



Unit 3Robots第五课时Task & Self-assessment基础知识回顾.根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词1.My mother was satisfied(满意的) with the birthday party.2.People like to buy something that is with high quality(质量) and low price.3.I regret(遗憾) to say that I can not accept your suggestion.4.I think you may be interested in our new product(s)(产品).5.Jamie said he wanted to speak to me in private(私下地).用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空be satisfied with,have it repaired,first of all,up to standard,look forward to1.First of all,lets see where we agree and disagree.2.The quality of this product is notup to standard.It needs checking again.3.The smile on her face suggested that shewas satisfied withthe gifts.4.My mobile phone has gone wrong and I have tohave it repaired.5.I amlooking forward toyour visit next week.按要求完成句子,每空一词1.I remember that I have told her the truth.(改为简单句)I rememberhaving told herthe truth.2.The teacher said,“The Greens are going on a trip.”(改为宾语从句)The teacher told usthat the Greens weregoing on a trip.3.He told me,“Please go out quickly.”(改为宾语从句)He told meto goout quickly.4.He hopes that he will be back very soon.(改为简单句)He hopesto beback very soon.5.The boy didnt know what he should do with the broken glass.(改为简单句)The boy didnt knowwhat/how to do/deal withthe broken glass.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.对不起,我完全忘了在哪儿把钱包丢了。I am sorry.Ihave completely forgottenwhere I lost the wallet.2.我真的后悔对妈妈做了那种愚蠢的事。Ireally regret doingthat silly thing to my mum.3.我的弟弟足够耐心,他等半小时也不会生气。My brother ispatient enoughto wait for half an hour withoutgetting/being/becoming angry.4.老师们对他很满意,因为他取得了很大的进步。The teachers aresatisfied withhim,because hehas made great progress.5.我期待着收到你们所有人的来信。I look forward tohearing fromyou all.综合能力提升.补全对话A:Do you know there will be a robot show in the city,Liu Na?B:1.CWhat exciting news!A:Lets go and have a look.B:Great!I cant wait for it.2.AA:It starts this Saturday.And it will last five days.B:3.EA:It will be held at the City Exhibition Centre.B:OK.Lets go there.It will be great fun if we buy a robot there.4.GA:5.BI hope its not very expensive.I want to buy one for my little brother too.If the price is high,we can just enjoy watching the robots.B:Youre right.Thats the important part.A.When will it be held,Lin Qin?B.Ive got no idea.C.Really?D.Can you tell me?E.Where will it be held?F.How can we get there?G.How much do you think such a robot may cost?.完形填空Robots seem very new to most people.1they have a long history.The first one was made by a Greek inventor.You may2robots in some films.The robots in these3are stronger,faster and cleverer than people.In real life,most robots are used in factories.They are used to do many dangerous,difficult or boring4.Some people cant5themselves and robots are used to help them.For example,some people cant see,so many of these people use a6to help themselves move around.This dog is called a guide dog.7are making a robot to help them.In the future,robot dogs8take the place of these guide dogs.Robots are also9in American hospitals.At one hospital,a robot takes meals10the kitchen to the sick peoples rooms.But robots will never take the place of human.They can help us in a lot of different ways.(A)1.A.ButB.OrC.SoD.And(D)2.A.lookB.watchC.hearD.see(C)3.A.factoriesB.apartmentsC.filmsD.programmes(B)4.A.dishesB.jobsC.houseworkD.homework(C)5.A.look atB.look forC.look afterD.look like(A)6.A.dogB.catC.parrotD.panda(D)7.A.DoctorsB.ReportersC.TeachersD.Scientists(B)8.A.mustB.mightC.needD.should(A)9.A.usedB.tookC.madeD.looked(C)10.A.withB.toC.fromD.for.任务型阅读Do you ever feel no one really understands you?Well,Pepper,a robot,could change all that.Pepper is the first robot to read humans feelings.Using its emotional recognition functions,Pepper can react to people when it is close to themmaking jokes,dancing and even singing in Japanese.The man-like robot looks like a small girl.It is four-feet tall with a table computer set to its chest.It has human-like hands,a girl-like body and a baby-like voice.It was shown to curious people in Tokyo stores by Softbank,a Japanese robotics company.Pepper can examine facial expressions,human voice and signs,then make an answer.Pepper is designed to be a family robot,but it isnt like Rosie who can do housework on the cartoon.Pepper is used at home or in the store,where we provide fun and entertainment.Pepper gets power from love inside a family.Not only is it making jokes,making them laugh,also it helps people when they are in trouble.In a natural accident,it can help make those people who are sad or lonely feel relaxed,encourage them or make them laugh.Pepper was on sale in Japan for around $2,000 in February 2015.For now,several Peppers are at Softbank stores in Tokyo for people to visit.The creators say before selling Peppers,they want the robots to store more knowledge,s


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