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2019中考英语完形填空基础练(二)及答案【能力选练】 AI was always busy and had too many things to do. Whenever my daughter caused me to change my plans, I thought to myself, “We dont have time for this. ” So the two words I always said to her were: _1_. The other day, the two of us rode to a _2_ near our home. After shopping I bought her an ice cream, and she sat down at a table happily admiring the ice cream in her hand. Suddenly a _3_ look appeared on her face. “Do I have to eat it up in a hurry, Mum?”I nearly cried when hearing thisthe pains of a hurried life influenced my poor girl so deeply! As she looked at me waiting to know if she could _4_ her time, I knew I had to make a _5_. I thought of the times when I rushed (催促) my child through life, I began _6_ what really matters in life. “You dont have to hurry. Just enjoy it. ” I said gently. Her whole face brightened and her shoulders _7_. We sat side by side talking about things that interested us. When she got to the last bite (一口), she held it out to me, “ I _8_ the last bite for you, Mum, ” she said _9_. As the icy taste put out my thirst, I realized I just got the present of a lifetime. I gave my child a little time. and in return, she gave me her last bite and _10_ me that things taste sweeter and love is easier to get when you stop rushing through life. 1. A. Keep quiet B. Take care C. Hurry up D. Work hard2. A. station B. school C. office D. supermarket3. A. worried B. tired C. satisfied D. surprised4. A. waste B. take C. spend D. spare5. A. mark B. plan C. wish D. choice6. A. explaining B. forgetting C. discussing D. wondering7. A. lifted B. relaxed C. turned D. raised8. A. bought B. carried C. saved D. tasted9. A. cheerfully B. calmly C. sadly D. wisely10. A. supported B. promised C. reminded D. thanked110、CDABD DBCAC【能力选练】 B2016中考英语完型填空训练记事类When I am reading a newspaper at home , my friends call me, “Will you here and give us some help?” I throw the away and run to them.My friends are playing a basketball game . And the ball goes right into Mrs Whites . They know I live next to her ,they want me to get the ball for them. I my neighbour Mrs White. She looks unfriendly. Everyone says that she doesnt like the children.Andknows Mrs White well because she seldom comes out of her house or speaks. I walk into Mrs White s garden. I am nervous(紧张的).Suddenly I see a tall walking to me. It is Mrs White.I feel when I see her. “Is this your ? she asks. I say yes and well do it again. To my surprise, Mrs White says, Why dont you kids here? This hoop(篮球架)here is better than yours. Wow! We are so glad to hear that !Mrs White is us to play in her garden! We all learn a(n) lesson: what many people say isnt always true.【小题1】Ago Bdrive Ccome Dride【小题2】AnewspaperBbook Cpicture Dphoto【小题3】Aat school Bin my neighbourhoodCin the playground Din the garden【小题4】AbalconyBgarden ChomeDkitchen【小题5】Aor BbutCso Dbeacuse【小题6】Aam happy withBam afraid ofCam likeDam angry with【小题7】AeveryoneBanyone Cno one Dsomeone【小题8】Asadly Bslowly ChappilyDangrily【小题9】Aman BwomanCgirl Dboy【小题10】AsorryBexcited CworriedDsad【小题11】AfriendBball CgardenDneighbour【小题12】Ausually Balways Cnever Dsometimes【小题13】AwalkBtalk Cplay Deat【小题14】AaskingBinvitingCshowingDtelling【小题15】Aeasy Bhard Cpopular Dimportant【能力选练】 C【2012济宁】通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Many