



Unit 3 Online toursPeriod 2Reading I.根据句意及所给汉语提示完成句子1.Now China has tried to make more friends in _(非洲).2.We spent a week on an _(岛屿) last year.3.There is some sand at the _(底部) of the goldfish tank.4.Central Park is a good place with _(几个) lakes, hills and a large green lawn.5.I am afraid of _(黑暗) and I seldom go out at night.6.I know Beijing very well. Do you mind letting me be your _(导游)?7.Wall Street is a famous _(贸易) centre on Manhattan Island.8.He is a _(世界著名的) scientist.9.T is one of the largest online shopping _(网站).10.Shanghai is becoming an _(国际的) city.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.She is an_(America) girl and she lives in China now.2.The piece of bamboo makes a _(music) sound. 3.2018武威一模I wonder how to get to the coffee shop at the _(north) end of the city.4.Now more and more students are looking forward to going abroad for _(far) study.5.The colour blue can make people feel _(relax).根据句意,从方框中选用恰当的单词或短语,并用其正确形式完成下列句子so much for, click on, Asia, at the top of, relax oneself1.China is an_ country and Japan is also in Asia.2._ this lesson. Class is over.3._ the hill, there are lots of big trees.4._ the blue icon and you can start a new song. 5.After the hard work, I usually listen to music _.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空词数不限1. 网站能够帮助人们买到去不同地方的票。The website can _.2.点击“返回”图标,选另外一个城市,然后开始你新的旅行。_ the “Back” icon, _ and then start your new tour.3.为了获得更进一步的信息,你最好拨打051782693093和王先生联系。_, you _ Mr Wang at 051782693093.4.家是一个辛苦工作一天后放松的好地方。Home is a good place _ after _.5.每年,成千上万的人聚集在这里观海。 Every year, _ people _ watch the sea.单项填空 ()1. Give me another two months, _ Ill make great progress in English.A. and B. till C.though D. while()2.Have you been in Nanjing for very long?Yes. _ my parents came here.A.For B.As C.When D.Since()3. 2018滨州Nowadays, _ farmers leave their hometown to search for work in the cities. A. million of B. two millions C.millions of D. two millions of()4.2018河池Could I go swimming with my friend, Dad?No, its very dangerous for you kids _ swimming without adults.A. go B. going C.to go D. went()5.Have you _ the song You and Me?A.heard from B.hear from C.heard of D.hear of()6.2017眉山改编Are you a basketball player in your school? Yes. I _ the team 3 years ago. I_ in it for 3 years.A. joined; was B. was joined; am C.have joined; was D. joined; have been()7.The girl _ Lucy_ Europe.A.is called; come from B.called; comes fromC.is called; is from D.called; be from()8. 2018曲靖When I saw my father _ for me on a cold winter night, I couldnt keep back my tears.A. wait B. waited C.to wait D. waiting.2018桂林改编阅读理解Go on a road trip? Check out these roadside attractions and museums.Worlds Largest Ball of PaintIn 1977, Michael Carmichael created the biggest ball of paint. Starting with a baseball as the centre, he painted layer(层) after layer. After over 20,000 layers of paint, the ball weighs over 1,300 pounds. Visitors can paint the balls themselves and become part of history.Dinosaur ParkThe land can be found outside Rapid City. On a hill overlooking the city, dinosaurs made out of painted concrete(混凝土) stand guard. The park was built as a work project in 1936 by Debbie Sardone. The five