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Carnival教学设计方案终稿通过深入学习新课标和本次培训,认真领会其教学理念、教学方法和教学内容,在设计预案基础上,经过校本研修集思和教学实践验证后,经再认识、再修改制定了Carnival教学设计终案。在教学设计中采取了“自主、合作、探究”的学习方式,贯彻双主的教学理念,达到了较好的教学效果。 (一)教材分析本单元的中心话题是“狂欢节”,围绕这一话题介绍了两个国家的两种不同的庆祝方式的狂欢节(巴西狂欢节和威尼斯狂欢节)。这节课主要侧重在阅读部分的学习,着重解决对课文的理解。本课时是一节整合课,把“热身”(INTRODUCTION)的部分内容和阅读文章整合在一起来上,课堂上删除了阅读的一部分内容(Activity 3 and 4,把这两部分作为课后作业),保留了Activity 1和Activity 2。本着新课标“以学生为主体,以教师为主导”这一思想,围绕着课文,编者自己设计了与课文内容和词汇有关的练习,增加了判断正误, 概括每一段的文章大意,分段填空和选择题和完形填空等多种形式的训练,充分发挥了学生的主观能动性。(二)学情分析新课标要求我们尊重不同学生的知识能力兴趣的需要,根据我班学生的实际情况,本课时我在处理文章整体结构的同时,把每个教学环节所设计的问题和任务区分出高低不同的层次,由浅入深、循序渐进,力争全班绝大多数同学能积极地参与到课堂活动中来。通过“任务型”活动培养学生“跳读”、“寻读”、“定位”、“推理“归纳”等阅读方法以及描述讨论等组织语言运用语言的能力,是所有的学生都有机会参与活动,获得成功的体验。(三)教学目标本节课的主要教学目标是:能在阅读中通过语境识别新学词汇、短语并推断其意思;能读懂课文、理解对威尼斯狂欢节的描述、起源和历史沿革并摘录要点,能从此文章中提取和筛选信息并进行重组;希望今后能读懂同等难度的有关节日的文章。比较中外节日的差异,并从中分析、了解东西文化的特点,增强跨文化交际的意识,增强人生感悟,提高生活热情。1. 语言知识Words to learn: atmosphere, confusion, costume, crowd, excitement, magic, mask, mystery, tradition, extend, firearmWords to revise:unpunished, banned, revive, wander Phrases: come to an end, consist of, dress up, pretend to do something2. 语言技能目标:培养和提高学生的阅读(浏览、查读和细读)能力,形成用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析信息、解决问题的能力,以及用英语思维和表达与节日有关的话题,复述课文及运用所学知识描述中国的节日。3. 情感态度目标:通过与话题相关的视频、图片的欣赏,激发学生保持对英语学习的浓厚兴趣;通过设计呈阶梯状的练习,帮助学生树立学习英语的信心和决心;通过对课文学习的小组讨论等形式,帮助学生养成协作的品质。同时培养学生热爱生活热爱世界的积极态度。4. 学习策略目标:注重引导学生借助上下文联想及猜测生词,启发学生通过发散式思维积累词组,指导学生发现规律,对所学内容进行整理和归纳。如用和高考完全相同的完形填空的形式和用高考任务型写作相似的形式来归纳段落和文章的大意;引导学生抓住信息词或关键词。5文化意识目标:本节课的教学内容通过与狂欢节相关的视频、图片、课文的学习,比较中外节日的差异,进一步拓宽国际视野,理解各国文化差异,尊重异国文化风俗,为今后深入学习和比较中外文化奠定基础。(四) 教学策略主要采用任务型教学模式,其指导思想是以学生为主体,以教师为主导。教师引导学生进行合作探究来学习新知识点及难点;通过生生互动,师生互动等多种教学方法,活跃课堂气氛,完成任务。在设置INTRODUCTION的任务时主要是为了引入本单元的话题作为切入点,展开活动。为此,我在网上下载了一些狂欢节的精彩片段和精美图片供学生欣赏,从而引起学生的学习兴趣。(五)教学过程Step 1. Leading-inShow a video clip or several pictures about Carnival in Rio de Janeiro. After this, ask the students two questions.)(1) What kind of festival do you know from the pictures?(2) What did you feel about the festival?Step 2. Pre-readingShow some pictures about Carnival in Venice and then ask:(1) How did you feel that?(2) Have you ever dressed up like that?(3) What are they wearing?(4) Why do people wear masks at Carnival of Venice?Step 3. Word studyHelp the students study the new words of the passage. (Ask them to read the new words following the teacher.)carnival 狂欢节 costume 服装;戏装;化装服 hide 掩藏;躲藏 confusion 杂乱;混乱extend 延长pretend 假装come to an end 完结 dress up 装扮;打扮firearm 火器empire帝国memory记忆revive复兴;再兴起;再流行council 地方议会;政务委员会book 预订wander漫步;闲逛elegant 优美的; 高雅的magic 魅力;魔力 ghost 鬼;幽灵Step 4. Fast reading:Ask the students to finish activity 1 on page 32.(First, ask them to predict it and then read the passage to check their prediction.)(Give them one minute to think and then ask them to read the passage.)Ask them to decide the exercises TRUE or FALSE.(1) “Carnival” comes from two Italian words.(2) Its celebrated after Christmas and Easter.(3) At carnival people dont eat meat or drink.(4) The first carnival in Venice lasted for 40 days.(5) In Venice people covered their faces with hats.(6) The government stop the wearing of masks.(7) The original Venice carnival came to an end about 200 years ago.(8) The idea to start the carnival again came from the businessman.