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Unit 1 Art一、阅读理解。It is certainly newsworthy that Julia is the first new Muppet (提线木偶)in a decade in Sesame Street, a TV program for children,but that is not the only thing that makes her special.The cheery , greeneyed 4yearold, who has autism(自闭症),is also here to expose young kids to those with autism and teach them about acceptance.The creators decided to bring the Muppet on air so that she would be able to reach millions more kids and families.However,as autism looks different in everyone,it can be hard to introduce such a character properly.Sesame Workshop consulted over 250 educators,psychologists,and autism organizations.In Julias first episode,viewers observe common problems with kids who suffer autism and similar disorders.For example,when the other Muppets want to play hideandseek,Julia starts jumping up and down with excitement.Instead of laughing at her or correcting her,the group of Muppets start jumping with her and it becomes a new game.And when Julia first meets Big Bird,another Muppet,she ignores him.At first,Big Bird is hurt,but he learns that it doesnt mean she dislikes himshe just communicates with strangers in a different way.Julia was an instant hit.Families quickly connect with the little redhaired girl.Sherrie Westin,an executive vice president at Sesame Workshop,says her favorite feedback came from a mother,who used Julia to explain to her autistic daughter what the condition meant, inspiring the daughter to say,“So Im amazing too,right?”Autism affects 1 in 68 children in the United States and scores more worldwide.Hopefully,by watching Julia,kids will see that everyone should be treated equally and appreciated.1What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 1 refer to?ASesame Streets Muppets.BYoung kids.CChildren with autism.DThe creators of Julia.2Why did Sesame Workshop consult many experts?ATo make the new Muppet entertaining.BTo get their advice on the cure for autism.CTo make autism better known through Julia.DTo make more money through the TV program.3How do the other Muppets react to Julias behavior in the game?AThey follow her.BThey ignore her.CThey correct her. DThey laugh at her.4Why did the author mention the mother and her autistic daughter?ATo make Sesame Street popular.BTo help people with autism.CTo show the influence of Julia.DTo draw public attention to them.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了美国电视节目芝麻街中出现的新的提线木偶Julia。【难句分析】Sherrie Westin,an executive vice president at Sesame Workshop,says her favorite feedback came from a mother,who used Julia to explain to her autistic daughter what the condition meant,inspiring the daughter to say,“So Im amazing too,right?”分析:这是一个复合句。says后面是宾语从句;在该从句中who引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词a mother,在从句中充当主语;what引导名词性从句,从句充当explain的宾语,what同时又在从句中充当meant的宾语;最后的现在分词短语充当状语。译文:芝麻街工作室的执行副总裁Sherrie Westin说她最喜欢的反馈来自于一位母亲,这位母亲用Julia向她患有自闭症的女儿解释了这种状况意味着什么,激励着女儿说出“所以我也非常棒,是吗?”1B考查代词指代。分析画线词所在句的结构可以看出,这里and连接了两个并列结构“expose young kids to those with autism”和“teach them about acceptance”;根据语境可知,画线词“them”指的就是前面的“young kids”,故选B项。2C考查推理判断。