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TOEFL iBT Listening,New Oriental School,笔记适用人群: 未经任何记忆训练,没有长期泛听的习惯。 过敏人群: 听力基础特别好, 曾经专门练习较难程度的听力(四六级不算), 有长期泛听的习惯,英语记忆好的同学。,笔记的主要内容和形式,三大基本题型和笔记的关系 基本理解题 主旨题 一般依赖 细节题 非常依赖 功能理解题 不太依赖 (上下文) 整合信息题 组织结构题 一般依赖 连接内容题 极其依赖 推论题 一般依赖,2.笔记的结构 对话 1.提出问题-2.分析问题-3.解决问题 讲座 1.专业主题-2.解释主题-3.总结主题,Main idea: 主旨题 Detail 1: (细 (整 Example 1: Example 2: 合 Example 3: (离题信息)组织结构题 Detail 2: 节 信 Example 1: Example 2: 息 Example 3: Detail 3: 题 ) 题) Example 1: Example 2: Example 3: Conclusion:推论题,细节题,M: 1. (离题信息) 2. 3. C:,笔记的几个原则,1.笔记中注意词的等级 2.大量使用缩略词和符号 3.框架结构清晰 4.随时查遗补漏,缩略语 A.拿掉所有元音 MKT: market MSG: message STD: standardB,B. 保留前几个字母 INFO information TEMP Temporary BAL Balance AMAP As much/many as possible ASAP As soon as possible,C.保留开头和结尾 WK week PL people,D. 根据发音 R are THO though,E. 后缀简写 -ism m materialism materm -ation n hibernation hibern -ing g marketing MKTg -ed d accepted acptd -able/ible/ble bl impossible impob -ment mt amendment amdmt -ize z recognize regz -ful fl meaningful mnfl,F 数字 5th C. A. D. 3rd C. B. C. 1960s 1/2, 3/4, 3/8,2) 符号 A. 数学符号 + 比较级:more, etc. 最高级: best, most “多于”:bigger/larger/greater/more than/better than, etc. “高” :superior to,surpass, etc.,“少于”:less/smaller,etc. “低”:inferior to,etc. = “同等”:means,that is to say, in other words,the same as,be equal to, etc. “不同”:be different from, etc., “好”,right/good,famous/well-known,etc. “错误”、“失误”和“坏”:wrong/incorrect,something bad,notorious,negative, etc., “大约”:about/around,or so, approximately, etc. 原因 due to, because, because of , 结果 consequently, therefore, thus, 属于 belong to, be part of, fall into, pertain to, remain with, reside,B 标点及其它 : 说话,观点say, speak, think, believe ? “问题”:question,issue,problem ( ) “在之间”:among, within, etc., “重要的”:important,exemplary, best,outstanding,brilliant,etc. 转折 but, however, in fact, actually, yet, while, only , still, nevertheless,& “和”,“与”:and,together with,along with, accompany,along with,further more,etc. 上升、增加 ascend,climb,go up,mount up,move up,raise,rise,soar 下降、减少descend, drop, fall, go or come down, decline,2 million Y 1930 = 结论,导致bring on, conduce, induce, lead, make for, result in,3) 句型 6 转折 but, however, in fact, actually, yet, while, only , still, nevertheless,7 归纳总结 归纳 Thus, therefore, in conclusion, to conclude, 呼应前面的论据 This shows/demonstrates/implies/proves Obviously/clearly/logically/ X tells us that Based on X, we can assume/ conclude that,8 描述过程或事件排序 First, second, Next, then, subsequently, later, after that Prior to , previously, before that In1965, in last century,In order to arrive at this point, we had to We can trace the development Where did this idea come from? How did this come about?,9. 离题信息 预示离题信息 Now, before I go on, Let me talk about X for a minute. By the way, That reminds me of a story. 预示离题信息结束 Now, anyway, OK, Back to what we were talking about.,10.建议句型 Might Just (maybe) should Why dont you Youd better you are better off doing sth Have you tried What about I wish they could If 虚拟语气 if I were you , I would,写作和口语考试中的模板推荐,口语的3、 4和写作 Main idea: 1. 1. 2. 2. C: C:,口语5、6 题 Problem: S1: S2:,练习计划及问题,1. 精听细写 12周 2.熟悉符号和缩略语 10 篇文章 3.正式训练并逐步提高练习时间 24个月 4. 提高抗干扰能力,练习过程中的问题,1.不认识的单词 记? 不记? 记!发音! 2. 例子不懂 向观点靠拢 3.简单的材料开始练习? 4. 阶段性的手和耳朵不协调 1个月,Longman pretest P120 Consultation Problem class,Main idea: mid grade report history class early in morning 9. = set alarm clock ? bty go to class, usually.: = be there all time, front seat invol Big class, early for seat = early ? 1 pro: miss class, late exam Stud, lot ? textbook 1/2 ? lectures Sure ? = check prof, notes in lectures, in class all time,1. Why does the advisor want to talk with the student? A. To commend him on his work habits B. To discuss a deficiency in one class C. To discuss what his history professor is teaching D. To talk about each of the students classes,2. What problems does the student have? Choose 2 answers. A. He is not doing well in any of his classes. B. His history teacher gives unfair assignment. C. He is not in class all the time. D. He does not understand what is being tested.,3. Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question. What does the advisor mean when she says this: A. “I dont believe what you just said.” B. “What you just said is funny.” C. “Your response is not acceptable.” D. “Can you please repeat what you just said?”,W: That brings up a question, by the way, you do get up and go to history class, dont you? M: Usually. W: Usually?,4. How does the advisor seem to feel about the students response? A. She thinks that he is not telling the truth. B. She seems to believe his excuses are weak. C. She seems to accept what he says. D. She thinks what he says is amusing.,5. Does the advisor recommend each of these? For each answer, click in the YES or NO column.,6. What can be concluded from the conversation? A. There are good reasons that this students grades are low. B. History class is too hard a class for this student. C. The advisor expects too much from the student. D. The student should really