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Unit4,A man was trapped /caught in ruins ,waiting for help.,Factories and buildings lay in ruins.,Soldiers break. Everyone looks painful and tired.,She is grateful to so many kind people.,We have all the reasons to believe Sichuan will rise in the near future.,Mr. Nature,emotional (情绪化的),When he is cheerful,Natural Disasters,When he gets angry,Natural Disasters,hurricane,flood,drought,Typhoon,fire,sandstorm,mudflow,泥石流,volcano eruption,火山爆发,Earthquake,Do you know why an earthquake happens?,San Francisco,Pacific plate,American plate,Eurasian plate,India plate,African plate,Antarctic plate,Paragraph 4,Pacific plate,North,South,West,East,American plate,Earthquake Happens,Natural Disasters,fire,earthquake,tsunami 海啸,typhoon (hurricane),drought,tornado龙卷风,volcano eruption,landslide 山体滑坡,flood,avalanche 雪崩,mudflow 泥石流,sandstorm,Which disaster may cause the worst damage?,Discussion: What damage will an earthquake cause?,Earthquake,fall down,cut off,lay in ruins,injure,Buried in bricks,burst,destroy,People, the buildings, the roads, water pipes(水管), electricity,crack,What damage?,Fall down,Crack,People , injured ,buried in bricks.,受伤的,The city lay in ruins.,destroy,burst,What shall we do if an earthquake happens?,Discussion,Dont be nervous and keep calm. Dont try to run out of the classroom. Protect your head by putting your bag on your head. Squat or sit down under your desk. Leave the classroom after the earthquake.,A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEP,Reading :,back,Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave it right away. You have time to take only one thing. What will you take? Why?,I want to take money, books, food, water, clothes,Because ,Pre-reading,water,money,identity card,food,books,clothes,computer,map,pictures of family,mobile phone,radio,What will you take? Why?,Guess:,what may happen before an earthquake?,The animals were too nervous to sleep, such as dogs , cows, pigs, horses, and chickens,Mice ran out of the fields,Fish jumped out of bowls and ponds.,There were cracks on the wells. The water in the well rose and fell.,汶川地震的前兆,What do you think may happen before an earthquake?,What do you think may happen before an earthquake?,The water in the wells _and_. And some deep _could be seen in the well walls. A_ gas came out the cracks.,A,rose,fell,cracks,smelly,What do you think may happen before an earthquake?,B,Mice ran out of the fields_ places to hide. Fish _out of bows and ponds.,looking for,jumped,What do you think may happen before an earthquake?,C,The chickens and even pigs were_ nervous _eat. The dog was_ loudly again and again.,too,to,barking,D,What do you think may happen before an earthquake?,People could see _lights in the sky.,bright,震前动物有预兆,群测群防很重要。 牛羊骡马不进圈,猪不吃食狗乱咬。 鸭不下水岸上闹,鸡乱上树高声叫。 冰天雪地蛇出洞,大猫携着小猫跑。 兔子竖耳蹦又撞,鱼跃水面惶惶跳。 蜜峰群迁闹轰轰,鸽子惊飞不回巢。 家家户户都观察,综合异常作预报。,What can we do to reduce the damage of e


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