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袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿薄螈袇肈芄薁螃肇莆螇肂肆蒈蕿羈肆薁螅袄膅芀薈螀膄莃螃蚆膃薅薆肅膂芅袁羁膁莇蚄袇膀葿袀螃膀薂蚃肁腿芁蒅羇芈莄蚁袃芇蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿螅芅莈薂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薂薀袆芃节螆螂莂莄蕿肀莁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿艿螂袈羆蒁蚅螄羅薃袁肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒈蚂螁肂薀蒅肀肁芀蚀羅肀蒂蒃羁聿 范 文高考英语作文只求表达清楚,语句通顺,稍加高级词汇和句式变化(长短句结合、被动句、it开头句、强调句、巧妙运用连接词使全文显得顺畅)就能拿高分,尤其立意不是求新而是求准(不是中文作文),符合实际。高考英语写作训练方法 一, 高考英语书面表达基本策略: 仔细审题。 如果是看图写文,看懂每幅图之间的联系至关重要。 写要点。据每幅图写出一至两句话。因为每年高考书面表达一般控制在10句话,120个词左右。 连句成文。每句话写好后,用适当的连词连接起来,使之上下连贯,呼应,通顺,简洁。 查错漏。完稿后,检查一下有没有时态,语态,拼写错误并逐一加以改正。 卷面整洁。卷面整洁干净甚至比准确,通顺,简介更重要。因为整洁干净给阅卷人精神上带来愉悦,相对而言,分数自然要给得高一些。 为了帮助同学们在平时写作练习的时候时刻牢记这些写作的基本要领,特编顺口溜如下:细审题,巧构思,列要点,防遗漏。写日记,同汉语;书信,通知格式要牢记。看清图表细梳理,写人记事按顺序;完稿后查遗漏,整洁干净莫忘记。 二, 高考英语书面表达高分策略:从遣词,造句,谋篇三个方面分析。 遣词的原则:使用高等级词汇及短语, 如果仅仅记住几个简单基础的词汇,而且一味的重复低水平的英语知识点,还远远没有达到大学的入学要求。这就要求考生在平时的训练和考试当中,有意识的强化“复杂,高级”这两个概念,使自己的作文能力区别于普通学生的作文,使自己一下子就站在一个比别人高的位置上,充分显示自己的实力。 平时学习过程中注意总结各种各样的词汇。以描述人物的词汇为例: 表达人物爱憎感情: like, love, be interested in, be fond of hate, dislike, be tired of, lose interest in happy, excited, pleased, satisfied, angry, sad, worried, disappointed, terrified, mad, frightened 介绍人物的影响及人们对人的评价: He became famous for his new theory. The people had come to love him as an inspiring leader. We regard Li Fei as our model. Lei Feng has been praised for his communist spirit. People spoke highly of him and all respected him. 常见描述人物性格,外貌和身体状况等的词语 good-looking /funny-looking /strong-looking /ugly-looking /dirty-looking /ordinary-looking /blue-eyed /white-eyed /warm-hearted /light-hearted /kind-hearted /absent-minded /tall /short /beautiful /pretty /lovely /naughty/ be blind /lame in /be in good or poor condition/ healthy/ fine/ well /strong-tempered /bad-tempered /near-sighted /far-sighted /foolish /stupid /silly /clever /smart /wise /bright / diligent /intelligent /lazy /hard working, etc. 造句的原则:句式多变,语法活用,句子是表达一个完整意思的最小当位,所以造句能力在英文写作中是非常重要的。好的英语句子能够生动,形象,准确的表达内容。所以要想写出漂亮的书面表达,必须从写好句子开始。 谋篇的原则: 满分作文都有个共性就是有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。文章的连贯性和紧凑感是很重要的。句子作为最小的表达意思的语言当位如果只是被随意的整合,是无法达到有效表达的目的。 常见的句子之间的连接手段有: 使用代词指代上一句中的名词 重复使用上一句中的词 使用连接词 使用平行结构 The following are some good compositions, which are provided only for your reference. Most of them are too long.1. 你的一名网友因为迷恋网络,浪费了太多的时间,以致学习成绩大幅退步。给他写封E-MAIL,谈谈你的看法和建议。 August 5 ,2006 Dear Peter , I have heard (或I have learned from your letter) that you are crazy about the internet and almost spend you entire leisure time on it, which gives rise to your bad exam results. The internet, however, is a two-edged sword. Whether it is a blessing or a curse depends on, for the most part, (适当使用插入语形式是句式丰富多彩) people themselves who use it.In the first instance (=first), the internet enables us to be well informed of and to keep pace with the time.Moreover, the affluent (rich and enough) resources which are free of charge on the internet can be downloaded by anyone at any time, thus making it more convenient to learn at ones own pace. (句式复杂而地道)Nevertheless, wasting your time by surfing on the internet purposelessly is nothing less than foolish, for study is the first and foremost task for us students.Accordingly (Therefore / As a result), I assume it is important that you develop a good habit of internet surfing. Being obsessed with this kind of modern entertainment will affect your school work for sure.To strengthen my point, I think it advisable for those who are addicted to the internet to impress self-discipline on their mind.Looking forward to your reply soon. / Looking forward to hearing from you soon. / Best wishes to you. / Remember me to your parents. Sincerely yours / Yours truly , Li Ping August 5 ,2006Dear Peter,From your last mail, I could tell without doubt (宾语太长,状语前移,导致句式严谨) that youve still got a strong desire to study hard. However, the key point of your problem, from my point of view, (适当使用插入语形式使句式丰富多彩) lies in how to break away from your obsession with the internet.My suggestions about the situation can be stated as follows, which I sincerely hope will be of some help.In the first place, you should make it clear in your mind that the internet is just virtual reality where everything youve dreamed of can never be accomplished in terms of real achievements. Your devotion to life or study, by sharp contrast, is sure to pay off some day.In addition, self-discipline is, by any means, a must in overcoming your addiction. Why not try to make a plan for a whole day without leaving time for playing computer, and keep to your schedule all the time? In this way, you could better focus on the things in hand, free from the temptation of the internet.I definitely know its hard for you at first to get rid of the appealing internet, since all things are difficult before theyre easy. I can even imagine how your fingers tremble at the mere mention of the word computer.Nevertheless, leaving you exposed to the constant lure of the games on online is beyond me to any degree. I do hope you will return to your normal study, the sooner the better.Best wishes!Yours,Lin HaiAugust 5 ,2006Dear Peter, Recently the issue of youngsters toxication in the