



河北工程大学农学院本科毕业论文外文翻译题 目:Clean Indoor Air, Perrennial Flower To Help学生姓名: 王昆明 专 业: 园 林 班级学号: 080480127 指导教师: 张喜焕 指导教师职称: 副教授 2011年12月15日Clean Indoor Air, Perrennial Flower To Help Appropriate planting perennial flowers in the room, not only to beautify the indoor environment, but also a clean indoor air, an effective way to regulate the indoor climate. But in the indoor cultivation of perennial flowers is very particular. To understand how to choose perennial flowers, perennial flowers should start talking about the purification.There are four perennial flowers purification: 1, bactericidal antimicrobial. Some perennial flowers can kill certain bacteria can secrete bactericidal factor, inhibit Mycobacterium tuberculosis, dysentery and typhoid bacillus bacteria growth, help keep indoor air clean. 2, the absorption of carbon dioxide. Most perennial flowers in the daytime for photosynthesis, absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen at night to breathe, absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide. 3, the absorption of toxic gases. Some perennial flowers in the air through the leaves to absorb a certain concentration of toxic gases such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, formaldehyde, hydrogen chloride, etc., through oxidation to convert it into non-toxic or low toxic substances such as sulfate. 4, air quality alert plant. With animals, perennial flowers are a class of continuously exchange activities with the external environment of the organism. Any external factors, including changes in harmful gases will have an impact on plants and in all parts of the plant is reflected. When the indoor perennial flowers unusual circumstances, it prompts people to timely detect the indoor concentration of harmful substances, which play a role in monitoring and alarming. Therefore, we can keep some of the perennial flowers in the room to absorb harmful substances, clean room environment. For example, the raising of some anthurium can absorb benzene, and can absorb TCE daisy, spider plants, aloe vera, Sansevieria can absorb formaldehyde . . by raising both flowers and the way pesticides, but also beautify the room, described as clean indoor air, the best policy. Rich bright green color, shape and beautiful as interior decorative furnishings, and many works of art compared to the more expensive full of vigor and vitality, dynamism and charm. Hanbaoyufang bud, lush green foliage, to the bedroom into the vitality of nature. Green not only make people pleasing interior, eliminating fatigue, but also pleasant emotions, affect and change peoples mentality, in the beautiful green atmosphere, it is easy to maintain a calm happy mood, reducing anxiety and worry. Therefore, when your home renovation has been completed, do not forget to add a little green room. 净化室内空气 宿根花卉来帮忙 在室内适当种植宿根花卉,不仅能美化室内环境,更是一种净化室内空气、调节室内气候的有效途径。但是在室内种植宿根花卉是很有讲究的。要想了解怎样选择宿根花卉,还要先从宿根花卉的净化功能说起。 宿根花卉有四种净化功能: 1,杀菌抑菌。有些宿根花卉能分泌能够杀死某些细菌的杀菌素,抑制结核杆菌、痢疾杆菌和伤寒菌的生长,有利于保持室内空气的清洁卫生。 2,吸收二氧化碳。多数宿根花卉在白天进行光合作用,吸收二氧化碳,释放氧气,在夜间进行呼吸,吸收氧气,释放二氧化碳。 3,吸收有毒气体。有些宿根花卉能通过叶片吸收空气中一定浓度的有毒气体,如二氧化硫、氮氧化物、甲醛、氯化氢等,再经过氧化作用将其转化为无毒或低毒的硫酸盐等物质。 4,空气质量报警植物。同动物一样,宿根花卉是一类不断与外界环境进行交换活动的有机体。外界任何因子,包括有害气体的变化都会对植物产生影响,并在植物的各个部位反映出来。当室内宿根花卉出现异常情况时,就提示人们要适时检测室内有害物质浓度,从而起到监测报警作用。 所以,我们可以在室内养一些宿根花卉来吸收有害物质、净化居室环境。例如,养些花烛可以吸收苯,雏菊可以吸收三氯乙烯,吊兰、芦荟、虎尾兰可以吸收甲醛通过养花草的办法既可以除害,又可以美化居室,可谓净化室内空气的上策。 绿色植物色彩丰富艳丽


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