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Unit 7 Enviroment More Practice,When is Tree Planting Day in China ? 2.What useful things can we get from trees ?,On March 12th.,Fruit, rubber, oil, nuts, beans, tea, drink ,What does this poster tell us ?,The benefits of trees.,A Poster,New words: benefit 5benifit n. 利益, 好,medicine 5medsin n. 药, 医学,furniture 5fE:nitFE n.家具,provide prE5vaid v. 供给,提供,supply sE5plai v.供给,shelter 5FeltE n. 掩蔽,property 5prCpEti n. 财产,value 5vAlju: n. 价值,increase in5kri:s n.增加, 增长,reduce ri5dju:s vt. 减少,urban 5E:bEn adj. 城市的, 市内的,A. Read for the main idea:,The main idea of the first paragraph is _ . A. trees are our friends. B. trees can communicate with each other. C. trees are the oldest living things on Earth.,Comprehension,2. The second paragraph tells us _ . A. trees are important for us. B. a lot of trees are destroyed. C. how to plant trees.,_,_,3. The main idea of the third paragraph is _ . A. how to send e-mails. B. they will take care of people C. they ask people to plant trees.,4. Trees for Earth means_ . A. planting trees on Earth. B. trees are important for earth. C. an green organization,_,_,Read for details: True or False ( ) 1.Trees can cool and clean the air. ( ) 2.Trees can reduce noise pollution. ( ) 3.People can live without trees. ( ) 4.Trees are getting fewer and fewer in the world. ( ) 5.More and more people will join Trees for Earth. ( ) 6.They want to plant 100 million trees every year.,T,T,F,T,T,F,1.What are the benefits of urban trees? 2. What are the benefits of forest trees? 3.What is the purpose of Trees for Earth?,They reduce sound pollution, add beauty to cities and help increase the value of property.,They provide shelter, food, things for humans and animals, material for house, furniture, paper produce, etc. Some even provide important ingredients for medicines.,To plant trees and help protect the environment.,Rewrite each sentence, replacing the underlined words with one of the words or phrases below:,give out, take care of, without, tooto, have lots of fun, providefor,We must look after young trees and water them.,2. Trees can take harmful gas from the air and release oxygen.,take care of,give out,3. We cant live if there is no air or water.,4. We had a good time in the Disneyland.,5. The girl isnt old enough to take care of herself.,without,had lots of fun,too young to,6. These trees supply shade to us in summer.,provide for,Group work. :,Do a survey. What can these trees provide for us? Complete the form.,grapes,rubber,material for houses, furniture,drink,ingredients for medicines,olive oil, material for paper products,1. One tree does not make a forest. 独木不成林。,Proverbs 谚语,Fun time,8. Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade. 不要忘恩负义。,7. Cannot see the wood for the trees. 一叶障目,不见泰山。,6. Dont climb a tree to look for fish. 勿缘木求鱼.,5. A tall tree catches the wind. 树大招风。,4. A tree is known by its fruit. 观其行而知其人。,3. Like tree, like fruit. 羊毛出在羊身上。,2. As the tree, so the fruit. 长什么树,结什么果。,Completing a notice,Rita is taking part in a tree-planting campaign(竞赛). She is writing a poster to attract people to join. Judy is helping her. Listen to them talking, and complete the poster by putting one word in each blank.,Completing a notice,Eight reasons for helping to plant trees: 1. Trees make streets more _. 2. Trees make streets less _. 3. Trees make our air _. 4. Trees make our air _. 5. Trees make _to keep us alive and _. 6. Trees provide us with _ things like _ and _. 7. Trees help us fight _. 8. Trees are in _.,beautiful,noisy,purer,cooler,oxygen,healthy,useful,fruit,paper,pollution,danger,Sign up for your membership. (P.


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