



Unit 3 Inventors and inventionsPart II Reading一、学习目标 1. 培养对文章中事实性细节的理解与掌握;2. 学习如何开动脑筋,如何思考,发挥想象力和创造力;3. 掌握文中重点词汇和重难点句。二、自主预习Step1. Warming up (Page 19)Look at the pictures and discuss: (1) pictures show inventions: pictures show discoveries: (2) A discovery is .An invention is .Step2. Pre-readingDo you know the stages every inventor must go through before they can have their invention approved? Work out a suitable order. Applying for a patent Finding a problem Doing research Testing solution Thinking of a creative solution Deciding on the inventionStep3. Fast readingSkim the passage to get the key words and general idea of each paragraph.Task1: Match the main idea with each part of the passage.Part1 (Para ) A. the research on the approachesPart2 (Para ) B. the attempts to catch the snakesPart3 (Para ) C. the requirements of getting a patentPart4 (Para ) D. the discovery of the problem of the snakesTask2: The passage is mainly to introduce the writers new idea of . Step4. Careful reading1. The biggest advantage of the writers new idea is that .A. it makes the snakes move slowly B. it makes the snakes hardly bite usC. it is easier for us to kill the snakes without hurting ourselvesD. it is easier for us to catch the snakes without killing them2. How did the snakes react in the first attempt?A. They escaped immediately.B. They bit the writer.C. They were very sleepy.D. They had no reaction.3. How did the writer catch the snakes?A. Using something the snakes were interested in to attract them into a trap.B. Taking their habitat to another place.C. Placing the snakes at a low temperature for them to sleep and then caught them.D. All the above.4. According to the last paragraph, the criteria for a patent include the following items except .A. your product needs to be something smart that helps to make peoples life easier and better.B. your invention proves to be a copy from others productC. a new way to make dirty water cleanD. the product you make needs to be really different from everybody elses5. The word “approach ” in the second paragraph can be replaced by_. A. arrival B. method C. movement D. request6. “ unless they are truly novel” .What does the word “novel” mean? A. strange B. unique C. new and unusual D. specialStep5. Retelling My mother wanted me to the snakes that were in our courtyard. The snakes must but not harmed. I did some research and looked for methods of removal and the habits of snakes. I thought of a creative solution. There were three and I chose the last one. I tested the solution several times and tried three times to make it work efficiently. At last, I the form and with the Patent Office. 三、基础知识 I.重点词组和短语(仔细阅读课文,你会发现他们的哟! )1.给打电话_2.偶尔,有时_3.除掉,摆脱_4.通过发明仁慈的东西显示自己_5.着手做某事_6.准备好 _7.决定采用三种可能的方法_8.铲除他们的窝_9.由不锈钢制成_10.改进/调整我的方案_11.小心翼翼地_12.弯腰 _13.(被)证明不会惹麻烦_14.按计划 _15.把他们全部放归野外_16.迫于的压力 _17.抓住机会 _18.使得到认可 _19.此外,除外_20.填表_21.向专利局提交专利申请_22.是关乎的事情_II. 重点句子 1.【教材原句】(1) They seem to have made home here, not far from the walnut tree.(2) There only seemed to be powders designed to kill snakes.【结构归纳】以上句中斜体部分都使用了_ 结构。此结构有三种形式,即:一般式:_;进行式:_;完成式:_此结构还可以和It seems/seemed that 互换。【操练巩固】(1) It seems that he has known the truth. =_.看来他好像知道了真相。(2) It seems that Mary is in love with Tom.=_. 玛丽好像在和汤姆谈恋爱。(3) It seemed that Professor Smith was doing an experiment in the lab when the fire broke out.=_.火灾发生时,史密斯教授好像正在实验室做实验。2.【教材原句】(1) Prepared with some research findings, I decided on 3 possible approaches.(2) But monitored carefully, the snakes proved to be no trouble and all went according to plan.(3) Pressed by my friends and relatives, I decided to seize the opportunity to get recognition for my successful idea by sending my invention to the patent office.【结构归纳】以上句中斜体部分都使用了_ 做_。【操练巩固】(1) Popularly _ American films ever made, The Godfather is a milestone of cinema. (regard) 教父被普遍认为是美国有史以来最好的影片之一,是电影界的一个里程碑。(2) _ the Yangtze River, the giant dam of the Three Hydropower project was finally completed on May 20, 2006, nine months ahead of time. (locate)坐落在长江上的三峡大坝水利工程终于提前9个月,在2006年5月20日竣工。(3) _, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice. (face) 面对艰难的形式,安罗德决定向他的老板征求意见。3.【教材原句】(1) Only after you have had that recognition can you say that you are a truly an inventor.(2) Nor will you receive a patent until a search has been made to find out that your product really is different from everyone elses.【结构归纳】句中斜体部分都使用了_。(1) _ + _ 放到_, 句子要使用部分倒装,如句(1); 但only后接主语时,不倒装.(2) 含否定意义的词或短语如:nor, never, little, seldom, not, nowhere, hardly, scarcely, barely, rarely, not only, not until, by no means, in no way, under no circumstances, at no time, on no account 放到句首时,句子要使用_, 如句(2).【操练巩固】(1) Only by inventing something merciful_. (distinguish) 只有通过发明仁慈的东西,我才能以示与他人的区别。(2) Only after you have reached eighteen _. (join)只有在你岁之后你才可以参军。(3) Nowhere else in the world _。(see)在世界上的其他地方你都不能看到这么美的景色。(4) Seldom _ video games ever since they entered college. (play) 自从考入大学他们很少玩电脑游戏。(5) Not only _ the disabled to find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided


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