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翻译语境下的中英文化语言 对比 第二讲 Culture, language, and translation 文化是一种社会现象,是人们长期创造形成的产 物。同时又是一种历史现象,是社会历史的积淀 物。确切地说,文化是指一个国家或民族的历史 、地理、风土人情、传统习俗、生活方式、文学 艺术、行为规范、思维方式、价值观念等。 Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. Culture H. H. Stern根据文化的结构和范畴把文化分为广义和狭义两种概念 。 广义的文化即大写的文化(Culture with a big C),狭义的文化即 小写的文化(culture with a small c)。 广义地说,文化指的是人类在社会历史发展过程中所创造的物质和 精神财富的总和。它包括物质文化、制度文化和心理文化三个方面 。物质文化是指人类创造的种种物质文明,包括交通工具、服饰、 日常用品等,是一种可见的显性文化;制度文化和心理文化分别指 生活制度、 家庭制度、 社会制度以及思维方式、宗教信仰、审美 情趣,它们属于不可见的隐性文化。包括文学、哲学、政治等方面 内容。 狭义的文化是指人们普遍的社会习惯,如衣食住行、风俗习惯、生 活方式、行为规范等。 Culture ExternalbehaviorsLanguage, gestures, customs/habits productsLiterature, folklore, art, music, artefacts( 工艺品) InternalideasBeliefs, values, institutions. Halls Culture Context Model Low-Context CultureHigh-Context Culture 1.Overtly displays meanings through direct communication forms 1. Implicitly embeds meanings at different levels of the sociocultural context 2. Values individualism2. Values group sense 3. Tends to develop transitory personal relationship 3. Tends to take time to cultivate and establish a permanent personal relationship 4. Emphasizes linear logic4. Emphasizes spiral logic 5. Values direct verbal interaction and is less able to read nonverbal expressions 5. Values indirect verbal interaction and is more able to read nonverbal expressions. 6. Tends to use “logic” to present ideas6. Tends to use more “feeling” in expression 7. Tends to emphasize highly structured messages, give details, and place great stress on words and technical signs 7. Tends to give simple, ambiguous, noncontexting messages . Culture, language, translator Language is essentially rooted in the reality of the cultureit cannot be explained without constant reference to these broader contexts of verbal utterance. Language could only be understood with reference to culture The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis No two languages are ever sufficiently similar to be considered as representing the same reality. The worlds in which different societies live are distinct worlds, not merely the same world with different labels. In the strong view, language actually determines the way the language user thinks. In the weak view, language is one of the factors influencing our understanding of reality, but it is not the determining factor. (but beliefs and values) Lexis (choice of words) Language was a case of labeling lexis, and behind that label was a different reality rather tan simply a different label. 英语:基督教文化 中国:佛教文化 Hawkes 把红楼梦中的“阿弥陀佛”竟然译成 “God bless my soul”,把上帝拿来代替佛教的无 量寿佛,这很可能让西方人以为中国人也信奉上 帝。这样的译文大大地削减了中国文化内涵。 Christmas Political Correctness Bias-free language The aim is to make language less wounding(伤人感情的 ) or demeaning(贬 低身份的) to those whose sex, race, physical condition or circumstances leave them vulnerable to the raw power of words. Areas covered with regard to Political Correctness AreaWords to AvoidWords to Use AgeDirty old manThe elderly Cultural diversityBlacksAfro- American(Black American) Red-IndianNative American Disability Mental handicap People with learning difficulties The disabledDisabled people GenderWoman doctordoctor manPeople /humanity Political Correctness 罗密欧与朱丽叶:He made you a highway to my bed, But I, a maid, die maiden-widowed. 受到我国几千年礼教文化干扰的前辈翻译家朱生豪把此 句译为:他借你(软梯)做牵引相思的桥梁,可是我却 要做一个独守空闺的怨女而死去。此句中的“死”被悄悄 地译为得体得多的“相思”,因而产生了经不起推敲的语 病。在传统的中国文化中,一个尚未出嫁的闺女怎能直 截了当地说出要她的心上人“上我的床”呢? 情感、价值观发生了变化的90年代的翻译家方平,冲破 了性忌讳和性压抑的民族心理束缚,把此句改译为:他 本要借你做捷径,登上我的床,可怜我这处女,活守寡 ,到死是处女。方译显然更贴近原文的本意。 Political Correctness 不同民族的社会风尚,伦理道德的异同, 有时也使原文难以予以忠实传译。比如在 法国,男女间一旦可以亲吻嘴唇,那就几 乎等于可以同床共枕了。 所以为了照顾民族习惯,怕有伤使用译文 语言国度的风化,法国人在翻译英国小说 时,将英国式父女亲嘴改为法国式父女拥 抱。 Translator: a Cultural Mediator 原文+原文文化背景+译文文化背景+原文 作者的气质和风格+译者的气质和风格 Equivalence 1. 彼此相同(似) 2.部分相同 3.完全不同 4.缺失 Advertising 文化信息双语转换表现法 1. 图像法: 如中国功夫基本招式(basic stance): 用文字描写,难尽其意: 俯身探海 Bend forward to probe into the sea 2.Mimesis (模仿) 用目的语模仿原语的文化信息表现式,大体相当于传统 的直译。 