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Unit 3,Where Principle Comes First,Where to get education?,1. family education 2. school education 3. social education 4. natural education,Family education Family is our earliest school, parents is our initial teacher. No matter who they are and what they do, they are our idol for lifetime and where we learn love from.,School education The knowledge and ability from in here, the object of teaching a child is to enable him to get alone without teacher. The aim of school edition is general to prepare student for life in the world. We learn how to draw general conclusions form various facts. Education is to help the students to have a wide diversity of work and interest.,Social education Traditional ideology is so deeply rooted in peoples minds that it is rather hard to be uprooted.,Natural education What can we learn from the nature? As much as you want, thankful for nature, it created the seasons, the seasons for human life are a lot of fun. For spring, it gives us new hope. Thanks to heavy summer, for giving us a passionate life. Grateful for the autumn harvest, it gives a joy. Thank you winter, you gives us our dreams.,In your heart, education means?,Knowledge Interests Intelligence Else?,What is the purpose of education?,Education has for its object the formation of character. 教育的目的在于品德的培养。,Education is not an end, but a means to end. 教育不是目的,而是一种达到目的的手段。,An educational system should be one in which the love of learning, rather than the acquisition of facts, is cultivated. 教育应该培养学生酷爱学习,而不仅仅是为了获取事实。,It is wrong to spoon-feed the students. 对学生进行填鸭式教育是错误的。,Education polishes good natures, and corrects bad ones. 教育可以光大善良的天性,纠正邪恶的天性。,Try not to become a man of success but try to become a man of value,Ending ,Are you satisfied with the educational situation in China? What kind of improvements should be done?,Think and Talk,encouraging students imagination, creativity improving the relationship between students and teachers spreading the idea of “quality teaching” giving students more freedom in the classroom teaching students the value of creative thinking ,School Mottos,Identify school mottos of some famous universities home and abroad. Then introduce your school motto.,Tsinghua University,Harvard University,Truth,University of Oxford,The Lord is My Light,Yale University,Light and Truth,哈佛大学 校训:让柏拉图与你为友,让亚里斯多德与你为友,更重要的是,让真理与你为友 著名毕业生:J.F.肯尼迪总统 剑桥大学 校训:从这里闪耀和神圣的知识 著名毕业生:牛顿 牛津大学 校训:真理是我的老师 加州理工 校训:真理使人自由 耶鲁大学 校训:真理和光明 哥伦比亚大学 校训:从你的智慧之光我们看到光明 普林斯顿大学 校训:为国家服务,为世界服务,1、北京大学:思想自由,兼容并包 2、清华大学:自强不息,厚德载物 3、上海交通大学:饮水思源,爱国荣校 4、复旦大学:博学而笃志 切问而近思 5、武汉大学:自强、弘毅、求是、拓新 6、浙江大学:求是,创新 7、中国人民大学:实事求是 8、南京大学:励学敦行,诚朴雄伟,9、 吉林大学:励志图强,求实创新 10、中山大学:博学 审问 慎思 明辨 笃行 11、北京师范大学:学为人师,行为世范 12、华中科技大学:明德厚学、求是创新 13、四川大学:海纳百川,有容乃大 14、中国科技大学:勤奋学习,红专并进,理实交融 15、南开大学:允公允能,日新月异,Qinghai Normal University,Related Information,To be continued,In 1966 Joe Gauld, founded Hyde School in Bath, Maine. A second boarding campus was established in 1996 in Woodstock, Connecticut. Hyde School is an independent, college preparatory school with a focus on family-based character education.,1. Brief introduction of Hyde,Related Information,Gauld established the Hyde curriculum, based upon Five Words, rather than five subjects: Courage, Integrity, Leadership, Curiosity, and Concern; and he incorporated them into every facet of the program.,Character-Based,Five Words,Five Principles,Key Words About Hyde School,Related Information,One of Hydes basic purposes is to develop students character. This focus on character unleashes the deepest motivation in students self-discovery. The school helps students answer the following three questions: -Who am I? -Where am I going? -What do I need to do to get there?,Character-based,Related Information,Our Five Words are what we believe define character: Leadership - I am a leader through asking the best of myself and the best of others. Integrity - I am gifted with a unique potential and conscience as my guide to discovering it. Curiosity - I am responsible for my own learning. Courage - I learn the most by facing challenges and taking risks. Concern - I need a challenging and supportive community in which to develop my character.,Five Words,Related Information,Five Principles,Our Five Principles guide the conduct of all the schools activity: Destiny - Each of us is gifted with a unique potential that defines a destiny. Humility - We trust in a power and purpose beyond ourselves. Conscience - We achieve our best through character and conscience. Truth - Truth is our primary guide. Brothers Keeper - We help others achieve their best.,Related Information,Attitude more than aptitude Effort more than ability Character more than talent,Focus of Hyde,Related Information,HYDE SCHOOLS (海德中学),学校特色,该校特别强调教师和学生的鉴定。 