dinosaurs are lifesized, so it can be seen from miles away.The Museum of DirtThe museum is the idea of Glenn Johanson. Labeled glass bottles contain dirt from the Great Wall of China and sand from a desert in Sandi Arabia and Omaha Beach in France. Johanson has collected material from the Amazon River and from Times Square after a New Years Eve celebration, lava(火山岩) from Mt. Fuji in Japan and shells from the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Best of all, visiting this museum is free.Paper HouseEllis Stenman built a tworoom house almost completely out of newspapers in 1922. At that time, “recycling” wasnt even a word yet. The house was framed(框起来) with wood, but the walls were made of 215 layers of newspapers. The furniture was also made of newspapers. In all, he used about 100,000 newspapers.()1. If you want to paint the ball, you can visit _. A. Paper House B. Dinosaur ParkC.Worlds Largest Ball of Paint D. The Museum of Dirt()2.The five dinosaurs in Dinosaur Park can be seen from miles away because _. A. they were built on a hillB. they were built outside Rapid CityC.they were made out of painted concreteD. they were built to be as big as the real one()3. _ is free for visitors.A.Paper House B. Dinosaur Park C.The Museum of Dirt D. Worlds Largest Ball of Paint()4.Paper House was created by _. A. Glenn Johanson B. Ellis Stenman C.Michael Carmichael D. Debbie Sardone()5. You can see _ from Times Square after a New Years Eve celebration in the Museum of Dirt.A. material B. shells C.sand D. lava教师详解详析本课教学资源素材一新课教学方法1.教学方法(1)听课文回答问题法:教师播放课文录音,学生边听边找出以下问题的答案:What is the name of the website?How many places of interest are mentioned?What are they?(2)图片回忆法:教师呈现纽约主要景点的图片,让学生回忆并说出相关的信息。给出一些提示语:Can you tell me something about these famous places in New York?(3)情境创设法:教师通过展示师生所在城市的景点的图片,让学生四人一组,仿照课文内容,介绍城市的情况。2.学习方法如何记单词 大家学英语,最常用的方法是背单词,但是词语的解释是死的,语言的运用却是活的,机械的理解会给人造成很大的误解。所以,单词不是最重要的,关键在于语境。可以这样说,单词没有多少实际运用的价值,机械记忆的单词量再大,也不会真正提高你的外语水平。所以,我们要养成背诵句子的好习惯,因为句子中既包含了发音规则,又有语法内容,还能表明某个词在具体语言环境中的特定含义。 另外,不要学“古董英语”。任何语言都是活的,都是发展的,学习陈旧的语言毫无新鲜感,而且基本无处可用。不鲜活、不入时、不风趣幽默的语言不是我们要学的语言,所以,在日常生活中,我们要多读英语报纸、多看原版影视作品等来补充新词汇。 素材二课堂活动案例活动一:让学生阅读课文,完成B2、B3、B4部分的练习,全班核对答案。活动二:教师呈现当地城市的图片,给学生充足的准备时间,仿照课文内容,介绍城市的情况,然后挑选几组学生上台表演,最后小组之间互相评价。 素材三新课导入设计We use computers a lot in our daily lives. Have you ever used computers to search for travel information? What websites have you visited?由此呈现一个介绍本地旅游的网站,向学生呈现新知识。更多备课资源:word版电子教案、匹配的课件,详见光盘内容。教师详解详析.1.Africa 2.ernational.1.American2.musical3.northern4.further5.relaxed.1.Asian2.So much for3.At the top of4.Click on5.to relax myself.1.help people (to) buy tickets to differentplaces2.Click on; pick another city3.For further information; had better call4.to relax; a hard days work5.thousands of; gather here to.1.A2.D3. C考查数词的用法。句意:现在,数百万的农民离开他们的家乡去城市寻找工作。表示不确切的数目时,在million, thousand或hundred后加s,和of连用;在thousand或hundred前有具体数词时,其不用复数,也不和of连用。故选C。4. C考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:“爸爸,我可以和我的朋友去游泳吗?”“不可以。对你们孩子来说,在没有大人的看护下,去游泳是危险的。”“Its 形容词 for sb to do sth”意为“对某人来说做某事是的”,其中it为形式主语,动词不定式是句子真正的主语。故选C。5.C6. D7.Bthe girl named/called Lucy意为“名叫露西的女孩


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