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动词与动词短语辩异 南开外语学院 黄跃华 教授6动词与动词短语辨异(1) abandon*, desert, discardabandon指放弃对某人或某物的控制或占有而任由他人摆布,常常带有迫于形势而不得不放弃之意。如:The scientist abandoned his research for lack of fund.Abandon ship!desert 指违背承诺、监护责任和义务而放弃某人或某物,如: All my friends have deserted me.He felt guilty at deserting his wife.discard 是指丢弃一个已无利用价值的或已成为负担或包袱的人或物,如:Lets discard some of these old newspapers.He discarded former friends. (2) adapt to, adapt foradapt to意为“适应;使适应”,如:It took me a while to adapt to the new job.She adapted herself quickly to the new job.adapt for“改编”,如:He is busy adapting Pauls latest movie for Television.(3) agree on, agree with, agree toagree on是指会谈或交涉的各方在某问题上达成协议或一致,如:Both parties agreed on the peace formula at the summit meeting. 在高峰会议上双方就和平方案达成协议。agree with 是指主观上赞成某人或某人的观点,如:I agree with you.Do you agree with what I said?agree to 指主观上虽不情愿但又不得不接受或认可某事,如:I find it impossible to agree to your terms.我觉得无法接受你提出的条件。The president had to agree to the students demand that the tuition be lowered.(4) allot, allocate, apportionallot指较随意的、无计划的分配,不含有平等分配的意思,如:I have allotted six dollars a month for bus fares and twenty dollars a month for lunches.A special task was allotted to each person.apportion则表示遵循某种公平分配的原则,根据所需按比例分配,如:The tour leader apportioned expenses among the 35 people.allocate多指钱物、财产、供给、领土或权力的分配,带有明确的拨发的含义,如:Half of the medical supplies have already been allocated to the victims of the earthquake.We allocated the society some money.That space has already been allocated for building a new hospital.(5) announce, declare, proclaimannounce 是指首次公开引起公众兴趣、好奇或关注的事情。如:The vote was completed. The president announced the result. Senator Edward Kennedy announced his candidacy for President.declare 通常是指在正式场合下毫不隐晦甚或是直白地宣布一件事,如:Bulgaria had declared her independence in 1908.We declare that the time has come to alter this state of claim 指在公共场合通过口头或其他声音(如号角)来大声宣告,如:The ringing bells proclaimed the news of the birth of the prince.The salesman proclaimed that his herb would cure all ills.(6) appoint, designatedesignate指由某一实权人物或权力机构选定某人出任某职务,该词常含有在上任之前很早就已选定之意。如:I am designating you to act for me while I am away.She has been designated as the Minister for Education.appoint指未经投票表决而任命某人,且做出任命的人或机构具有法律赋予的这种权力。如:He was appointed minister to a foreign country.Mr. Smith was appointed to the Chairmanship of the Committee.(7) arise, happen, occur, springspring指经过一段时间的孕育、准备或隐藏之后突然出现的,如:Tears sprang from her eyes.Plants spring from seed.srise通常指某个令人不快的事情露头或出现,除非后接from或out of短语,否则该词不暗示导致某事出现的原因或条件,如:Mistakes often arise from ignorance.A difficulty arose right here.Between them serious disagreements immediately arose.Better employ a solicitor, sir, in case anything should arise.happen表示发生时主语是所发生的事件,该词既可指在某一特定的时间或地点发生的某一事件,又可指在某一时期发生的同一类事件,其主语是所发生的事件如:The incident happened two weeks ago.Those terrible traffic jams usually happen around Christmas.When did the explosion happen?occur在表示发生时与happen是同义词,但更多地是表示在某一特定的时间或地点发生的某一事件,其主语也是所发生的事件,如: The bombing raids on the city occurred early in the war.His death occurred the following year.ask about, ask of, ask after, ask forask about意为“(向某人)询问某事”,如:She asked (me) about Chinese history.He asked a question about the tour. ask of表示“向某人询问;请求”,其结构是:ask sth of sb, 例如:She asked a question of me. (=She asked me a question.)May I ask a favor of you? (May I ask you a favor?)ask after意为“问候某人”,如:I asked after her elderly father when I met her the other day.ask for有以下两个主要意义: 要,要求,如:Im too tired to walk any farther. Lets ask for a ride. 