



Lesson 10 Clothes for a Cold Day 一、单项选择1Its fine today. You neednt take _ umbrella.Aa Ban Cany D/2Its 7:00 oclock. We are ready _ school.Aat Bin Cfor Dto3The coat is _ big for me. I cant wear it.Amuch Bjust Csuch Dso4The girl looks nice _ the new dress.Aon Bin Cwith Dfor5Jack, _ play around here. Your sister is asleep now.Adoesnt Bnot Cno Ddont 6You cant just sit there and _ life to come to you. You have to get it.Await for Bwork forClook for Dwant for7You _ very beautiful in yellow pants.Alook Bsee Cwatch Dread8She studies hard (努力). So she _ speak good English.Acan Bcant Cneed Dneednt9I dont forget _ English every day. Its a habit (习惯) for me.Aread Breading Cto read Dreads10_! The students are playing sports.ALook BLook at CLook for DSee二、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子11把书从你的书包里拿出来。 _ the books _ _ your schoolbag.12现在你可以回到位子上了。Now, you can _ _ _ your seat.13你的红毛衣和你的裤子很搭配。Your red sweater can _ _ _ your pants.14许多人在秋天感冒。Many people _ _ _ in fall.15我必须得和你们说再见了。I have to _ goodbye _ you now.三、从方框中选择恰当的句子完成对话,其中有两项是多余的Liu Yan:Hello, Wang Ling!Wang Ling:Hi! _16Liu Yan:Thank you.Wang Ling: _17Liu Yan:No. My favourite colour is light blue. _18Wang Ling:I like white and black.Liu Yan:You are wearing a green Tshirt. _19Wang Ling:Thank you. _20ABut my favourite colour is black.BWhat colours do you like?CWhats your name?DYour yellow dress looks nice.EGreen is just right for you.FWhat are they?GIs yellow your favourite colour?四、根据短文内容及所给提示,补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空What clothes do you like? For me, I like _21(pant) and a Tshirt in hot days. My clothes are not _22(colour). I like r_23 and black. The two colours can match _24(good) with each other. The sun is b_25outside. I have to put on my hat and go out.五、阅读理解(词数:约40;建议用时:3分钟)Lets have a look at some students clothes in Class Five today.NameClothesColourNew or oldDannyshortsblueoldQin GangpantsgreennewJennya skirtrednewChen Honga dresspinkoldMikea shirtblueold26What colour are Qin Gangs pants?ABlue. BGreen.CRed. DPink.27What does Jenny wear today?AOld blue shorts. BGreen pants.CA new red skirt. DAn old dress.28Who wears a pink dress today?ADanny. BQin Gang.CJenny. DChen Hong.29What class are these students in?AIn Class One. BIn Class Three.CIn Class Five. DIn Class Seven.30Whose clothes are in the same (相同的) colour?ADannys and Mikes.BDannys and Jennys.CQin Gangs and Mikes.DJennys and Chen Hongs.答 案一、1.B2.C3.D4.B5.D6A点拨:句意:你不能只坐在那儿等着生活向你走来,你必须去得到它。wait for等候,等待;work for 为工作;look for寻找;want for缺少;短缺。根据语境是等候,故选A。7A8.A9.C10.A二、11.Take; out of12.go back to13.go well with14catch a cold15.say; to三、16.D17.G18.B19.E20.A四、21.pants22.colourful23.red24well25.bright五、26.B点拨:细节理解题。 由信息栏Qin Gang, pants, green可知Qin Gang的裤子是绿色的,故选


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