the 17 wind of spring rushing past our uncovered ears were 18.When life gets me down; when everything seems19; I dont let it 20me.I would let my room put on a new coat of paint, pull on a new pair of sneakers, and just run like it was spring.1.A.autumn B.springC.winter D.summer2.A.flowers B.foodC.wine D.paint3.A.smelled B.boughtC.made D.matched4.A.adventureB.communicationC.decorationD.happiness5.A.coatB.jacketC.sweaterD.shirt6.A.socksB.capsC.glovesD.shoes7.A.especiallyB.normallyC.continuouslyD.commonly8.A.new B.heavyC.light D.soft9.A.pantsB.trousersC.sneakersD.glasses10.A.circleB.rabbitC.line D.star11.A.uglyB.colorfulC.new D.faded12.A.tore downB.put onC.made up D.turned down13.A.heavilyB.slightlyC.gently D.slowly14.A.excitementB.joyC.surprise D.anger15.A.increasingB.comingC.gone D.measured16.A.runningB.flyingC.walking D.riding17.A.warm B.coldC.biting D.strong18.A.terribleB.negativeC.delightful D.fearful19.A.successfulB.hopelessC.satisfyingD.hopeful20.A.cheat B.changeC.win D.affect语篇解读:本文为夹叙夹议文。作者回忆了小时候,春天到来时,脱掉沉重的冬靴,穿上了新买的运动鞋,感受温暖春风的愉快心情。由此感悟到:尽管生活中会有不尽如人意的地方,但作者不会受其影响,会尽量保持犹如在春天奔跑的心情。答案及剖析:1.B由前一分句 “Spring is here”和句尾的 “longer days”可知,此处表示随着“春天”的到来。2.D 此处的2,new sneakers and longer days 与最后一段中的put on a new coat of paint,pull on a new pair of sneakers,and just run like it was spring相呼应,因此此处用paint。3.A根据第一段中的 “.come memories of the smell of 2, new sneakers, and longer days.”可知,当作者闻到油漆的气味时,他知道春天到来了。4.C根据后句 “She opened the windows, let the fresh air in, opened a can of paint, and put a fresh 5 on the walls of a room.”可知此空应填decoration(装饰)。5.A用油漆粉刷房间,就好像为房间的墙壁穿上一件大衣一样。此外,最后一段的 “I would let my room put on a new coat of paint”也提示了答案。6.D下文作者用了很大的篇幅说明春天到来后,妈妈为他们买新运动鞋,让他们脱去冬天的厚重的鞋子。由此可知,春天也是作者更换鞋子的季节。7.C根据 “from late December until late March”可知,这段时间是地面上连续不断地(continuously)有雪的时间。8.B根据下面一句 “To run in them was like running with two weighty bags.”可知,冬天作者穿的鞋子非常重。9.C第一段中的 “new sneakers”提示了答案。10.A根据下面一句中的 “After a month or two, small hands would tear it off, and leave a circle,”可知此处指的是rubber circle。11.D 一两个月后,带有商标的橡胶圈被撕掉后,留下一个圆圈,颜色比周围褪色的材料较深。12.B根据后文 “The door shut 13 behind us when we rushed out, causing.”可知,作者和他的兄弟们一到家就“穿上”(put on)新运动鞋出去飞奔。13.A此处显示了作者和他的兄弟们穿上新运动鞋后激动的心情关门都非常用力。14.D因为作者和他的兄弟们关门声音太大,所以他们的父亲会生气地大喊一声。15.C作者换上新买的运动鞋以后,沉重的冬靴的重量就没有了。16.B由后文 “through the air” 和 “jump thirty feet like a kangaroo”可知此处应填flying。17.A由常识可知这里表示春天的暖风。此外,第二段的 “The first warm day would cause my mum to .”也提示了答案。18.C春天来了,作者脱掉沉重的鞋子穿上了新买的运动鞋,想到夏天的到来和感受温暖的春风令人很快活。19.B根据前一分句 “When life gets me down”可知,这一分句同样应表示生活中会有不尽如人意之处,所以选hopeless。20.D作者感悟到,尽管生活中会有很多不尽如人意的地方,但作者不会让它们影响自己。.阅读理解(2017浙江金华外国语学校适应性考试)Mr.Peter Johnson,aged twenty-three,battled for half an hour to escape from his trapped car yesterday when it landed upside down in three feet of water.Mr.Johnson took the only escape routethrough the boot(行李箱).Mr.Johnsons car had finished up in a ditch(沟渠)at Romney Marsin,Kent,after skidding on ice and hitting a bank.“Fortunately,the water began to come in only slowly,”Mr.Johnson said.