



Unit 4 Dont eat in class第2课时分层训练Section A2 3a3c.用所给单词的适当形式填空1He never _ (bring) his friends home.2Sally has to _ (run) every morning.3We cant _ (talk) with others in class.4You are late again. Please _ (arrive) here early next time.5There are some_ (rule) in the library.6You cant _ (wear) a hat in class.7Lets _ (play) soccer after school.8Dont _ (run) in the hallways.9Mom, can you buy a music _ (play) for me?10My sister _ (have) to get up early in the morning.用 can, cant, have to 或 has to 填空1We _ eat in class, because its impolite(不礼貌的)2I _ watch TV after I finish my homework.3I have too much work to do, so I _ go to bed late.4Tim _ look after his mother because she is ill(有病的)5Students _ bring their mobile phones to school, but they cant use them in class.根据句意选择合适的图片()1.You cant ride a bike in the zoo.()2.Dont eat or drink in the school library.()3.Please be quiet!()4.You cant take photos here.()5.Dont run in the hallways. . 单项填空()1. Linda doesnt _ wear a uniform on the weekend.Ahas to Bmust CcanD.have to()2. There is a garden _ the house.A. up B. at C. on D. outside()3. Dont eat _ drink in class.A. and B. but C. or D. so()4. _ call me Mimi! Its my cats name.A. Not B. Didnt C. No D. Dont()5. Do we have to run every morning?Yes, you _A. must B. can C. may D. need.完形填空Liu Liping is a good student in our class. Shes good at all her _1_. We all like her very much. Shes very friendly to us, but sometimes I _2_ she is not happy.One day, I ask her _3_ she isnt happy.At first, she says nothing. Later, she _4_ me she cant stand(忍受) the rules in her _5_She says shes just _6_ a bird in the cage(笼子)What rules does she have in her family?First, she cant watch TV on school nights.Second, she _7_ to study for three hours every evening.Third, she cant play computer games _8_ go to the movies with others.She cant go out to play with her _9_ or friends on Saturdays and Sundays.She has some other rules in her family.Im sorry I _10_ remember them.()1.A.sports BlanguagesCsubjects Dgames()2.A.feel Btell Chope Dsay()3.A.how Bwhen Cwhy Dwhat()4.A.says BspeaksCtells Dtalks()5.A.family BschoolCgroup Dclass()6.A.to Blike Cwith Dby()7.A.had Bhave Chas Dhaving()8.A.but Band Cor Dunless()9.A.teachers BclassmatesCparents Dfriends()10.A.isnt Bam notCcant Dneednt.阅读理解AEvery school has its rules. The rules are different. Here are some funny school rules:Japanese rulesMost schools ask the students to wear uniforms, for example, sports suits or skirts. But in many Japanese schools, students cant go to the movies in the evening or play video games without permission(允许) from the school. Different shoes in the USIn some schools, students must wear indoor shoes in school every day. So the students cant fall down(摔倒),and they are safe on the floors. They can keep the school clean, too. Students cant eat gum(口香糖),because its hard to clean.No strange hair in the UKStudents cant have strange hair in some British schools. But the students can wear certain hairstyles(发型) during the World Cup(世界杯) years.()1.The students cant go to the movies in the evening in _ if they dont tell their schools.AJapan Bthe USCthe UK DCanada()2.Why cant the students eat gum at school in the US?ABecause it is not safe.BBecause its hard to clean.CBecause they have no time.DBecause they have no pocket money.()3.When can the students in the UK have strange hair?AAfter school.BDuring the daytime.CDuring the World Cup years.DWhen they have no classes.()4.The underlined word “safe” means “_”A干净的 B安全的 C漂亮的 D光滑的 ()5.This passage is about _Aschool uniforms Bschool shoesCstrange hair Dfunny school rulesBThe Wenhua International School RulesYou mustYou mustntArrive at school by half past seven every morning.Wear jeans.Hand in your homework by eight.Eat or drink in the classroom.Look clean and tidy.Bring music players to school.Be quiet in the library.Run or shout in the school buildings.Stay on the playground at break time.Talk loudly in the hallways.Stand up when a teacher comes into the classroom.Fight. ()6.What cant you do when you are in the school buildings?AEat. BRun or shout.CDrink. DListen to music. ()7.Can you bring your music player to school?ANo, we cant. BYes, we can.CNo, they cant. DYes, they can.()8.What do you have to do when your teacher comes into the classroom?AHand in my homework.BBe quiet. CStand up.DClean the classroom. ()9.Can you fight in the school?AI dont know. BNo, we cant.CYes, we can. DYes, we must. ()10.When do you have to get to school every morning?ABy half past seven.BBy eight.CBy half past eight.DBy seven. .根据短文内容及首字母提示完成短文Im thirty years old. I work in a school library. I like 1.w_ there. Many teachers and students come into the library and read every day. There are many kinds of 2.b_, newspapers and magazines there. You can 3.r_ or borrow(借) books. But there are some 4.r_ in the library. You must follow 5.t_.You cant bring your bag 6.w_ you into the library. You have to be 7.q_ when you are reading. You cant 8.t_ with others loudly. You cant listen to music, either. Dont eat or 9.d_ in the library. You can borrow three books at a time. But you cant lend(借出) your books to others. 10.R_ to look after the books well and return(归还) them on time. If you lose the books, you have to pay for them.详解详析课内基础自测.1.brings2.run3.talk4.arrive5rules6.wear7.play8.run9player10.has.1.cant2.can3.have to4has to5.can.15EDABC课后巩固提升.1.D2D在此句中,outside为介词,与“the house”一起构


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