有利于两种文化的沟通和互补,是文化翻译表现论中的 主要方式。如太极拳的翻译: 写实性描写: 虚步:empty step 双勾手:hook hands 提膝:bring up knee 比喻性描写: 金铰剪:gold scissors winding 盘腿跌:sideway falling on a twisted leg 名物式表现注意事项 1.精简达意: 如湘菜中的名菜:湘荷甘塘水鱼云裳裙边 煨细皮五花 calipash and calipee ;鲤鱼 打挺:leap 2. 力求先主后宾: 首先考虑原语中已有的 文化表达式: Atrium: 中庭;entrance hall:门廊 3. 替代:易词而译 1. He that lies down with dogs must get up with fleas. 与狗在一起睡的人身上必有跳蚤; 与狗同眠必带蚤; 替代:近朱者赤,近墨者黑。 2.Let them eat cake. 让他们吃蛋糕嘛!(让他们吃烙饼不行吗?) 替代式:何不食肉糜 3. between cup and lip 在杯子与嘴唇之间 杯唇之间 功败垂成之际 替代:易词而译 It was a winter-spring romance. He was nearly fifty, she was barely twenty. 这是老少恋。他年近五十,她还不到二十 。 4. 阐释: 用翻译的方法疏解或化解原语的文化信息 1.阳(yang):a force derived from the dynamics of the Great Ultimate brought into action (太极动而生阳) 注释法(annotation): Rolfing: 罗芬式按摩法 (categorization) 5. 淡化 (decoloration) 文化意义的淡化,在语际转换中将文化意 义消除。 蚂蚁搬家的办法: do sth. in a small way 一刀切的办法: do sth. Indiscriminately Exercise 1. Among the blind the one-eyed man is king. 山中无老虎,猴子称霸王 2. He who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。 3. cherish a snake in ones bosom 养虎遗患 4. Kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. 杀鸡取卵 5. a wolf in sheeps clothing 6.cry wolf English e.g. I have a dog. (dog is a presented reference item, as the reader does not need to have any previous knowledge about what I have) Presumed reference (i.e. mentioned in such a way that we need to retrieve their identity from somewhere else in the text) e.g. She is very nice. (who is she?) Presumed reference creates cohesion The commonest presumed reference items are: the Demonstrative pronouns: this, that, these, those; Pronouns: he, she, they, it, etc. Substitution The replacement of one item with another. It is often used to avoid repetition, e.g: Do you like playing the guitar? I do. (do is a substitute for like playing the guitar) Ellipsis A special form of substitution (substitution by zero): e.g. Take one of these tickets. I still have seven left. Are you watching TV? Yes, I am. conjunction The logical relations between parts of the text, often realized in the form of conjunctiva items. Additive: and, or, also, furthermore, in addition Adversative: but, yet, however, though, instead Causal: so, consequently, hence, Temporals: then, next, previously Lexical cohesion Cohesion through the use of words: reiteration and collocation Reiteration: a repetition of an earlier item, a synonym or near-synonym, a super- ordinate, or a general word. e.g: examples There is boy playing with fire. The boy is going to burn himself if he doesnt take care. (repetition) The lad is going to burn himself(synonym) The child is (super-ordinate) The idiot is going to (general word) 例如 In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth. And the Earth was without form, and void. And darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, let there be light. And there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good. And God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light day. And the darkness he called night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. 译文 太初,上帝创造天地。地是空虚混沌。渊 面黑暗。上帝的灵运行在水面上。上帝说 ,当有光。就有了光。上帝看光是好的。 上帝就将光暗分开了。上帝称光为昼。称 暗为夜。有晚有早,就是一日。 形合意合:增译、减译 由于这两种语言的特性,就造成了英汉翻译 中的一个重要技巧,即增译和减译。当然, 各种语言间的翻译都有增减现象,但恐怕没 有在英汉互译中那样突出。英译汉可能会 增加某些东西,但绝对必须减掉某些东西; 汉译英可能会减掉某些东西,但绝对必须增 加一些东西。 例 1.我的责任只是保卫主席安全,其他事情不去多想,我甚至轻松地吁了 口气。 As Maos safety was our sole concern, we weaved a sigh as relief. 英译文加上了表示原因的从属连词as. 2.1960 年底的一天,毛泽东起床后不吃不喝,一支接一支吸烟。(同上 ) One day, late in 1960, Mao didnt eat anything after getting up, but merely chain -smoked. 英译文加上了对比连词but. 3.我们约他做攻守同盟,本想彼此提携,有福同享,有祸同当,不料他倒 先来沾我们的光了。 When we got him to go in with us it was on the understanding that we sink or swim together, but now it turns out that he was only out to sponge on us! 借鉴 英语多使用以连接功能为基础的形合手段, 而汉语主要依赖意义的内在衔接,形成一种 隐约的意义脉络。在译文中有意识地体现 目的语的特征,就会减少让译文读者感到格 格不入的异化味道,从而大大提高译文的可 读性。当然,正如前面所论,汉语也不完全 排斥形合表现。 形合和意合之语体差异(一) 明示的形合有时比隐含的意合具有更多的 强调意味: If you


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