consider taking a different course.,2. pre-test 2 p121 Psychology Sleep,Main idea: characteristics sleep 1. main charact : muscle relax, breath heart , brain waves chang: awake: 10 small /s, left deep sleep : slow,large right slow: 1st hours sleep small, fast awake REM sleep :dreaming sleep C1: sleep brain wave active 1) large slow deep S 2) small, fast :REMS (dreaming S),7.What does the instructor mainly want to get across in the discussion? A. The types of brain wave patterns that humans experience in sleep B. How much rest humans and other animals require C. How human sleep differs from the sleep of other animals D. The characteristics of sleep in all types of living beings,2. human VS. animals mammal : true sleep, chang brain, dreaming S &slow wave S reptile, fish : change brain, no dream S, no chang brain C2: chang brain: human, mammal, birds, reptile. Fish Dream S : human, most mammal, & slow wave S Birds dream, reptile & fish ,7. What does the instructor mainly want to get across in the discussion? A. The types of brain wave patterns that humans experience in sleep B. How much rest humans and other animals require C. How human sleep differs from the sleep of other animals D. The characteristics of sleep in all types of living beings,8. What happens during human sleep? Click on 2 answers A. Muscles become relaxed. B. The rate of breathing increases. C. The heart rate decreases. D. Brain waves stop.,9. What does the instructor mean when he says this: A. “Lets review the material we just covered.” B. “Lets slow down because were going too fast.” C. “Lets take a break and start the class again in a while.” D. “Lets move on to the next topic.”,10. How long are periods of dreaming for each of these groups of animals?,11. How does the professor seem to feel about the students responses? A. Surprised B. Unsure C. Satisfied D. overwhelmed,本文中出现的词汇 睡眠 sleep slow wave sleep 慢波睡眠 rapid eye movement sleep, REMS 快速眼动睡眠 sleep center 睡眠中枢,Mini-8 P 399 Chemistry Carbon,M : carbon quiz later C unique many compounds 7M only 100,000 comp other attach C atom &other,1. graphite only C ring 6 atom, 2 part of each ring pencil 2. gas chain C & hydrogen octane 8atoms, oc=8 gas chain 5-10 3. soap long + chain 5-7 15-17 4. diamond only C complex pattern hard +,C: graphite: ring octane& soap: long chain diamond: complex pattern graphite &diamond: solely gas & soap: C& other,6.What is unusual about carbon? A. The number of compounds it forms. B. The size of the compounds it forms. C. The simplicity of all the compounds it forms. D. The hardness of all the compounds it forms.,7. What is the structure of each sentence?,8. Which two molecules do NOT contain only carbon atoms? A. A graphite molecule B. An octane molecule C. A soap molecule D. A diamond molecule,9. What is NOT true about the uses of molecules containing carbon? A. One carbon compound can be used to make soap. B. Graphite can be used in pencils. C. Octane is the only one type of gasoline molecule. D. Diamond can be used to cut other substances.,10. Why does the man say this: A. To demonstrate to the woman that what he said was wrong B. To explain to the others in the group that he needs to leave C. To let the others know that he had a good reason for what he said D. To indicate that he had previously said something incorrect,11. What overcall conclusion can be drawn from the discussion? A. Carbon atoms can be part of many extremely different molecules. B. Carbon can form molecules only with other carbon atoms. C. Carbon must have other substances with it to form molecules. D. Carbon atoms attach easily to all other kinds of atoms.,词汇 Carbon 碳元素 Compound 化合物 Graphite 石墨 Gasoline 汽油 Octane 辛烷 Diamond 钻石,综合训练 track 21 p152 Zoology Hibernation,M: hibernation cold weather ways move south, activity, hiber, groundhog& bear: unconscious, semi- 1. groundhog + known hiber, burrow 4-5 feet under, fall, spring,no coming out, complete, folklore determ winter over groundhog day Feb. winter long+ scurry back,?: record ? Folktale 50-50 C: groundhog through cold bats & squirrel 2. bear no comple, south no hiber, north no whole winter wander return,? hiber sleep body temp, heart rate hiber: signifi, out, normal large animal bear no warm once around heart 1st rest break,1.Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question. track 22 What does the professor mean when he says this: A. the students are late to class. B. the students are quite calm. C. the students must stay after class. D. the students are too noisy.,2. What is the topic of the talk? track 23 A. why the groundhog hibernates B. which folktales relate to hibernation C. how various animals hibernate D. where animals hibernate.,3. What is NOT mentioned by the professor as a way that various types of animals prepare for the cold weather? A. Some build warmer dens or nests. B. Some head to southern climates. C. Some increase their activity. D. Some hibernates, at least partially.,4. How does


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