学校于1977年成立家庭学习中心(The Family Learning Center),通过组织地区性家长来帮助他们理解学校的各项计划。 海德中学的招生是全年性的,学生能否被录取要视校内面试而定。,课程设置,英语课程:英语9-12、英语语言和写作、高级英语文学、高级英语 数学课程:代数(1-2)、几何、高级几何、基础代数、大学代数和三角学、微积分、初级微积分、微积分AB、微积分BC 科学课程:地球科学、生物、高级生物、化学、高级化学、物理、高级生物、环境科学 历史课程:古代历史、现代欧洲史、美国历史、二十世纪历史、政府语言课程:西班牙(1-3)、西班牙语西班牙文学 选修课程:陶瓷、美术、2D技术、公共演讲、戏剧表演,体育活动,全年运动:足球、英式足球Bath校区: 冬季运动:篮球、摔跤、游泳、室内田径 春季运动:网球、田径、长棍曲球 Woodstock校区: 秋季运动:足球、英式足球 冬季运动:篮球、摔跤 春季运动:网球、田径、长曲棍球、长跑,The United States has both public schools and private schools. Public schools are government-controlled at the city level, with standards being set partially at the state and federal level. Generally speaking, the city has the most influence on the schools, followed by the state, and finally by the federal government. Funding for public schools comes from all three levels of government, the primary source being local property taxes paid by homeowners. There is no charge for attending public schools.,Related Information,About Education System in U.S.A,Private schools, on the other hand, can be quite expensive to attend. So why do parents send their children to private schools? There are several reasons. One is status. Some private schools are highly regarded, and lend prestige to their students and alumni. Another reason is quality of education, although there are some public schools that offer education superior to private schools. A third reason is wishing to avoid problems associated with a small number of students at certain public schools, including violence and drug use. The other reason is religion. Some parents want their children to attend schools that teach religion as well as academics, which is prohibited by law in the public schools.,Related Information,A final trend to discuss in American education is home schooling. This practice, which has been growing in popularity in recent years, involves teaching children in the home, as the name implies. Home schooling is most popular with religious conservatives, who are concerned their children might be exposed to things and ideas they would prefer them to avoid.,Related Information,Text Analysis- (1),Text Analysis- (2),To feed the readers curiosity about “Where Principles Come First”, the author starts his article with an introduction to the principles on which the Hyde School operates.,Quotation (引言法),Main idea ?,Devices for developing it ?,Text Analysis- (3),Main idea ?,Since the Hyde principles are somewhat different from those of other schools, they are rejected by some schools, as described in Para. 3, and appreciated by others, as described in Paras. 4 11.,Exemplification(举例法),Devices for developing it ?,Text Analysis- (4),This part deals with detailed principles and approaches in the Hyde School program: valuing each students character-based unique potential, and requiring both students responsibility for each other and parents commitment to the program.,Main idea?,Devices for developing it ?,Deduction (演绎法),Text Analysis- (5),This part is about how beneficial or good the program is to both the teachers and the students.,Main idea?,Devices for developing it ?,Exemplification (举例法 ),Comparison & Contrast (对比法 ),words& Expressions,publicity n.1. U public notice or attention 公众的注意;名声 eg. The companys continued use of such dangerous chemicals has attracted a lot of negative publicity. 这个公司继续使用这样的危险化学品招来了不少批评。 The film actresss marriage got a lot of publicity. 这位女电影演员的婚姻引起了公众的极大关注。 2. U (business of) providing information in order to attract public attention; advertising (商业)广告,宣传,宣扬 eg. The concert wasnt given much advance publicity, so many tickets remained unsold. 音乐会事先没有做很多宣传,所以许多票没有卖出去。 The publicity material sent out by the company stressed their concern for the environment. 这个公司散发的宣传材料强调了他们对环境的关心。,words& Expressions,see as: consider sb. or sth. to be eg. Do you see the new leader as the hope of the company? 你认为新领导是公司的希望吗? Most people see his action as possibly dangerous. 多数人认为他的行动可能很危险。 Why are deaf children so often seen as stupid? 为什么聋哑儿童常常被认为是傻子? Her questions were seen as interrupting the class. 她不时的提问被认为是打断讲课。