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理论的 理论 物理学家 物理学 典礼 医学,医术 颁发,授予 博士学位 天文学 天文学者, 应用的, 实用的 应用 职位 统治,控制 宇宙 感染上,传染上 治愈,治好 开始(机器)操 纵,起作用 操作者,经营者 ,电话接线员 手术,操作 完全地 按,摁,报道, 出版社 开关 科学的 Theoretical Theory Physicist Physics Ceremony Medicine Award PhD Doctor of Philosophy Astronomy Astronomer Applied Apply post govern universe catch cure operate operator Operation altogether press switch scientific Science Paper WheelChair Unify Community Eyebrow the Olympics Reporter Swimmer Cup Carrot Solve Rich 科学 论文 轮椅 使成为一体,使一致,统 社区,社会,团体,集体 眉毛 奥运会 记者 游泳运动员 奖杯 胡萝卜 解决 味道很浓的 道理,观点 面对 反应 不同地 不同的 变软,软化 柔软的,软的 脆弱的 , 易碎的 液体的,液态的,流 质的 变硬,硬化 硬的 (用勺)舀或盛 壳 煮老的,煮熟的 开水 沸水 point face react differently different soften soft Fragile liquid Harden hard ladle shell hard-boiled boiling water boiled water Secretary Typist Translator Needle Tiny grandchild 秘书 打字员 翻译员 针细小的,细微的 孙子 be to do do research later on hold the post of work on suffer from point to hear of dozens of be well received spell out catch a disease 1) 注定要 2) 做研究 3) 后来 4) 担任 5) 致力于 6) 遭受 7) 指向 8) 听说 9) 成打的 10) 反响很好 11)拼出 12) 生病 更喜欢 更喜欢(某人) 做 与 比更喜欢 ; 宁愿,不愿 prefer sth. prefer (sb.) to do sth. prefer sth. / doing . to sth. / doing . 供某人使用, 得到买到 某人有空做某 事 sth. Be available to sb. Sb Be available for sth. 因而受奖 判给某人某物 be awarded for . award sth. to sb. (2) vt. 遭受,蒙受 (后常跟pain / defeat / loss / poverty / hunger / punishment / hardship以及表示疾病的词) (3) apply oneself to (doing) sth.专注于 ;专心做某事 Hold out 维持,忍耐,伸出 Hold up举起,撑起,阻挡 Hold back阻止, 隐瞒 make it give up be tired of fill . with turn off fishout pour into turn to come closer knock on the door 1. 成功 2. 放弃 3. 厌烦 4. 充满 5. 关闭 6. 捞出 7. 倒进 8. 转向 9. 走近点 10. 敲门 make it 应付,成功, 赶上 (1) give away 赠送;泄露;出卖 (2) give back 归还 (3) give off 放出;散发出(液体、气体、 气味、 热量、能量、光、声音) (4) give out 分发;用完,消耗尽,筋疲 力尽 (5) give in 投降;屈服;让步;提出,提交 辨析:arise;arouse;rise与raise 动词动词 原形过过去式 过过去分 词词 v.ing arise (vi.) 出现,发生, 起因于 arosearisenarising arouse (vt.) 唤醒,激起aroused aroused arousing rise (vi.) 升起,起身,增 长,上升 roserisenrising raise (vt.) 举起,唤起, 提高,饲养 raisedraisedraising 同位语的使用, We none of us want to go there. My old friend John came this morning . You may leave it to them three. She is a good teacher, a friend of yours . He enjoys the exercise, swimming in winter. Thats my pleasure, doing you a favor. All the countries, big or small are equal. All the people, Chinese or foreign. Must obey the new law. 1. Stephen Hawking, the most famous theoretical physicist after Albert Einstein, author of A Brief History of Time, the opening ceremony of a mathematics institute at Zhejiang University. was to attend was to attend 他们的女儿很快就要出嫁了。 Their daughter is to get married soon. 谁要向他提问? Who is to question him? be to do表示计划、安排、义务、应该、 可能、命运等。(have to, ought to)。 3)表示注定或不可避免要发生。 His theory was to change the view on the universe. )4. If I were to tell you that ,would you believe me ? be to do (1) 表示事先商定、安排或准备要做的事情 The students _ at the school gate tomorrow. 明天学生们将在学校大门口集会。 (2) 表示可能性、必要、责任、义务、禁止等 You _ by 10 oclock. 你必须十点以前回来。 The twines are to be known from each other By their voice .(可能性)。 are to meet are to be back 辨析 be to do, be going to do, be about to do be going to do (1) 表示将要发生的事情或打算最近要进行的动 作。 快要下雨了。 It is going to rain soon. (2) 在含有条件状语从句的主从复合句中,主句 一般不用be going to,而常用will(第一人称用 shall)。 如果明天下雨,足球赛将被推迟举行。 The football match will be put off if it rains tomorrow. be about to do (1) 表示即将发生的动作,在时间上指最近的 将来。 We are about to start. 我们就要出发了。 (2) 在含有be about to do的句子中,不能再加 时间状语。 医疗队就要出发了。 _ The medical team is about to start immediately. _ The medical team is about to start. 