根据文章第一段中的“The cheery, greeneyed 4yearold,who has autism(自闭症),is also here to expose young kids to those with autism and teach them about acceptance”和第二段中的“as autism looks different in everyone,it can be hard to introduce such a character properly”可知,提线木偶Julia的创作机构Sesame Workshop创作这个形象是想让孩子们接触患有自闭症的孩子并接受他们,但由于自闭症在每个人身上的表现看起来都不同,很难对一个这样的形象进行适当的介绍,为了更好地使人们通过Julia了解自闭症,Sesame Workshop咨询了很多专家,故选C项。A项的意思是为了使这个新的提线木偶显得有趣,文中没有提及;B项讲的是就治疗自闭症寻求建议,不符合文意;D项讲的是通过电视节目赚更多的钱,文中没有提到。3A考查细节理解。根据文章第三段中的“Instead of laughing at her or correcting her,the group of Muppets start jumping with her and it becomes a new game”可知,别的木偶没有嘲笑和纠正她,而是开始和她一起跳,故选A项。4C考查推理判断。作者提及那位母亲和她患有自闭症的女儿的例子是为了支持本段的主题句“Julia was an instant hit”,说明Julia一炮而红,影响很大,故选C项。二、语法填空。Has anyone ever thrown a party for you? Those parties _1_ birthday parties and wedding ceremonies are usually fun, and encountering friends we arent expecting _2_ be a wonderful treat as well. People are often surprised by new mails, or _3_ (see) an old friend at a grocery store. There are many kinds of ways that joy unexpectedly comes into our life.Perhaps even better is a blessing in disguise. Assume that you are walking in the rain to a bookstore because your _4_ (favor) author is going to hold a meeting for her new book. You walk for an hour, and arrive completely wet. _5_ you walk into the bookstore, you are told that the author is sick and wont be there. _6_ a disappointment!_7_ when you look across the room, you may see a friend with whom you havent talked in a year. Then you two agree to cross the street together to _8_ coffee shop, and talk for hours. The authors _9_ (sick) is unfortunate for you, but if she _10_ (be) not sick, you might not have coffee with your old friend. It is a blessing in disguise.1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._ 篇章导读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。生活总会给我们许多惊喜。你冒着雨去与自己最喜欢的作者见面,却被告知作者生病不能前来,但你却无意中遇到了自己多日不见的朋友,这就是我们生活中的惊喜。1like考查介词。由设空前的parties和设空后表示举例的名词可知,应填like “例如;像”。2can考查情态动词。由设空前的“arent expecting”和空后的“as well”可知,应填表示理论上的可能性的can。3seeing考查非谓语动词。此处表示收到邮件或在杂货店见到老朋友都会让人感到意外。空处作介词by的宾语,故应使用see的动名词形式seeing。4favorite考查词性转换。此处应用形容词修饰名词author,指最喜欢的作家,故用favorite。5When/After考查状语从句的连接词。此处指当/在你走进书店时/之后,故填When/After。6What考查感叹句的引导词。“Whata/an形容词单数名词主语谓语”为固定句型,在表意清楚的情况下,主语和谓语常常被省略,故此处用What。7But考查连词。根据上下文语境可知,此处表示转折,故用But。8a考查冠词。此处指“一个咖啡店”,表泛指,故用不定冠词a。9sickness考查词性转换。由上文中的“the author is sick”可知此处表示作者生病了,再由空前的“authors”可知此处应用名词。10were考查虚拟语气。此处表示要是你喜欢的作者现在没有生病,你可能就没有机会和老朋友喝咖啡了。表示与现在事实相反的假设,所以应用were。三、完形填空。There was once a widow who had two daughters.The _1_ widow loved the elder who was like herself both in looks and personality,but didnt love the other,who resembled her _2_,although she was pretty and friendly.The younger daughter had to _3_ hard all day and live upon the leftovers of her elder sister.Among her other _4_ jobs,she was forced to carry water every day _5_.One day _6_ she had just filled her pot at the fountain,an old trembling woman asked her for a drink of water.Glad to show a kindness to the old woman,she _7_.Now,all of a sudden,there was no old trembling woman but a(n)_8_ who rewarded good deeds before her.“Your face is pretty _9_ your heart is gentle,” said she.“For your kindness,I will make you a gift.Every time you speak,from your mouth shall come a flower or a jewel.”When the girl reached home,her ill mother _10_ her for her long absence.“Pardon me for being away so long,” she replied.As she spoke some pearls and diamonds dropped from her _11_.