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2019年中考英语阅读理解基础题(六)Passage A(2019中考教育类选练)You want to run across the street to catch the bus which is leaving soon? But wait! Youd better not. If a policeman sees you, youll have to pay a fine (罚款). New traffic laws say that if people cross the street when the light is red, they can be fined as much as 50 yuan. Traffic accidents killed more than 104,000 people in China last year. Chinese cities have more cars than ever. Drivers and pedestrians must work together to make the streets safer.The law has new rules for drivers. Drivers have to slow down when they are close to crosswalks(人行横道). If people are in a crosswalk, cars must stop to let them pass.There are other rules for bus drivers, too. If bus drivers smoke, drink or make phone calls while driving, they can be fined. Buses that carry too many people are also against the law.Pedestrians will have to walk more safely under the new law. They must cross streets at crosswalks. Also, they shouldnt climb over the fences along streets.Do you bike to school? Its not a good idea to carry classmates on the back. You could be fined 50 yuan. And stay in the bike way when youre riding. The big roads are for cars and buses.Do you like to ride your uncles motorbike? When you put on your helmet(头盔), ask him to put one on, too. People on motorbikes must wear helmets, the new law says. If they dont, theyll have to pay 200 yuan.Do you ride in cars often? Dont forget to put on your seat belt, even if youre going for a short taxi ride. It could save your life.If you see a hit-and-run (肇事逃逸), tell the police. They may give you thanks. And dont be afraid to help to send people to the hospital if they are hurt in an accident. Dont worry about money. The new law says that doctors must take care of them even if they cant pay right away.( )1. According to the new traffic laws, run across the street when the light is red, you will_.Abe in dangerBbe finedCstop the traffic Dsee a policeman( )2. The word “pedestrians” means_ in Chinese.A交警 B行人C红绿灯 D斑马线( )3. When you ride in a car, even if in a taxi, you have to _.Aput on the helmet Bgo in the bike wayCput on the seat beltDsee if it carries too many people( )4. You should do all the following EXCEPT _.Acarrying your classmate on the back when youre riding a bikeBphoning the police when you see a hit-and-runChelping people to the hospital if they are hurt in an accidentDwearing your helmet while riding a motorbike参考答案1.B 2.B 3.C 4.APassage B中考英语阅读理解分类练习:健康保健类Smoking is a very bad habit. It is one of the worst things that kids or adults do to their bodies. It can cause different kinds of diseases(疾病), such as cancer(癌症) and heart disease. In middle schools, there are about 10% of the students smoking. Some students may start smoking because it looks cool. Others might think it is a way to look like an adult. If some of your friends smoke, you should ask them to stop. Here are some reasons you can give. * It is bad for their health. * They will pay a lot of money for it. *Their fingers and teeth will turn yellow. *They may not live long. * It will also damage the health of their families. You can tell your friends about these problems. Your friends may be interested in learning more about the dangers of smoking. But people dont like to hear others say theyre doing something wrong, so they could also be a little angry. If that happens, do not mind. Your friends will know that you are right in the future.【小题1】If there are 1,000 middle school students, there will be about _ students smoking.A. 10 B 100 C 200 D 500【小题2】The underlined word “damage” means“ _ ”in Chinese. A伤害B记录C改善D治疗【小题3】If your friends get angry with you,_. Ait means you are wrongByou should leave them right away.Cyou dont need to care about itDthey will stop smoking quickly【小题4】The passage is probably from_.A. a sports reports B. a health magazineC. a travelling book D an interesting storybook.【小题5】Which is the best title of this passage? AThe Reasons for SmokingBThe Dangers of SmokingCHow to Start SmokingDHelp Your Friends Stop SmokingPassage CLong ago, people in Rome(罗马) talked to one another in Latin(拉丁文). Pupils in school learned to read and write in Latin. Books are in Latin. Some Romans(罗马人) went to other parts of the world. They took their language with them. Soon Latin was used in many countries. It became a world language. People in other countries did not talk in Latin the same way. In each land, they changed the language a little. As time went by, they made more changes. At last they did not talk in Latin any more. New languages had come from the old one. People do not talk to one another in Latin today. But they still use many Latin words. You do, too. Street, wall, city, and salt are some of the Latin words we use. You are a pupil in school. Pupil is a Latin word. It means “little doll”. 1. Latin was used by people in _.A. Rome B. the United States C. Greece(希腊) D. Texas2. The word in the story that means what people speak and write is _3. The story says, “People do not talk to each other in Latin today. But they still use many Latin words,” The word they means _.4. Which of the following does this story lead you to believe? A. It is not good to change a language. B. Pupils in schools today play with dolls. C. Not many people can read Latin today.5. What happened to Latin when it was taken to other countries?