



Quality Criterion for Community Profiles社区框架指标2009年2月11日1. Total number of species:(物种总数)l 100 in the hilly areas, 50 in the plain山地物种超过100种,平原物种超过50种l A reasonable plant/animal ratio合理的植物/动物比例l A reasonable proportion of wild species合理的野生动物比例l A reasonable proportion of fungi or herbs 合理的真菌类或者草本植物比例2. Species name: (物种名称)l Cultivar and breed for domesticated species 栽培和饲养的当地物种l Local name used 当地名称3. Service categories:(服务范围)l An entry to most of the categories大部分物种可以分为以下几类: food食物, income,收入 materials材料, medicine药材, eco-service生态服务, social and beauty文化和美化环境 4. location information for species used for action plans:针对行动计划中的物种的本土信息l The more specific, the better.越明确越具体越好。 Quality Criterion for Community Action Plan社区行动计划指标2009年2月12日1. Selection reasons based on profile Analysis:基于框架分析层面上选择物种的理由l Analyzing and sorting the importance of species分析对物种的重要性排序l Analyzing and sorting the endangerment of species分析并整理濒危物种排序l The most important and the most endangered最重要和最濒危的物种l Connection with national red-list species or gene-pool species (Expert consultancy)结合国家红色名单或者基因库里面的物种(专家的咨询)2. Species Information and habitats: 物种生境信息l Ecological importance, rareness, richness生态的重要性,物种的稀有和丰富度l Habitat information生境信息: specific in field, roadside, house yard, hillside, or ditch, and ownership of habitat具体到田地、路边、庭院、山坡、水沟、地域的所有权。3. Threats, opportunity, benefit and marketing威胁、机遇、利益及市场l Threats: natural or human 威胁:自然的或者是人类的l Opportunities: species character, indigenous knowledge, external reliance机遇:物种特征,当地知识运用,对外界的依赖度。l Benefits: to environment and to livelihood 益处:针对生态环境和农户生计的。l Market potential: production and marketing市场潜力:产量和市场。4. Management and Plans:管理及计划l Activities for anti-threats: chronically managed in a season or longer减少威胁的活动:按季节或者更长时间来长期管理。l Activities for opportunities: chronically managed in a season or longer机遇活动:按季节或者更长时间来长期管理。l Activities based on consideringCurrent skill review:现有知识回顾Analysis of problems and difficulties in management:分析管理中的存在问题和困难。Impact of implementation on agro-biodiversity:实施农业生物多样性的影响。Indigenous knowledge applied:当地知识的应用Advanced knowledge applied:先进知识应用Field managing practice regime:田间管理实践制度Data collection and assessment of implementation:数据搜集和执行情况评估5. Requirements:需求l Technical needs技术支持l Policy needs政策支持Action Plan Implementation Model行动计划实施模板l Current skill review:现有知识回顾l Analysis of problems and difficulties in management:分析管理中的问题和困难l Impact of implementation on agro-biodiversity:实施生物多样性的影响l Indigenous knowledge applied:当地知识的应用l Advanced


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