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外文译文:RNO功能描述RNO是操作维护中心(OSS)里的一种优化工具,其中包括FAS(Frequency Allocation Support )、FOX(Frequency Optimization Expert )、NCS(Neighboring Cell Support )、NOX(Neighboring Cell List Optimization Expert )、MRR(Measurement Result Recording )、TET(Traffic Estimation Tool )等工具。这篇文章主要描述了RNO中的FAS、FOX、NCS、NOX、MRR和TET在无线网络优化中功能以及应用。RNO的运用提供如下功能:测量定义、测量计划、测量停止和结束的时间、优化处理、测量报告生成、打印出测量数据和结果、导出测量结果、频率设置、小区设置、导入ICDMs、把两个ICDMs生成一个ICDMs、提供在线帮助、错误处理。1 FAS FAS是RNO里一种无线网络优化工具。通过FAS可以进行频率优化,减少对无线网络的干扰,。在GSM无线网络中,为了有效的使用频谱和增加网络容量,GSM网络中干扰等级必须保持在最低限度。频率干扰直接影响着语音质量和掉话率。FAS是一种频率优化工具,可以减轻网络优化人员的对频率优化的工作负担,可以更好的和更加方便的进行频率优化。在无线网络环境中,可以通过FAS监测上下行干扰情况,使网络优化人员更加容易找出其中BCCH和TCH配置不合理的频点配置,并且用干净的频点去代替它们。新的FAS测量记录在RNO中创建并开始的,并且测量结果被收集在RNO中。测量完成之后,把测量报告报给OSS。在OSS中,再对测量报告进行处理,最后以测量报告和地图信息的形式,提交给用户。测量报告包括了上行干扰和下行干扰的百分比,以及ICMD。ICDM是根据pit-estimate的一个记录值。在下行测量邻区对其干扰影响时,ICDM的值得出。这些值形成一个矩阵。这个矩阵可以按照HTML格式表格形式被导出,主要用于频率规划。频率规划和有效的参数也可以被导出。假如安装了应用软件,这测量报告也能被传到RNDBI。从FAS得出的信息可以作为小区规划的依据。但频率改变时,FAS能支持小区规划更新。 FAS能帮助网络优化人员找到更好的频率配置,用于网络优化;FAS为网络优化工程师在一个网络中增加一个新的小区提供便利,用于小区规划;FAS可以监测频率干扰情况,用于网络监督。网络优化人员可以比较测量结果和生成统计报告,例如,频率分配之前或之后的情况。FAS包括以下功能:在GNIP地图上呈现;重新分配频率;FAS将会执行以下操作:上行链路记录;下行链路记录;报告显示;导出测量结果;导入ICDMs在计算机系统的FAS软件需要电信安全服务、从CNA得到网络信息、CANI、从ENIQ或者SDM得到网络统计资料、在小区中从BSM中取出数据、BRF软件被安装。2 FOXFOX是在FAS的测量报告基础上形成的。FOX测量始终要使用上下的测量报告。FOX测量结果不仅可以向FAS一样显示出来,而且在FAS的基础之上增加了一些附加功能,可以提高网络的质量。把所有可用的频点添加在小区里,根据一定的算法,就能得到FOX测量报告,可以为小区提供最好的频点配置方案。FOX测量有两种方式,一种是推荐方式,一种是自动方式。在推荐模式方式里,根据上行链路和下行链路的测量报告,FOX建议小区进行频率重新分配。在这种模式执行之前,用户可以选择接受或者拒绝。在自动模式下,无需用户选着,所有的建议将会被默认为选着。干扰测量和数据评估将会根据定义的测量重复运行。在这段时间里,用户将会得到推荐网络配置进行修改或者修改已经完成的通知。FOX包括以下功能:建议频率重新分配;可能接受,改变或拒绝的建议;按照建议网络自动更新;网络更新的评估;重新分配LOG;生成FOX-result。一个FOX recording 就生成了一个FOX result,一个FAS result和一个ICDM result。必须要先安装FAS,FOX软件才能用。为了更好的设置一些功能,请认真阅读关于上面FAS的知识。3 NCS在无线网络中的切换判决条件是根据下行链路MS的测量报告和上行链路BTS的测量报告来决定的。测量报告的准确度对有效的切换是至关重要的。如果小区的邻区数太多,测量精度下降。可以很好切换的那些候选领区,需要被包含在激活的BA-List.NCS是RNO中网络优化的一个工具,在无线网络环境的情况下,可以帮助网络优化人员为每个小区指定邻区关系。通过运用NCS,可以使切换更加可靠和正确,并且可以进一步提高话音质量,减少掉话。在一个OSS中,用户可以通过NCS去测量服务小区以及邻区小区的无线环境情况。测量完成之后,测量报告值被发到OSS。OSS收到测量报告之后,对其进行处理。最终以报告和地图形式直观的呈现给网络优化人员。最终的测量报告可以被导出到一个表里或直接导进RNDBI数据库中。测量报告可以以多种形式导出。从NCS里得到的测量报告可以为小区的邻区规划提供参考信息。在CAN中当有新邻区关系时,可以进行小区更新。 NCS可以删除已有的邻区关系。在OSS中,把所有的测量数据生成一个总体报告,它可以帮助网络优化人员分析问题。NCS可以从以下几个方面帮助网络工程师:发现新小区的邻区关系,用于网络优化;发现丢失的邻区关系在激的BA-list中,用于网络优化;发现邻区关系从激活的BA-list中被删除,用于网络优化;评估邻区关系,用于网络监督;NCS具有如下功能:生成邻区关系测量报告;网络优化人员用GNIP地图更加直观的反映邻区关系。网络优化人员可以在CAN里改变小区的邻区关系。配置了NCS的计算机系统中,需要配置电信安全服务、CNAI、CAN、ENIQ或SDM数据库、BRF。CAN是用来重新分配数据和得到网络中的信息。从ENIQ或SDM数据库中,可以得到表明有效测量的统计信息。4 NOXNOX的功能基本上与NCS一样,不过NOX能更加精确反映邻区情况。NOX的测量报告是根据NCS的测量报告得来的。FOX包括两种测量方式,一种是推荐方式,一种是自动方式。在推荐模式方式里,NOX给服务小区提出了建议,是增加邻区关系还是删除邻区关系,有NCS的测量报告决定。在NOX的测量报告没有生成之前,用户可以选着接受或者拒绝给出的建议。在自动模式下,无需用户选者是否接受给出的建议,所有的建议将会被自动选者接受。测量的邻区关系和评估数据将会根据定义的数据重复测量。在这段时间里,无线网络人员将会得到网络修改建议或者修改已经完成的通知。并且其结果已经生成。NOX有如下功能:给出改变邻区的建议;实现邻区关系的改变,是改变邻区的一种工具;创建一个NOX-result从NCS-result在分配LOG;一个NOX recording包括一个NOX result和一个NCS result,这意味着如果需要的话,所有的NCS result可以打开。在使用NOX时,必须配置NCS。为了更好的设置某些功能,请认真阅读上面NCS部分。5 MRRMRR是一个测量无线电特性的一种工具,对无线电特征的测量包括上行链路和下行链路的信号强度、上行链路和下行链路的信号质量、上行链路和下行链路的路径损耗、路径损耗差、MS的发射功率、BTS减少的发射功率、TA和上行链路和下行链路的FER。用户可以定义统计计算无线电特性,这些统计统称为无线电统计。以下是通过对每个无线电特性的统计,并通过MRR计算得出: 平均编码器滤波类型滤波、DTM连接滤波器、2个门限值到达指定阀值的测量值的百分比MRR可以帮助网络优化工程师监督网络性能、呈现无线网络中出现的问题、比较网络性能之前和之后在网络中的变化。MRR的应用是一种应用在无线网络中的工具,能记录无线环境中的信息,并以报告的形式呈现出给无线网络优化工程师。MRR有如下功能:产生MRR报告;使用GNIP地图呈现测量信息;配置了MRR的计算机系统需要配置电信安全服务、CNA、BRF。CNA是为了得到有效的数据结构和关于小区级、BSC级、信道组的无线网络信息。6 TETTET是一种小区规划工具,能够根据目前小区的优化工具,NOX能够根据测量结果,自动修改邻区关系。