招惹,自讨苦吃,自找麻烦,如:Drinking alcohol before driving is really asking for trouble. By not paying the bills, she asked for it; Im taking her to court.attributeto, contribute toattributeto意为“归因于;认为属于”, 如:The doctors have attributed the cause of the illness to an unknown virus.Most experts have attributed the drawing to Michelangelo.contribute to意为“促成;造成;是的部分原因”,如:Air pollution contributes to respiratory diseases. 空气污染会诱发呼吸道疾病。beat, winbeat意为“战胜,击败”,后接某人、某个球队或敌军;win意为“赢得一场比赛、战斗或奖品等”,如:Liu Xiang beat all the other runners and won the gold medal.believe, believe inbelieve意为“相信;相信某人的话”(认为是真的),如:I could not believe my eyes!我简直不敢相信我所看到的事情!Dont believe him. 别信他的话。Dont believe a word he says. 他说的话你一句也不要信。believe in有以下三个主要词义:信仰,笃信,如:Christians believe in Jesus. 信任,信赖;相信的效用,如:I believe in them. She firmly believes in doing morning exercises every day. 她对每天晨练的益处深信不疑。相信的真实性;相信的存在,如:Do you believe in everything the documentary has described? The villagers believe in ghosts.belong to 和 belong in/on /under: belong to 表示属于或是某集体的成员,如:Which door does this key belong to? Two thirds of the members belong to the wealthy class. 而 belong in 可表示 “住在”,“在中有适当的地位” 或“应该置于某处”, 作最后一种意思讲时,belong 后也可接 on 或 under 等,如:The cups belong on that shelf. The pan belongs under the sink.The belt belongs with that coat.The author belongs among the novelists more than the romance writers(传奇作家)call at, call in, call on call at表示“到某处拜访某人”,如:We called at our new neighbors houses a week later.call in表示“顺道在某处逗留”,如:Call in on your way to Washington. My wife wants to see you.call on表示“拜访某人”,如:We called on our new neighbors last week. comparewith, comparetocomparewith用于具有可比性的同类人或物,意为“把与作比较”,如:The police compared the fingerprints on the gun with these on the door.If you compare his work with hers, you will see that they are very pareto的主要意义是“将比作”,如:He compares her lips to the bud of roses.The physician compared my heart to a water pump.The poet compares his lovers tongue to a razor blade.但compareto间或也作“将比作”解,如:Comparing someone who uses heroin to someone who smokes cigarettes is like comparing apples and oranges.分词短语compared to和compared with作状语时在意义上没有区别,都作“与相比”解,如:The companys sales this year are excellent compared with/to last years.另外,cant compare with和cant compare to在意义上也无区别,都表示“无法与相提并论”,如:His cooking is good, but it cant compare with/to mine. comprise, consist, compose, constitutecomprise是个很特别的及物动词,它既可表示“包括;由构成”,又可表示“构成,组成”,如:Our companys product line comprises 2500 different items. 我公司的产品种类包括2500种。 The play comprises three acts. 该剧共有三幕。 The course comprises a coursebook, a practice book and an audio tape.该课程包括一本教科书,一本练习册和一盒音带。Fifty states comprise the United States. 50个州构成了美国。England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland comprise the United Kingdom. 英格兰,苏格兰,威尔士及北爱尔兰一起构成了联合王国。Italian students comprise 60% of the class.consist为不及物动词,无被动态,用在“consist of”的结构中,意为“由构成”,如:The team consists of four Europeans and two Apose为及物动词,意为“组成,构成”,如:Twelve citizens compose a jury.Oxygen and hydrogen compose water.请注意,compose虽为及物动词,但却没有被动态,当表示“由构成”时要用be composed of, 如:The audience was composed largely of young people. 听众多由年轻人构成。Air is composed mainly of nitrogen and oxygen. constitute为及物动词,可以用被动态形式,意为“组成,构成”,如:Crime and illegal drugs constitute the citys major problems.Twenty-four hours constitutes one day.cannot but do sth, cannot help but do sth, can not help doing sth这三个短语的英语意义均为be unable to stop doing sth, 即“禁不住,忍不住,不免”,只是cannot help doing sth更加正式,多用于书面语,而cannot but do sth和cannot help but do sth被部分语言学家认为稍嫌不规范。