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how to create a dynamic optional course?,如何打造一门富有活力的选修课程?,专家宏观解读: 选修课并非可有可无的“摆设”,并非随意安排的“点缀”, 它与必修课构成一个互补互动的完整的课程结构体系。,新手微观坦言: 假如学校不开,学生不选,您制作的课就是“点缀”、“摆设”。 “每周少一节英语课”。,optional courses are like dessert.,quality,beauty,我说说:,diversity,creativity,appearance: attractive,the dignity of movement of an ice-berg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water.,inside: intensive (密集的) integrated (综合的),“五步法”,一、合理选方向,interest is the best teacher. 课标之中找灵感: 语言知识与技能类:初级英语语法与修辞、英汉初级笔译、英语应用文写作、英语报刊阅读、英语演讲与辩论; 语言应用类:文秘英语、科技英语、信息技术英语、初 级旅游英语、初级经贸英语; 欣赏类:英语文学欣赏入门、英语影视欣赏入门、英语戏剧与表演入门、英语歌曲欣赏。,二、巧妙搭框架,1、体现清晰的逻辑结构 例如可按时间、地点等顺序 2、体现层次 例如教材目录 3、体现特色(隐性) 例如学习活动/评价方式,do some research in the library or on the internet. write a short review about one jazz song or jazz singer and his style. then report it in front of the class (about 3 minutes).,资源:同课程资源 如网络(尤其是google)等 茫然时,多问自己: “if i were my student,.”,三、广泛找资源,interest difficulty usefulness (in improving english) ,英语歌曲赏析,feasts to our ears, eyes and minds: learning the language and culture from songs in english,四、精心编教材,五、灵活上课程,chapter 1 英语歌曲赏析入门(一) 语言形式,hook?,the key word or topic sentence in a song,(主题句),activity 1: the hook of the song: _ the theme : _,you raise me up,mothers unconditional love,chapter 6 rap,birthday: _ birth place: _ features:,id card,mid-1970s,new york city, america,rap = talking/ chatting one of the elements of hip hop rhyming lyrics spoken rhythmically over musical instruments, with a musical backdrop of sampling, scratching and mixing by djs.,/rap.html,门类特点,puff daddy - sean john combs,代表人物,will smith,遵循“从已知到未知”,starry night/ vincent,starry, starry night paint your palette blue and gray look out on a summers day with eyes that know the _ in my soul shadows on the hills sketch the trees and daffodils catch the breeze and the winter _ in colors on the snowy linen land *now i understand what you tried to say to me and how you _ for your sanity and how you tried to set them free they would not listen, they did not know how perhaps, theyll listen now*(chorus),vincent, by julio iglesias,darkness,chills,suffered,songs in english,chapter 12 movie soundtrack,the prince of egypt when you believe,“the prince of egypt” is based on a story in the bible., 相关文本阅读 e.g. 提供英文故事梗概, 促进学生主动阅读 研究歌词时联系英语诗歌的特点 e.g. 压韵、修辞等 小组探讨歌曲(尤其是歌词) 如何体现影片(故事)的主题, 举出实例。,many nights weve prayed with no proof anyone could hear in our heart is a hopeful song we _ understood now we are not afraid although we know theres much to _ we were moving the mountains long before we knew we _,when you believe, by mariah carey & whitney houston,barely,fear,could,*there can be miracles(奇迹) when you believe though hope is frail, its hard to _ who knows what miracles you can _ when you believe somehow you will you will when you believe* (chorus),kill,achieve,= weak,frail,hook,“集大成者”,musicals,birthday: _ birth place: _ features:,id card,early 20th century,britain, america,a combination of songs, spoken dialogue, acting, and dance. large venues: west end, broadway theatre.,broadway musicals,andrew lloyd webber,jesus christ superstar,i dont know how to love him,巨星基督,evita dont cry for me, argentina,艾微塔(基于阿根廷贝隆夫人生平),the phantom of the opera,the music of the night,剧院魅影,cats,“英国第一出舞蹈音乐剧” “音乐剧历史上最卖座的作品”,猫,elaine paige,the first lady of british musical theatre,she plays the role of grizabella in cats,midnight not a sound from the pavement has the moon lost her memory? she is smiling _ in the lamplight the withered leaves collect at my feet and the wind begins to moan memory all alone in the moonlight i can smile at the old days life was _ then.,memory, by elaine paige,alone,beautiful,*i remember the time i knew w


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