“What is this I see,child?” asked the _12_ widow.The poor girl was so happy to be _13_ child by her mother that she eagerly told her mother about her _14_ with the old woman at the fountain.The widow immediately _15_ her favorite daughter to do as the _16_ girl had done.When the impatient girl was filling the pot with water at the _17_,a beautiful lady appeared and _18_ a drink of water from the girl.“I have not come here to serve you,” she _19_ replied.The lady,who was the fairy,said,“I will make you a gift to _20_ your rudeness.Every time you speak,from your mouth shall come a snake or a toad(蟾蜍)”1A.goodtempered BbadtemperedCkind Dbeautiful2A.daughter BteacherCmother Dfather3A.complain BplayCwork Dstudy4A.easy BhardCinteresting Dboring5A.within reachBwith easeCwithout hesitationDfrom a great distance6A.when BwhileConce Dbefore7A.hesitated BagreedCleft Dargued8A.boy Bold womanCold man Dfairy9A.although BbutCwhile Dand10A.scolded BpraisedCthanked Dforgave11A.waist BhairClips Dhands12A.amused BinterestedCastonished Dfrightened13A.awarded BcalledCshowed Dtaught14A.difficulty BthoughtCexperiment Dexperience15A.advised BgotCforced Dinvited16A.slim BtallCelder Dpoor17A.river BpoolCfountain Dwell18A.asked for Basked ofCasked about Dasked after19A.rudely BjokinglyCproudly Dhurriedly20A.deserve BfaceCequal Drepay【解题导语】本文主要讲述了两个性格和外表不同的姐妹对给予他人帮助的不同反应及她们得到的相应的结果,彰显了善有善报的道理。1B根据下文中的“her ill mother”并结合下文她训斥小女儿可推知,她脾气不好。2D根据语境中的转折可知,此处与“herself”形成对比。小女儿不像她而是像父亲。3C根据下文中的“Among her other _4_ jobs,she was forced to carry water every day _5_”并结合“live upon the leftovers of her elder sister”可推知,小女儿整天要做许多工作,靠吃姐姐的剩饭菜生活。4B根据上文中的“The younger daughter had to _3_ hard all day”可推知,小女儿的工作都很辛苦,很累人。5D根据本段的整体内容可知,小女儿过得很艰难。由“she was forced to carry water every day”可推知,小女儿还得每天从很远的地方挑水,这与其艰难的生活境况呼应。6A此处应用when引导定语从句,在从句中作时间状语,修饰先行词One day。7B根据空前的“Glad to show a kindness to the old woman”可推知,小女儿答应了老妇人的请求。8D根据下文的“The lady,who was the fairy”可推知,老妇人是仙女变过来的。9D根据语境可知,空处前后句表示逻辑上的并列关系,故选D。10A与“her ill mother”和“her long absence”呼应并结合下文小女儿的道歉可知,此处表示小女儿受到母亲的训斥。11C根据上文中的“Every time you speak,from your mouth shall come a flower or a jewel”可知,小女儿以后说话会口吐花儿或者宝石,故选C。lip“嘴唇”,符合语境。12C小女儿突然口吐珍珠和宝石,她的母亲自然很吃惊。astonished“吃惊的”。13B根据上文中的“What is this I see,child”可推知,寡妇很震惊,对小女儿的态度突然转变,柔和了很多,称她为“孩子”。14D小女儿迫切地将自己遇到仙女的经历告诉了母亲。experience“经历”。15Bget sb.to do sth.意为“让某人做某事”,符合语境。16D与上文中的“The poor girl”呼应可推知,这里指可怜的小女儿。17C 与上文中的“One day _6_ she had just filled her pot at the fountain”呼应可推知,大女儿也来到喷泉那里。18A 与上文中的“an old trembling woman asked her for a drink of water”呼应可推知,一个漂亮的女士向大女儿讨水喝。19A与下文中的“your rudeness”呼应可推知,当时大女儿举止很粗鲁,与上文的“the impatient girl”呼应,故选A。20C结合语境可知,此处表示仙女要送给大女儿一份与她的粗鲁相匹配的礼物。equal“比得上”。四、短文改错。Dear Dave,Im very glad to receive your letter ask for my advice on how to learn Chinese well. Here are my advice. Firstly, as a foreigner, you need to go and join the Chinese learning activity group. And the most important thing is to remember as much Chinese words as possibly. Besides, if you really want to improve your listening ability, youd better to read Chinese books, listen to the tapes and radio programs with Chinese. You can watch the Chinese TV programs as well. Last but not least, you can mak


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