parents want their children to be famous one day. But do children have the same_26_?A new_27_Hi, Keai is on at Beijing Childrens Art Theatre. It tells the story of a boy called Keai. His parents would like him to become a painter or a _28_ one day. They teach him to _29_and to play the violin, but Keai doesnt enjoy these activities. Then one day Keais parents see Liu Xiang win a gold_30_ at the Athens Olympic Games, and they want him to be a sportsman. _31_do they want me to be someone else? Keai asks and says, I only want to be_32_. The play shows us that it is good for parents to learn to _33_their children. It helps parents to think about what kids want to do.Young audiences(观众)enjoy the story, and also the_34_in the play. There are two songs in the play. One of them, Keais Song is very _35 _to learn, so the audiences can sing the song on their way home after the play!26.A.jobs B.dreams C.habits D.hobbies 27.A.song B.film C.play D.opera28.A.writer B.teacher C.sportsman D.musician29.A.paint B.write C.run D.drive 30.A.match B.ring C.medal D.race31.A.How B.Why C.When D.Where32.A.myself B.different C.alone D.great33.A.encourage B.understand C.criticize D.inspire34.A.light B.clothes C.skill D.music 35.A.easy B.difficult C.important D.necessary【答案】【主旨大意】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。主要通过一个话剧告诉我们一个道理:父母亲应该学会理解孩子,这有助于父母考虑孩子想要做什么。26. B【解析】根据第一句话,许多的父母亲都希望他们的孩子在将来会出名。可推知句意:可是孩子们会有同样的梦想吗?dreams “梦想”。27. C【解析】文章后面提到了这是一部 话剧。 play “话剧”。28. D【解析】根据下文的play the violin 可知,父母亲想要他成为一名音乐家。29. A【解析】根据上文的painter 可知,父母教给儿子画画。 30. C【解析】此处指的是刘翔在雅典的奥运会上获取金牌。A gold medal “一枚金牌”。31. B【解析】为什么他们让我成为其他的人呢? why “为什么”。32. A【解析】我只是想要做我自己。myself “我自己”,与上文的 someone else 构成对比。33. B【解析】根据下文的:这有助于父母考虑孩子想要做什么,可推知句意:这个话剧表明了对父母亲而言学会理解孩子是很好的。understand “懂得;理解”。34. D【解析】根据下文的“songs。”可以判断句意:观众喜欢这个话剧的故事情节与里面的音乐。35. A【解析】下句话提到了:观众在看完话剧之后的回家的路上能够唱话剧里面的歌曲,可推知,这首歌很容易学会。easy “容易的”。【难句点拨】The play shows that it is good for parents to learn to understand their children. It helps parents to think about what kind want to do.句意为:这个话剧表明了对父母亲而言学会理解孩子是很好的。这有助于父母考虑孩子想要做什么。句中that是连词,引导后面的句子作动词show的宾语从句。It is+形容词+for sb to do sth, 是一个固定句式,it是形式主语,to do sth做真正的主语。在第二个句子中,help sb (to) do sth “帮助某人做某事”,是固定搭配;what kind want to do 是宾语从句。作动词短语think about的宾语。【能力选练】 D(2016湖南怀化) Surprise plays an important role in our lives. Last term my classmates and I gave our teacher a big 31. _. Our teacher had a bad 32. _ and coughed a lot. She could hardly speak a sentence. Looked at her pale (苍白的) face, we 33. _ the warmth she always gave us. So we decided to do 34. _for her. Since Christmas was coming at that time, we planned a surprise for her. I made a postcard and wrote “I hope you get 35. _ soon. ” During class break, there were some other things on her desk, like candies and cakes. They all came from my classmates. A note was also lying there saying, “Take care, our 36. _ teacher.” My classmates and I hid where our teacher couldnt 37. _us, waiting for her appearance (出现). Finally, our teacher came. Seeing the presents on her desk, she smiled. 