请看以下例句:The Russian volleyball players were depressed and could not help crying.As she spoke rather loudly I couldnt help overhearing what she said.She couldnt help laughing when she saw him dressed up like that.I cant help but think that she doesnt really what shes doing.When I think of all my mother has done for me, I cannot but say I love her. Define, explaindeny, rejectdeny意为“拒绝给予;拒绝赋予”,如:No one should be denied a good education.任何人都不应被剥夺接受良好教育的权利。A ship was denied entry to the canal.reject意为“拒绝接受,拒不认可;排斥;排异;驳回”,如:The company rejected the entire shipment.The court rejected the argument and found the defendant not guilty.法院驳回了控方的辩辞并判被告无罪。He was rejected for the army because of his bad eyes.The patient body rejected the alien kidney two weeks after the transplant.determine, decidedetermine表示“决定”时,含有两种不同的含义:1.“控制,影响”,如:The weather will determine whether we have the party outdoors or not.Your health is determined in part by what you eat.Eye color is genetically determined.2.“确定(选择、原因、范围、身份等),如:The police never actually determined the cause of death. Ive been completely unable to determine why my car is making such a strange noise.It is the responsibility of the court to determine whether the men are innocent or guilty.Once the medical examination had determined that there was nothing seriously wrong with me, I felt much better.decide表示“经过认真的思考之后选定如何行动或裁定”,如:I dont mind which one we haveyou decide.We decided on a blue carpet for the dinning room.In the end, we decided to go to the theater.I cant decide what to do. 试比较下句中两词的用法;I have decided to give a dinner party but have not yet determined the guests to be cate, bring upeducate指在校内接受的系统、规范的文化和学业方面的教育,如:He was educated in the public school of Chicago.bring up指在家庭或社会上受到的身心健康、道德修养及社交礼貌等方面的培养和教育,如:Sally was brought up by her aunt. Would you rather be well brought up and badly educated, or the opposite? 你是愿意得到好的家教却上差劲儿的学校,还是反过来那?endure, bear, tolerate, standendure意为“长时间忍受某种折磨”,侧重强调某人的毅力或耐久力。同学们要特别注意“长时间”三字。如:We had to endure a nine-hour delay at the airport.The man endured 10 years of prison life.The little boy found it difficult to endure spending his summer holidays with his Uncle.bear意为“忍受”,侧重强调某人的心理或身体承受能力,The strain must have been enormous but she bore it well.当时的压力想必很大,但她还是承受下来。Its your decisionyou must bear the responsibility if things go wrong.He couldnt bear to see the dog in pain.water as hot as one can bear ittolerate含有“在无法回避或无视某事存在的情况下无奈接受其现实”,如:Lets tolerate our differences in opinion, and try to find something in common.让我们尽量地求同存异吧。stand常可与bear换用,但它侧重强调某人的坚忍和不肯退却,可译为“经得住”,如:He stood the attack well.Our tent wont stand another storm.ensure, assure, secure ensure, assure 与secure都有“保证”之意,但它们强调的侧重点各不相同。ensure表示“保证某一目标或结果确能实现”,该词在意义上十分接近guarantee,试对照下面的例句: Your passport ensures your entry into your home country. The shipper guaranteed nextday delivery. 运货人保证第二天交货。The students are guaranteed jobs when they graduate.Assure虽然在意义上很象ensure,但它侧重于打消某人的怀疑或顾虑,如:I assure you that I will not say a word about this to anyone.You may think I am exaggerating. But I can assure you that these figures are correct.I assure you that Im telling you the truth.另外,在以往的四级考题中,ensure和 assure在语言结构上的区别也常被命题者作为考点。有些命题者认为,ensure只能用于单宾结构中(参看前例),而assure可用于以下两种结构: assure sb of sth (如:I can assure you of my full support for your plan.) assure sb that(参看前例) 。