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卓越外语学校新起点英语六年级上册教材语言知识梳理Unit 1 语言知识:一 单词the Potala Palace 布达拉宫 the Shaolin Temple 少林寺 Yellow Mountain 黄山 the Stone Forest 石林Elephant Trunk Hill 象鼻山 Tibet 西藏 Mount Tai 泰山 snow-capped mountains 雪山 the warriors 兵马俑 the Mogao Caves 莫高窟Chinese tea 中国茶 Mount Emei 峨眉山动词的过去式livelived comecame taketook saysaid wantwanted telltold is/amwas arewere staystayed seesaw trembletrembled hatehated looklooked lightlit runran thankthanked knowknew singsang dancedanced do/doesdid leaveleft 二 短语1in China 在中国 2summer vacation 暑假 3winter vacation 寒假4in the south of China 在中国的南部5take some pictures 拍一些照片6more of 更多的7the Great Wall 长城8Beihai Park 北海公园9the Forbidden City 紫禁城10the Summer palace 颐和园11Tiananmen Square 天安门广场12the biggest square 最大的广场13in the world 在世界上14West Lake 西湖15a photo of 的照片16the third biggest country 第三大国17Yellow River 黄河18Yangtze River 长江19the largest population 最多人口20thousands of travellers 上千名游客21Water Festival 泼水节22the capital of 的首都23many kinds of 许多种类的24long ago 很久以前25in the deep ocean 在深海里26be afraid of 害怕27scareaway 把吓跑28at midnight 在午夜29an old wise man 一位老智者30from that day on 从那天起三句型1Where is + ? Its in + “在哪里?它在” eg: Where is Wuhan? Its in Hubei province. 武汉在哪里?它在湖北省。2What is +famous for? Its famous for“以什么而著名?它以而著名。” eg: What is Xian famous for? Its famous for the warriors.西安以什么而著名?它以兵马俑而著名。四重点句子 1Where did you go on summer vacation? 暑假你去哪了? 2Where is it? 它在哪? 3How did you go there? 你怎么去的那里? 4What did you do there? 你在那里做什么? 5What place is it? 它是什么地方?Unit 2 语言知识:一 单词 Asia 亚洲 Europe 欧洲 Africa 非洲 North America 北美洲 South American 南美洲 Oceania 大洋洲二 短语1 around the world 世界各地2 the biggest continent 最大洲3 the second largest continent 第二大洲4 the smallest continent 最小洲5 special times 特殊时刻6 the story of Santa Claus 圣诞老人的故事7 on the night of 在的晚上8 leave a Japanese CD player 留下一个日式CD唱机9 come out of the house 走出房子10go to sleep 去睡觉11speak Russian 说俄语12take a trip 旅行13Big Ben 大本钟14London Bridge 伦敦桥15a trip to Australia 澳大利亚之旅三句式 1Where would you like to ? Id like to “你想什么地方?我想” eg: Where would you like to go this winter vacation? Id like to go to Moscow. 这个寒假你想去什么地方? 我想去莫斯科。 2What do you know about? “你知道(关于)的什么?” eg: What do you know about China? 你知道中国的什么?四重点句子1What language do people speak there? 那的人说什么语?2May I have your name, please? 请问你叫什么名字?3I want to take a trip this summer. 这个夏天我想去旅游。4Have you been to Europe? 你去过欧洲吗?Unit 3 语言知识:一 短语1 animal world 动物世界2 kind of 种类3 the biggest animal on land 陆地上最大的动物4 as heavy as 280 kilograms 重达280公斤5 pick up 拿起6 lose her sight 失明7 live a normal life 过正常的生活8 guide dog 导盲犬9 after a year 一年后10terrible sound 可怕的声音11wake up 醒来12run out of the house 跑出房子13Mammal World 哺乳动物世界14Bird Land 鸟语林15Fish World 海底世界16Reptile World 爬行动物世界二句型1What kind of animal are? “是什么种类的动物?” eg: What kind of animals are monkeys? 猴子是什么种类的动物?2How tall/fast/heavy is ? “它多高/(跑得)多快/多重?” eg: How fast is it ? 它跑得多快?三重点句子1Have you ever been to Animal World? 你曾经去过动物世界吗?2What animals did you see there? 你在那看到什么动物?3Do they live on the land, in the air, or in the water? 