(9) Carnival originates from North America3. Do activity 2 on page 32.Step 5. Intensive reading(1) Ask the students to read the passage one paragraph by one paragraph with some exercises to help them understand the passage better.Paragraph 1-2 Listen to the tape and fill the blanks on the papers with correct information they hear from the passage.Paragraph 3 Read paragraph 3 and find the answers to the exercises on the papers.Paragraph 4 Ask them to discuss with their partners the question: There are many problems to solve. How did they solve the problems? What happened if they broke the laws?(After studying paragraph 4, give them one question to think of.)Do you think carnival in Venice is still a memory today?(Students may say “no”, and then direct them to read the next paragraph.)Paragraph 5 Read aloud paragraph 5 together and finish the exercise on the papers.Paragraph 6 Ask them to match the answers and do the cloze test on the papers.(Give them one minute to think of the exercise and then ask them to discuss it with their partners.). Summarize the passage and find the main idea of each paragraph.(Give them 20 to 30 seconds to think of before asking them to answer each of them.)ParagraphMain ideaParagraph 1Peoples general impression of carnivalParagraph 2The meaning of carnival and how it was celebrated in historyParagraph 3Carnival in Venice and the problems it caused when people celebrated itParagraph 4The law about wearing masksParagraph 5The revival of the tradition of celebrating carnivalParagraph 6How carnival is celebrated in Venice today and the feature of the carnival in VeniceStep 6. Consolidation: cloze test on the papers.(Use this cloze test to consolidate their understanding of the passage. About 4 minutes later, ask several students to read their answers. If time permits, ask them to read it together, which will be better.)Step 7. Homework:1. Make a list of festivals in China. Say when, what and how they are celebrated.2. Activity 3 and 4 on the textbook.(Try to put what they learnt about festival into expressing Chinese festivals.)(六) 课后反思Carnival教学设计方案终稿通过深入学习新课标和本次培训,认真领会其教学理念、教学方法和教学内容,在设计预案基础上,经过校本研修集思和教学实践验证后,经再认识、再修改制定了Carnival教学设计终案。在教学设计中采取了“自主、合作、探究”的学习方式,贯彻双主的教学理念,达到了较好的教学效果。 (一)教材分析本单元的中心话题是“狂欢节”,围绕这一话题介绍了两个国家的两种不同的庆祝方式的狂欢节(巴西狂欢节和威尼斯狂欢节)。这节课主要侧重在阅读部分的学习,着重解决对课文的理解。本课时是一节整合课,把“热身”(INTRODUCTION)的部分内容和阅读文章整合在一起来上,课堂上删除了阅读的一部分内容(Activity 3 and 4,把这两部分作为课后作业),保留了Activity 1和Activity 2。本着新课标“以学生为主体,以教师为主导”这一思想,围绕着课文,编者自己设计了与课文内容和词汇有关的练习,增加了判断正误, 概括每一段的文章大意,分段填空和选择题和完形填空等多种形式的训练,充分发挥了学生的主观能动性。(二)学情分析新课标要求我们尊重不同学生的知识能力兴趣的需要,根据我班学生的实际情况,本课时我在处理文章整体结构的同时,把每个教学环节所设计的问题和任务区分出高低不同的层次,由浅入深、循序渐进,力争全班绝大多数同学能积极地参与到课堂活动中来。通过“任务型”活动培养学生“跳读”、“寻读”、“定位”、“推理“归纳”等阅读方法以及描述讨论等组织语言运用语言的能力,是所有的学生都有机会参与活动,获得成功的体验。(三)教学目标本节课的主要教学目标是:能在阅读中通过语境识别新学词汇、短语并推断其意思;能读懂课文、理解对威尼斯狂欢节的描述、起源和历史沿革并摘录要点,能从此文章中提取和筛选信息并进行重组;希望今后能读懂同等难度的有关节日的文章。比较中外节日的差异,并从中分析、了解东西文化的特点,增强跨文化交际的意识,增强人生感悟,提高生活热情。1. 语言知识Words to learn: atmosphere, confusion, costume, crowd, excitement, magic, mask, mystery, tradition, extend, firearmWords to revise:unpunished, banned, revive, wander Phrases: come to an end, consist of, dress up, pretend to do something2. 语言技能目标:培养和提高学生的阅读(浏览、查读和细读)能力,形成用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析信息、解决问题的能力,以及用英语思维和表达与节日有关的话题,复述课文及运用所学知识描述中国的节日。