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Module 6 Around town Unit 2 The London Eye is on your right. 1.To get information from the reading material about some famous places in London 2.To learn some key words and useful expressions 3.To learn more expressions of giving directions Objectives: Words: above, over, tour, off, tower Phrases: in the middle of next to take back at the square Patterns: Take the boat back Get off the boat at Complete the conversation A: Excuse me, can you tell me the way _ the museum, please? B: Yes, its near the station. You go _ this street to the end. Then _ left, go _ the bridge and the museum is _ your right. A: Thanks a lot. B: _ to along turn acrosson Youre welcome. Revision tour square middle famous painting from metre above river clear n.(短期的)参观,游览; 旅行 n. 广场 n. 中部;中间 adj.中等的;中部 的 adj. 著名的 n. 油画;绘画 prep. 从出发 n. 米 prep. 在上方; 在之上 n. 河;江 adj. 晴朗的;清晰的 Study words and expressions bridge railway past church finish high post office up down stop Study words and expressions n. 桥 n. 铁路 prep. 路过;越过 n. 教堂 v. 结束;完成 adj.高的 邮政局 prep.沿着而去 prep.沿着 n. 车站 Can you guess their names? Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)英国的王宫。 建造在威斯敏斯特城内,位于伦敦詹姆士公园 (St. James Park)的西边,1703年为白金汉 公爵所建而得名,最早称白金汉屋,意思是“他 人的家”。 Tower of London 伦敦塔九百多年来曾先后作为王宫、兵工厂、 监狱及城堡,是伦敦最著名的建筑物之一。 城堡共有22个高塔组成。 London Eye 伦敦眼是世界上最大地摩天轮,为了纪念千禧年 (2000年)而建。它坐落在泰晤士河畔,伦敦市 议会大厦前面。伦敦眼高135米,可鸟瞰周围25英 里以内的景观。 国会大厦是英国国会(包括上议院和下议院)的 所在地。该建筑包括约1,100个独立房间、100 座楼梯和4.8公里长的走廊的于位于英国伦敦的 中心威斯敏斯特市,它坐落在泰晤士河西岸, 它 的西北角的钟楼就是著名的大本钟(大本钟已 于2012年6月,更名为“伊丽莎白塔”)。 Houses of Parliament National Gallery 英国国家美术馆又称国家画廊,成立于1824年,是一座 位于伦敦市中心特拉法加广场北侧的国家级美术馆,以 收藏绘画作品为主,分为东南西北四个侧翼,按照年代 顺序展出,作品以1260年至1900年之间为主。 Big Ben 英国伦敦著名古钟,即威斯敏斯特宫报时钟,英国国会 会议厅附属的钟楼,建于1859年。安装在西敏寺桥北议 会大厦东侧高95米的钟楼上,钟楼四面的圆形钟盘,直 径为6.7米,是伦敦的传统地标。2012年6月,英国宣布将 把伦敦著名地标“大本钟”的钟楼改名为“伊丽莎白塔”。 River Thames 泰晤士河是英国最长的河流,也是最重要的水路, 又是英国的母亲河。河水从西部流入伦敦市区, 全长340公里事实上自伦敦桥开始,伦敦桥一带 河宽229米。 伦敦塔桥是从英国伦敦泰晤士河口算起的第一座桥 (泰晤士河上共建桥15座),也是伦敦的象征,有 “伦敦正门”之称。塔桥两端由4座石塔连接,两座主 塔高43.455米。河中的两座桥基高7.6米,相距76米。 该桥始建于1886年,1894年6月30日对公众开放, 将伦敦南北区连接成整体。 Tower Bridge Landscape of London伦敦的景观 London Eye Big Ben 2. Read the passage and follow the tour on the map. Welcome to this short tour of London. This square is Trafalgar Square and it is the middle of London. Were standing opposite the National Gallery, a fa- mous museum with lots of famous paintings. From here, well walk along the red street to Buckingham Palace. the Queen lives there. Turn left and go to the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. Opposite you can see the London Eye. It takes you 135 metres above the River Thames. You can see most of London on a clear day. trfl skw 特拉法尔加广场 When you are tired, the best way to see London is by boat. You can get the boat near Big Ben. As you go along the river, the London Eye is on your right. Get off the boat at Tower Bridge. Text to the bridge is the Tower of London. Its over 900 years old. After visiting the Tower of London, take the boat back along the river to the railway station. When you get off the boat, go past the station and walk along the street. Turn left into Kings Street and go past a church. Youre now back at the square. And this is where well finish our tour. 1) Label the places in Activity 1 on the map. 2) Try to retell the tour of London. 