1. This film _ this Sunday. A. is going to show B. is showing C. is to be shown D. will have been shown 2. The students were told that they _ at the school gate at 2:00 the following afternoon. A. met B. will meet C. were to meet D. were met Exercise A C 3. In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they _. A. have survived B. are to survive C. would survive D. will survive 4. How _ I _ what has become of him? A. am; to know B. am; knowing C. was; to know D. will; know B A preferred prefer sth.更喜欢 (1) prefer (sb.) to do sth.更喜欢(某人) 做 prefer sth. / doing . to sth. / doing . 与 比更喜欢;宁愿,不愿 你比较喜欢哪一样,米饭还是面包? Which do you prefer, rice or bread? prefer vt. 更喜欢;选择某事物 (而不选择 其他事物) They _. 他们宁可让儿子上大学。 I would _today. 我今天宁愿不出去。 I would prefer _to _. 我宁愿在外面玩也不愿看电视。 preferred their son to go to college prefer not to go out playing outdoors watching TV He would rather _than _ shopping. He prefers _rather than _ shopping. 他宁可呆在家里也不愿意去逛商店。 (3) prefer that. (should) do. I would prefer that _ my name. 我希望你不要说说出我的名字。 stay at homego to stay at home go you (should) not mention Even on a cold day, he prefers _ out to play football _ at home. A. going;rather stay B. going;to staying C. to go;rather than staying D. to do;rather than to stay B 2. Mathematics was not available at University College, so he did physics instead. available adj. 能得到的,有用的, 可利用的 , 有效的, 有空的 sth. Be available to sb.供某人使用,得到 买到 Sb Be available for sth.某人有空做某事 Is this library available during this summer vacation ?图书馆在暑假期间开 放吗? These facilities are available to members only .这些设施仅供会员使用。 She was not available for the interview . 她没空接受采访。 Only a little money is available for the trip. 这趟旅游只有少量钱可供花。 We regret to tell you that there are no tickets available for Fridays performance. 我们很遗憾的告诉你,周五演出的票没有 了/。 3. After three years and not very much work he a first class honors degree in Natural Science. was awarded (1) n. C 奖励,奖赏,奖品 The Olympic winner received a gold medal _. 奥林匹克获胜者获得了一枚金牌作为奖励。 。 as an award award 2) vt. 授予,奖予,给予 be awarded for . 因而受奖 award sth. to sb. 判给某人某物 她表现勇敢,他们授予她奖章。 _. 获胜者得到了一枚金牌。 _. =_. They awarded her a medal for bravery A gold medal was awarded to the winner The winner was awarded a gold medal award vt. 授予,颁发颁发 ,判给给 be awarded for . 因而受奖奖 award sth. to sb. 判给给某人某物 n. 奖奖品,赠赠品,与prize (奖奖金)近义义 reward vt. 报报答、酬谢谢,可以用于比喻喻意义义 reward sb. with sth. 用酬谢谢某 人 n. 赏赏金,酬金,回报报 辨析:award与reward 1). Martin Luther King Jr was _ the Nobel Peace Prize of 1964 for advocating nonviolence policy in the movement for civil rights. A. awarded B. offered C. rewarded D. received 【解析】句意为:马丁路德金因为在民权运 动中主张采取非暴力政策而被授予1964年诺 贝尔和平奖。reward指“给予报酬”或“奖赏” ,award指“因成绩或贡献由政府或社团给予 奖励”。 A 2). Such noble deeds of the doctors and nurses cant be only _ with money. A. rewarded B. awarded C. praised D. valued 【解析】A项“回报”,常用于reward sb. with sth.结构。B项“授予(奖品等)”,常用 于award sb. sth.;C项“表扬”;D项“评价, 重视”。 A 4. After leaving the Institute of Astronomy in 1973, Stephen came to the Department of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics and Applied 你所说说的并不适合我。 What you said doesnt _. 这这个规则规则 并不能适用于所有的状况。 You cant _. apply to me apply this rule to every case apply v应用;运用;申请;请求 她应应聘英语语教师师的工作。 She _as an English teacher. 我们们只好向政府申请财务请财务 援助。 We had to _ the government _ financial help. applied for a job apply to for He would do very well if only he applied himself. _ 只要专心致志,他会做得很好的。 (3) apply oneself to (doing) sth.专专注于; 专专心做某事 2). Now a lot of new technologies can _ problems in industry. A. be applied to solve B. be applied to solving C. apply to solve D. apply to solving 【解析】考查动词搭配。