浙江绍兴八年级英语 Unit10Ifyougotothepartyyou’llhaveagreattime质量评估试卷新人教目标版.docx_第1页
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Unit 10质量评估试卷时间:90分钟满分:120分第卷第一部分听力部分(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)听下面5段对话。每段对话仅读一遍。(B)1.What will happen if they have the party today?AHalf the class will come.BHalf the class wont come.CAll the class will come.(C)2.What can Nelly do for the party?AOrganize the games.BWrite invitations.CMake some food. (B)3.What will the woman do if she has enough money?AShe will travel around the world.BShe will travel to the moon.CShe will stay at home and do nothing. (A)4.Whats the womans problem?AShe lost her wallet.BShe bought a wallet.CShe got 100 dollars.(B)5.Can the girl go into the party if she wears her skirt? AYes, she can. BNo, she cant.CThe teacher knows. 1W: Lets have a party today after class. M: No, today is too early. If we do, half the class wont come.2W: Can you organize the party games, Mark?M: Sure, and you can make some delicious food for us, Nelly. 3M: Will you travel around the world if you have enough money?W: No, I wont. I will travel to the moon.4M: Helen, you look upset. Whats your problem?W: I lost my wallet with 100 dollars in it.5M: I think Im going to wear my skirt to the party.W: If you do, the teacher wont let you in.第二节 (共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)听下面一段对话, 回答第6至第8三个小题。(B)6.What problem does the boy have?AHe passed the exam.BHe didnt pass the exam.CHe lost his wallet.(B)7.What will happen if the boy tells his parents? ATheyll be upset. BTheyll be mad.CTheyll be happy.(A)8.Whats the womans advice?ATell his parents the truth.BDont tell his parents.CSay sorry to them.W: Why are you upset?M: I have a problem.W: Whats that?M: I failed in the English exam. Im afraid to tell my parents about it.W: What will happen if you tell them?M: If I tell them, theyll be angry. But if I dont tell them, Ill feel sorry. What should I do?W: I think theyll be angrier if you dont tell the truth. They would like an honest boy.听下面一段对话,回答第9至第11三个小题。(A)9.What does Mike want to take?AChocolate.BPotatoes.CStrawberries.(A)10.What are Alice and Mike going to do in the afternoon?ATo go to a concert.BTo go to a party.CTo go to a meeting.(B)11.How much money does Mike want to take?A10 dollars. B20 dollars.C30 dollars.W: Come on, Mike! Well be late if we dont start now. M: Alice, one minute, please. I want to take some chocolate and potato chips.W: Oh, Mike. You cant take food. The teachers will take them away if you do that.M: Well. Im going to wear jeans.W: Jeans? We have lessons in the morning. Do you think the teachers will let you in? Wear your uniform.M: Maybe, they wont. Can I wear sunglasses?W: No, Mike. You neednt wear them when you go to the concert in the afternoon.M: OK! Wait a few minutes. Ill have to take 20 dollars with me.W: Mike, you wont need money when you go to the concert, right?M: Right. OK. Lets go. Oh, I forgot my watch.听下面一段独白,回答第12至第15四个小题。(A)12.What must you do if you want to pass an exam? AWork hard every day.BWork hard a few days before the exam.CGet up early a few days before the exam.(B)13.How can you learn English well?ARemember grammar well.BRead and speak English.CListen carefully in class.(C)14.What should you do before you start the exam?AKeep calm.BThink in English.CRead the exam paper carefully. (C)15.What can you do when you have finished your exam?ARemember grammar and speak English.BUnderstand the right meaning of each question.CRead again and correct the mistakes. A good way to pass an exam is to work hard every day. You may not pass an exam if you are lazy for most of the year or only work hard a few days before the exam.When you are learning English, dont only remember grammar. Try to read stories in English and speak in English as often as you can. You should go to bed early before the exam. Dont study late at night. Before you start the exam, read the exam paper carefully. Try to understand the right meaning of each question before you write. When you have finished your exam at last, read your answers again and correct the mistakes. 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)AProblemsCausesAdviceFeel stressedToo much homework. Dont have enough time for their hobbies.Make a plan for study and hobbies. Find time to relax.Get shortsightedToo much homework. Bad study habits.Do homework or read in a correct way. Do eye exercises every day.Fight witheach otherDont know how to get on well with classmates. Make more friends and understand each other.Dont like to studyThe bad influence(影响) of computer games.Play computer games just for a short time.Get fatHave more pocket money to buy snacks. Dont like to do exercise.Use your pocket money to do something meaningful. (D)16.For whom is this form most probably written?AParents.BChildren.CTeachers. DStudents.