38. _ we were not right by her side, we could feel her happiness. Tears (眼泪) ran down her face. And when she looked up again, in front of 39. _ were three shining faces smiling back at her. “Thank you!” She whispered (低声的说), holding our hands tightly (紧紧地). Everyone of us 40. _ needs help. And to me, the best thing to do is surprise them and cheer them up. 31. A. boxB. cupC. surprise32. A. coldB. toothacheC. stomachache33. A. looked forward toB. looked forC. thought about34. A. somethingB. anythingC. nothing35. A. fatterB. worseC. better36. A. unfriendlyB. lovelyC. lazy37. A. seeB. call C. ask 38. A. AndB. ButC. Though39. A. herB. themC. him40. A. hardlyB. sometimesC. never 【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。惊喜和意外给我们的生活添加了一笔浓重的色彩。短文叙述了作者的老师病了之后,他和同学们一起策划要给老师一个惊喜,希望老师尽快好起来,老师也感动地流下了幸福的泪水。31.C考查形容词词义辨析。句意:上学期我的同学和我给我们老师一个_。box盒子;cup杯子;surprise惊奇。由文章第一句话惊奇在生活中起着重要作用。所以,我和同学们给老师一个惊喜。故选C。32. A考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们老师_咳嗽的很厉害。have a bad cold得了重感冒。故选A。33. C考查动词短语辨析。句意:看到她苍白的脸上,我们想到她给我们的温暖。looked forward to期盼;looked for寻找;用think about表示“想到”,符合句意。34. A考查不定代词辨析。句意:因此我们决定为她做些什么。something某事;anything任何事;nothing没什么。肯定句中用something表示“什么;某些事情”。35. C考查形容词比较级辨析。句意:我希望你赶快_。fatter更胖;worse更差;better更好。由上文老师生病了,学生们计划给老师一个惊奇,所以给老师制作了贺卡,希望老师尽快好起来。故选C。36. B考查形容词词义辨析。句意:照顾好自己,我们_的老师?unfriendly不友好的;lovely可爱的;lazy懒惰的。由上文学生希望老师尽快好起来,所以,他们会称呼我们亲爱的老师。故选B。37. A考查动词词义辨析。句意:我和我的同学们藏到老师不能_的地方。see看见;call叫;ask让。由本句中的关键词hide可知我们藏到老师看不到的地方,故选A。 38. C考查动词词义辨析。句意:_我没恰好待在她身边,我能感受到她的快乐。 and并且;but但是;though尽管。由语境可知尽管我没有待在她身边,但是能感受到她的快乐。该句是由though引导的让步状语从句。故选C。39. A考查代词词义辨析。句意:当她再次抬头时,在_前面是三张光彩的笑脸望着她。由语境可知在她面前。故选A。40. B考查近义词词义辨析。句意:我们每个人_需要帮助。hardly和never太绝对,不符合常识。hardly几乎不;sometimes有时候;never从不。由下文句意:对我来说,做的最好事情就是让他们感到惊奇并让你们快乐起来。可知有时候我们每个人需要帮助。故选B。【能力选练】 E阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C或者D四个选项中选出最佳选项。The following true story moved me deeply. I cant forget it even many years have passed.Thirty years ago, I got to know a _1_ lady named Rose. She had no kids and lived alone.I was working in a cafe at that time. _2_ I went to visit her, I always took Rose coffee and food. One day she invited me to have _3_.We walked from my work place to a little cafe on David Street. _4_ the way, I began to worry: I knew that she had no money, but if I offered to _5_ the lunch, Im afraid I would hurt her.There were many people in the _6_, and all of them were happy, even the workers. Rose told me to sit and drink coffee by the window. Then she went to _7_ in the kitchen. After about 20 minutes, she came out and sat with me. She just paid for one meal and we started to _8_ the delicious food together. She told _9_ that the cafe let people work for a meal if they had no money, or would give them a free meal if they were not able to work. To my surprise, she also explained that the workers _10_ were working there were all volunteers.I _11_ remember the beautiful afternoon I shared with Rose. _12_ we had a meal together only once, it was paid by Roses work. The weather was _13_ and bright, and everyones smile was warm and bright as well.Sometimes, life could be not easy to us, but we could still do _14_ for our friends and neighbors. The world would be _15_ if everybody would like to share happiness with others. It would be never dark if there was a light in everyones heart.(2010台州)( )1. A. rich B. poor C. strange D. crazy( )2. A. When B. After C. Until D. Unless( )3. A. breakfast B. lunch C. supper D. tea( )4. A. By B. In C. On D. Out of( )5. A. pay for B. ask for C. look for D. care for ( )6. A. park B. caf C. hotel D. restaurant ( )7. A. sit B


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