TET这些功能便于扩容;例如,高话务的微蜂窝小区。因为一个好的覆盖是保证良好通话的先决条件。TET的功能是以激活的MS发往BSC的一份测量报告为基础的,每秒发送两次。这份报告包括对信号强度额测量、频率和六个信号最强的邻区。在一个测试点通过一个测试机进行测试,包括服务小区在激活的BA-list的情况下,对周围小区的频率进行测量,激活状态下的MS可以报告的测试反射机以及普通的邻区。这份测量报告表明了在一个小区中有好多个MS从测试发射机接收到强的信号和多少流量,如果TET的存在,包含测试发射机的测量报告数从BAR中提取。TET能帮助操作员对新站位置的优化、估计规划站点的传输能力、为新小区选择合适的邻区。TET的功能:生成TET报告。配置了TET的计算机系统需要配置电信安全服务、CAN、BRF、NCS。CNA是为了得到有效的数据结构和关于小区级、BSC级、信道组的无线网络信息。BRF和NCS需要被安装。外文原文:RNO Function DescriptionRNO is a part of OSS-RC,This document describes the functions of the Radio Network Optimization applications Frequency Allocation Support (FAS), Frequency Optimization Expert (FOX),Measurement Result Recording (MRR),Neighboring Cell Support (NCS), Neighboring Cell List Optimization Expert (NOX), Traffic Estimation Tool (TET).RNO provides the following functions for all RNO applications that use recordings: Recording definition ,Recording scheduling ,Stopping and terminating recording ,Result handling ,Report generation ,Printing the list of recordings and results ,Exporting results ,Frequency set handling ,Cell set handling ,Importing ICDMs ,Generating an ICDM by adding two ICDMs ,Online Help ,Error Handling .1 FASThe FAS is a tool intended to support frequency optimization in order to minimize interference in the radio network. The interference level in GSM networks has to be kept to a minimum in order to use the frequency spectrum in an efficient way, and to increase the capacity of the network. The speech quality and the amount of dropped calls are directly affected by the interference level. The FAS is an optional feature and aims at relieving the user from the burden of frequency optimization. By monitoring the up- and downlink interference environment in the network, FAS can find bad frequency allocations, both for BCCH (Broadcast Control Channel) and Traffic Channel (TCH) carriers, and replace them with better ones. New FAS recordings are created and started in the RNO and recording results are collected by RNO. After the recording is completed, the result values are reported to OSS where they are processed and presented to the user in reports and in geographical maps. The recording results can be uplink interference data, downlink Percentage Interfered Traffic (PIT) estimate and the ICDM. ICDM is a base for the PIT-estimate for a recording. The ICDM is created during downlink recording and gives the interference effect of one cell on another. This matrix can be exported as a file in HTML-format or tab-separated format, for the purpose of major frequency planning. The frequency plan and the validity counters for a recording can also be exported. The result can also be exported to RNDBI if that application is installed. The information from FAS can be used as a basis for the cell planning where FAS also supports updating of a planned area in Cellular Network Administration (CNA) with frequency changes. FAS helps the operator with the following: Find better frequency allocations in the cells (network optimization),Introducing a new cell in the network (cell planning) ,Monitor the interference levels on frequencies in use (network supervision),The user can compare recording results and statistical reports produced, for example, before and after a frequency reallocation. The following functions are included in FAS: GNIP map presentations .Frequency changes (reallocations) .FAS performs the following activities: Uplink recording and Downlink recording .Report presentation .Export of results .Import of ICDMs FAS software requirements within the computer system are the following: Telecom Security Services (TSS) .CNA to get network information CNAI .ENIQ or SDM database to get network statistical information (Optional).BSM to fetch the type of combiner used in the cell. (Optional) .BRF installed. 