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Lecture 8 Pun A play on words based on similarity of sound and sharp difference in meaning, for a witty or humorous effect. There are many words in English which look or sound alike, but have different senses, or connotations. The humorous use of a word, or of words which are formed or sounded alike but have different meanings, so as to produce a humorous effect. Paronomasia(双关)俗称 Pun。该辞格巧妙利用英语许多 词谐音、多义的特点,在同一句话里同时表达两层不同意 义。 以一个词或词组,用巧妙的办法同时把互不关联的两种含 义 结合起来,以取得一种诙谐有趣的效果。 “The use of a word in such a way as to suggest two or more meanings or different associations, or the use of two or more words of the same or nearly the same sound with different meanings, so as to produce a humorous effect.” (用一个词去暗示两种或两种以上的意义或 引 起不同的联想,或者用两个或两个以上发音 相同或相近而意义不同的词,以产生一种幽 默效果。) E.g.: Ask for me tomorrow and you shall find me a grave man. Learn some craft when young, that when old you may live without craft. More sun and air for your son and heir. Its everybodys right, right? You think all your right is right? On Sunday they pray for you and on Monday they prey on you. What four letters of the alphabet would scare off a burglar? O,ICU. IOU OIC, When does the baker follow his trade? Whenever he kneads the dough. 译文:面包师傅什么时候营业? 每当他揉面的时候。 赏析:这个幽默利用need(需要)和knead(揉 面)这一对同音异义词,并配上dough一词的多 义性(既作“生面”又作“钱”解),形成两个双关 幽默。此例是利用词的同音形成双关。 Judge: What makes you think you could park your car there? Tourist: Well, there was a big sign that read: Fine for parking.” 译文:法官:你怎么想到把车停在那里? 游客:啊,哪里有个牌子,上面写 着: 适于泊车! 赏析:英语单词fine既有“好”的意思,也可 表 示“罚款”。 双关的构成方式主要有: 1. 同音/ 谐音双关Homophonic Pun You earn your living and you urn your dead. Make your every hello a real good-buy. Seven days without water make one weak 2. 音义双关 pronunciation and meaning of text To England will I steal, and there Ill steal. If we dont hang together, we shall assuredly hang separately. An ambassador is an honest man who lies abroad for the good of his country. What kind of money do girls like the most ? Matrimony Ask for MORE 3. 语意双关 ( semantic pun ) Phonetic and semantic pun 。 1) The Sun Sets For Last Time. 南华早报的英文标题,Sun是指香港英文报太阳报 。 该语段表层意思是“太阳要下山了。”实际上暗指该报即将 停 刊。利用双关将此消息传给大众,比直言其事效果更佳。 2) Welcome to the Ming Dynasty. 是篮球明星姚明加入NBA后第一场比赛时看台上一位球迷 所 举的标语,利用特定的情景一语双关,表达了对姚明的欢迎 和 对“明王朝”的期待。 3) SUN SHINES AT ST. ANDREWS. 是中国球员孙继海在圣安德鲁球场完成了自己英超第一粒 进 球后,曼彻斯特晚报做出的评论,利用汉语拼音SUN(孙) 与英文单词SUN(太阳)的巧合,将语言的文化意义,情境意义 和比喻意义结合起来。 Try to translation the following sentences. 1) A:What happened when the man sat on a pin? B:Nothing It was a safety pin 甲:那男人一屁股坐在别针上会怎么样? 乙:不怎么样。真(针)没事。 2) A:What is a dark horse? B:A nightmare 甲:饥饿的蚱蜢是什么东西? 乙:饿蜢(噩梦)。 把nightmare切分为night(夜晚)和mare(母马)。 这样一来,dark与night一致,,horse与mare同属“马”。 即“梦域”。幽默由此产生。 分析下面句中的双关语 1. One shop announced: Darwin Is Right Inside. 2. Try your sweet corn. Youll smile from ear to ear. 3. A professor tapped on his desk and shouted, “Gentlemen order!” The entire class yelled, “Beer!” 4. If the man be a bachelor, sir, I can; but if he be a married man, hes wifes head, and I can never cut off a womans head. 5. Whats wrong with this fish? Long time no sea. 老友记: Ross: Rachel, did you proofread these? Rachel: Uh.yeah, why? Ross: Uh, nothing. I m sure they II be impressed with your excellent compuper skills. 译文:罗斯:瑞秋,这些你已经校对过吗? 瑞秋:对,有问题吗? 罗斯:没事,只是他们对你的电脑“技巧”一定会印 象 深刻的。 瑞秋在打简历的时侯,把“computer”拼成了“compuper”, 这 个拼写错误在原文中达到了一个词语双关的效果。由于在 中 文里无法找到一个词能与之对等并达到同样的幽默效果, 于 是可把双关转移到“skill”这个词上,将其翻译为“技巧”形成 双关。虽然这个翻译没能忠实于于原文,但通过补偿的方 法 很好地再现了原文的幽默。 