3. 1. National Gallery 2. London Eye 3. Tower of London 4. Houses of Parliament 5. Buckingham Palace National Gallery Buckingham Palace Houses of Parliament London Eye Tower of London The square-National Gallery- Buckingham Palace-Houses of Parliament-Big Ben-London Eye- River Thames -Tower Bridge- Tower of London-River Thames-the station -the market-the church-the square Retelling 1. Were standing opposite the National Gallery, a famous museum with lots of famous paintings. 我们站在国家美术馆即一个有很多名 画的博物馆的对面。 a famous museum是the National Gallery的同位语;with lots of famous paintings是介词短语,修饰museum。 with prep. 具有,带有 a country with a long history 一个有着悠久历史的国家 2. It takes you 135 meters above the River Thames. 它能把你带到离泰晤士河面135米的高空 。 above/over/on 均可表示“在之上”, 但各有不同的含义。 above “在之上”, 可指“在斜上方”, 既不 接触, 又不一定垂直, 只是位置“高于”; 反义词是below 例如:He lifted his hands above his head. 他将双手举过头顶。 Good health is above wealth. 健康胜过财富 over “在之上”,常常可以和 above替换, 它强调垂直在上,且不接触。反义词是under; over还可表示“盖在上面,铺在上面”,用作 此意时,不能和above替换。 The light is over/above the table. 桌子上面吊着一盏灯。 There is a picture over the blackboard. 黑板上方有一幅画。 Theres a bridge over the river Danube. 在多瑙河上有一座桥 on “在之上”,但它含有和表面 相接触的意思。反义词:beneath The book is on the desk. 书在课桌上。 3. When youre tired, the best way to see London is by boat. 当你累了,游览伦敦最好的方式便是乘船。 此句包含一个时间状语从句, when “当时候”; 动词不定式在句子中作后置定语,修 饰前面的名词way,也可以修饰代词。 Would you like something to drink? 来点喝的,好吗? 4. As you go along the river, London Eye is on your right. 当你沿着河行进时,伦敦眼就在你的右边。 as 这里引导的是时间状语从句。 Let the word fly Tips for teacher Let the word fly 板块是帮助学生学 习一些一词多义、熟词生义的词汇。 通过此环节,学生可以对一些常见词 的用法、意思有一个透彻的了解。 on out over down to into in off turn 开; 旋开 交出; 上交 关上 把翻 过来 变成 翻到; 转向 音量(调低) 最后结果是 1. turn on 开; 旋开 This tap is stiff; it wont turn on. 这个龙头太紧, 拧不开。 Could you turn on the light, please? 请把灯打开, 好吗? 2. turn off 关上 He turned off the water. 他关上了水龙头。 3. turn in 交出; 上交 Turn in your homework, please. 请把作业交上来。 4. turn into 变成 The barren land has been turned into fertile fields. 贫瘠的土地已改成良田。 Water has turned into ice. 水已经结成了冰。 5. turn to 翻到; 转向 Lets turn to page 8. 让我们翻到第八页。 6. turn down (音量) 调低 Turn the heat down or your cake will burn. 把热度调低吧,要不蛋糕就要糊了。 7. turn over 把翻过来 Turn over or your back will get sunburnt. 翻过身去,不然你的后背要被阳光灼伤的。 Having read Page 1, he turned over to page 2. 他读完第一页后, 就翻到第二页。 8. turn out 最后结果是 It turned out that he was never there. 原来他根本没去过那儿。 4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box. 1 Where does the _ start? - From the _ opposite the National Gallery. 2 Whats the National Gallery? - Its a _ museum with lots of paintings. 3 How high does the London Eye take you_ the River Thames? - One hundred and thirty-five _. above bridge clear famous metre square tour tour square famous above metres 4 What can you see from the London Eye? - On a _ day, most of London. 5 Where is the Tower of London? - Its next to a famous _. clear bridge 5. Draw a map of your journey from school to home. Mark the street and other places on the map in English. Dont mark your home. 6. Write directions from your school to your home. 1. There is a beautiful bridge _ the river. 2. Lets walk _ the beach. Maybe we will find some beautiful stones. 3. Why not go cycl


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