apply . to . 表示“ 把应用到上”,其中to为介词。 B hold the post of 担任(某职位) He used to the post of headmaster of the school. Who will hold the post of director of the next Spring Festival Gala? 谁将担任下一 届春晚导演。 Hold out 维持,忍耐,伸出 Hold up举起,撑起,阻挡 Hold back阻止, 隐瞒 4. Stephen Hawking has worked on the basic laws that govern the universe. 句子成分分析:此句是一个复合句 ,定语从句that govern the universe 修饰先行词the basic laws ,先行词 在定语从句中做主语,故关系代词 that不可省略。 5. Stephen Hawking has worked on the basic laws that govern the universe. govern vt. 统治;管理 Who really governs this country? 谁真正统治着这个国家? They demand the right to govern themselves. 他们要求自治权。 5. He is interested in unifying the General Relativity Theory and Quantum Theory to study black holes. particularly The girl _ her food. 这这小女孩吃东东西十分挑剔。 I have nothing _ today. 今天我没有特别别的事情要做。 is very particular about particular to do particularly adv. 特殊地,特别地 particular为形容词,是一个考试高频词, 常常用于以下结构: 1). Why did she spend so much time searching shop after shop for a blouse? Oh, she was very _ about her clothes. A. special B. particular C. especial D. unusual 【解析】下句意为“她对衣服非常讲究”,be particular about是一习语。 B 2). On Teachers Day, we all went to school _ to see our teachers. A. especially B. specially C. particularly D. attentively 【解析】考查副词辨析。specially表示“专 门地”。句意为“在教师节那天,我们都专门 到学校去看望老师”。 B 6. A great man of science sitting in a wheelchair, Stephen Hawking has a serious disease for nearly forty years. suffered from She often _ headaches. 她经常头痛。 Many companies are _ shortage of skilled workers. 许多公司苦于缺乏熟练工人。 The people in the flooded area _ (from) cold and hunger. (忍饥挨冻) suffers from suffering from are suffering (1) vi.患病;受痛苦;受损失 (常与from 连用) 金女士的双腿受了重伤,非常疼痛。 Ms Kings legs were badly hurt and she _. 这家工厂在大火中遭受重大损失。 The factory _ in the fire. suffered great pain suffered a great loss (2) vt. 遭受,蒙受 (后常跟pain / defeat / loss / poverty / hunger / punishment / hardship以及表示疾病的词) 1). Iraq has _ too many wars,making people _ a lot. A. got through;pay B. looked through;face C. gone through;suffer D. passed through;destroy 【解析】句意为:伊拉克经历了那么多的战争 ,使得人们遭受了很多痛苦。go through经历 ,经受;suffer受痛苦,受损害;get through干 完(工作等);接通(电话等);look through审核 ,浏览;pass through经过,通过。 C 2). _ such a heavy loss,the businessman didnt have the courage to go on. A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered 【解析】句意为:遭受了严重损失之后,那 位商人没有勇气继续做生意了。因为“遭受 重创”先发生,故用现在分词的完成式。 A 7. that couldnt be cured then. When I left the hospital I was completely cured. 出院时,我已经完全痊愈了。 The only way to cure backache is to rest. 治疗背痛的唯一办法是休息。 He tried to cure his child of the habit. 他试着去矫正他孩子的那种习惯。 cure v.治愈;治疗;纠正 cure bad habits 改正坏习惯 【词义辨析】cure, treat, heal这些动词都 有“治疗、医治”之意。 cure: 主要指治愈疾病。 treat: 普通用词,指接受并诊治病人。强 调治疗过程,不强调结果。 heal: 侧重指治愈伤口、伤痛如灼伤等, 也可用于比喻语言。 cure n. 治疗, 治愈, 疗法 There is still no cure for the common cold. 目前仍没有治愈感冒的良药。 常用短语: find a cure 找到治疗方法 seek a cure 寻求治疗 take a cure 接受治疗 try a cure 试用某种疗法 知识链接 1). Which doctor is going to _ him for his illness? 2). This new medicine soon _ my cold 3). His wounds are _ over 4). She wont be sad too long;time will _ most trouble treat cured healing heal Complete the sentences with cure, treat or heal. 8. Up to 1974, he was able to feed himself, and get in and out of bed. up to 直到 feed v. 喂养,饲养 The patient cant feed himself yet. 病人已经不能自己吃饭了。 feed on/ upon 以为食物 Sheep feed on grass. 羊吃草。 9. In 1980, he and wife changed to a system of community change to 改成了 change 的其他短语: change into 变成 changefor 换;更换 Language points in the passage: 1. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. 她不知道该如何应付,打算放弃。 (1)make it 应付,成功, 赶上 You cant make it to the other shore in this weather. 这样的天气你是无法成功到达那边的海 岸的。 (2)make it 规定时间 Shall we meet next week ? Yes. Lets make it next week 我们下周见吧? 好的,让我们约定下周见。 1. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. 1). 让出 He _an old man. 他让座给一位老人。 2). 放弃 The girl _halfway. 这女孩中途放弃。 3). 戒绝 I wish I could _. 我真希望自己能戒酒。 give up gave up his seat to gave up give up drinking She would rather die than _. He has given in to my views. Please _ your work _ before Monday. He _ most of his money to charity. After a month their food supplies _. give in givein gave away gave out (1) give away 赠赠送;泄露;出卖卖 (2) give back 归还归还 (3) give off 放出;散发发出(液体、气体、气味、 热热量、能量、光、声音) (4) give out 分发发;用完,消耗尽,筋疲力尽 (5) give in 投降;屈服;让让步;提出,提交 1). _ he is determined to do something, no one is able to persuade him to_. A. As soon as;give away B. Although;give in C. As long as;give out D. Once;give up 【解析】once一旦;give up放弃。句意为: 一旦他决定要做什么事,没有人能劝说他 放弃。 D 2). He asked us not to mention anything about the famous actress in the report because it may _ the exciting news. A. give off B. give away C. give up D. give out 【解析】本题考查动词短语辨析。give away 在此的意思为“泄漏”。 B 3). He wont give in _ the enemy even if he is killed. A. for B. with C. to D. on 【解析】give in作“投降;屈服”时,是不及 物动词。若表示“向投降(屈服)”,用 give in to.。 C 2. She was tired of fighting and . struggling struggle (1) vt.& vi. 斗争;拼搏,努力,挣挣扎 He has been struggling _ succeed in his business. He has been struggling _success in his business. 为使事业成功,他一直努力奋斗着。 to for We have to struggle _ all kinds of difficulties. 我们得和各种各样的困难作斗争。 She _. 她努力忍住泪水。 The lion made a sudden angry noise and _. 狮子突然发出一阵怒吼,挣扎着站了起来。 with/against struggled to its feet struggled to keep back the tears (2) n. 搏斗,战斗;斗争 After _,she gained control of the business. 经过长期的努力,她在生意上已 能应付自如。 a long struggle 3. It seemed as soon as one problem was solved a new one .arose Accidents arise from carelessness. 事故由粗心大意引起。 New difficulties will arise from such situation. 那种状况将会产产生新的难题难题 。 A great idea arose in her mind. 一个好主意浮现现在她的脑脑海中。 arise (arose,arisen) vi.出现;发生 辨析:arise;arouse;rise与raise 动词动词 原形过过去式 过过去分 词词 v.ing arise (vi.) 出现,发生, 起因于 arosearisenarising arouse (vt.) 唤醒,激起aroused aroused arousing rise (vi.) 升起,起身,增 长,上升 roserisenrising raise (vt.) 举起,唤起, 提高,饲养 raisedraisedraising The sun _ in the east and sets in the west. 太阳从东方升起西方落下。 The price of wheat has _ / has been _ since the last summer. 自从去年夏天以来,麦子的价格已经涨 了/被涨上来了。 rises risen raised We should always keep in mind that accidents _ from carelessness while driving. A. arise B. arouse C. begin D. cause 【解析】句意为:我们应永记心中,开车时 事故是由粗心引起的。arise意指“发生”; arouse是及物动词,意为“激起,引起”。 A 4. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a below. 她把胡萝卜捞出来,放到了碗里面。 (1) fish (v.) out/from: 捞出;掏出 She fished out a coin from her pocket. 她从口袋掏出一枚硬币。 (2)fish up 捞出 A boy was fished up from the river. 这个男孩从河里被捞了出来。 5. Turning to her daughter, she asked, ” Tell me, what do you see?”她转向她的 女儿问“告诉我,你看到了什么?” turning to her daughter在此处的做的 是状语。 现在分词短语作状语,其和后面的句 子在逻辑上是主谓关系。 Having watered the flowers, he began to cut the grass. 他把花浇好后,开始割草。 Having eaten his dinner, the boy rushed out. 那男孩吃完了饭就跑出去了。 4. She asked her to come and asked her to feel the carrots. Go further away!_. 再离远一点,你太靠近我了。 _ 再靠近我一点吧。 _. 不要站得离我太近。 closer close adv. “接近”,指距离上的“近” You are too close to me Come closer (to me) Dont stand close to me close adj. 近的, 亲近的, 严密的 closely adv. 接近地,密切地,多指抽象的“近” The two


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