2 FOXFOX is built on FAS and uses the FAS measurements. FOX always uses both uplink and downlink measurements. Instead of just showing the results like FAS, FOX has the additional functionality of proposing changes that will improve the network quality. This is done with an algorithm that takes all possible frequencies in all cells into account, and suggests the best changes for the cells included in the recording. There are two levels of FOX recordings: Recommendation and Automatic. In the Recommendation mode, FOX suggests a number of frequency reallocations that are based on uplink and downlink recordings. The user can accept or reject the suggestions before they are implemented. In the Automatic mode, all suggested changes are implemented without user interaction.The interference measurements and the evaluation of data run repeatedly according to the recording definition. During the time, the user will be notified by a change of status in the list when modification of the network is recommended or has been made. The following functions are included in FOX: Recommendations on frequency reallocations .Possibility to accept, change or reject the recommendations of Automatic network update in accordance with the recommendations .Evaluation of the network update .Reallocation Log .Generation of FOX-result (based on FAS-result).A FOX recording results in one FOX result, one FAS result, and one ICDM result.A FOX requires that FAS is installed. Please read about FAS to get the full set of requirements. 3 NCSThe handover decision in a radio network is based on measurements from the mobile station on the downlink and from the base station on the uplink. The accuracy of the measurements is critical to making reliable handover decisions. If the number of neighboring cell relations is too high, measurement accuracy decreases. All the relations that can be good handover candidates need to be included in the active BA-List. NCS is a tool that helps users to specify adequate neighboring cell relations for each cell in the radio network. With NCS, handover decisions are more reliable and correct, which improves speech quality and results in fewer dropped calls. The user can order NCS to perform recordings on cells handled by one OSS. After the recording is completed, the result values are reported to the OSS, where they can be processed and presented to the user in reports and in maps. The result can be exported into a tab-separated format or directly into the RNDBI database and the reports can be exported to various formats. The information from NCS can be used as a basis for planning neighboring cell relations. NCS also supports updating of a planned area in CNA with new neighboring cell relations and removals of neighboring cell relations. In NCS, all data recorded according to the recording definition is accumulated into one result, which can be presented in reports and analyzed by the user. NCS helps the operator with the following: Find neighboring cell relations to a new cell (network planning) ,Find missing neighboring cell relations in the active BA-List (network optimization) ,Find neighboring cell relations to be removed from the