(C)17.According to the information given in the form, why dont students like to study?ABecause they have too much homework.BBecause they dont know how to get on well with their classmates.CBecause the influence of computer games is bad.DBecause they dont like to do exercise.(A)18._will stop you from becoming shortsighted.ADoing eye exercises regularlyBReading in bedCReading in the sunDReading too long(B)19.If you feel stressed, you should _Ado less homeworkBmake plans for your study, hobbies and relaxationCfight with othersDhave some snacks(D)20.Peter is very fat. Maybe he _Aplays computer games too muchBhas too much homework Chas a lot of pocket moneyDdoesnt like to do exercise BMost people have ambitions (雄心). An ambition is something we want to do, want to be and want to have. A students ambition, for example, might be to pass his or her exams and then get a good job. An athletes ambition could be to win an important competition. A businessmans ambition is usually to make a lot of money.Not all ambitions are about success at work, however. Some people just want to be good people, have a family or help others.Bens ambition is to be a sports writer. He writes sports reports for his class newspaper. He likes most sports, and swimming and football are his favorites. Trudys ambition is to be a concert pianist. She is very serious about it and practises every day with her best friend Lily. It is very important to her.Harrys ambition changes every day! One day he wants to be an astronaut. The following day he wants to be a pop singer. The next day he wants to drive a racing car. His mother would be happy if his ambition was to get up in time for school every day!Whats your ambition?(A)21.What do most businessmen want?ATo make a lot of money.BTo travel everywhere.CTo get a lot of things.DTo buy a lot of things.(B)22.What does Ben want to be?AA businessman.BA sports writer.CA pilot.DA computer programmer.(A)23.Why does Trudy practise the piano every day?ABecause she wants to be a concert pianist.BBecause she wants to be an astronaut.CBecause she wants to be a pop singer.DBecause she wants to be a sports writer.(C)24.Whos Trudys best friend?ABen. BHarry.CLily. DLucy.(D)25.What does Harrys mother want him to do?ATo work hard to get good grades.BTo do his homework carefully.CTo exercise more every day.DTo get up in time for school every day.CParents often believe that they have a good relationship with their teenagers. But during the summer vacation in 2011, Joanna and Henry noticed a change(改变) in their son: suddenly he seemed to be talking far more to his friends than to them.“The_door_to_his_room_is_always_closed,” Joanna noted.Tina and Mark noticed similar changes in their 14yearold daughter.“She used to sit with me on the sofa and talk,” said Mark.“Now we joke that she does this only when she wants something. Sometimes she wants to be treated like a little girl and sometimes like a young lady. The problem is finding out which time is which.”Before age 11, children like to tell their parents whats on their minds.“In fact, parents are first on the list,”said Michael Riera, the writer of Uncommon Sense for Parents with Teenagers.“This completely changes during the teen years,” Riera explained.“They talk to their friends first, then maybe their teachers, and their parents last.”Parents who know whats going on in their teenagers lives are in the best way to help them. To break down the_wall_of_silence,_parents should create chances to understand what their children want to say, and try to find ways to talk and write to them. And they must give their children a mental(心灵的) break, for children also need freedom, though young. Another thing parents should remember is that to be a friend, not a manager(管理人) with their children, is a better way to know them.(B)26.