



七年级英语期末词汇专项复习一、写出下列动词的过去式:51. am, is_2. get_3. say_4. are_5. give_6. see_7. become_8. go _9. sell_10. begin_11. grow_12. send_13. blow_14. hang_15. sing_16. bring_17. have, has_18. sit_19. buy_20. hear_21. sleep_22. can_23. hold_24. smell_25. catch_26. hurt_27. speak_28. come_29. keep_30. spend_31. cost_32. know_33. stand_34. cut_35. learn_36. swim_37. do_38. leave_39. take_40. draw_41. let_42. teach_43. drink_44. lose_45. tell_46. drive_47. make_48. think_49. eat_50. mean_51. understand_52. fall_53. meet_54. wake_55. feel_56. put_57. wear_58. find_59. read_60. will_61. fly_62. ride_63. win_64. forget_65. run_66. write_二、写出名词的复数形式:1. child_ 2. man_ 3. woman_ 4. policeman_ 5. Englishman_6. Frenchman _ 7. foot_ 8.tooth _9. sheep_ 10. Japanese _ 11. Chinese_12. knife_ 13. wife_ 14. life_15. shelf_ 16. half _ 17. leaf _18. tomato _ 19. potato _ 20. zoo_21. radio_ 22.kilo_ 23.man worker_三、写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级:1. good(well)_ _ 2. bad(badly, ill)_ _3. many(much)_ 4. little_ 5. far_ /_ /_6.old_ /_ _/ _7.delicious_ _8. quietly_ _9. glad_ _ 10. early_ _四、写出同音词:one_; I_; son_; meat_; right_for_; sea_; road_; father_; no_here_; wear_; new_; our_; there_;arent_; whos_; blew_; by_; hi_;pear_; knows_; read_; too_; its_五、写出反义词:1. big_ 2. black_ 3. buy_ 4. cheap_5. close_ 6.come_ 7. same_ 8. early_9.easy_ 10.heavy_ 11.little_ 12.new_13.put on_ 14.right_ 15.sit_ 16.up _17.here_ 18.this_ 19.these_ 20. from_ 21. few_ 22.after_ 23.always_ 24.first_25.answer_ 26.behind_ 27. back_ 32. bad_33. bring_ 34.busy_ 35.cold_ 36.cool_37. far_ 38.fat_39.finish_ 40.happy_41.left_ 42.long_ 43.no_ 44.tall_45.lose_ 46.wake up_ 47.dark_ 48. high_49. boring_ 50. clean_ 51. get up_52. teach_ 53. many_ 54.cry_六、词形转换:1. drive(现在分词)_ 2. twelve(序数词)_ 3. report(名词)_ 4. careful(副词)_ 5. wash(第三人称单数)_ 6. collect(名词)_7. cloud(形容词)_ 8. interview(名词)_ 9. hope(形容词)_ 10. forget(现在分词)_ 11. aunts(名词所有格)_ 12. fortieth(基数词)_七、用所给词的适当形式填空:1. He _(want)_(be)ateacher when he grows up.2. Hebegins_(have)hisclassesat7:30.3. Wego_(have)sportseverymorning.4. UncleWangloves_(make)things.5. Heisplanning_(write)a letterinChinese.6. Why not_(eat) mooncakes and _(look) at the moon?7. MissGaogetsus_(speak)Englisheveryday.8. Itstime_(get)up. Youd better_(not stay) at home.9. Youhavemuchhomework_(do)today.10. How/Whatabout_(go)outforsupper?11. Meimeiisgoodat_(swim).12. Thanks very much for_(help)me. Im very glad_(write)to you.13. Its a good time_(watch)TV.14. Iusuallydosome_(tour)onSundays.15. Wouldyoulike_(go)_(swim)withme?16. _(not come)and_(help)her,please.17. Lethim_(have)atry. Dont forget_(give) it to him.18. Jimoftenhelpstheoldman_(carry)water.19. They_(ask)me_ (go) _(shop)withthemlastSunday.20. _you _ (finish )_(make)dumplings last night?21. Ienjoy_(read)books, but he is interested in_(draw).22. Shespends


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