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Unit 1 Festivals around the world Section一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1We shall never forget the _(beautiful)of that lake.2These are the _(origin)designs of the house,but we changed them later.3We should develop the _(agriculture)science and technology to increase farmers income.4After many years fighting,the small country gained _(independent)at last.5The pupils are filled with _(admire)for the great scientists and heroes.6My father is as _(energy)as a young man and hates sitting around doing nothing all day.7They want to hold a party in _(celebrate)of their parents fiftieth wedding anniversary.8Never take anything without _(permit),even if you know that your friend will be okay with it.9We all hope for the _(arrive)of the good news that our team has won the match.10The chairman delivered his speech on the _(believe)that the rich want to help the poor.二、根据所给语境写出相应答语1May I smoke here?Yes,you_.(No,you_.)2Must we do it as the director told us?Yes,you_.(No,you_/_.)3Will you help me with my English at the weekend?Sorry,_.I will be too busy then.4Would you please go shopping with me?Yes,_.5May I take this book out of the reading room?No,you _.You read it here.三、用恰当的情态动词完成下列句子1You _ be punished one day for what youve done.2We enjoy good weather in January,but sometimes it _ be terribly cold.3Could I borrow your bike?Yes.Of course you _.4I havent decided where Im going for my holiday.I _ go to Australia.5My fathers birthday is coming.What _ I give him?6Why dont you try on this dress?It _ look nice on you.7Youve been studying all day.You _ be very tired.8There _ be any difficulty about passing the road test since you have practised a lot in the driving school.四、单句改错1It was the last day of school,but the teacher said that we cant leave early._2There was a lot of fun at yesterdays party.You should come,but why didnt you?_3“You neednt smoke in the bedroom,” Rose said to her husband and pushed him out of the room._4I can hear the water running in the bathroom,so Tom might be taking another shower._5Will I have a word with you,Miss Smith?_6I have asked her,but she shall not help us._7When he was there,he should go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day._8You mustnt be hungry alreadyyou had lunch only two hours ago!_五、完成句子1那不可能是汤姆,他在医院。That _ _ Tom.He is in the hospital.2你没有必要告诉老师这件事情。我已经告诉他了。You _ _ the teacher about it.I have told him.3我们本不应该在英语考试中作弊。We _ _ cheated in the English exam.4杰克,你一定不要在课堂上睡觉。Jack,you _ _ in class.5为什么偏偏是星期天下雨?Why _ _ _ on Sunday?六、完形填空Learn to Express Thanks“Exposed(暴露)to strong sunshine and heavy winds, postmen are the most handsome.”“Thank you,dear postmen.”Many teenage readers write letters with such words on the envelopes.Once they are _1_,editors are always _2_ by their sincere(真诚的)gratitude(感激)to ordinary people._3_ gratitude is an important form of good _4_.In Western countries,people often write a note to thank those who _5_ them.Nowadays more and more people in China have found its high time to cultivate(培养)a thankful _6_ for the good others do.Everyone likes to get praised and appreciated.Gratitude is _7_ of virtues,which lets others smile and makes the _8_ more beautiful.You just need several _9_ to write down a thankyou note,but it could bring much joy to the _10_.We live in a society _11_ we enjoy the different services of others.But none of them should be taken for granted.Gratitude is also a kind of attitude in life.In developing gratitude for every _12_for the simple joys,and even for the _13_ timewe come to _14_ enjoy and appreciate life.Then we are able to see the _15_ around us.Try to write a thankyou letter to your parents for working hard to _16_ you a happy life.Be grateful to your _17_ because of their help with your studies and character building.Say thanks to your friends who _18_ both your happiness and sorrow and spend a few minutes _19_ you go to sleep giving thanks for all that you have.We are sure it will bring them much joy and add _20_ into your life as well.1AsaidBclosed Copened Dinvited2Asurprised Binterested Cmoved Dthanked3AHaving BExpressing CTaking DEnjoying4Amanners Buses Cways Dthings5Ahelps Bhas ever helped Cis helping Dhave ever helped6Afeeling Bheart Cword Dmind7Athe good Bthe smallest Cthe greatest Dgood one8Aworld Bschool Ccommunity Dcrowd9Atimes Bwords Cpieces Dminutes10Aperformer Breceiver Cspeaker Ddoer11Awhich Bwhen Chow Dwhere12Atime Bday Cmoment Dform13Amanaging Bchallenging Cchanging Ddeveloping14Asimply Btruly Chardly Dably15Atruth Breality Cexperience Dmagic16Aoffer Bmake Cfeed Dput17Aclassmates Bparents Cteachers Dfriends18Agave Bshared Cappreciated Dformed19Aafter Bas Cbefore Dwhile20Acolor Btaste Cmeans Dreflection七、语法填空There was a woman who was in such a hurry to go to the airport.She was so absorbed in her own thoughts that she was not aware they were going on _1_ different route.Suddenly,a man went inside the cab and took her handbag _2_ she placed her visa,passport,and all her money _3_ the trip.She kept on thinking how _4_(luck)she was to be in that situation.That very same night,she heard a piece of _5_(shock)news.Flight 230 crashed!It was the plane that she was supposed to board.If she _6_(lose)her precious belongings,she could have lost something far _7_ importanther life!Sometimes bad things really happen.We fail our exams,or get rejected by others.There are times when nothing seems to go our way.So _8_ do we do about it?We must take all these frustrations out of our chest and start all over again with the consistent faith that we _9_(get)what we deserved.If you failed the exams,maybe youd be more successful and much happier in _10_ field.If you were rejected by your friend,there are plenty of others out there who are much more deserving your love and affection.Dont waste your time and energy on things that cant be changed.1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_参考答案一、1beauty2original3agricultural4independence5admiration6energetic7celebration8permission9arrival10belief二、1may/can;mustnt2must;neednt/dont have to3Im afraid not/I cant4Id like/love to5mustnt/cant三、1shall2can3can4may/might5shall/should6will/may/might7must8shouldnt四、1cantcouldnt2在should后加have 3needntmustnt 4mightmust 5WillShall 6shallwill 7shouldwould 8mustntcant 五、1cant be2neednt tell 3oughtnt to/shouldnt have 4mustnt sleep 5must it rain 六、1C本句的主语they指的是letters,编辑要看信,就需要把信件打开。2C编辑被他们对于普通人的感激之心所感动。3B由上面的例子中人们在信封上表达对邮递员的感激之情可知,此处应用Expressing。4A表


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