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字母的發音規則(以常用1000字為例)基本認識 1. 英文為一拼音文字。字的寫法即其發音。 2. 但受時間演變及外語借入,字母漸漸無法代表其發音。 3. 單字中的母音字母 ( a, e, i, o, u 等五個),發音變化較大;子音字母變化極小。 4. 所以,只要熟悉了發音規則,背了字母之後再背音標並不須花費多大精力,甚至沒有背過的單字亦可知道其發音。同學們切勿因剛開始學習時的一點挫折而放棄。 註:但下列的發音規則幾乎都有例外。母音的發音規則I. 單音節單字中的 a, e, i, o, u 發音1. 單音節的 -a- 發 。 thank that an am at and has cat bad last black 例外: -al- 發 l。 all tall wall fall small -ar- 發 r。 park start car farm art hard bark March 但是 warm wa- 或 wha- 發 (h)w 。 Wang watch was wash what 2. 單音節的 -e- 發 。 desk bed pen yes spell get help end then went 3. 單音節的 -i- 發 。 sit miss sick this spring did pick Jim Bill Lin 例外: high 4. 單音節的 -o- 發 。 not John Spot on clock hot got Bob Tom 例外: dog song cold old both Jones some come does son front 5. 單音節的 -u- 發 。 cup bus sun up but lunch run duck 例外: put II. 重音節的 a, e, i, o, u 發音 6. 重音節的 -a- 發 。 after family calendar happy Saturday animal rabbit 例外: many any father 7. 重音節的 -e- 發 。 pencil very elementary eleven seven vegetable 例外: evening Peter English 8. 重音節的 -i- 發 。 winter little dinner picture sister picnic frisbee 例外: iron tiger lion 9. 重音節的 -o- 發 或 或 。 brother mother other Monday monkey doctor hospital tomorrow Collins only sofa open hello 10. 重音節的 -u- 發 。 number study summer husband 例外: student music computer busy III. a, e, i, o, u + 子音 + e 11. a + 子音 + e -a- 念 且 -e 不發音 name classmate table late Jane ate place 例外: have 12. e + 子音 + e -e- 念 且 -e 不發音 these Chinese13. i + 子音 + e -i- 念 且 -e 不發音 fine write like time five nine rice ride 例外: live 14. o + 子音 + e -o- 念 且 -e 不發音 close coke those home spoke wrote before 例外: come some15. u + 子音 + e -u- 念 且 -e 不發音 use綜合上面五點可知: 母音 + 子音 + e 發原來字母音 不發音V. 其它16. -ee- 念 。 sleep see three week tree frisbee fifteen17. -oo- 念 或 。 good book look cook stood took school room noon cool zoo too 例外: door 18. -ea- 念 。 read eat please Jean weak clean speak each 例外: breakfast -ear- 念 hear ear year near 但是 early bear 19. -au- 念 caught taught daughter 例外: laugh 20. -ou- 念 our about hour house 例外: you youth your four enough 21. -ue- 念 blue Sue22. -al- 念 all tall wall fall small always already also 例外: talk walk 23. -ar- 念 are car bar park farm art hard start 例外: warm calendar 24. -aw- 念 saw draw25. -ay- 念 say play day Monday yesterday birthday today 26. -er 念 teacher tiger number flower summer after winter 例外: her 27. -ere 念 或 或 here there where were 28. -ey 念 或 或 monkey key they 29. -ir- 念 shirt bird thirty thirteen first third birthday 30. -or- 念 morning short important 例外: word work 31. -ow- 念 how now down flower town meow 32. -oy- 念 boy toy33. -ur- 念 Thursday burn nurse 例外: Saturday 34. 字尾的 -ce 念 rice place face office Alice35. a, e, i, o, u 五個母音字母在輕音節中都可能發 -a-: breakfast sofa Indian usually vegetable -e-: calendar student open Helen television seven -i-: family animal beautiful -o-: oclock today second season lesson iron lion -u-: beautiful 子音的發音規則大部份的子音字母都發相應的子音音標:如:bus desk wall printer b s d sk w l pr nt 所以只要記以下的幾個特例即可:1. -c- 或 -ck- 念 clock cat picnic calendar car close clean picture black sick pick clock 但 -ch- 念 chair teacher watch each lunch kitchen bench 例外: school -ci- 念 pencil medicine2. -j- 念 Joe John just junior Jim Jean 3. -ng- 念 morning Wang thing doing ring sing sang song wrong 例外: English finger 4. -nk- 念 thank monkey drink5. -ph- 念 elephant telephone6. -s- 念 is please close his these those does has music 7. -s- 念 television usually8. -sh- 念 she wash trash short English9. -th- 念 或 this that the mother father brother they these thank both with three thirteen thirty Thursday third10. -wh- 念 或 what where why when 例外: who 11. y- 念 you yellow yes year youth12. -y 念 study every early any usually family busy many 但單音節單字中 -y 念 : my why by try 13. 兩個相同子音在一起,只念一個即可。 Miss Bill little yel


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