但这样的说法并不正确,因为ensure后带双宾语的例子十分常见,如:The extra lessons ensured him a good pass in the examinations.The medicine will ensure you a good nights sleep.事实上,ensure后面如果接that从句作宾语时才不能带间接宾语,如:The role of the police is to ensure that the law is obeyed.I cant ensure that he will turn up this morning.Secure 意为“保证的安全,使安全,使免遭破坏”,如:How can we secure our factory against vandals?The wall was built to secure the village from attack.enquire about, enquire after, enquire for, enquire intoenquire about意为“询问关于的情况”,如:My friend enquired about my health because I was sneezing.She enquired about the times of flights to Athens. enquire after意为“问候某人,打听某人的健康状况”,如:Mary enquired after his parents.enquire for意为“找某人,打听的下落”,如:A young man came into the office enquiring for her.enquire into意为“调查”,如:The neighborhood group enquired into the plans for a new park. 居民小组就修建新公园的那些计划进行了调查。establish, build, build up, set upestablish, build, build up, se t up均可表示“建立”。establish作“建立”解时,其后多跟国家、文化、制度、关系、理论、名望、学校等非实物性名词,如:We have decided to establish a new department.The company established a close working relationship with a similar firm in France.These methods of working were established only ryecently.build意为“建造;建立”。作“建造”解时,其后接实物性名词;作“建立”解时,其后接非实物性名词。如:Workers built a house/car/ship.Theories should be built on facts.build up强调累积效应,表示“逐步建立、形成或完善”,其后多接非实物性名词。如:Along the rocky New England coast are small areas of sand and gravel beach, some created from glacial debris, others built up by the action of ocean storms.She built up a successful business.她的生意日益兴隆。It took them 15 years to build up the city library. 他们用了15年的时间来扩大市图书馆的馆藏。set up作“建立,创建”解时其后多接非实物性名词。该短语与establish在意义上接近,区别是establish多指经过认真考虑或长时间努力而建立起的机构或制度等(见上),而set up常表示为应付一时之需而建立的什么,如:The military leaders set up a provisional government. 军事领导人们成立了临时政府。The Congress set up a special committee of enquiry to investigate the Water Gate Scandal. 国会成立了一个特别调查委员会来调查水门事件。extend, expend, expandfind, discoverfind表示“发现“时,强调的是通过有意寻找而得到的意思。如:Although a body has not yet been found, the police suspect that he has been murdered.Have you managed to find a replacement for that waiter who left so suddenly?Im hoping to find somewhere to live near my office.discover表示“发现“时,暗示所发现之物在此之前实际上早已存在,只是尚不为人知或无亲眼得见,由某人偶然发现或经探索后首次发现。如:The captain discovered a new island. Gravity was discovered by Newton when an apple fell on his head.Scientists have discovered how to predict an earthquake.Fit, suitFit 用来说衣物时,是指“合身的”,“尺码或大小合适的”, 如:This T-shirt fits you perfectly. 另一义是与相称、相当或相匹配的,如: The tune exactly fits the words. He will just fit the post. His behavior doesnt fit his important new position.The key doesnt fit the lock.suit用来说衣物或头发时,是指“款式、发式、花色等适合”,如:Long hair does not suit him.That color suits you well.The dress suits you beautifully.force, oblige, reduce, compel get down to business, go about ones business, go into businessget down to business指“(在人们闲聊或玩耍过后)开始干正事或谈正经事”,如:I have a plane to catch, so lets get down to business.go about ones business意为“干自己的事情,忙活自己的事”,如:He wanted to be alone to go about his business.When the bomb exploded, the street was full of people innocently going about their business.go into business意为“进入实业界做生意”,如:He will go into business when he leaves school.glance, glimpseglance和glimpse虽然都表示“很快地看一眼”,但glance是指有意地看,也就是说看的人事先知道某物在某处;glimpse指“无意地瞥见”,如:“I must go,” Claudia said, glancing at her watch.He glimpsed a short white-haired figure heading for the back gate. grow, become, get, go, come, turn作系动词表示“变为”时的区别grow 表示在程度上加大,强调变化的过程。