它们生活在陆地上,天空中还是水里?Unit 4 语言知识:一 短语1 Insect World 昆虫世界2 Ocean World 海洋世界3 in the fall 在秋天4 in the spring 在春天5 travel fromto 旅行从到6 in March 在三月7 long life 长寿8 bake a birthday cake 烤生日蛋糕9 pull the ears of 拉耳朵10the most famous 最有名的11learn a lot about 学很多12return to 返回13be called 被叫做14eat leaves and grass 吃树叶和草二重点句子1 Where should I go? 我应该去哪?2 I want to see the lions. 我想去看狮子。3Lets ask and answer questions in turn. 让我们按顺序问答问题。4What country would you like to go to this winter vacation?这个寒假你想去什么国家?Unit 5 语言知识:一 短语1 make my room a mess 使我屋子脏乱2 win the race 应得比赛3 ready to run 准备跑4 come back home 回到家5 come out to play 出去玩6 in front of 在前面7 take away 拿走8 in the contest 在比赛中9 on Thursday 在周四10a good day 很好的一天11feel proud 感觉骄傲12look nervous 看起来紧张13open my grandmothers present 打开奶奶给我礼物14a terrible day 糟糕的一天15in some countries 在一些国家16run away 逃跑17feel calm 感觉镇静的18once upon a time 从前19laugh at 嘲笑20changeinto 把变成21must be 一定,必须二重点句子1How are you? Im worried. 你怎么了? 我很担忧。2You look happy. Why? Im happy because my aunt will come tomorrow. 你看起来很高兴。为什么? 我高兴因为我阿姨明天回来。 3Whats the date today? How do you feel? 今天是几号?你感觉怎么样? 4Ill tell you about my day. Then you can tell me about your day. 我会告诉你我的一天。然后你可以告诉我你的一天。 5I am excited because I got a present. 我兴奋因为我得到了礼物。Unit 6 语言知识:一 短语1 famous people 名人2 be born 出生3 compose national anthem 创作国歌4 compose music 创作音乐5 sing Beijing operas 唱京剧6 paint shrimps 画虾7 invent the light bulb 发明电灯泡8 write story 写故事9 become her teacher 成为她的老师10start to read and write 开始读和写11blind and deaf people 盲人和聋人12write many books 写许多书13a famous Chinese poet 一位著名的中国诗人14a lot of beautiful poems 大量的美丽的诗歌15nursery rhymes 童谣16a smart boy 一个聪明的男孩17too many questions 太多问题18a science book 一本科学的书19built a science lab 建立科学实验室20at the age of 在的年纪21in his lifetime 在他的一生22film studio 电影工作室23more than 超过二重点句子1Do you know about Mei Lanfang? 你知道梅兰芳吗?2When was he /she born? 他/她什么时候出生?3What did he /she do? 他/她做什么的?4Why is he famous? 他为什么著名?5He is famous because he painted shrimps well. 他著名是因为他画虾很好。6Who invented the light bulb? 谁发明了电灯泡?7Who was born in 1894? 谁是1894年出生?8Have you heard of Mickey Mouse? 你听过米奇老鼠吗?Unit 7 语言知识:一 短语1 the future 未来2 on the earth 在地球上3 take trips to Mars 到火星旅行4 by spaceship 乘宇宙飞船5 speak two languages 说两种语言6 in the future 在未来7 no pollution 没有污染8 come true 实现9 weather reporter 天气预报员10open up 打开11stick out 伸出12fly high 飞得高13the top of trees 树顶14stay low 保持在低处15go up 上升16into the air 进入天空中17push the button 按下按钮18no problem 没有问题19trip into the future 到未来旅行20go alone 独自去21take this trip by myself 自己去这次旅行二重点句子 1What do you want to do in the future? 未来你想要做什么? 2What will you be in the future? 未来你会成为什么? 3I will be an astronaut. 我将会成为一名宇航员。 4Where will you live in the future? 未来你将在哪居住? 5I will live in a house on the moon. 我将要住在月球的房子里。 6What will the future be like? 未来会是什么样? 7There will be more cars and pollution on the earth. 地球上将会有更多的小汽车和污染。 8I think people will take trips to Mars by spaceship. 我认为人们将会乘坐宇宙飞船去火星旅行。10 Lets talk about our homes in the future. 让我们谈论我们未来的家。Unit 8 语言知识:一 短语 1a test on math 数学测试 2next Monday 下周一 3last night 昨晚 4a famous person 一位名人 5interview someone 采访一些人 6go to the moon 去月球 7on the moon 在月球上 8an light 任何光亮


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