



2011年11月全国外语翻译证书考试四级笔译(参考译文)Part 1 Sentence TranslationSection ATranslate the following sentences from English to Chinese.1. The decision to live in big cities reflects the desire of young Chinese to integrate themselves into the mainstream culture and to keep up with the times.定居大城市体现了中国年青一代融入主流社会并与时俱进的愿望。2. The use of Renminbi in international trade is likely to take off first in Asia and then between China and other developing countries.亚洲有可能首先使用人民币对国际贸易进行结算,然后再扩展到与其它发展中国家的贸易中。3. Ensuring the safety of products is essential for the growth of an innovative society, for consumers will not buy what they fear.确保产品的安全性对创新型社会的发展是至关重要的,因为消费者不会购买令他们担心的产品。4. If taxes on commerce are too high, they may reduce the volume of trade and hence the amount.商业税率过高不仅会减少贸易的交易数量而且还会影响货物交易的总量。5. The Oscars are not the ultimate and final recognition for every film made in the world; it is just a film award ceremony.对世界上所有的电影而言,奥斯卡奖并不意味着获得最终的认可,仅仅是电影颁奖典礼而已。6. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and a few to be chewed and digested.一部分书浅尝辄止,一部分书只需囫囵吞枣,还有一部分书则需要慢慢咀嚼和消化。7. Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement and in the thrill of creative efforts.幸福不只在于拥有金钱,还在于获得成就的喜悦和创造性劳动中产生的激情。8. There is enough space in the world for the development of both India and China and indeed enough areas for the two nations to cooperate.中国和印度不仅在世界范围内有足够的发展空间,而且两国之间的合作领域也是相当大的。9. Laid-off workers are much less likely to be rehired by their former employers and have to find new jobs or turn to self-employment.由于几乎不可能再受雇于前雇主,下岗员工要么寻找新的工作,要么自主创业。10. Technological innovation is an important driving force behind the economic and social development.技术创新是一个重要的推动力,促进了经济和社会的发展。Section BTranslate the following sentences from Chinese to English.1. 古时候人们都是选择有水的地方定居。In ancient times,people always located where there was water. 2. 我们丰富的资源和稳定的政策为外商投资提供了有利条件.Our abundant resources and stable policy provide foreigners with the advantages they invest here.3. 你完全不了解本保单中你应当承担什么样的责任。You absolutely dont know what responsibility you should take in the policy. 4. 尊老爱幼是中华民族的传统美德,应该发扬光大。Respecting the old and cherishing the young is a Chinese traditional virtue, which should be carried on and broadened.5. 我们应该学会用一种发展的眼光去看待失败,以避免犯类似的错误。We should learn to use a development vision to see failure in order to avoid making similar mistakes.6. 中关村是北京的高科技中心,被誉为“中国的硅谷”。Zhongguancun is the high-tech center in Beijing, known as Chinas Silicon Valley.7. 长城是中华文明的摇篮,是世界文化遗产之一。The Great Wall,the cradle of civilizationof China, is one of the world cultural heritage.8. 纵观国内外经济形势,我们正处在一个难得的发展时期。From a general survey of economic situation at home and abroad, we are in a god-given period of development.9. 2010上海世博会是世界各国展示其综合成就和发展前景的盛会。2010 Shanghai World Expo was a grand gathering which every country over the world could show its comprehensive achievements and development prospectst.10. 我国国际竞争力在很大程度上取决于服务业的发展水平。Our international competitiveness,largely, depends on the development level of service industry.Part 2 Passage TranslationSection ATranslate the following passage from English to Chinese.Americas Coolest Cities What do New York and Las Vegas have in common? According to a recent survey, they are both among the hottest places in the world.New York has topped the list of coolest cities for three years running - it is sharing the top spot for the very first time. The fact that it attracts 47 million visitors annually shows that Americans regard the big city highly. New York is not only the countrys largest city; it is the one with the most restaurants, museums, stadiums, bars and theaters.Times have been tough in Las Vegas, and the city is suffering a real estate crash that is among the worst in the country. But the entertainment city still welcomes 36 million tourists per year, and the citys relaxed laws around gambling and other vices add to its sense of danger and excitement.Impressions about how cool a place is are tough to change. Most of the cities have seen their coolness ranking change little over the past four years. But 5 of our 10 coolest cities - Las Vegas, Seattle, Chicago, Los Angeles and Miami - saw impressions change for the better over last year.美国最热门的城市纽约和拉斯维加斯的共同之处是什么?根据最新的一份调查表明,这两座城市都是世界上最热门的城市。在过去的三年中,纽约一直位居最受欢迎的城市榜首,这也是纽约第一次占居这个位置。美国人高度评价这座大城市是基于每年它吸引了4700万旅游者来此。纽约不仅是美国最大的城市,同时也是包括餐馆、博物馆、体育场馆、酒巴和剧院在内的数量最多的城市之一。拉斯维加斯经历了艰苦时期。这座城市在美国房地产崩溃中损失惨重。但这座以娱乐为主业的城市每年仍有3600万旅游者来此。拉斯维加斯对于赌博的宽松法律及其它附属项目增加了危险程度和刺激程度。某个地方受欢迎的印象是很难改变的。大部分这类城市在过去的四年中很少关注他们受欢迎程度的排名。但在去年,人们更看好10座最受欢迎城市中的五座,它们是:拉斯维加斯、西雅图、芝加哥、洛杉矶和迈阿密。Section BTranslate the following passage from Chinese to English.找工作如果你想找份工作,那就得先把自己的情况写下来,只有当明确知道自己能干什么时,你才能计划好去哪里找工作。你的这份自我简介应当包括所受教育、工作经历和相关证明材料。在填写申请表格时可以作参照,在面试时也极有价值。未来雇主在与你谈话时,应在掂量你的教育背景、工作经历及其它相关资历,而你的能力必须合理而有序地展示出来。准备好自己能力和愿望的“蓝图”后,你也就为找工作做好了必要的准备。Job-huntingIf you want to find a job, youll have to put your information down, only when you clearly know what you can do, you can make a plan that where to find the job.Your resume should include your education, working experience and relevant documents. When filling in application form, they can be made the reference and is also extremely valuablein in the interview. When the potential employers have a talk with you, they are als


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