3. 情感态度目标:通过与话题相关的视频、图片的欣赏,激发学生保持对英语学习的浓厚兴趣;通过设计呈阶梯状的练习,帮助学生树立学习英语的信心和决心;通过对课文学习的小组讨论等形式,帮助学生养成协作的品质。同时培养学生热爱生活热爱世界的积极态度。4. 学习策略目标:注重引导学生借助上下文联想及猜测生词,启发学生通过发散式思维积累词组,指导学生发现规律,对所学内容进行整理和归纳。如用和高考完全相同的完形填空的形式和用高考任务型写作相似的形式来归纳段落和文章的大意;引导学生抓住信息词或关键词。5文化意识目标:本节课的教学内容通过与狂欢节相关的视频、图片、课文的学习,比较中外节日的差异,进一步拓宽国际视野,理解各国文化差异,尊重异国文化风俗,为今后深入学习和比较中外文化奠定基础。(四) 教学策略主要采用任务型教学模式,其指导思想是以学生为主体,以教师为主导。教师引导学生进行合作探究来学习新知识点及难点;通过生生互动,师生互动等多种教学方法,活跃课堂气氛,完成任务。在设置INTRODUCTION的任务时主要是为了引入本单元的话题作为切入点,展开活动。为此,我在网上下载了一些狂欢节的精彩片段和精美图片供学生欣赏,从而引起学生的学习兴趣。(五)教学过程Step 1. Leading-inShow a video clip or several pictures about Carnival in Rio de Janeiro. After this, ask the students two questions.)(1) What kind of festival do you know from the pictures?(2) What did you feel about the festival?Step 2. Pre-readingShow some pictures about Carnival in Venice and then ask:(1) How did you feel that?(2) Have you ever dressed up like that?(3) What are they wearing?(4) Why do people wear masks at Carnival of Venice?Step 3. Word studyHelp the students study the new words of the passage. (Ask them to read the new words following the teacher.)carnival 狂欢节 costume 服装;戏装;化装服 hide 掩藏;躲藏 confusion 杂乱;混乱extend 延长pretend 假装come to an end 完结 dress up 装扮;打扮firearm 火器empire帝国memory记忆revive复兴;再兴起;再流行council 地方议会;政务委员会book 预订wander漫步;闲逛elegant 优美的; 高雅的magic 魅力;魔力 ghost 鬼;幽灵Step 4. Fast reading:Ask the students to finish activity 1 on page 32.(First, ask them to predict it and then read the passage to check their prediction.)(Give them one minute to think and then ask them to read the passage.)Ask them to decide the exercises TRUE or FALSE.(1) “Carnival” comes from two Italian words.(2) Its celebrated after Christmas and Easter.(3) At carnival people dont eat meat or drink.(4) The first carnival in Venice lasted for 40 days.(5) In Venice people covered their faces with hats.(6) The government stop the wearing of masks.(7) The original Venice carnival came to an end about 200 years ago.(8) The idea to start the carnival again came from the businessman.(9) Carnival originates from North America3. Do activity 2 on page 32.Step 5. Intensive reading(1) Ask the students to read the passage one paragraph by one paragraph with some exercises to help them understand the passage better.Paragraph 1-2 Listen to the tape and fill the blanks on the papers with correct information they hear from the passage.Paragraph 3 Read paragraph 3 and find the answers to the exercises on the papers.Paragraph 4 Ask them to discuss with their partners the question: There are many problems to solve. How did they solve the problems? What happened if they broke the laws?(After studying paragraph 4, give them one question to think of.)Do you think carnival in Venice is still a memory today?(Students may say “no”, and then direct them to read the next paragraph.)Paragraph 5 Read aloud paragraph 5 together and finish the exercise on the papers.Paragraph 6 Ask them to match the answers and do the cloze test on the papers.(Give them one minute to think of the exercise and then ask them to discuss it with their partners.). Summarize the passage and find the main idea of each paragraph.(Give them 20 to 30 se


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