(which sentence is exactly like the one in your book?) A. In each land, people talked about each other. B. In each land, they changed the language a littleC. In each land, the children had to speak some Latin. 6. The main idea of the whole story is that _.A. Romans did not like to stay home B. people in old Rome talked a lot to each other. C. Latin changed as it moved from land to land. 参考答案Key: 1. A 2. language 3. people 4. C 5. B 6. CPassage DPeople sometimes say, “Its raining cats and dogs!” when there is a heavy rain. Nobody has ever really seen cats and dogs falling from the sky, but there have been many reports of other strange things “raining” down. In 1956, the people of a town in the USA saw a small black cloud in the sky. It started to rain from the cloud normally, but only in a small area. The cloud then turned white, and fish started to fall to the ground. Most of them were still alive.During a storm in July 1901, in Minneapolis, people heard something falling from the sky that did not sound like rain. When they went outside, they found all types of frogs covering four streets.There are other reports of strange “rains” failing from the sky including worms, insects and snakes.Can these strange “rains” be explained by science? Scientists usually say that a tornado (龙卷风) has picked up the animals from a river or ocean, carried them for miles, and then dropped them somewhere else. But this does not completely explain all of them. On May 15, 1890, in Italy, there was a rain of blood birds blood. Scientists said that flying birds must have been torn to pieces by strong winds. But if so, why did only their blood fall from the sky, and not other parts of their bodies? And anyway, there were no strong winds that day!()6.What does it mean when people say, “Its raining cats and dogs”?A. Cats and dogs are falling from the sky. B. Its raining heavily.C. Animals started to fall to the ground. D. There is a black cloud.()7.Which of the following has not been reported as strange things failing from the sky?A. Cats and dogs. B. Worms and insects. C. Fish and blood. D. Snakes and frogs.()8.The underlined word “torn” probably means “_”in Chinese.A破裂 B. 撕破 C. 切碎 D. 割破()9.Scientists explanation for rain of blood is that _.A. the tornado picked up the birds blood B. flying birds were torn into pieces by strong windsC. there were no strong winds that day D. other parts of birds bodies did not fall with the blood()10.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?A. Strange “Winds” B. Strange “Clouds” C. Strange “Rains” D. Strange “Animals”610 B A B B CPassage E阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳的答案。1.FoodIts Mango Time!How much do you know about one of the worlds most popular fruitSome people call mangoes the “king of fruit,” while others just call them delicious! Those who love mangoes anxiously await the first fully grown ones of the season. And not only do mangoes taste great but they also are good for you.Did you know?People think mangoes were first cultivated over 5,000 years ago in India.The countries of India and the Philippines have named mango their national fruit.A mango tree can live up to 300 years.Countries that are major mango producers include Mexico, Egypt, Pakistan, Brazil, Indonesia, Australia and Israel.A cup of the fruit has only 100 calories and is nearly fat-free.Mangoes are an important food source for millions of people.One cup of mango has 100 percent of the daily need for vitamin C.Mangoes have over 20 vitamins and minerals, making them a “super food”. So treat yourself to a mango today.2.HealthA good nights sleepDo you get the sleep you need?When the morning sun looks in through our window, do you jump out of bed or go on lying? Having enough sleep can make the difference between a great day and a terrible one! Here are the tips for a good nights sleep: First, go to bed and get up at the same time, even if you havent gotten a good nights sleep. Sleeping late for just a few days can change your body clock to a different cycle. Also, avoid big meals at night. Eating heavy, rich food within two hours of bedtime can keep you awake. Your stomach works hard because of those fatty foods, and that may keep you up. Your body produces a chemical called melatonin that helps you sleep. Light changes the amount of melatonin. It produces more in the evening and less in the daytime. So at night turn off your TV and PC. Also, dont read from a backlit device(有背光的设备) like an iPad. Some scientists think that light from those devices stops your body from making melatonin. So turn those screens off at least an hour before bedtime. After a good nights sleep, youll be able to face a new day.1. According to the first passage, we can learn that _.A. Australiansconsider mango as the national fruitB. mangoes are rich in fat to meet peoples daily needC. there are all kinds of vitamins and minerals in mangoesD. people enjoy mangoes because they are healthy and tasty【答案】D【解析】本题为信息定位题:根据“The countries of India and the Philippines have named mango their national fruit” 可知A选项是错误的。“A cup of the fruit has only 100 calories and is nearly fat-free”可知B选项是错误的。根据 “Mangoes have over 20 vitamins and minerals, making them a super food.”可知C是正确的。根据 “And not only do mangoes taste great but they also are good for you.”可知D选项是错误的。2. The underlined word “cultivated” in the first passage means


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