越狱 Wholesale: You keep.handing out my jacket, I swear Im gonna bust your grape. Fernando : Man, you couldn t bust a grape in Napa with a set of cleats on. What are you talking about? Man, you want to bump you gums. Wholesale: Oh. no. no Fernando : Now you aretalking.talking.talking 翻译 你再一天到晚和别人说这事,我发誓打破你的头。 在Napa县就算给你副防滑钉,你也打不破我的头(“grape”在美俚语中 有“头”的意思)。你说什么啊? 找打啊! 不不不 这么说才像嘛 括号中的内容就是翻译人员对影片中苏克雷和Wholesale:之间的对话作的注 释。 “grape”为语义双关:一是指“葡萄”,另外在美国俚语中也有“头”的意思。前面 一 句话“I swear lm gonna bust your grape”中的“grape”无疑是指“头”,故译为“ 我 发誓打破你的头”。但下面一句话如果译为“在Napa县就算给你副防滑钉,你 也搞 不动葡萄”,就让观众有些摸不着头脑了。因此,就顺着前一句译且用括号加 一 注释,从而使观众明白情节中对白的意思。 He drove his expensive car into a tree and found out how the Mercedes bends. 他违章超速驾驶,结果将昂贵的名车撞到树上 ,他终于看到他的奔驰车(Mercedes)是怎样 撞弯(bends)的。这句话的幽默之处是将 Mercedes Benz(奔驰车)中的Benz,故意改 写成bends。 A bicycle cant stand on its own because it is two-tyred. 这句话的表面意思是:自行车自己站不起来, 因为它只有两个轮胎(two-tyred)。而这句话 的另外一个意思是:这辆自行车被它的主人骑 了很长时间,它现在太累了(too tired)。 Syllepsis It has two connotations. It is a figure of speech by which a word, or a particular form or inflection of a word, refers to two or more words in the same sentence, with properly applying to or agreeing with only one of them in grammar or syntax. It is often found in colloquial speech or writing. Syllepsis一词源于希腊语,是“putting together, 一语 双 叙的形式可以是由一个谓语动词和两个宾语搭配,也可以 是 两个主语共一个谓语动词, 还可能是一个介词带两个或 更多的宾语, 或者一个修饰语修饰两个名词短语。 E.g. He fought with desperation and a stout elub. He addressed you and me, and desired us to follow him. (Here us is used to refer to you and me.) E.g. While he was fighting , and losing limb and mind, and dying, others stayed behind to pursue education and career. (Here to losing ones limbs in literal; to lose ones mind is figurative, and means to go mad.) By days end, I had drilled 4216 holes to a depth of 18inches, and I had lost mine pounds, my hearing, feeling in both hands and the ability to lift anything heavier than the evening paper. 构成形式: 1) v + Ns (一个谓语动词与两个宾语搭配 ) He lost the game and his temper. The senator picked up his hat and his courage. She opens the door and her heart to the homeless child. The general lost the town and his head. The newly- elected leader took the oath and his seat. 2) adj + ns (一个形容词作定语修辞两个 名 词或名词短语) Yesterday he had a blue heart and coat. 3) prep.+ ns (一个介词与两个宾语搭配) She looked at the object with suspicion and a magnifying glass. He was out of pocket and spirits by that catastrophe. He left in a huff and a taxi. Zeugma: It is a single word which is made to modify or to govern two or more words in the same sentence, either properly applying in sense to only one of them, or applying to them in different senses. Or: a figure of speech in which a single word, usually a verb or adjective, is syntactically related to two or more words, with only one of which it seems logically connected. Zeugma用一个词,特别是动词或形容词,用来 修 饰两个或更多的名词的构成法。 Zeugma(轭式搭配)是用一个动词、介词或形 容 词同时支配或修饰两个或两个以上的名词,或是 用 一个词(动词、形容词或介词)与两个以上的在 意 义上不相干的名词搭配。使其同时产生不同语义 的 修辞手法。它采取顺势串用的独特搭配法,将逻 辑 上并无必然联系、甚至风马牛不相及的事物强扯 在 一起表达。这种搭配看似牵强附会,实则具有巧 妙 的修辞作用,可使表达言简意赅、生动形象、幽 默 风趣,因此往往意义深刻,耐人寻味。 运用形式主要有: (1)一个动词同时支配两个或两个以上的 名词 Postwar rich living and the automobile all but took away the countrys breath and legs. 战后的富裕生活和私家汽车几乎令国人惊讶 得透不过气来,也使他们几乎丧失了步行的 能力。 (2)一个动词加上与之搭配的介词支配两个或两 个 以上的名词 Well see to it that the blouses appeal to eye as well as to the purse. 我们一定要让这些罩衫诱人,价格也诱人。 To make flying more comfortable, we went to great lengthsand great widths. 为了使飞行更加舒适,我们不遗余力而且业 务广泛。 (3)一个介词支配两个或两个以上的名词


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