



介词1. 2010河北石家庄市一模Now many people higher degrees probably finish up nowhere when they try to get a highly-paid job.A. with B. in C. for D. at1A 考查介词的用法。此处with意为:拥有。句意:现在许多拥有高学历的人们可能找不到高薪的工作。2. 2010届河北正定中学高三下学期第二次考试Mike must be angry with me, for he walked me without even saying hello.Apast Bon Cat Dover2A考查介词的用法。句意:迈克一定生我的气,因为他从我身边走过就没打声招呼。此处walk past意为:路过,走过。3. 2010陕西西工大附中4次训练- When will your father be back home? - _ twelve oclock. A. In B. Since C. Until D. After3D考查介词的用法及含义。句意:-你父亲什么时候回家?-12点之后。根据句意选D。此处after后接时间点。4. 2010河北唐山市三模The danger of heart disease increases 20% for one hour a day spent watching televsion.A. for B.to C.in D.by4D考查介词的用法及含义。此处increase by意为:增加了。5. 2010保定市高三二模Didn t they see the sign? On it are such eye-catching words -Keep_the grass . A.away B.on C.off D.up5C考查介词的用法及短语。此处Keep off the grass意为:勿踏草地。62010陕西宝鸡市质检三The average temperature inTibet has risen 0.32 degrees centigrade every decade since 1961, according to the China Meteorological Administration, Ato Bat CbyDin6C考查介词的用法。此处rise by意为:增长(差值)。7. 2010陕西西工大附中6次训练It was reported that the ship sank three miles _ the French coast. A. on B. by C. across D. off7D考查介词的用法。此处off指“离开海岸的一段距离处”。82010湖北六校第二次联考The coach, because of the drivers carelessness, was _ and crashed over the cliff on such a cold December morning.Ain support Bout of controlCin chargeDat the mercy8B考查介词短语的含义。out of control意为“失去控制”;A项意为“支持”;C项意为“负责;掌管”;D项意为“任凭的摆布(而无力保护自己)”。9. 2010安徽省高考调研卷There would be not a good harvest of wheat in North China this year _ the big snow.A. in spite of B. apart from C. due to D. in case of9C考查介词短语。in spite of尽管,虽然”;apart from除去”;due to“因为,由于”;in case of “万一,如果”。10. 2010河南开封三模Do you really want to borrow the old room which is empty a broken desk and a chair?A. except B. except for C. except that D. besides10B考查介词短语的用法。此处except for指除去整体中的部分。句意:你真的想借那个老房子除了一张坏桌子和一把椅子外什么都没有。112010江苏南京市三模The company has changed some of its working practices complaints and criticism from the customers.Ain respect toBin return forCin exchange forDin response to11D考查介词短语的用法。in respect to关于,就。而言;in return for回报;in exchange for交换;in response to回应。122010北京西城二模Stevens exam results put him the top ten students in his grade.AamongBbetweenCinDat12A考查介词的用法。句意:史蒂文的考试成绩让他在他的年级成为前十名的学生。Among意为:前十名中间的学生。132010湖北黄冈中学一模He worked hard and achieved what he set out to do, but _ what he had owned, including his health and his marriage.A. at the mercy ofB. at the risk ofC. at the cost ofD. at the service of13C考查介词短语的含义。句意:他努力工作并且实现了他开始设定的目标,可以他所拥有的为代价,包括健康和婚姻。此处at the cost of以。为代价。14. 2010山西康杰中学5月模拟Jack decided to risk looking for a place to stay where he arrived, rather than booking _.A. in advanceB. in returnC. in factD. in addition14A考查介词短语的含义。句意:杰克决定在他到达的地方冒险找一个住的地方,而没有提前预定。根据句意选A。in advance提前;in return回报;in fact事实上;in addition另外。152010成都三诊Before you buy an expensive item, do check the price and what is non offer. If possible, choose three items.AfromBinCoffDbetween15A考查介词的用法。句意:如果有可能,从三件中选出一件。此处choose from从。中选。16. 2010云南昆明三中第七次月考_ the house prices have risen sharply, the number of buyers is as great as ever. A. Despite the fact that B. In spit of what C. Regardless of D. Contrary to16A考查介词短语的含义及句法结构。此处despite是介词,其后的宾语the fact又带同位语从句that the house prices have risen sharply。172010河北衡水中学三模Do you have Marys address?Sorry, I dont have it _ me at presentAto Bon Cfor Dfrom17B考查介词的用法。此处on me意为:随身带着。句意:对不起,我现在没有随身带着玛丽的地址。18. 2010甘肃省第二次联考 the weather, the sports meet will be


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