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Unit 9 Wheels Section Warmup & Lesson 1 03课后演练提能夯实基础知识. 单词拼写1. It rained hard; t_, the football match was put off.答案:therefore2. We shall get lots of b_ from reading good books.答案:benefit3. If you i_ a coin into the mouth, the machine will work.答案:insert4. Today some people call Amsterdam the “City of Bicycles” because of the c_ for bicycles there.答案:convenience5. People generally quarrel because they cant _ (辩论)答案:argue6. A policeman has the right to _ (逮捕) anyone who breaks the law.答案:arrest7. Because the city is _ (平的) and therefore is convenient for bikes.答案:flat8. Many believe that poverty is a direct _(结果) of overpopulation.答案:consequence9. We are proud of our achievements and _(有希望的) for the future.答案:hopeful10. The group placed them in lots of _(邻近地区) around Amsterdam.答案:neighbourhoods. 选词填空at sb.s convenience, argue with sb. about sth., fed up with, benefit from, in consequence, give sb. a lift, work out1. Who is the most likely to _ the old ladys death?答案:benefit from2. He didnt finish his exercise and _, he had to stay at school after the school was over.答案:in consequence3. Im _ your complaints.答案:fed up with4. They have already _ all the math problems by themselves.答案:worked out5. Please send me an answer _.答案:at your convenience 6. My wife has been _ me _ our sons schooling.答案:arguing with; about7. He was a new driver and therefore I didnt want him to _.答案:give me a lift. 完成句子1. The boy _ toys.那个男孩一直在玩玩具。答案:has been playing2. That is _ a remarkable thing.那真是件了不起的事情。答案:indeed3. The school _ the students _ food.学校提供给学生食物。答案:provides; with4. _, he always remembers you.不管他去哪儿,他总是记着你。答案:No matter where/Wherever he goes5. The film had _ her.这影片对她影响极大。答案:a great effect on.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1. It was _ cold winter night and the moon was shining brightly across _ night sky.答案:a; the第一个空“一个寒冷的冬夜”,应用不定冠词a;第二空“夜空”,指独一无二的事物用定冠词the。2.Are you satisfied with his answer?Not at all. It couldnt have been _ (bad)答案:worse由答语Not at all,可知应是不满意。couldnt比较级表示最高级含义,此处表示“再糟糕不过了”。3. I benefited _ those books greatly.答案:from句意:我从那些书中受益匪浅。benefit from“从中受益,受益于”,有被动含义,不用被动语态。4. Thanks _ the Partys effective policies and measures, the earthquakehit areas returned to normal life not too long after earthquakes.答案:to句意:多亏了党的有效政策和措施,灾区在地震后很快就恢复了正常生活。thanks to“多亏,幸亏”。5. He got a bad headache. _, he did not go to school as usual.答案:Therefore句意:他头疼很严重,所以他没有像往常一样去上学。根据句意判断,前后句为因果关系,故用therefore。6. Im sure you will do better in the test because you _(study) so hard this year.答案:have been studying句意:我确信你将在这次考试中取得更好的成绩,因为这一年里你一直用功学习。根据this year和句意可知动作study始于过去,持续到现在。have been studying表示从过去一直持续到现在的动作,故用现在完成进行时。7. He was found stealing items from the shop where he worked. _ (consequent), he lost his position.答案:Consequently考查副词辨析。句意:他被发现从他工作的商店里偷东西,结果他失去了自己的职位。consequently“因此,结果”。8. China Daily is _ a newspaper, it can also help us to improve our English.答案:more than句意:中国日报不仅仅是一份报纸,它还帮我们提高英语水平。more than“不仅仅”,符合句意。9. Believe it or not, he _ (actual) won!答案:actually句意:信不信由你,他真地胜利了!actually“真实地”。10. I wont tell the student the answer to the maths problem until he _ (work) on it for more than an hour.答案:has been working根据for more than.判断用完成时,until引导的从句中用现在时表将来。提升实战能力. 完形填空A lesson in caringIt was a cold evening and my daughter and I were walking up Broadway. I didnt notice a guy sitting inside a cardboard box. But Nora did. She wasnt even four, but she _1_ at my coat and said, “That mans cold. Daddy, _2_ we take him home?”I dont remember my reply. But I do remember a sudden _3_ feeling inside me. I had always been delighted at how much my daughter noticed in her _4_, whether it was _5_ in flight or children playing. But now she was noticing _6_ and beggary.A few days later, I saw an article in the newspaper about volunteers who picked up a food package from a nearby school on a Sunday morning and _7_ it to an elderly person. It was quick and easy. I _8_ us up. Nora was _9_ about it. She could understand the importance of food, so she could easily see how _10_ our job was. When Sunday came, she was ready, but I had to _11_ myself to leave the house to fetch the food package. On my way to the school, I fought an urge to turn _12_. The Sunday paper and coffee were waiting for me at home. Why do this? _13_, we phoned the elderly person wed been appointed. She _14_ us right over.The building was in a bad state. Facing us was a silverhaired woman in an old dress. She took the package and asked us to come in. Nora ran inside. I unwillingly followed. _15_ inside, I saw that the department belonged to someone poor. Our hostess showed us some photos. Nora played and when it came time to say goodbye, we three hugged, I walked home in tears.Professionals call such a(n) _16_ “a volunteer opportunity”. They are opportunities, Ive come to see. Where else but as volunteers do you have the opportunity to do something _17_ thats good for others as well as for yourself? Nora and I regularly serve to needy people and _18_ clothes for the homeless. Yet, as Ive _19_ her grow over these past four years, I still wonderwhich of us has _20_ more?本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。在女儿的影响下,作者参加了帮助贫困人群的志愿活动,并从中感受到帮助别人的快乐和人生存在的价值。1. A. pulledB. glancedC. waved D. aimed答案:A考查动词。句意:她拽了一下我的衣服。pull意为“拉”。2. A. would B. canC. need D. must答案:B考查情态动词。can在此表示“能,可以”。3. A. general B. funnyC. heavy D. curious答案:C句意:我突然感到沉重。heavy“重的”,符合语境。4. A. area B. partC. eyesight D. world答案:D对我女儿能在她的世界里注意到这么多东西,我感到高兴。5. A. insects B. animalsC. plants D. birds答案:D考查常识,只有鸟能飞,故选bird。6. A. coldness B. illness C. suffering D. ignorance答案:C前面讲到在一个寒冷的夜晚,女儿注意到有个小孩坐在纸板盒里,可见她注意到了人们痛苦和不幸的一面。7. A. delivered B. returnedC. devoted D. posted答案:Adeliver在此是“送”之意,符合语境。return“返回”;devote“献身于”;post“邮寄”。8. A. held B. hurriedC. signed D. lined答案:Csign up“报名”,符合句意。hold up“举起,阻止”;hurry up“匆忙,快点”;line up“排队”。9. A. casual B. sorryC. astonished D. excited答案:DNora听到我报名参加这项活动,感到很兴奋。10. A. creative B. valuableC. shocking D. simple答案:B她很容易就可以看出我们工作多么有价值。11. A. warn B. stopC. allow D. push答案:Dbut表示转折,可见女儿已做好了准备,但我还是有点不情愿。push在此意为“逼迫,督促”之意。12. A. back B. awayC. up D. out答案:A后面讲到“the Sunday paper and coffee were waiting for me at home.”可见作者有打退堂鼓的想法。turn back“返回”,符合语境。13. A. Therefore B. ObviouslyC. Still D. Also答案:Cstill在此意为“然而”。尽管我想打退堂鼓,然而我们还是安排给我们的老年人打电话。14. A. called B. promisedC. invited D. helped答案:C她邀请我们过去。15. A. Although B. OnceC. Because D. Though答案:Bonce在此用作连词,意为“一旦”。16. A. stay B. visit C. adventure D. challenge答案:B前文讲到作者看望了一位老妇人并送去包裹的事情。17. A. fair B. famousC. difficult D. enjoyable答案:D除了当一位志愿者我们到哪里找这样的机会去做一些于人于己都有好处的令人开心的事情呢?18. A. collect B. makeC. order D. wear答案:Acollect“搜集,募集”,符合句意。19. A. let B. madeC. watched D. noticed答案:Cwatch“观察,观看”,符合句意。20. A. increased B. benefitedC. tried D. seized答案:B我想知道到底是我还是我女儿在志愿活动中受益更多。. 阅读理解The color red often means dangerand by paying attention, accidents can be prevented. At railroad crossings, flashing red lights warn cars to stay back. A red light at a traffic crossing tells cars to stop, so they dont run into other cars.In the future, the color red also may help prevent danger at construction sites. Thanks to new work by engineers, bridge supportsor other kinds of materialscould one day contain a colorchanging material. It will turn red before a structure collapses or falls apart.The secret behind the colorchanging material is a particular type of molecule. Molecules come in all shapes and sizes, and make up everything you can see, touch or feel. How a molecule behaves depends on what kinds of atoms it contains, and how theyre held together.To get a rough picture of one way atoms are held together in a molecule, imagine you and your friends standing in a large circle, holding hands. Each person represents one atom, your clasped hands represent the bond, and the entire circle represents a molecule.The molecule being used to turn the material red is called mechanophore. When one chemical bond in the mechanophore molecule breaks, the rest of the molecule turns red.There is a way to get rid of the red color: light. When a bright light is shone on the mechanophore, the broken bond is fixed and the red color disappears. This “selfhealing” may be a problem for engineers who want to use the colorchanger in big construction projects that will be outside, in the sunlight. And if bright light keeps the red color from appearing, then the mechanophores warning system will be useless.Scientists still have a lot of work to do before the colorchanging molecules can be used outside the lab. If mechanophore can be used in the real world, they are suggested to be employed in a new kind of paint.本文为说明文。介绍了未来的一种新型材料:当建筑物倒塌时,它会变红,


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