当表示由一种情绪或状态逐渐向其相反的方向转化时,多接形容词的原级形式;当表示某种情绪或状态变得更加明显或严重时,其后接比较级。如:It grew colder as night drew on.The sea is growing calm.She had grown thinner and thinner.The more he thought about it, the angrier he grew.It began to grow dark.The noise grew louder.become 和 get虽也可表现变化的过程,但常需时态配合,反之则强调变化的结果,如:He has eventually become a film star. (变化的过程)Gradually he became silent. (变化的过程)She had become familiar with the house. (变化的过程)She was becoming annoyed with me. (变化的过程)Its getting chilly. (变化的过程)The weather is getting quite warm. (变化的过程)He was getting bald. (变化的过程)And now things got much worse. (变化的结果)I got drunk for the first time in my life that night. (变化的结果)Naturally he became chairman of the commission. (变化的结果)At last the truth became known. (变化的结果)go和turn表示“转变”时常可替换使用,若主语是人时,表示此人在情绪上出现的其主观意志难以左右的疾速变化或这种变化在其面部上的流露;若主语是物时,则表示该物本身无法左右的、由某种状态向其对立状态地过渡或转化,特别是向坏的方向转化,如:The milk will speedily turn/go sour.He turned/went pale at the news.His hair has gone/turned quite white.When he found his car had been towed away, he went purple with rage.Fish soon goes bad in hot weather. Has the firm gone broke?Come作系动词时也是“转变”的意思,多表示某物由坏向好的方向转化,如:Things will come right in the end. What he had hoped at last came true.My dream had come true.It comes easy after a time. have been to a place, have been in a place, have gone to a placehave been to a place意为“曾经到过某地(现已不在那里)”,该结构重点强调从前有过去某处的经历,而不强调在该处逗留时间的长短,因而它只可用于完成时的已完成用法,即其后不可接表示一段时间的状语,如:I have been to Hong Kong twice.Africa? Ive never been to that part of the world.have been in a place既可表示“曾经到过某地(现已不在那里)”,又可表示“曾在某处逗留过一段时间”,因而它既可用于完成时的已完成用法,又可用于完成时的未完成用法。例如:-Where were you this morning? Mom was looking for you.-Ive been in the library.The man has been in prison for 10 years.have gone to a place表示谈话中所涉及的某人在此前已动身去往某处,可能已到达该地,或是正在赶往该地的路上,因而该结构不能与表示次数或长短的时间状语连用。例如:Ted is not home now. He has gone to the office.(正) Ted has gone to Beijing for three days.(误)heal, cure, remedyhit, beathit意为“(瞄准或对准后)击,打”,如:The girl hit the ball as hard as she could and it landed in her neighbors garden.Ill hit you if you dare talk to me like that again.beat意为“连续或反复地击打;有规律地动作”,如: The child had been brutally beaten.The rain was beating down incessantly on the thin roof.雨水不停地打在薄薄的屋顶上。ignore, neglectignore表示“由于瞧不起某人或某事而故意无视其存在,视而不见,不搭理”,如:The teacher ignored my spelling mistakes and looked only for my meanings.Ignore his insultshe cant hurt you. neglect则表示“因粗心或错误的判断而忽视,忽略”常指无意的行为,如:He works so hard that he neglected his family. He was thrown out of his apartment because he neglected to pay the rent.influence, affectinfluence表示“对的心理上或思想上的影响;对潜移默化的、需较多时间方可看出效果的影响”,如:Which designer do you think has most influenced fashion in the past five years?你认为在过去的5年里哪一位设计师对时装的影响最大?What influenced you to choose a career in nursing? He had been so greatly influenced by his father as a child that when he became adult, he wanted to be an artist himself.affect也表示“影响”,强调在某因素的直接作用下而产生的反应,这种作用往往在短时间内便能看出效果。如:The divorce affected every aspect of her life.The teams performance was affected by the rain.The disease only affects cattle.Learn, study, acquiremaintain, retain, sustain, remainmaintainretainsustainremainmeet, encountermeetencounternotice, notenotice和 note均表示“注意”,区别在于:notice意为“无意中注意到,发现”,其意义很象see,含有事先不知道某处有某物或某人有某种变化之意,如:He noticed that she was w


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