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智课网TOEFL备考资料托福TPO1口语Task3题目文本及答案解析 摘要: 托福TPO系列是考生们一致认证的权威备考资料,为了帮助大家更好的备考托福口语,本篇小编为大家整理了托福TPO1口语Task3题目文本及答案解析,大家一定要好好利用! 托福 TPO1口语task3题目 Reading Part: Letter in the Centerville College NewsThe administration has announced plans to acquire a new sculpture for campus. We should all oppose this plan. The universitys poor financial condition led it to increase the price for campus housing and tuition by 15% this past year. Surely then it is in no financial position to purchase such an expensive sculpture. Moreover, just look at the sculpture: several 60-foot long steel plates, jutting out of the earth at odd angles! Its just so large, itll take up all the green space in front of the campus center! This is public space that should be reserved for students to use. 托福TPO1口语task3题目 Listening Part: Now listen to two students discussing the opinion expressed in the letter. (man) Did you see Pauls letter in the paper about the new sculpture? (woman) Yeah, but it was totally unconvincing. His reasons for opposing the plan are just totally o ff. I am glad that well finally have some nice art on campus. Id like to shake the donor s hand and say “thank you.” (man) What do you mean the donor? (woman) You didnt know? An anonymous donor is paying the bill for most of the sculpture. (man) Not the university? (woman) No! His assumptions about whos paying are all wrong! (man) Still, I wonder if he has a point about the space itll take up? (woman) Well, you know why Paul is upset. He an d his friends are always out there on the lawn right where the sculpture will be, kicking around the soccer ball. Now theyll just have to use another part of the campus to play. (man) Oh! So he just doesnt want to have to move. (woman) Yeah! For him, its sculpture versus convenience. 托福TPO1口语task3题目 Question: Explain why the woman disagrees with the reasons expressed in the letter. 托福TPO1口语task3答案解析: Tips 1. Reading key (1.1)Proposal: student opposing schools plan of acquiring a new sculpture (1.2)Reason 1: expensive, waste of money (1.3)Reason 2: large, takes up too much space 2. Listening key (2.1)The woman disagrees with it (2.2)Reason 1: the school isnt paying (2.2.1) Details: a donor is paying for the sculpture, nice to have art on campus (2.3)Reason 2: Paul is upset for not wanting to move (2.3.1) Details: he and his friends are always on the lawn kicking a soccer ball, they dont want to move, its sculpture vs. convenient for Paul 托福TPO1口语task3范文: The writer of the letter opposes the universitys plan to acquire a new sculpture because the universitys financial condition is poor and the sculpture is so large that itll take up all the green space in front of the campus center. The woman in the conversation thinks the two reasons are totally unconvincing. The woman says its an anonymous donor who pays the bill of the sculpture not the university so there is no need to worry about the universitys financial condition. As for the point about the space, the woman thinks Paul, the writer of the letter,always plays soccer with his friends on the lawn where the sculpture will be.She thinks Paul just doesnt want to move to another place. For him, its convenience versus sculpture. 小马 为大家研发出新的 托福备考 神器两枚,小马机经APP和 托福听力 APP!小马机经APP机经库包含历年托福机经及最新更新考前预测机经,战托必备!让大家直接体验托福机经在线模考环境。托福听力APP模拟托福听力考场环境,并同时给出了TPO1-34模考题及答案解析,海量词汇句子文章魔鬼式训练,高分必达! 以上内容就是小编为大家整理的托福TPO1口


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