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BEC Vantage Speaking,Lesson 7,Warm-up topics,Why society needs heroes? Should the death penalty be abolished? Private life of public figures. Has the press gone too far?,BEC准备进程 三大基础目标,熟悉题型,了解出题思路,掌握答题方式,熟悉框架 锻炼拓展思维技巧,流畅语言表达和灵活的基本应对。 深入了解商务知识,在各个基本商务领域可以做到侃侃而谈,有成熟的见解和思路,并能高效表达。,You can practice speaking with You!,Real-time practice Ask the question to yourself, then answer it Dig in! (know how to use Google?) Use your MP3 and mirror Be positive and keep smiling!,考试实录 your reaction!,Good morning. My name is Holly Yang. And this is my colleague, Cherry Lin. And your name are Dong Cunrui and Huang Xiaoping? Now, first of all, wed like to know something about each of you. Mr. Huang, can you tell me something about yourself? Excellent. Now Mr. Dong, can you tell me something about yourself?,Mr. Huang, do you like your study/job? How about you? Now lets move on to talk about your future plans. Mr. Dong, can you tell me about your ambitions? What about yours, Mr. Huang?,基本Part I问题,What is your name? How do you spell your first name / given name / last name / family name / surname? When and where did you graduate? I went to Beijing University and studied Mathematics. I graduated with a Bachelors degree in 2000.,附加:在工作的你,Can you tell me something about the company you work for now? I work in a joint-venture company with a history of 12 years. We deal in electric appliances. We have branches throughout the country and more than 2000 staff members.,Do you like your major/university/work? What do you do in your leisure time?,附加:基本问题,What is your name? How do you spell your first name / given name / last name / family name / surname? When and where did you graduate? I went to Beijing University and studied Mathematics. I graduated with a Bachelors degree in 2000.,Part I 问题收集 3 minutes,Whats your name? Where are you from? Do you work or study? What do you like most of your job/study? How do you keep up with business news? Do you think you are good at organising the work? Do you think business man have enough time to relax themselves?,Part I extras:,Why do you want to study business English? Compare married and single life. Compare some modern methods of payment Compare the various means of transportation What do you think of international trade? How to keep a balance between growth and environment protection?,Or a little bit of those Part II questions,What are the required qualities of a modern manager? Which form of advertising is most effective in your opinion?,Now in this part of the test, Im going to give each of you a choice of three different topics. Id like you to select one of your topics and talk about it for about ONE minutes. Youll have around a minute to prepare this. You are allowed to make notes if you want to. All right? Here are your topics. You can make notes on the spare paper while you are preparing to talk. Please dont write anything on your topic card.,Part II 无敌笔记升级版,Opening sentence:_ Concluding sentence:_,框架要练多少遍才够?,Part II 无敌问题 平面?原因?例子?,确定对方所说问题! 起码听一点!(听的时候适当笔记) Can you give an example of I agree that (his point), do you think is also worth considering? Dont you think is important too, when you are (the topic)? Compared with *, why do you think * is more important? 回答的结构,别停下 别着急(审题,说话) 别太久(三秒之内) 别为自己设陷阱,听不懂问题怎么办? 听得懂问题,但是一时不会回答怎么办? 答到一半,卡住怎么办?,口试的第一部分有什么特点?准备的时候有什么是需要注意的?,热身赛 尽快适应考官的语音,语调 充满自信,自然大方地向考官问候致意 你的语音,语调,语言表达能力,甚至表情,手势和状态,都会给考官留下印象 回答不要过短,也不要过长 注意是日常对话 日常对话有哪些方面?,Part I关键词,Major; Job 一定要流利 人物性格:active, efficient, kind, generous, talkative, trustworthy 家乡:climate; humid; urban area, countryside, entertainment facilities 兴趣爱好:like/dislike? Pop/classical, detective/horror/kongfu, fashion magazine/autobiography,怎样考察表达观点及态度的能力?,Please give me reason why you like this kind of book/film. Why did you choose your particular field of study? What do you think are the qualities and skills required of a good company manger? Why do you think crime often occurs in modern cities?,怎样考察考生进行比较的能力?,How is Guangzhou different from Luoyang? What do you think of the advantages and disadvantages of the use of computers? Would you prefer to live in the city or in the countryside? Why?,怎样考察考生对他人提供指导和建议的能力?,Which city, do you think, is the best city in China? What place in Guangzhou should a foreigner visit? Why?,如何避免紧张,第一Part做好是关键 考试前的dos and donts 散步? 熟悉试题? 朗读? 听歌;听电影?,熟悉Part I,Whats your name? How do you spell your name? Where are you from? Would you say its a good place to live in? What do you do? What do you like most about your job/study?,Basic,Do you have much free time? How do you spend your free time? What would be your ideal job? Would you like to work abroad?,Free time,Job,What kind of people do you most like working/studying with? What do you think makes a good team? What kind of training courses have you ever taken? What do you think is most important when you choose a training course?,Team work,Training,口试第二部分的流程?如何准备?,笔记的能力 五句的框架 听对方的陈述,之后提问的能力 回答问题的能力 听懂问题,简明扼要,What is important for a manager in managing a project? Keeping to schedule Training staff Motivating staff Teamwork Boosting the morale,What is important when leading a business meeting? Agenda Place/Venue Participants,What is important if you hope to improve customer service? Market research on the customers needs Lowering prices/offering discounts Feedback scheme,What is important when updating office equipment? Consultation with staff Prices After-sales service,What do you think is important when choosing a career development training course to attend? Contents (relevant or not) Reputation of the course provider Length of the course,What are the important factors that we should take into account when making a business trip? Travel arrangements Purpose of the trip Cost Information about the destination,What is important when a foreign company wants to enter business in China? Business purpose Partner Local regulation and rules Culture differences,口试第三部分考什么? 考查考生的什么能力?,共同交流,解决实际问题的能力 沟通能力和合作精神 看清问题,紧扣主题,合理分配时间 注意配合 避免停顿,冷场,互动功能句总结,怎样请求重复? 怎样表示犹豫? 怎样发表个人意见? 怎样赞同对方意见? 怎样不同意对方意见? 怎样评论对方意见? 如何避免跑题?,Construction ideas:,New computer system,Buy an up-to-date computer system to replace the existing one. What would be the best way to find the new computer systems? What should be done to the existing one?,Factory Site,One of your client is considering building a factory in China. Where to build the factory What the company need to know about work practice in China,Friendly investment environment Convenient transportation Preferential policies for foreign investors Fee for land use is a bit too high Details of the regulation in recruiting local staff and foreign employees Paid holidays, overtime,Work-related illness,Many staff members in your company are complaining about work stress. Some of them made serious mistakes in their work and that caused a great loss to your company. What are the main causes of stress How to relieve stress,提亮黄金句,有关质量: 我认为质量是一个企业的灵魂。 I believe that quality is the soul of an enterprise. (lifeline/core issue) 因而我们应该总是把质量放在第一位来考虑。 Therefore we should always put quality as the first consideration.,句型要怎么样掌握?,有关产品,产品应该环保而且为用户着想(包装)。 The product should be environment-friendly and user-fr


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