“The door to his room is always closed” shows that the son _Ais busy with his homeworkBdoesnt want to talk to his parentsCneeds some sleepDis too tired(D)27.What troubles Tina and Mark most is that their daughter _Adoesnt say anything in classBasks for too much money to useConly talks to her best friend or best teachersDtalks with them only when she wants something(B)28.The writer thinks that parents should _Amake their children study harderBunderstand their childrenCask their children to open the doorsDgive more money to their children(A)29.The underlined phrase “the wall of silence” in the last paragraph means “_”Achildren and parents do not talk muchBparents only ask their children to study hardCparents always sit silently with their childrenDchildren need free time to get themselves relaxed(C)30.According to the passage, what advice does the writer give to parents?ABe a manager with your children.BNever talk too much to your children.CBe a friend with your children.DGive your children whatever they want.第二节任务型阅读 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)下面文章中有五处需要添加小标题,请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余的。APraise having a try.BStart small.CDo it step by stepDTry not to get angry.EPractice solving problems.FHelp to recognize(识别) and understand anxiety.Anxious(焦虑的) feelings are fed by anxious thinking. It is important to help children see that the situations they are worried about may not be as bad as they think.31_F_A first step in helping children is recognizing when it happens and how it works.32_A_Encourage(鼓励) children with anxiety to try new things and praise them for trying. It is very important to try rather than success.33_C_Help the child to choose goals(目标) for becoming braver and to take step by step towards success.34_E_Help children talk about problems and help them to find out possible solutions.Dont talk too much because this stops children from learning how to solve themselves.35_B_A child simply refuses to do something. Sometimes, it helps to praise the child for doing as much as he or she could. Later, try again with smaller steps and encourage your child to try, one small step at a time.第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分25分)第一节完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分, 满分15分)Have you ever had problems in your life and dont know how to be happy? If so, you will find the book Being a Happy Teenager _36_. In this book, the _37_, Andrew Matthews, tells us how to _38_ a happy life and he gives answers _39_the questions of teenagers. The book _40_ about many subjects, such as problems with parents, friends and teachers. The book says we should stop being _41_ with others and learn to forgive(原谅). The book teaches us some skills, _42_, how to put what you have learned into pictures to make your memory better.Many teenagers think that happiness comes from a good exam result or praise from other people. But you can still be happy _43_ there are no such “good” things. Success comes from a _44_ attitude. If you learn _45_ problems, you will have success in the future.Some school students have such problems as being too tall _46_ too short. But Matthews tells us that happiness comes from thinking about things in a positive(积极的) _47_. If you are _48_, maybe you will become a basketball player; if you are short, your clothes and shoes take _49_ room in your bedroom! This is Matthews most important_50_ : you choose to be happy!(A)36.A.useful BuselessCmeaningless Dunhelpful(C)37.A.teacher BdoctorCwriter Dmanager(D)38.A.like BmeetCtry Dlive(B)39.A.about BtoCof Dwith(C)40.A.speaks BbringsCtalks Dsays(C)41.A.happy BexcitedCangry Dsad(A)42.A.for example Bsuch asCso as Dso that(B)43.A.before BifCuntil Dthat(A)44.A.good BbadCpoor Dboring(B)45.A.to BfromCwith Din(D)46.A.but BandCso Dor(B)47.A.road BwayCclass Didea(C)48.A.short BsmallCtall Dfat(A)49.A.less BmoreCmost Dmuch(B)50.A.work BlessonCbook Dstudy第卷第二节(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面材料,根据短文内容在空白处填入适当单词或用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。The biggest problem for teenagers is that they are too stressed. Gina, a 15yearold girl, 51._worries_ (worry) about her exams very often. Although she 52._studied_(study) English six years ago and is good at it, she is still afraid of English exams. Last night, after coming back home, she 53._began_(begin) to get ready for the English exam. 54._While/When_ she was reading English books, her mother said to her,“Come on, dear! Its time 55._to_have/for_ supper!” But Gina 56._heard_ (hear) nothing. Her mother went on and said,“Gina, I believe that you 57._will_pass_(pass) the test tomorrow.” This time Gina answered,“Oh, Mom, I am memorizing words now. I 58._will_have_(have) it later.” But at 11:30 pm., the light in Ginas bedroom was still 59._on_. Her mother said to her, “I dont think teenagers are allowed to stay up late before exams.” Gina agreed, but she couldnt fall asleep. She was too nervous. Maybe its


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