active BA-List (network optimization) ,Evaluate neighboring cell relations (network supervision). NCS has the following functions: Generation of reports. The user has also access to the following: Use GNIP Map Presentations .Proposal of neighboring cell relation changes in CAN.NCS software requirements on the computer system are as follows: TSS, CNA is used to retrieve configuration data and information about the network such as cells, BSCs and channel-groups, CNAI, ENIQ or SDM database, to get statistical information which is used to indicate the validity of the measurement. (Optional), BRF is installed. The network elements must be configured to transfer the recording files in the BSCs to the OSS. This configuration is to be done when NCS is installed.4 NOXNOX is built on NCS measurements. In order to get a clear picture of the measurements it is recommended to read about NCS as well. Two levels of NOX recordings exist, recommendation and automatic. In the Recommendation mode, NOX suggests a number of neighboring cell relations to be added or removed. The user can accept or reject the suggestions before they are implemented. In the Automatic mode, all suggested changes are implemented without user interaction. The recordings and evaluation of data run repeatedly according to the recording definition. During the time, the user will be notified by a change of status in the list when modification of the network is recommended or has been made. NOX has the following functions: Propose neighboring cell relation changes Implement neighboring cell relation changes and create a NOX-result from an NCS-result .Reallocation Log.An NOX-recording results in one NOX-result and one NCS-result, which means that all NCS-reports can be opened if desired. NOX requires that NCS is installed. Please read about NCS to get the full set of requirement.5 MRRMRR is a tool for measuring radio characteristics. The measured radio characteristics are Uplink and downlink signal strength (RXLEV).Uplink and downlink signal quality (RXQUAL) .Uplink and downlink path loss .Path loss difference .Power level used by mobile station .Power reduction used by base station .Timing advance value used by mobile station .Uplink and downlink frame erasure rate (FER) The user can define statistical calculations on the measured radio characteristics. These calculated statistics are called radio statistics. The following statistics for each radio characteristic, calculated by MRR, are Average Codec Type filter .DTM Connection filter .Two thresholds - tells how many percentage of the measurement values that meet the specified threshold. MRR helps the operator with the following: Supervision of the network performance .Trouble shooting in the network .Comparison of network performance before and after a change in the network .The MRR application is a tool to initiate the MRR recording function in the network element, process the recorded information and present the data in reports. MRR has the following functions: Generation of MRR reports and Using GNIP map presentations .Using GNIP map presentations.MRR software requirements on the computer system are the following: TSS CNA to retrieve configuration data and information about the network such as cells, BSCs, channel groups. Basic Recording Framework is installed. 6 TETTET is used to estimate how much traffic a new cell will catch, and to quantify the off load and r


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