Internet has been brought into focus. And as your friend, Im really sorry to know that so much time have you spent on the Internet that you have no “spare” time and energy to put your mind into your study. Perhaps it is time to have a fresh look at it.For one thing, I have no idea why youre so crazy about the Internet. Although we cant deny the Internet has changed our traditional means of information circulation and communication, it is still just a tool which helps our work and study. From what you are doing now, however, you seem to be putting the cart before the horse.For another, you can think about why you were so absorbed in the Internet initially. Im sure you didnt have a healthy hobby in your spare time, such as ball games, newspaper reading or something else. If you had developed a proper hobby at that time, you wouldnt have been reduced to a big “net worm”.While it cant be solved immediately, Im positive that youll lead a better life without the Internet in the near future. Yours, Lin Hai.笔头通知(Notice): 与书信格式差不多只是少了 “Yours,” . June 5, 2006Dear students, The Student Union has decided to organize a music week. It will be held in the first week of May. The activities include singing pop songs and playing classical and folk music. Bring your own musical instruments, please. A music contest will be included as well. The students taking part in the contest will listen to a part of a song or a piece of music, and then guess where it comes from. If youd like to take part in the music week, please come and sign up for it before April 20th. The place for the activities will be announced later. Come to the great fun! Please do be on time. Student Union 口头通知(Announcement):注意与笔头通知在格式上的区别Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention, please? / Your attention, please! 。Thats all. Thank you for listening.发言稿:Ladies and gentlemen,Yesterday our teacher of English asked me to say something about pollution. Now, I give you my views on this vital question. As a matter of fact, the effects of industrial pollution are known to everyone - polluted air, polluted water, polluted earth. Though a great deal is already being done to control these effects, the problem of pollution is still serious. Continued population increase, and smog and chemical waste produced by factories and cars not only threaten to exhaust our resources, but also pollute our environment. We do need clean air, safe water and our childrens health. In my opinion, to solve the problem of pollution, everyone must refrain from polluting our environment. We should know that this is the duty of every individual, not of the government alone.Thats all. Thank you for listening.便条:与书信格式差不多, 像是一种非正式的信件 4:30, June 5 Mr Johnson, Since you are very interested in Beijing Opera, I have managed to get you a ticket for tonights performance. Its worth watching because it is performed by several famous players. I came to give you the ticket, but you happened to be out. I had to leave a note to you. The performance is in Lu Xun Theatre. To get there, you can take the bus just in front of our school gate and get off at the second bus-stop. If you want to walk there, just go westward along Beijing Road, and turn right when you reach Friendship Road. You will see Lu Xun Theatre when you reach Renmin Road. It wont take you long. You cant miss it. Yours, Wang Fei日记: 记叙在先(常为过去时),最后简单地发表一下看法(可为现在的某种时态)。January 21, 2006 Saturday Fine Our school invited Mr Horton, a foreign teacher, working in a college in our city, to give a lesson to the students of Senior Grade Three. It was very interesting. I have learned a lot from the foreign teacher Mr Horton had a free talk with us in easy English. He spoke slowly so that we could understand him well. Sometimes he repeated what we didnt understand. My classmates were all active in his class. To my joy, I understood almost everything Mr Horton said. And I was able to ask some questions in English, too. This Lesson encouraged me very much. Im sure if we keep on practicing, it will not be so difficult for us to learn spoken English well. (看法)叙事类(看图写话较多):常以时间或空间顺序叙述,讲清时间、地点、人物、事件,有时可以采用倒叙,但须谨慎,少用直接引语。 Uncle Johns Terrible AccidentLast night, Father held a party at home in celebration of his birthday.Uncle John drank a lot of bear. “Bottoms up.” he repeated, with a deep blush already on his cheeks. I could tell from his voice that he was a bit drunk without doubt.It was not until midnight that my uncle rose to leave. Judging from his unsteady walk, I supposed it the last thing suitable that he drove home. I suggested he take a taxi. Turing a deaf ear to my words, he insisted that it was only a piece of cake. As the engine started, a feeling seized me that something terrible was about to happen.It was in the hospital that Father and I saw Uncle John again. He had his legs in plaster at the moment and was injured all over. Later on, Uncle recalled what had happened that night.Due to the effect of alcohol, Uncle John bumped hard into a tree, his car windows smashed to pieces and he himself thrown out onto the ground. Luckily for him, he was immediately sent to hospital by a kind driver, but then a policeman came to the hospital and revoked


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