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How much are these socksSection B1. 欢迎来米勒先生的餐馆!Welcome to _ _ restaurant!2. The _ ( 衣服) are very beautiful. I want to buy them.3. Lets go to the _ to buy some food and drinks.A. library B. hotelC. factory D. store4. Lets go to the bookstore to b_ some books. It sells all kinds of books. I want to buy a T-shirt for her. ( 改为同义句)I want to _ _a T-shirt.5. 你们卖包吗?Do you _ _ ? 那些书在廉价出售。Those books are _ _ .6. | 贵州中考| Which of the two T-shirts will you take?Ill take _ . One is for my brother and the other is for myself.A. either B. both C. all 我所有的朋友都很喜欢周杰伦。_ _ my friends like Jay Chou.7. It is _ ( 非常) cold today. Dont go out.OK, Mom.8. | 陕西中考| _ on the grass, or it will “cry”.A. To walk B. Not to walkC. Walk D. Dont walk 请来跟我们吃顿晚饭吧。Please _ _ _ dinner with us.9. How much is your watch?I bought( 买) it _ a good price, only 20 yuan.A. for B. inC. of D. at10. | 巴中中考| Welcome to our store. We have skirts_ all colors _ 16 dollars each.A. at; in B. in; for C. in; at 你认识那个穿黑衣服的男人吗?Do you know the man_ _ ?单元专题聚焦. 用英文数字填空1. two + eight = _ 2. five + seven = _3. twenty seven = _ 4. ten + five = _5. ten + eight = _ 6. twenty five = _7. twenty + ten = _ 8. thirteen two = _. 单项选择1. | 重庆中考| Helen loves reading. She has read _ books this month.A. five B. fifthC. the five D. the fifth2. | 济南中考| How many hours do you sleep every night?About _ hours. From 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.A. nine B. nineteenC. ninth D. ninety3. | 宜宾中考| David Beckham has _ children. Brooklyn Beckham is his _ son.A. third; first B. three; oneC. three; first D. third; one4. The children are from _ .A. Class Five Grade SevenB. class five grade sevenC. Grade Seven Class FiveD. grade seven class five5. How old is the girl?She is _ years old. She gets lots of presents on her_birthday.A. ten; ten B. tenth; tenthC. ten; tenth D. tenth; ten. 根据提示写出对应的英语1. There are _ (31) students in our class.2. I have _ (13) books on my bookshelf.3. There are _ (27) boys and _ (28) girlsin my class.4. There are _ (12) months in a year.5. Pauls brother is _ (15) years old.6. I have _ (19) balls.7. The skirt is _ (18) dollars.8. Do you have _ (21) books?No, I have _ (14).Section B考点直击单词精讲1Mr. Millers 2clothes3D4buybuy her5sell bagson sale6BAll of7very句型解读8D,解析) 本题考查祈使句的用法。句意:别踩草地,否则它会哭泣。否定结构的祈使句要以dont开头,故答案为D。come and have9D,解析) at a good price意为“以优惠的价格”。 10B,解析) 考查介词的用法。句意:欢迎来我们商店。我们有各种颜色的短裙,每条仅售16美元。表示颜色用介词in;表示具体价格则用介词for。in black单元专题聚焦巧品语法.1. ten2. twelve3. thirteen4. fifteen5. eighteen6. fifteen7. thirty8. eleven.1.A,解析) 考查数词的用法。句意:海伦喜欢读书。她这个月已经读了五本书了。要用基数词five来修饰books。2A,解析) 考查数词的用法。由答语中的“From 9:00 pm. to 6:00 am.”可知,从晚上9:00至早上6:00一共是9个小时,需要用基数词nine。故选A。3C,解析) 考查数词的用法。表示“三个孩子”要用基数词three;表示“第一个儿子”要用序数词first。4A,解析) 表示“七年级五班”要用Class Five Grade Seven,故答案为A。5C,解析) 表示


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