,words& Expressions,Cultivate vt.1. develop and improve 培养,陶冶,发展 eg. At this school we aim to cultivate the minds of all the children we teach. 在这所学校里,我们旨在陶冶学生的心灵。 She seems to spend her life trying to cultivate her career. 她的一生似乎都在成就其事业。 2. prepare and use (land, soil, etc.) for growing crops 耕种,耕作 Most of the land there is too poor to cultivate. 那里的大部分土地太贫瘠,无法耕种。 He cultivated the field with a large tractor. 他用一台大型拖拉机耕地。,words& Expressions,spread to: (cause to) reach sb. or sth. else, as by touching or other means of passing eg. Firemen succeeded in preventing the fire from spreading to other office buildings. 消防队员成功地防止了火势蔓延到其他办公楼。 We have been asked to spread the news to all our friends. 有人请我们把消息告诉所有的朋友。 If you allow the child to attend school he could spread the bad cold to all the other children. 如果你让孩子上学,他可能将重感冒传染给其他孩子。,words& Expressions,suspend: vt.; 1) stop or delay sth. for a time eg. Some rail services were suspended during the strike. 罢工期间,有些铁路服务中止了。 The young man was given a suspended sentence. 这个年轻人被判缓刑。 The union suspended strike action this week. 工会本周中止了罢工行动。 2) hang sth. up eg. A lamp was suspended from the ceiling. 天花板上吊着一盏灯。 3) send sb. away from his/her school, job, position, etc. for a period of time, usu. as a punishment for doing sth. bad eg. He was suspended from school. 他被开除离校。 She was suspended from her job shortly after the incident. 事故发生后不久,她就被开除了。,words& Expressions,protest: v. express ones disagreement, feeling of unfairness, annoyance, etc. Please notice that in American English “protest” is used without a preposition. eg. They protested the governments handling of the situation. 他们反 对政府处理局势的手法。 Most people protest the companys decision to lay off so many workers. 多数人反对公司如此大规模的裁员决议。 Compare: The students have been protesting against the governments decision. 学生们一直在抗议政府的决定。 The children protested loudly at being taken home early. 孩子们大声抗议过早地被带回家。 Many of the holiday-makers protested about the lack of information at the airport. 许多度假者抗议机场没有提供足够的信息。,words& Expressions,strain: n. 1) a state of worry and tension eg. He is under a lot of strain at work. 他承受着很大的工作压力。 Mums illness has put a strain on the whole family. 妈妈的病使全家人担忧。 2) the condition of being pulled or stretched too tightly eg. The rope finally broke under the strain. 绷紧的绳子终于断了。 v. 1) make a great effort to do sth. eg. I had to strain my ears to catch what they were saying. 我得竖起耳朵去听他们在说什么。 Several thousand supporters strained to catch a glimpse of the new president. 几千名支持者尽力想看一眼新总统。 2) put a lot of pressure on sth. eg. Money problems have strained their relationship. 钱的问题使他们关系紧张。,words& Expressions,be scheduled to do: be arranged to do eg. The train was scheduled to arrive at 10:30. 火车定于10点半到达。 The plane is scheduled to take off at 5 pm. 飞机定于下午5点起飞。,words& Expressions,eye: vt. look at sb. or sth. closely eg. Many people are eyeing the progress of the new project. 许多人在关注着这一新项目的进展。 She eyed him with suspicion. 她怀疑地看着他。,words& Expressions,over ones protest: in spite of ones protest eg. A nuclear plant was built in the area over the farmers protests. 一座核电厂不顾农民的抗议在这个 地区建了起来。 The nurse gave the boy an injection over his protest. 护士不顾男孩的抗议给他打了一针。,words& Expressions,minority: n. 1) a group of people who are of a different race or religion to most people in the community or country where they live eg. Schools in Britain need to do more to help children of ethnic minorities. 英国学校需要给予少数民族儿童更多的帮助。 They have called for greater numbers of women and minorities on the faculty. 他们要求教师中有更多女性与少数民族成员。 2) the smaller number or part of a group; less than half eg. Most women continue to work when they are married. Only a minority stays at home. 多数妇女婚后依然工作,只有少数会待在家里。 These troubled students are only a small minority. 这些有问题的学生只是少数。,words& Expressions,as Please note that here “as” is used to compare situations (or sometimes actions) by saying that they are similar. For example: In Greece, as in Italy, they use a lot of olive oil in cooking. 与在意大利一样,在希腊,人们做饭时用很多橄榄油。 In 1939, as in 1914, there was a great surge of patriotic feeling. 与1914年一样,1939年也出现了一股狂热的爱国潮。,words& Expressions,energetic: a. of or needing energy eg. Long-distance running is a very energetic form of exercise. 长跑是种消耗体力的运动。 He is an energetic person. 他是个精力充沛的人。 The new government will play an energetic role in solving the problem of unemployment. 新政府将在解决失业问题上起很大的作用。 put forth: use, show, or bring sth. such as strength into action eg. Putting forth a great effort, he uprooted the tree. 