“I couldnt force the doors because they were jammed against the walls of the ditch and dared not open the windows because I knew water would come flooding in.”Mr.Johnson,a sweet salesman of Sitting Home,Kent,first tried to attract the attention of other motorists by sounding the horn and hammering on the roof and boot.Then he began his struggle to escape.Later he said,“It was really a half penny that saved my life.It was the only coin I had in my pocket and I used it to unscrew the back seat to get into the boot.I hammered desperately with a hammer trying to make someone hear,but no help came.”It took ten minutes to unscrew the seat,and a further five minutes to clear the sweet samples from the boot.Then Mr.Johnson found a wrench and began to work on the boot lock.Fifteen minutes passed by.“It was the only chance I had.Finally it gave,but as soon as I moved the boot lid,the water and mud poured in.I forced the lid down into the mud and scrambled clear as the car filled up.”His hands and arms cut and bruised,Mr.Johnson got to Beckett Farm nearby,where he was looked after by the farmers wife,Mrs.Lucy Bates.Trembling in a blanket,he said,“That thirty minutes seemed like hours.”Only the tips of the car wheels were visible,police said last night.The vehicle had sunk into two feet of mud at the bottom of the ditch.1.What is the best title for this newspaper article?A.The Story of Mr.Johnson,A Sweet SalesmanB.Car Boot Can Serve As The Best Escape RouteC.Driver Escapes Through Car BootD.The Driver Survived A Terrible Car Accident2.Which of the following objects is the most important to Mr.Johnson?A.The hammer.B.The coin.C.The screw.D.The horn.3.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 5“Finally it gave” means that.A.luckily the door was torn away in the endB.at last the wrench went brokenC.the lock came open after all his effortsD.the chance was lost at the last minute4.It may be inferred from the passage that.A.the ditch was along a quiet country roadB.the accident happened on a clear warm dayC.the police helped Mr.Johnson get out of the ditchD.Mr.Johnson had a tender wife and was well attended语篇解读:本文属新闻报道类。文章讲述了Mr.Johnson由于车祸被困于水下车内半个小时,最后死里逃生的故事。答案及剖析:1.C主旨大意题。根据第一段中的Mr.Peter Johnson.to escape from his trapped car.through the boot(行李箱)等关键信息可归纳出文章的标题。2.B细节理解题。根据第四段Mr. Johnson所说的话及他后面所做的事情可知,他随身所带的硬币在他的逃生过程中起了至关重要的作用。3.C句意理解题。根据上文.work on the boot lock及下文but as soon as I moved the boot lid,the water and mud poured in.可推知答案。4.A推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句中的but no help came及最后一段的第一句中Mr.Johnson got to Beckett Farm nearby,可推知事故发生地点是在寂静的农村,故选A项。.阅读填空(七选五)(2017山东莱州一中高三质检)Inner peace may seem almost unachievable and maybe even unreal for many.However,there is a secret.Inner peace is only partly decided by outer circumstances.Mainly,it is a choice you must make for yourself.1. This requires constant practice,but with practice your inner peace can become a habit,and then,a reality.These are the steps you may start with.SimplifySimplicity contributes to inner peace because it allows you to direct your energy and effort into one single point.Get rid of everything that blocks you,including acquaintances and friends who may only disturb you.2. Dont let unnecessary information like TV news into your life.Direct your mind on the present moment The only time that truly exists is this present moment.Past was,once,the present and future will once too,become the present.3. or with the unpredictable future,which is in fact nothing more than your fantasy.So be focused on the present.Give all your best to it,and simply live.SmileA simple smile does wonders.4. It can instantly change mood of others as well as your own.Smile to members of your family,smile


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