他使了很大的劲把树拔了出来。,words& Expressions,reform: v. 1) change sth. in order to make it better reform the examination system 改革考试制度 eg. You have to reform the management of the company. 你得改革公司的管理制度。 2) (cause to) behave better or fit into society better eg. Hes done wrong in the past but he has made serious efforts to reform. 他过去做了错事,但现在在努力改过自新。 Our prisons aim to reform criminals, not simply to punish them. 我们的监狱旨在改造罪犯,而不仅仅是惩罚他们。 n. changes in sth. in order to make it better eg. a major reform to the system 对这一制度的重大改革 political reform in Eastern Europe 东欧的政治改革 a reform policy 一项改革政策,words& Expressions,controversy: n. public discussion and disagreement about sth. eg. a political controversy over human rights abuses 关于滥用人权的政治争议 The plans for changing the city centre caused a great deal of controversy. 市中心的改建计划引来很多争议。 The proposed cuts have caused considerable controversy. 削减提议引起了很多争议。,words& Expressions,curriculum: n. (pl. curriculums or curricula) all the subjects that are taught in a school, college or university; the contents of a particular course of study eg. Latin is not on the curriculum at our school. 我们学校的课程中没有拉丁语。 The curriculum for foreign languages emphasizes communication skills. 外语课程强调交际能力。,words& Expressions,preparation: n. 1) sth. that one does to get ready for sth. eg. The wedding preparations are almost complete. 婚礼的准备工作快好了。 Final preparations are under way for the celebration of the victory. 庆贺胜利的最后准备工作正在进行。 2) act of getting sb. or sth. ready eg. examination preparation考试准备 Behind any successful event lay months of preparation. 成功的背后总是有数月的准备。,words& Expressions,complete with: including; having as an additional part eg. There is a good hotel not far from the city, complete with swimming pool and garden leading directly to the beach. 离城市不远有个很好的旅馆,带有游泳池和通向海滩的花园。 Our firemen came, of course, complete with rescue equipment, first aid kit, etc. 当然,消防队员来了,带有救援器械和医疗急救箱等。,words& Expressions,admission: n. 1) permission to enter a school, a club, a public place, etc. eg. All those who were not wearing a tie were refused admission to the club. 凡不戴领带的人都不允许进入俱乐部。 Admissions to British universities have increased by 15% this year. 今年,英国大学的入学率增加了15%。 2) the amount of money that one pays to enter a place eg. The museum charges $5 admission. 博物馆的门票是5美元。 3) a statement that sth., usually unpleasant, is true; eg. I viewed her silence as an admission of guilt. 我认为她的沉默就是承认有罪。 Compare: admittance: n. (fml.) being allowed to enter a place (esp. a private one); the right to enter eg. The journalist tried to gain admittance to the ministers office. 记者力争获得进入部长办公室的权利。 No admittance. 禁止入内。,words& Expressions,attendance: n. 1) the number of people who go to or are present at a place eg. There was a large attendance at the meeting. 出席会议的人很多。 Attendance has decreased in recent months. 近几个月出席的人数减少了。 2) being present somewhere eg. Attendance at lecture is necessary. 听讲课是必不可少的。 The teacher is not pleased with Tonys failed attendance. 老师对托尼的缺课感到不快。,words& Expressions,session: n. 1) a period of time or meeting arranged for a particular activity eg. Therell be a question-and-answer session at the end of this mornings lecture. 上午讲座结束时会有一段答疑时间。 The two leaders emerged for the photo session. 照相时来了两个领导。 2) a meeting or series of meetings of an official body such as a parliament or a law court eg. an emergency session of parliament 国会紧急会议 The court was in session. 法庭开庭了。,words& Expressions,utmost: n. the greatest extent, amount, degree, etc. that is possible eg. The best plan is to continue to attack him to the utmost of our power. 最好的计划就是继续尽力攻击他。 a. greatest a message of utmost importance 极为重要的消息 Utmost care must be taken when you do this kind of experiment. 你做这种实验时必须极为小心。 do / try ones utmost: do / try ones best eg. I did my utmost to help. 我已尽力帮忙。 He will try his utmost to help them by means of his conventional medical knowledge. 他会尽力用他所知道的传统医疗知识来帮助他们。,words& Expressions,work out: 1) invent, develop, or produce (sth. such as an idea) by thinking eg. We must work out a better method of saving paper. 我们必须想出更好的节省纸张的办法。 Well leave it to the committee to work out the details of the plan. 我们将让委员会来制定计划的具体细节。 2) decide or find an answer to (sth. such as a difficulty) eg. Ill give you ten minutes to work out the problem. 我将给你10分钟时间来解决这一问题。 We do have trouble in our relationship, but I feel that we can wo


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